1,628 research outputs found

    No relationship between fecundity and annual reproductive rate in bony fish

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    Background. There is still a widespread notion that bony fishes with high fecundities are more productive and therefore more resistant to overexploitation. The purpose of this study was to formally explore the relationship between fecundity and reproductive success expressed as maximum annual reproductive rate, i.e. the number of new spawners produced by existing spawners at low population densities. Material and methods. We used maximum annual reproductive rate from a recent study covering 49 species of bony fish; we used fecundity estimates from the published literature. Results. We found no significant relationship between fecundity (ranging from 368 to 10 million eggs) and maximum annual reproductive rate (ranging from 0.4 to 13.5 replacement spawners). Conclusion. Fecundity in oviparous bony fish without parental care has no relation with reproductive success. Apparently high fecundity in bony fish has evolved to counterbalance pre-adult mortality, as indicated by the fact that variance in fecundity is 3 orders of magnitude larger than variance in annual reproductive rate

    On the AC spectrum of one-dimensional random Schroedinger operators with matrix-valued potentials

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    We consider discrete one-dimensional random Schroedinger operators with decaying matrix-valued, independent potentials. We show that if the l^2-norm of this potential has finite expectation value with respect to the product measure then almost surely the Schroedinger operator has an interval of purely absolutely continuous (ac) spectrum. We apply this result to Schroedinger operators on a strip. This work provides a new proof and generalizes a result obtained by Delyon, Simon, and Souillard.Comment: (1 figure

    Exploring Biorthonormal Transformations of Pair-Correlation Functions in Atomic Structure Variational Calculations

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    Multiconfiguration expansions frequently target valence correlation and correlation between valence electrons and the outermost core electrons. Correlation within the core is often neglected. A large orbital basis is needed to saturate both the valence and core-valence correlation effects. This in turn leads to huge numbers of CSFs, many of which are unimportant. To avoid the problems inherent to the use of a single common orthonormal orbital basis for all correlation effects in the MCHF method, we propose to optimize independent MCHF pair-correlation functions (PCFs), bringing their own orthonormal one-electron basis. Each PCF is generated by allowing single- and double- excitations from a multireference (MR) function. This computational scheme has the advantage of using targeted and optimally localized orbital sets for each PCF. These pair-correlation functions are coupled together and with each component of the MR space through a low dimension generalized eigenvalue problem. Nonorthogonal orbital sets being involved, the interaction and overlap matrices are built using biorthonormal transformation of the coupled basis sets followed by a counter-transformation of the PCF expansions. Applied to the ground state of beryllium, the new method gives total energies that are lower than the ones from traditional CAS-MCHF calculations using large orbital active sets. It is fair to say that we now have the possibility to account for, in a balanced way, correlation deep down in the atomic core in variational calculations

    COVID-19 provides an opportunity to advance a sustainable UK fisheries policy in a post-Brexit brave new world

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    Highlights; • Brexit provides a unique opportunity to develop a fisheries policy that will lead the world in sustainable use of marine ecosystems. • The COVID-19 slowdown has reduced fishing pressure to levels not seen since WW2 and is an opportunity to kick-start recovery of depleted stocks. • The concept of Maximum Sustainable Yields has been misused resulting in the degradation of stocks so that many are currently threatened. • Marine fisheries represent only 0.12% of UK economic output, risking the opportunity to advance sustainability during wider trade negotiations. • This article provides recommendations for a policy to deliver sustainable resource management and conservation to benefit future generations. Abstract: Brexit creates a systemic shock that provides a unique opportunity for the UK to implement a new sustainable Fisheries Policy to better manage the multiple stocks on which future fishers will depend on leaving the European Union. At the same time, the global slowdown of commercial fishing as a result of COVID-19 has reduced pressure on some threatened stocks to levels not seen since the Second World War. In combination, Brexit and the COVID-19 slowdown have created a unique opportunity to facilitate the recovery of a threatened resource. Nevertheless, challenges remain as fisheries represent only 0.12% of UK economic output, presenting a risk that opportunities for more sustainable management will be lost during wider trade negotiations. Reduced fishing pressure during the COVID-19 era will enable stocks an opportunity to recover if supported by a new UK Fisheries Policy that focuses on: (a) re-establishing the role of Maximum Sustainable Yield to set limits that enable the recovery of fish populations initiated during the COVID-19 era; (b) ensuring that catch targets are set with the aim to maintain biomass at 120% of that which will achieve Maximum Sustainable Yield; (c) improving coherent resource management that also considers the expensive use of carbon associated with unsustainable fishing, and the need to protect fish throughout their life-cycle; and (d) constructing and effectively enforcing protection of a resilient network of Marine Protected Areas despite potential protests from EU member states

