142 research outputs found

    One-Dimensional Dispersive Magnon Excitation in the Frustrated Spin-2 Chain System Ca3Co2O6

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    Using inelastic neutron scattering, we have observed a quasi-one-dimensional dispersive magnetic excitation in the frustrated triangular-lattice spin-2 chain oxide Ca3Co2O6. At the lowest temperature (T = 1.5 K), this magnon is characterized by a large zone-center spin gap of ~27 meV, which we attribute to the large single-ion anisotropy, and disperses along the chain direction with a bandwidth of ~3.5 meV. In the directions orthogonal to the chains, no measurable dispersion was found. With increasing temperature, the magnon dispersion shifts towards lower energies, yet persists up to at least 150 K, indicating that the ferromagnetic intrachain correlations survive up to 6 times higher temperatures than the long-range interchain antiferromagnetic order. The magnon dispersion can be well described within the predictions of linear spin-wave theory for a system of weakly coupled ferromagnetic chains with large single-ion anisotropy, enabling the direct quantitative determination of the magnetic exchange and anisotropy parameters.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figures including one animatio

    Wandel der Kommunikation in der digitalen Gesellschaft: Einführung in das Special Issue zur DACH 21-Dreiländertagung für Kommunikationswissenschaft

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    Dass die Kommunikationswissenschaft einem kontinuierlichen Wandel unterworfen ist, unterscheidet sie nicht von anderen sozialwissen-schaftlichen Disziplinen. Das liegt nicht zuletzt daran, dass die großen Triebfedern hinter den Wandlungsprozessen überall die gleichen sind. Gesellschaftliche Megatrends wie Globalisierung, Individualisierung und Digitalisierung beeinflussen Politikwissenschaft oder Soziologie genauso wie die Kommunikationswissenschaft. Allerdings – und hier besteht nun doch ein Unterschied – hat insbesondere die Digitalisie-rung für die Kommunikationswissenschaft deutlich unmittelbarere Veränderungen mit sich gebracht als dies in den Nachbardisziplinen der Fall ist. Der Grund dafür ist, dass sie den Gegenstand des Fachs selbst betrifft: Die Digitalisierung der Kommunikation und der Medien führt zu einem Wandel der Art und Weise, wie Informationen in der Gesellschaft hergestellt, vermittelt und genutzt werden. Die daraus resultierenden Entwicklungen, wie z. B. die Möglichkeit der globalen Vernetzung in Sozialen Onlinenetzwerken, über Instant Messenger oder die enorme Ausweitung und Fragmentierung des Medienangebots und seiner Nutzung sind wiederum Phänomene, die aus dem Zusam-menspiel der erwähnten Megatrends resultieren. Kommunikativer Wandel findet allerdings nicht nur langfristig statt, sondern kann sich ebenso kurzfristig, mitunter gar disruptiv vollziehen, wie gerade die Corona-Krise eindrücklich gezeigt hat

    Magnetic-field and doping dependence of low-energy spin fluctuations in the antiferroquadrupolar compound Ce(1-x)La(x)B(6)

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    CeB(6) is a model compound exhibiting antiferroquadrupolar (AFQ) order, its magnetic properties being typically interpreted within localized models. More recently, the observation of strong and sharp magnetic exciton modes forming in its antiferromagnetic (AFM) state at both ferromagnetic and AFQ wave vectors suggested a significant contribution of itinerant electrons to the spin dynamics. Here we investigate the evolution of the AFQ excitation upon the application of an external magnetic field and the substitution of Ce with non-magnetic La, both parameters known to suppress the AFM phase. We find that the exciton energy decreases proportionally to T_N upon doping. In field, its intensity is suppressed, while its energy remains constant. Its disappearance above the critical field of the AFM phase is preceded by the formation of two modes, whose energies grow linearly with magnetic field upon entering the AFQ phase. These findings suggest a crossover from itinerant to localized spin dynamics between the two phases, the coupling to heavy-fermion quasiparticles being crucial for a comprehensive description of the magnon spectrum.Comment: Extended version with a longer introduction and an additional figure. 6 pages and 5 figure

