8,627 research outputs found

    Rudolf Serkin: A Life

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    Pianist Rudolf Serkin, a virtuosic solo performer and chamber musician, captivated music lovers the world over for much of the twentieth century. Although he acquired a large and devoted public following, Serkin preferred to keep out of the spotlight, instead directing attention toward the music he loved. Dedicated to disseminating European classical music in America, Serkin became a committed teacher and director of major musical institutions. Rudolf Serkin: A Life, the first biography of this influential figure, offers an insightful analysis of Serkin\u27s role in shaping American musical values and provides a rare glimpse into the life story of this intense performer and elusive man

    What are the Confining Field Configurations of Strong-Coupling Lattice Gauge Theory?

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    Starting from the strong-coupling SU(2) Wilson action in D=3 dimensions, we derive an effective, semi-local action on a lattice of spacing L times the spacing of the original lattice. It is shown that beyond the adjoint color-screening distance, i.e. for L≥5L \ge 5, thin center vortices are stable saddlepoints of the corresponding effective action. Since the entropy of these stable objects exceeds their energy, center vortices percolate throughout the lattice, and confine color charge in half-integer representations of the SU(2) gauge group. This result contradicts the folklore that confinement in strong-coupling lattice gauge theory, for D>2 dimensions, is simply due to plaquette disorder, as is the case in D=2 dimensions. It also demonstrates explicitly how the emergence and stability of center vortices is related to the existence of color screening by gluon fields.Comment: 17 pages, 5 figures, latex2

    Center Projection With and Without Gauge Fixing

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    We consider projections of SU(2) lattice link variables onto Z(2) center and U(1) subgroups, with and without gauge-fixing. It is shown that in the absence of gauge-fixing, and up to an additive constant, the static quark potential extracted from projected variables agrees exactly with the static quark potential taken from the full link variables; this is an extension of recent arguments by Ambjorn and Greensite, and by Ogilvie. Abelian and center dominance is essentially trivial in this case, and seems of no physical relevance. The situation changes drastically upon gauge fixing. In the case of center projection, there are a series of tests one can carry out, to check if vortices identified in the projected configurations are physical objects. All these criteria are satisfied in maximal center gauge, and we show here that they all fail in the absence of gauge fixing. The non-triviality of center projection is due entirely to the maximal center gauge-fixing, which pumps information about the location of extended physical objects into local Z(2) observables.Comment: 18 pages, 6 figures, Latex2

    Evidence for a Center Vortex Origin of the Adjoint String Tension

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    Wilson loops in the adjoint representation are evaluated on cooled lattices in SU(2) lattice gauge theory. It is found that the string tension of an adjoint Wilson loop vanishes, if the loop is evaluated in a sub-ensemble of configurations in which no center vortex links the loop. This result supports our recent proposal that the adjoint string tension, in the Casimir-scaling regime, can be attributed to a center vortex mechanism.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures, Latex2

    Zero-gravity and reduced-gravity simulation on a magnetic-colloid pool-boiling system

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    Zero and reduced gravity simulation on magnetic colloid pool-boiling syste

    Fresh look on triality

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    Investigating the Z3Z_3 symmetry in Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD) we show that full QCD with a vacuum of vanishing baryonic number does not lead to metastable phases. Rather in QCD with dynamical fermions, the degeneracy of Z3Z_3 phases manifests itself in observables without open triality.Comment: 9 pages, 0 figures, latex, IK-TUW-Preprint 930840
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