342 research outputs found

    The Sound Design Toolkit

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    The Sound Design Toolkit is a collection of physically informed sound synthesis models, specifically designed for practice and research in Sonic Interaction Design. The collection is based on a hierarchical, perceptually founded taxonomy of everyday sound events, and implemented by procedural audio algorithms which emphasize the role of sound as a process rather than a product. The models are intuitive to control \u2013 and the resulting sounds easy to predict \u2013 as they rely on basic everyday listening experience. Physical descriptions of sound events are intentionally simplified to emphasize the most perceptually relevant timbral features, and to reduce computational requirements as well

    Catching what we can't see: manual interception of occluded fly-ball trajectories

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    Control of interceptive actions may involve fine interplay between feedback-based and predictive mechanisms. These processes rely heavily on target motion information available when the target is visible. However, short-term visual memory signals as well as implicit knowledge about the environment may also contribute to elaborate a predictive representation of the target trajectory, especially when visual feedback is partially unavailable because other objects occlude the visual target. To determine how different processes and information sources are integrated in the control of the interceptive action, we manipulated a computer-generated visual environment representing a baseball game. Twenty-four subjects intercepted fly-ball trajectories by moving a mouse cursor and by indicating the interception with a button press. In two separate sessions, fly-ball trajectories were either fully visible or occluded for 750, 1000 or 1250 ms before ball landing. Natural ball motion was perturbed during the descending trajectory with effects of either weightlessness (0 g) or increased gravity (2 g) at times such that, for occluded trajectories, 500 ms of perturbed motion were visible before ball disappearance. To examine the contribution of previous visual experience with the perturbed trajectories to the interception of invisible targets, the order of visible and occluded sessions was permuted among subjects. Under these experimental conditions, we showed that, with fully visible targets, subjects combined servo-control and predictive strategies. Instead, when intercepting occluded targets, subjects relied mostly on predictive mechanisms based, however, on different type of information depending on previous visual experience. In fact, subjects without prior experience of the perturbed trajectories showed interceptive errors consistent with predictive estimates of the ball trajectory based on a-priori knowledge of gravity. Conversely, the interceptive responses of subjects previously exposed to fully visible trajectories were compatible with the fact that implicit knowledge of the perturbed motion was also taken into account for the extrapolation of occluded trajectories

    Rhythmic tapping to a moving beat motion kinematics overrules natural gravity

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    beat induction is the cognitive ability that allows humans to listen to a regular pulse in music and move in synchrony with it. although auditory rhythmic cues induce more consistent synchronization than flashing visual metronomes, this auditory-visual asymmetry can be canceled by visual moving stimuli. here, we investigated whether the naturalness of visual motion or its kinematics could provide a synchronization advantage over flashing metronomes. Subjects were asked to tap in sync with visual metronomes defined by vertically accelerating/decelerating motion, either congruent or not with natural gravity; horizontally accelerating/decelerating motion; or flashing stimuli. we found that motion kinematics was the predominant factor determining rhythm synchronization, as accelerating moving metronomes in any cardinal direction produced more precise and predictive tapping than decelerating or flashing conditions. our results support the notion that accelerating visual metronomes convey a strong sense of beat, as seen in the cueing movements of an orchestra director

    Regenerative potential of DPSCs and revascularization. direct, paracrine or autocrine effect?

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    A new source of mesenchymal stem cells has recently been discovered, the so-called dental pulp derived stem cells (DPSCs) which therefore could represent potentially tools for regenerative medicine. DPSC originate from the neural crest and are physiologically involved in dentin homeostasis; moreover, they contribute to bone remodeling and differentiation into several tissues including cartilage, bone, adipose and nervous tissues. DPSCs have also been shown to influence the angiogenesis process, for example through the release of secretory factors or by differentiating into vascular and/or perivascular cells. Angiogenesis, that has a pivotal role in tissue regeneration and repair, is defined as the formation of new vessels from preexisting vessels and is mediated by mutual and reciprocal interactions between endothelial cells and perivascular cells. It is also known that co-cultures of perivascular and endothelial cells (ECs) can form a vascular network in vitro and also in vivo. Since DPSCs seem to have characteristics similar to pericytes, understanding the possible mechanism of interaction between DPSCs and ECs during neo-angiogenesis is dramatically important for the development of advanced clinical application in the field of regeneration. Graphical abstract: [Figure not available: see fulltext.