    Similar zone-center gaps in the low-energy spin-wave spectra of NaFeAs and BaFe2As2

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    We report results of inelastic-neutron-scattering measurements of low-energy spin-wave excitations in two structurally distinct families of iron-pnictide parent compounds: Na(1-{\delta})FeAs and BaFe2As2. Despite their very different values of the ordered magnetic moment and N\'eel temperatures, T_N, in the antiferromagnetic state both compounds exhibit similar spin gaps of the order of 10 meV at the magnetic Brillouin-zone center. The gap opens sharply below T_N, with no signatures of a precursor gap at temperatures between the orthorhombic and magnetic phase transitions in Na(1-{\delta})FeAs. We also find a relatively weak dispersion of the spin-wave gap in BaFe2As2 along the out-of-plane momentum component, q_z. At the magnetic zone boundary (q_z = 0), spin excitations in the ordered state persist down to 20 meV, which implies a much smaller value of the effective out-of-plane exchange interaction, J_c, as compared to previous estimates based on fitting the high-energy spin-wave dispersion to a Heisenberg-type model.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, 1 tabl

    Magnetic Resonant Mode in the Low-Energy Spin-Excitation Spectrum of Superconducting Rb2Fe4Se5 Single Crystals

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    We have studied the low-energy spin-excitation spectrum of the single-crystalline Rb2Fe4Se5 superconductor (Tc = 32 K) by means of inelastic neutron scattering. In the superconducting state, we observe a magnetic resonant mode centered at an energy of 14 meV and at the (0.5 0.25 0.5) wave vector (unfolded Fe-sublattice notation), which differs from the ones characterizing magnetic resonant modes in other iron-based superconductors. Our finding suggests that the 245-iron-selenides are unconventional superconductors with a sign-changing order parameter, in which bulk superconductivity coexists with the sqrt(5) x sqrt(5) magnetic superstructure. The estimated ratios of the resonance energy to Tc and the superconducting gap indicate moderate pairing strength in this compound, similar to that in optimally doped 1111- and 122-pnictides.Comment: To be published in Phys. Rev. Lett. Figures and references have been updated in v

    Magnetic field dependence of the neutron spin resonance in CeB6

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    In zero magnetic field, the famous neutron spin resonance in the f-electron superconductor CeCoIn5 is similar to the recently discovered exciton peak in the non-superconducting CeB6. Magnetic field splits the resonance in CeCoIn5 into two components, indicating that it is a doublet. Here we employ inelastic neutron scattering (INS) to scrutinize the field dependence of spin fluctuations in CeB6. The exciton shows a markedly different behavior without any field splitting. Instead, we observe a second field-induced magnon whose energy increases with field. At the ferromagnetic zone center, however, we find only a single mode with a non-monotonic field dependence. At low fields, it is initially suppressed to zero together with the antiferromagnetic order parameter, but then reappears at higher fields inside the hidden-order phase, following the energy of an electron spin resonance (ESR). This is a unique example of a ferromagnetic resonance in a heavy-fermion metal seen by both ESR and INS consistently over a broad range of magnetic fields.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figures including one animation, accepted to Phys. Rev.

    Mn local moments prevent superconductivity in iron-pnictides Ba(Fe 1-x Mn x)2As2

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    75As nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) experiments were performed on Ba(Fe1-xMnx)2As2 (xMn = 2.5%, 5% and 12%) single crystals. The Fe layer magnetic susceptibility far from Mn atoms is probed by the75As NMR line shift and is found similar to that of BaFe2As2, implying that Mn does not induce charge doping. A satellite line associated with the Mn nearest neighbours (n.n.) of 75As displays a Curie-Weiss shift which demonstrates that Mn carries a local magnetic moment. This is confirmed by the main line broadening typical of a RKKY-like Mn-induced staggered spin polarization. The Mn moment is due to the localization of the additional Mn hole. These findings explain why Mn does not induce superconductivity in the pnictides contrary to other dopants such as Co, Ni, Ru or K.Comment: 6 pages, 7 figure