3,466 research outputs found

    Stellar wind-magnetosphere interaction at exoplanets: computations of auroral radio powers

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    We present calculations of the auroral radio powers expected from exoplanets with magnetospheres driven by an Earth-like magnetospheric interaction with the solar wind. Specifically, we compute the twin cell-vortical ionospheric flows, currents, and resulting radio powers resulting from a Dungey cycle process driven by dayside and nightside magnetic reconnection, as a function of planetary orbital distance and magnetic field strength. We include saturation of the magnetospheric convection, as observed at the terrestrial magnetosphere, and we present power law approximations for the convection potentials, radio powers and spectral flux densities. We specifically consider a solar-age system and a young (1 Gyr) system. We show that the radio power increases with magnetic field strength for magnetospheres with saturated convection potential, and broadly decreases with increasing orbital distance. We show that the magnetospheric convection at hot Jupiters will be saturated, and thus unable to dissipate the full available incident Poynting flux, such that the magnetic Radiometric Bode's Law (RBL) presents a substantial overestimation of the radio powers for hot Jupiters. Our radio powers for hot Jupiters are ∼\sim5-1300 TW for hot Jupiters with field strengths of 0.1-10 BJB_J orbiting a Sun-like star, while we find that competing effects yield essentially identical powers for hot Jupiters orbiting a young Sun-like star. However, in particular for planets with weaker magnetic fields our powers are higher at larger orbital distances than given by the RBL, and there are many configurations of planet that are expected to be detectable using SKA.Comment: Accepted for publication in Mon. Not. R. Astron. So

    Dayside and nightside contributions to the cross polar cap potential: placing an upper limit on a viscous-like interaction

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    Observations of changes in size of the ionospheric polar cap allow the dayside and nightside reconnection rates to be quantified. From these it is straightforward to estimate the rate of antisunward transport of magnetic flux across the polar regions, quantified by the cross polar cap potential Φ<sub>PC</sub>. When correlated with upstream measurements of the north-south component of the IMF, Φ<sub>PC</sub> is found to increase for more negative <i>B<sub>z</sub></i>, as expected. However, we also find that Φ<sub>PC</sub> does not, on average, decrease to zero, even for strongly northward IMF. In the past this has been interpreted as evidence for a viscous interaction between the magnetosheath flow and the outer boundaries of the magnetosphere. In contrast, we show that this is the consequence of flows excited by tail reconnection, which is inherently uncorrelated with IMF <i>B<sub>z</sub></i>

    The Data Gaps of the Pandemic: Data Poverty and Forms of Invisibility

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    Since the COVID-19 virus was first identified in mainland China at the end of 2019, the pandemic has affected an exceptionally high portion of the world population. Not surprisingly, numbers are at the very core of the narration of the pandemic. Figures of various kinds fill the news, accounting for the death toll, the progress of population testing, the growth of individuals who tested positive for the virus and the saturation of intensive care units, among others. These numbers contribute to making the problem ‘amenable to thought’, and thus serve as ‘both representation and intervention’ (Osborne and Rose, 2004). As such, they shape both governmental action and the popular response to it

    The influence of IMF clock angle timescales on the morphology of ionospheric convection

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    We exploit a database of high-latitude ionospheric electric potential patterns, derived from radar observations of plasma convection in the Northern Hemisphere from the years 2000–2006, to investigate the timescales of interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) control of ionospheric convection and associated magnetospheric dynamics. We parameterize the convection observations by IMF clock angle, θ (the angle between geocentric solar magnetic (GSM) north and the projection of the IMF vector onto the GSM Y-Z plane), and by an IMF timescale, τB (the length of time that a similar clock angle has been maintained prior to the convection observations being made). We find that the nature of the ionospheric convection changes with IMF clock angle, as expected from previous time-averaged studies, and that for τB∼30 min, the convection patterns closely resemble their time-averaged counterparts. However, as τB increases we find that the convection evolves away from the time-averaged patterns to reveal modified characteristic flow features. We discuss these findings in terms of solar wind-magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling and consider their implications for understanding the time-dependent nature of magnetospheric dynamics

    Are steady magnetospheric convection events prolonged substorms?

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    Magnetospheric modes, including substorms, sawtooth events, and steady magnetospheric convection events, have in the past been described as different responses of the magnetosphere to coupling with the solar wind. Using previously determined event lists for sawtooth events, steady magnetospheric convection events, and substorms, we produce a statistical study of these event types to examine their similarities and behavior in terms of solar wind parameters, auroral brightness, open magnetospheric flux, and geomagnetic indices. A superposed epoch analysis shows that individual sawteeth show the same signatures as substorms but occur during more extreme cases of solar wind driving as well as geomagnetic activity. We also explore the limitations of current methods of identifying steady magnetospheric convection events and explain why some of those events are flagged inappropriately. We show that 58% of the steady magnetospheric convection events considered, as identified by criteria defined in previous studies are part of a prolonged version of substorms due to continued dayside driving during expansion phase. The remaining 42% are episodes of enhanced magnetospheric convection, occurring after extended periods of dayside driving
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