    Flavonoids, benzophenones and a new euphane derivative from Clusia columnaris Engl.

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    The polyisoprenylated benzophenones machuone and clusiachromene A have been isolated from the fruits of Clusia columnaris. The hexane extract of the young branches with leaves afforded a new euphane derivative, whose structure was elucidated by spectroscopic methods. On the contrary, the most polar EtOAc and ButOH extracts were constituted of flavonoid C-glucosides (isovitexin, vitexin and vitexin-2"-xyloside) and seven biflavonoids of the so-called Garcinia group. Dos frutos de Clusia columnaris foram isoladas as benzofenonas poliisopreniladas machuona e clusiacromeno A. Do extrato em hexano obtido de galhos e folhas novas, um novo triterpeno do tipo eufano foi isolado. Sua estrutura foi elucidada através de métodos espectroscópicos. Por outro lado, dos extratos mais polares - em acetato de etila e em butanol, foram isolados os flavonóides C-glicosilados isovitexina, vitexina e vitexina-2"-xilosídeo, além de sete bisflavonóides conhecidos como bisflavonóides do grupo da Garcinia

    To Sketch-a-Scratch

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    A surface can be harsh and raspy, or smooth and silky, and everything in between. We are used to sense these features with our fingertips as well as with our eyes and ears: the exploration of a surface is a multisensory experience. Tools, too, are often employed in the interaction with surfaces, since they augment our manipulation capabilities. “Sketch-a-Scratch” is a tool for the multisensory exploration and sketching of surface textures. The user’s actions drive a physical sound model of real materials’ response to interactions such as scraping, rubbing or rolling. Moreover, different input signals can be converted into 2D visual surface profiles, thus enabling to experience them visually, aurally and haptically

    New 3,4-seco-ent-kaurene dimers from Croton micans.

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    From the stems of Croton micans Sw., five new 3,4- seco-ent-kaurene dimers: micansinoic acid (1), isomicansinoic acid (2), and the dimethyl (3), monomethyl (4) and monoethyl ester (5) of micansinoic acid were isolated. The structures of the new compounds were elucidated by spectroscopic data interpretation, mainly 1D and 2D NMR experiments and MS. These compounds are the first 3,4- seco-ent-kaurene dimers from a Croton species

    Interception of vertically approaching objects: temporal recruitment of the internal model of gravity and contribution of optical information

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    introduction: recent views posit that precise control of the interceptive timing can be achieved by combining on-line processing of visual information with predictions based on prior experience. Indeed, for interception of free-falling objects under gravity's effects, experimental evidence shows that time-to-contact predictions can be derived from an internal gravity representation in the vestibular cortex. however, whether the internal gravity model is fully engaged at the target motion outset or reinforced by visual motion processing at later stages of motion is not yet clear. moreover, there is no conclusive evidence about the relative contribution of internalized gravity and optical information in determining the time-to-contact estimates.methods: we sought to gain insight on this issue by asking 32 participants to intercept free falling objects approaching directly from above in virtual reality. object motion had durations comprised between 800 and 1100 ms and it could be either congruent with gravity (1 g accelerated motion) or not (constant velocity or -1 g decelerated motion). we analyzed accuracy and precision of the interceptive responses, and fitted them to bayesian regression models, which included predictors related to the recruitment of a priori gravity information at different times during the target motion, as well as based on available optical information.results: consistent with the use of internalized gravity information, interception accuracy and precision were significantly higher with 1 g motion. moreover, bayesian regression indicated that interceptive responses were predicted very closely by assuming engagement of the gravity prior 450 ms after the motion onset, and that adding a predictor related to on-line processing of optical information improved only slightly the model predictive power. discussion: thus, engagement of a priori gravity information depended critically on the processing of the first 450 ms of visual motion information, exerting a predominant influence on the interceptive timing, compared to continuously available optical information. finally, these results may support a parallel processing scheme for the control of interceptive timing