185 research outputs found

    Electronic and magnetic properties of the monolayer RuCl3_3: A first-principles and Monte Carlo study

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    Recent experiments revealed that monolayer α\alpha-RuCl3_3 can be obtain by chemical exfoliation method and exfoliation or restacking of nanosheets can manipulate the magnetic properties of the materials. In this present paper, the electronic and magnetic properties of α\alpha-RuCl3_3 monolayer are investigated by combining first-principles calculations and Monte Carlo simulations. From first-principles calculations, we found that the spin configuration FM corresponds to the ground state for α\alpha-RuCl3_3, however, the other excited zigzag oriented spin configuration has energy of 5 meV/atom higher than the ground state. Energy band gap has been obtained as 33 meV using PBE functionals. When spin-orbit coupling effect is taken into account, corresponding energy gap is determined to be as 5757 meV. We also investigate the effect of Hubbard U energy terms on the electronic band structure of α\alpha-RuCl3_3 monolayer and revealed band gap increases approximately linear with increasing U value. Moreover, spin-spin coupling terms (J1J_1, J2J_2, J3J_3) have been obtained using first principles calculations. By benefiting from these terms, Monte Carlo simulations with single site update Metropolis algorithm have been implemented to elucidate magnetic properties of the considered system. Thermal variations of magnetization, susceptibility and also specific heat curves indicate that monolayer α\alpha-RuCl3_3 exhibits a phase transition between ordered and disordered phases at the Curie temperature 14.2114.21 K. We believe that this study can be utilized to improve two-dimensional magnet materials

    Predictive modeling of haloacetonitriles under uniform formation conditions

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    Highlights • HAN model linearity is highly affected by water type • pH is the most influential parameter for HAN modeling for chlorination and chloramination • A positive correlation between DON/DOC term and HANs models was observed in EfOM impacted waters • The r2 of DCAN model in chlorination (r2=0.88) was higher than chloramination (r2=0.49) • Higher correlation between HAN4 and THM4 was found at pH range of 7 to 8The objective of this study was to develop models to predict the formation of HANs under uniform formation conditions (UFC) in chlorinated, choraminated, and perchlorinated/chloraminated waters of different origins. Model equations were developed using multiple linear regression analysis to predict the formation of dichloroacetonitrile (DCAN), HAN4 (trichloroacetonitrile [TCAN], DCAN, bromochloroacetonitrile [BCAN], and dibromoacetonitrile [DBAN]) and HAN6 (HAN4 plus monochloroacetonitrile, monobromoacetonitrile). The independent variables covered a wide range of values, and included ultraviolet absorbance, dissolved organic carbon, dissolved organic nitrogen, SUVA254, bromide, pH, oxidant dose, contact time, and temperature. The r2 values of HAN4 and HAN6 models of NOM, AOM, and EfOM impacted waters were within the range of 60-88%, while the r2 values of HAN4 and DCAN models for both groundwater and distribution systems were lower, in the range of 41-66%. The r2 values for the DCAN model were mostly higher in the individual types as compared to the cumulative analysis of all source water data together. This was attributed to differences in HAN precursor characteristics. For chlorination, among all variables, pH was found to be the most significant descriptor in the model equations describing the formation of DCAN, HAN4, and HAN6, and it was negatively correlated with HAN formation in the distribution system, groundwater, AOM, and NOM samples, while it showed an inverse relationship with HAN6 formation in effluent organic matter (EfOM) impacted waters. During chloramination, pH was the most influential model descriptor for DCAN formation in the NOM. Prechlorination dose was the most predominant parameter for prechlorination/chloramination, and it was positively correlated with HAN4 formation in AOM impacted waters

    Avrupa Birliği ve seçilmiş dünya ülkelerinde yatırım teşvikleri

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    In this study, investment incentive policies and investment promotion tools employed in the European Union and other selected world countries such as the USA, China, Japan, Russia and South Korea were examined. Firstly, place of the incentive policy recognized throughout the European Union within the Union's legislation is given. In addition, investment promotion tools of each EU member state have been tabulated in a collective manner. After explaining investment incentives employed in the European Union each country stated above were discussed upon one by one. Investment promotion policies and tools applied in these countries were given to underline importance given by those countries to investment

