642 research outputs found

    Multiple-Goal Heuristic Search

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    This paper presents a new framework for anytime heuristic search where the task is to achieve as many goals as possible within the allocated resources. We show the inadequacy of traditional distance-estimation heuristics for tasks of this type and present alternative heuristics that are more appropriate for multiple-goal search. In particular, we introduce the marginal-utility heuristic, which estimates the cost and the benefit of exploring a subtree below a search node. We developed two methods for online learning of the marginal-utility heuristic. One is based on local similarity of the partial marginal utility of sibling nodes, and the other generalizes marginal-utility over the state feature space. We apply our adaptive and non-adaptive multiple-goal search algorithms to several problems, including focused crawling, and show their superiority over existing methods

    Current relaxation in nonlinear random media

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    We study the current relaxation of a wave packet in a nonlinear random sample coupled to the continuum and show that the survival probability decays as P(t)1/tαP(t) \sim 1/t^{\alpha}. For intermediate times t<tt<t^*, the exponent α\alpha satisfies a scaling law α=f(Λ=χ/l)\alpha =f(\Lambda=\chi/l_{\infty}) where χ\chi is the nonlinearity strength and ll_{\infty} is the localization length of the corresponding random system with χ=0\chi=0. For ttt\gg t^* and χ>χcr\chi>\chi_{\rm cr} we find a universal decay with α=2/3\alpha=2/3 which is a signature of the {\it nonlinearity-induced delocalization}. Experimental evidence should be observable in coupled nonlinear optical waveguides.Comment: revised version, PRL in press, 4 pages, 4 figs (fig 3 with reduced quality

    Reversing conditional orderings

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    We analyze some specific aspects concerning conditional orderings and relations among them. To this purpose we define a suitable concept of reversed conditional ordering and prove some related results. In particular we aim to compare the univariate stochastic orderings ≤ st, ≤ hr, and ≤ lr in terms of differences among different notions of conditional orderings. Some applications of our result to the analysis of positive dependence will be detailed. We concentrate attention to the case of a pair of scalar random variables X, Y ​. Suitable extensions to multivariate cases are possible

    The signature of subsurface Kondo impurities in the local tunnel current

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    The conductance of a tunnel point-contact in an STM-like geometry having a single defect placed below the surface is investigated theoretically. The effect of multiple electron scattering by the defect after reflections by the metal surface is taken into account. In the approximation of s-wave scattering the dependence of the conductance on the applied voltage and the position of the defect is obtained. The results are illustrated for a model s-wave phase shift describing Kondo-resonance scattering. We demonstrate that multiple electron scattering by the magnetic impurity plays a decisive role in the point-contact conductance at voltages near the Kondo resonance. We find that the sign and shape of the Kondo anomaly depends on the position of the defect.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figures. To be published in J. Phys.: Cond. Ma

    Morphometric Parameters of Erythrocytes in Juvenile Mandarin Ducks Aix galerkulata

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    The morphometric parameters of erythrocytes in Mandarin ducks Aix galericulata have never been subjected to study even though this species is common in aviculture. The aim of this study is to investigate the morphometric parameters of erythrocytes in juvenile Mandarin ducks. A total of 1500 erythrocytes obtained from thirty Mandarin ducks were analysed. The smears of the peripheral blood were stained using Diff-Quik stain method, and the length and width of erythrocytes were measured using ImageJ program. The average length of the measured erythrocytes was 11.879 mu m. The maximal measured length of the erythrocytes was 10.O49 mu m, and the minimal measured length was 5.668 pm. The average width of the measured erythrocytes vvas 6.160 pm. The maximal measured width of the erythrocytes was 10.115 pm and the minimal measured width vvas 3.750 mu m. In conclusion, knowing morphometric parameters of Mandarin duck erythrocytes is the first step in evaluation process of erythrocytes functional state and health condition of an individual

    Повышение помехозащищенности идентификации и распознавания гидролокационных сигналов от тел сложной формы на фоне реверберационных помех

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    Methods of identification and recognition of sonar signals reflected from the bodies with complex geometric shape have been developed and calibrated in hydroacoustic tank and at sea. Their greater noise immunity is achieved in comparison with well-known recognition methods. Comparison of these methods with wave front reversal method is given. Simulation results help to explain well-known fact that dolphins use multiple impulse sounding transmission with unequal interpulse periods.Разработаны и проверены в гидроакустическом бассейне и в морских условиях методы идентификации и распознавания гидролокационных сигналов, отраженных от тел сложной геометрической формы. Показана их бóльшая помехозащищенность по сравнению с известными методами распознавания. Приведено сравнение этих методов с методом обращения волнового фронта. Результаты моделирования позволяют объяснить известный факт применения дельфинами многоимпульсных зондирующих посылок с неравными расстояниями между импульсами

    TRAIL Coated Genetically Engineered Immunotherapeutic Nano-Ghosts Vesicles Target Human Melanoma-Avoiding the Need for High Effective Therapeutic Concentration of TRAIL

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    Cancer cell therapy using cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) or mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) possesses hurdles due to the cells, susceptibility to host induced changes. Here, versatile inanimate broadly applicable nanovesicles, termed immunotherapeutic-nano-ghosts (iNGs), are armed with inherent surface-associated targeting and therapeutic capabilities in which the promise and benefits of MSC therapy and T cell immunotherapy are combined into one powerful off-the-shelf approach for treating malignant diseases. To mimic the cytotoxic or immunosuppressive functions of T cells, iNG are produced from MSC that were genetically engineered (GE) or metabolically manipulated to express additional membrane-bound proteins, endowing the NGs derived therefrom with additional surface-associated functions such as tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-related apoptosis-inducing ligand (TRAIL). iNGs from GE-MSCs (GE-iNGs) show superior TRAIL retention and induce apoptosis in different cancer cell lines in vitro. In vivo studies on a human melanoma model demonstrate that a systemic, three-day frequency, administration of GE-iNGs result in tumor inhibition comparable to a six orders of magnitude higher concentration of soluble TRAIL. The iNGs are therefore a promising nanovesicle platform that can affect tumors in a non-immunogenic manner while avoiding the need for a highly effective therapeutic concentration

    On the Bergman representative coordinates

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    We study the set where the so-called Bergman representative coordinates (or Bergman functions) form an immersion. We provide an estimate of the size of a maximal geodesic ball with respect to the Bergman metric, contained in this set. By concrete examples we show that these estimates are the best possible.Comment: 20 page

    Construction of free g-dimonoids

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    In this paper, the concept of a g-dimonoid is introduced and the construction of a free g-dimonoid is described. (A g-dimonoid is a duplex satisfying two additional identities.