54 research outputs found

    The disastrous storm of 4 November 1966 on Italy

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    International audienceThis is the first modeling reconstruction of the whole aspects (both meteorological and oceanographic) of the storm which hit Italy on 4 November 1966, producing 118 victims and widespread damages in Tuscany, at the northern Adriatic coast and in the north-eastern Italian Alps. The storm was produced by a cyclone which formed in the western Mediterranean and moved eastward towards Italy, reaching the Thyrrenian Sea, and then northward. The most peculiar characteristic of the storm has been the strong zonal pressure gradient and the consequent intensity and long fetch of the south-easterly sirocco wind, which advected a large amount of warm moist air, and determined exceptional orographic precipitation over Tuscany and the north-eastern Alps. The funneling of the wind between the mountain chains surrounding the Adriatic basin further increased the wind speed and determined the highest ever recorded storm surge along the Venetian coast. This study shows that present models would be able to produce a reasonably accurate simulation of the meteorological event (surface pressure, wind and precipitation fields, and storm surge level). The exceptional intensity of the event is not suggested by single parameters such as the sea level pressure minimum, the wind speed or the total accumulated precipitation. In fact, the precipitation was extreme only in some locations and the pressure minimum was not particularly deep. Moreover, the prediction of the damages produced by the river run-off and landslides would have required other informations concerning soil condition, snow coverage, and storage of water reservoirs before the event. This indicates that an integrated approach is required for assessing the probability of such damages both on a weather forecast and on a climate change perspective

    The effect of the boundary conditions on the simulation of the 4 November 1966 storm over Italy

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    This study analyses the extreme event which took place on 4 November 1966, when a storm produced intense and persistent precipitation over northern and central Italy and an extreme surge in the northern Adriatic Sea, causing casualties and huge damages. Numerical simulations with a regional atmospheric model have been performed to reconstruct the phenomenology of the event. Results have been compared with observations. This study shows that the choice of the global fields for initial and boundary conditions is crucial for the quality of the reconstruction. The simulation is reasonably accurate if they are extracted from the NCEP re-analysis, while it is not satisfactory if ERA-40 data are used, though fields have a higher resolution in the ERA-40 than in the NCEP set of data. The internal physics of the model plays a smaller role in the reproduction of the dynamics of the event

    WFPC2 Observations of the Hubble Deep Field-South

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    The Hubble Deep Field-South observations targeted a high-galactic-latitude field near QSO J2233-606. We present WFPC2 observations of the field in four wide bandpasses centered at roughly 300, 450, 606, and 814 nm. Observations, data reduction procedures, and noise properties of the final images are discussed in detail. A catalog of sources is presented, and the number counts and color distributions of the galaxies are compared to a new catalog of the HDF-N that has been constructed in an identical manner. The two fields are qualitatively similar, with the galaxy number counts for the two fields agreeing to within 20%. The HDF-S has more candidate Lyman-break galaxies at z > 2 than the HDF-N. The star-formation rate per unit volume computed from the HDF-S, based on the UV luminosity of high-redshift candidates, is a factor of 1.9 higher than from the HDF-N at z ~ 2.7, and a factor of 1.3 higher at z ~ 4.Comment: 93 pages, 25 figures; contains very long table

    Modeling Insertional Mutagenesis Using Gene Length and Expression in Murine Embryonic Stem Cells

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    Background. High-throughput mutagenesis of the mammalian genome is a powerful means to facilitate analysis of gene function. Gene trapping in embryonic stem cells (ESCs) is the most widely used form of insertional mutagenesis in mammals. However, the rules governing its efficiency are not fully understood, and the effects of vector design on the likelihood of genetrapping events have not been tested on a genome-wide scale. Methodology/Principal Findings. In this study, we used public gene-trap data to model gene-trap likelihood. Using the association of gene length and gene expression with gene-trap likelihood, we constructed spline-based regression models that characterize which genes are susceptible and which genes are resistant to gene-trapping techniques. We report results for three classes of gene-trap vectors, showing that both length and expression are significant determinants of trap likelihood for all vectors. Using our models, we also quantitatively identifie

    The Dual Consequences of Politicization of Ethnicity in Romania

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    Hochdurchsatzmutagenese von sezernierten und membranständigen Proteinen in Maus-embryonalen Stammzellen.