    High pressure study of a Zr-based bulk metallic glass and its composite

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    Energy dispersive X-ray diffraction was used to study the structural evolution of a bulk metallic glass (BMG) alloy and its composite with W particles under hydrostatic pressure. The diffraction data, especially the pair distribution function (PDF) of the BMG allowed the direct measurement of its elastic strain. The results suggest that PDF patterns of BMGs can be used to deducetheir strain evolution in composites as well as in monolithic form. Although the PDF method of strain measurement in amorphous alloys offers lower resolution compared to the analysis of Bragg reflections from crystalline materials, the PDF techique yields valuable information about the deformation of BMGs

    Stable single-layer structure of group-V elements

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    In addition to stable single-layer buckled honeycomb and washboard structures of group-V elements (or pnictogens P, As, Sb, and Bi) we show that these elements can also form two-dimensional, single-layer structures consisting of buckled square and octagon rings. An extensive analysis comprising the calculation of mechanical properties, vibration frequencies, and finite-temperature ab initio molecular dynamics confirms that these structures are dynamically and thermally stable and suitable for applications at room temperature and above. All these structures are semiconductors with a fundamental band gap, which is wide for P but decreases with increasing row number. The effect of the spin-orbit coupling decreases the band gap and is found to be crucial for Sb and Bi. These results are obtained from first-principles calculations based on density functional theory. © 2016 American Physical Society

    Interaction of Adatoms and Molecules with Single-Layer Arsenene Phases

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    Recent studies have shown that arsenic can form single-layer phases in buckled honeycomb as well as symmetric washboard structures, named as arsenene. These structures are stable even in freestanding form and are nonmagnetic semiconductors in the energy range which is suitable for various electronic applications. In this study we investigated the adsorption of selected adatoms (H, Li, B, C, N, O, Al, Si, P, Cl, Ti, Ga, Ge, As, Se, and Sb) and physisorption of molecules (H2, O2, and H2O) to these two arsene phases. Since the interaction of these adspecies with arsenene are studied using large supercells, the coupling between adspecies is minimized, and hence our results can be interpreted to mimic the effects of isolated adatom or physisorbed molecule. It is found that the adatoms form strong chemisorption bonds and hence modify the atomic structure and physical properties locally. Some of the adatoms give rise to significant local reconstruction of the atomic structure. Electronic states of some adatoms become spin polarized and attain net magnetic moments; they may even display half-metallic character at high coverage. A majority of adsorbed atoms give rise to localized states in the fundamental band gap. We showed that the interactions between H2, O2, and H2O molecules and single-layer arsenene are rather weak and do not cause any significant changes in the physical properties of these molecules, as well as those of arsenene phases. However, some of these molecules can be dissociated at the edges of the flakes of arsenene structures; their constituents are adsorbed to the edge atoms and cause local reconstructions. © 2016 American Chemical Society

    Stable monolayer honeycomb-like structures of RuX2 (X=S,Se)

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    Recent studies show that several metal oxides and dichalcogenides (MX2), which exist in nature, can be stable in two-dimensional (2D) form and each year several new MX2 structures are explored. The unstable structures in H (hexagonal) or T (octahedral) forms can be stabilized through Peierls distortion. In this paper, we propose new 2D forms of RuS2 and RuSe2 materials. We investigate in detail the stability, electronic, magnetic, optical, and thermodynamic properties of 2D RuX2 (X=S,Se) structures from first principles. While their H and T structures are unstable, the distorted T structures (T′-RuX2) are stable and have a nonmagnetic semiconducting ground state. The molecular dynamic simulations also confirm that T′-RuX2 systems are stable even at 500 K without any structural deformation. T′-RuS2 and T′-RuSe2 have indirect band gaps with 0.745 eV (1.694 eV with HSE) and 0.798 eV (1.675 eV with HSE) gap values, respectively. We also examine their bilayer and trilayer forms and find direct and smaller band gaps. We find that AA stacking is more favorable than the AB configuration. The new 2D materials obtained can be good candidates with striking properties for applications in semiconductor electronic, optoelectronic devices, and sensor technology. © 2016 American Physical Society

    High pressure study of a Zr-based bulk metallic glass and its composite

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    Energy dispersive X-ray diffraction was used to study the structural evolution of a bulk metallic glass (BMG) alloy and its composite with W particles under hydrostatic pressure. The diffraction data, especially the pair distribution function (PDF) of the BMG allowed the direct measurement of its elastic strain. The results suggest that PDF patterns of BMGs can be used to deducetheir strain evolution in composites as well as in monolithic form. Although the PDF method of strain measurement in amorphous alloys offers lower resolution compared to the analysis of Bragg reflections from crystalline materials, the PDF techique yields valuable information about the deformation of BMGs