    A new proof of the analyticity of the electronic density of molecules

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    We give a new, short proof of the regularity away from the nuclei of the electronic density of a molecule obtained in [1,2]. The new argument is based on the regularity properties of the Coulomb interactions underlined in [3,4] and on well-known elliptic technics. [1] S. Fournais, M. Hoffmann-Ostenhof, T. Hoffmann-Ostenhof, T. Oe stergaard Soerensen: The electron density is smooth away from the nuclei. Comm. Math. Phys. 228, no. 3 (2002), 401-415. [2] S. Fournais, M. Hoffmann-Ostenhof, T. Hoffmann-Ostenhof, T. Oestergaard Soerensen: Analyticity of the density of electronic wave functions. Ark. Mat. 42, no. 1 (2004), 87-106. [3] W. Hunziker: Distortion analyticity and molecular resonances curves. Ann. Inst. H. Poincar\'e, s. A, t. 45, no 4, 339-358 (1986). [4] M. Klein, A. Martinez, R. Seiler, X.P. Wang: On the Born-Oppenheimer expansion for polyatomic molecules. Comm. Math. Phys. 143, no. 3, 607-639 (1992). The paper is published in Letters in Mathematical Physics 93, number 1, pp. 73-83, 2010. The original publication is available at " www.springerlink.com "

    Diversity of brain size in fishes: preliminary analysis of a database including 1174 species in 45 orders

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    Absolule and relative values of brain weight are now available for 1174 species of fishes, representing 45 taxonomic orders. The original FishBase "Brains" data was assembled by the research team of Bauchot and colleagues, to which the present report adds data for species representing several additional major taxonomic groups. This database is part of the FĂ­shBase 97 package which provides researchers with a tool to explore lhe functional meaning of absolute and relative brain size dĂ­versily, in comparison with phylogenetic position, life history mode, locomotion, habitat, and other behavioral parameters. Several results are provided as an example of the use of these data. Galeomorph sharks and batoid rays possess the largest brains among fishes. and elongate forms with anguilliform locomotion (e.g.. hagfishes. lampreys, lrue eels, carapids, zoarcids) possess the smallest relative brain sizes. Among teleost fishes, Osteoglossomorphs possess the largest relative brain sizes. Brain size correlations with oxygen consumption suggest that larger brains consume proportionately more oxygen, or that active fish with higher metabolic rates have larger brain

    Chaos and localization in the wavefunctions of complex atoms NdI, PmI and SmI

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    Wavefunctions of complex lanthanide atoms NdI, PmI and SmI, obtained via multi-configuration Dirac-Fock method, are analyzed for density of states in terms of partial densities, strength functions (Fk(E)F_k(E)), number of principal components (Îľ2(E)\xi_2(E)) and occupancies (\lan n_\alpha \ran^E) of single particle orbits using embedded Gaussian orthogonal ensemble of one plus two-body random matrix ensembles [EGOE(1+2)]. It is seen that density of states are in general multi-modal, Fk(E)F_k(E)'s exhibit variations as function of the basis states energy and Îľ2(E)\xi_2(E)'s show structures arising from localized states. The sources of these departures from EGOE(1+2) are investigated by examining the partial densities, correlations between Fk(E)F_k(E), Îľ2(E)\xi_2(E) and \lan n_\alpha \ran^E and also by studying the structure of the Hamiltonian matrices. These studies point out the operation of EGOE(1+2) but at the same time suggest that weak admixing between well separated configurations should be incorporated into EGOE(1+2) for more quantitative description of chaos and localization in NdI, PmI and SmI.Comment: There are 9 figure

    Symmetry of bound and antibound states in the semiclassical limit

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    We consider one dimensional scattering and show how the presence of a mild positive barrier separating the interaction region from infinity implies that the bound and antibound states are symmetric modulo exponentially small errors in 1/h. This simple result was inspired by a numerical experiment and we describe the numerical scheme for an efficient computation of resonances in one dimension
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