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    In allen bislang durchgeführten Experimenten zur Mutagenese von embryonalen Stammzellen war auffällig, dass Gene, die für sekretierte oder membranständige Proteine kodieren, stark unterrepräsentiert waren. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurden zwei Genfallen untersucht, die speziell diese Gene mutieren sollten. Als Selektionskassetten tragen beide Genfallen den 5' Bereich des humanen CD2, der eine kryptische Spleißakzeptorsequenz enthält und für eine Transmembrandomäne kodiert, als Fusion mit der bakteriellen Neomycinphosphotransferase. U3Ceo trägt diese Kassette als klassische retrovirale Genfalle im LTR des Mouse Molony Leukemia Virus, wogegen die ebenfalls retrovirale FlipRosaCeo Genfalle die Selektionskassette im Viruskörper enthält. Diese wird von Rekombinaseerkennungssequenzen flankiert, welche eine konditionale Aktivierung der Mutation für die spätere Analyse in einem Mausmodell ermöglichen. Beide Genfallen zeigten mit ca. 80% aller Integrationen eine hohe Spezifität für Gene, die für sezernierte und membranständige Proteine kodieren. Allerdings war die Frequenz für Insertionen in sogenannte „hot spots“ bei beiden Genfallen aufgrund der geringeren Zahl an Zielgenen höher als bei anderen im GGTC verwendeten Genfallen (z.B. FlipRosabetageo). Innerhalb dieser „hot spots“ zeigte sich die bekannte Präferenz retroviraler Genfallenvektoren, in das 5’ Ende von Genen zu integrieren, wobei hier meist die größten Introns zu finden sind. Ebenso zeigte sich für die in dieser Arbeit untersuchten sekretorischen Genfallen genau wie bei anderen bekannten Genfallen eine bevorzugte Integration in Chromosomen mit einer hohen Gendichte. Die Funktionalität der konditionalen Genfalle konnte in vitro sowohl in Prokaryoten als auch in Eukaryoten durch Einbringen der Genfalle und der jeweiligen Rekombinasen bestätigt werden. In ES Zellen, die eine X-chomosomale Integration aufwiesen, wurde der Mechanismus durch transiente Expression der Rekombinasen in Klonen überprüft. Hierbei stellte sich heraus, dass das Wildtyptranskript eines mutierten Gens nach der einmaligen Rekombination der FlipRosaCeo wieder exprimiert wird und nicht durch die auf dem Gegenstrang befindliche Genfalle beeinflusst wird. Nach einer weiteren Rekombination mittels FLPe konnte der mutagene Ausgangszustand der Genfalle wieder hergestellt werden. Die Mutagenität der beiden Genfallen wurde durch Überprüfung der Konzentration der restlichen endogenen Transkripts der mutierten Gene per quantitativer PCR an X-chromosomalen Klonen analysiert. Hier konnte bei etwa 80% der untersuchten Klone eine sehr starke Mutation des jeweils getroffenen Gens festgestellt werden. Zur in vivo Überprüfung der U3Ceo Genfalle wurde ein Mausmodell durch Blastozysteninjektion des ES Zellklons M076C04 generiert. Die Integration der Genfalle in das erste Intron des Gens C030019F02Rik sollte eine deutliche Verkürzung des membranständigen Genproduktes bewirken. In Gehirnen von homozygoten Mäusen konnte die Expression des Wildtyptranskripts nicht mehr festgestellt werden, so dass diese Mauslinie eine Nullmutation des Gens trägt. Die in dieser Arbeit untersuchte KO Maus zeigte bisher keinen feststellbaren Phänotyp, obwohl das Genprodukt in vielen Spezies hoch konserviert vorliegt und auch nur in bestimmten Bereichen im Organismus nachweisbar ist, so dass eine wichtige Funktion des Proteins anzunehmen ist. Eine weitere Analyse dieser Mauslinie wird sich dieser Arbeit anschließen

    The disastrous storm of 4 November 1966 in Italy.

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    Abstract. This is the first modeling reconstruction of the whole aspects (both meteorological and oceanographic) of the storm which hit Italy on 4 November 1966, producing 118 victims and widespread damages in Tuscany, at the northern Adriatic coast and in the north-eastern Italian Alps. The storm was produced by a cyclone which formed in the western Mediterranean and moved eastward towards Italy, reaching the Thyrrenian Sea, and then northward. The most peculiar characteristic of the storm has been the strong zonal pressure gradient and the consequent intensity and long fetch of the south-easterly sirocco wind, which advected a large amount of warm moist air, and determined exceptional orographic precipitation over Tuscany and the north-eastern Alps. The funneling of the wind between the mountain chains surrounding the Adriatic basin further increased the wind speed and determined the highest ever recorded storm surge along the Venetian coast. This study shows that present models would be able to produce a reasonably accurate simulation of the meteorological event (surface pressure, wind and precipitation fields, and storm surge level). The exceptional intensity of the event is not suggested by single parameters such as the sea level pressure minimum, the wind speed or the total accumulated precipitation. In fact, the precipitation was extreme only in some locations and the pressure minimum was not particularly deep. Moreover, the prediction of the damages produced by the river run-off and landslides would have required other informations concerning soil condition, snow coverage, and storage of water reservoirs before the event. This indicates that an integrated approach is required for assessing the probability of such damages both on a weather forecast and on a climate change perspectiv

    The disastrous storm of 4 November 1966 on Italy

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