88 research outputs found

    Kedudukan dan Wewenang Mahkamah Konstitusi dalam Sistem Hukum Ketatanegaraan Indonesia

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    Fundamental changes in the 1945 is the amendment of Article 1 paragraph (2) as follows: "Sovereignty belongs to the people and carried out according to the Constitution". Change the 1945 Constitution has given rise to the Constitutional Court. By the Constitutional Court, the constitution guaranteed as the supreme law that can be enforced as it should. The Constitutional Court in its development, it is feared will be the agency that has authority super body.Particularly in resolving the matter related to its authority, the Constitutional Court can unilaterally interpret the Constitution without being questioned, other than that produced the Constitutional Court ruling is final and binding, so that when there is one party who feels aggrieved by the decision of the Constitutional Court cannot make the effort for other law. From the approach used in this study is normative juridical, because the study was conducted by examining library materials or secondary data relating to the status and authority of the Constitutional Court in constitutional legal system of Indonesia. Specifications of this research is descriptive analysis, which is expected to give a detailed overview, systematic, and comprehensive on all matters relating to the object to be examined. The data used in this study is secondary data, it means the data obtained from library materials collected through the study of literature and documentary studies, which are then analyzed qualitatively. The conclusion of this study is that the formation of the Constitutional Court in Indonesia is inseparable from the development of judicial review occurring in several countries in the world, especially during the implementation of judicial review which was pioneered by John Marshall in Marbury versus Madison case.Thinking about the importance of the Constitutional Court in Indonesia has emerged during the discussion of the draft Constitution in BPUPKI, then the idea of judicial review of the need to re-emerge during the discussion draft Judicial Power Act (Act No. 14 of 1970). At the time of the discussion of the 1945 changes in the era reformation, the opinion of the importance of the Constitutional Court appeared. Ultimately, the Third Amendment to the 1945 to be of the Constitutional Court, which serves as the guardian of the Constitution and constitutional interpretation

    Pengembangan Komik sebagai Media Pembelajaran IPA Kelas VII SMP pada Materi Pokok Interaksi Makhluk Hidup dan Lingkungan

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    The purpose of this reserch is to design, development and produce comic as media learning for science in 7th Grade Junior High School. This research was conducted at Department of Biology Education University of Riau, from April until Juni 2015. The type of this reserch is development research using Research and Development (R & D) approach with model ADDIE. The comic have subject Interaction of Living Organisms and The Environment. Make validation test for the media comic that filled by 5 validators. And then, limited trial conducted at 10 student in 7th Grade Junior High School 1 Pekanbaru. The limited trial was used student questionnaire responses. The value of media comis validation can be seen at 5 aspect, there are simplicity, suppression, balance, integration and comic design. The result is media comic can aplication in learning activities in the class

    Pengembangan Komik sebagai Media Pembelajaran IPA Kelas VIII SMP pada Materi Pokok Sistem Transportasi

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    The purpose of this research are for design and develop of comic as media learning for science in 8th Junior High School. The research was conducted at Study Program of Biology Education campus FKIP University of Riau from April until Juni 2015. This research used Research and Development (R&D) approach with ADDIE model. The comic have subject is Transportation System. We used validation sheet were filled by 5 validators. Then, we executed of limited trial at 10 students in 8th grade Junior High School 1 Pekanbaru with student questionnaire responses. The value of media comic validation can be seen at 5 aspects, they are simplicity, suppression, balance, integration and comic design. The result is media comic can aplication in learning activity at clas

    Peningkatan Aktivitas Belajar dan Pemahaman Konsep Biologi Siswa melalui Penerapan Model Guided Discovery dengan Metode Card Sort di Kelas XI IPA 3 Man 1 Pekanbaru Tahun Pelajaran 2014/2015

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    The aim of this research was to improve the learning activity and students\u27 understanding of Biology concepts through the application of models Guided discovery with Card sort method in class XI IPA 3 MAN 1 Pekanbaru school year 2014/2015. This research is action research conducted in two cycles in March and April 2015. The subjects were students of class XI IPA 3 MAN 1 Pekanbaru school year 2014/2015, amounting to 32 people, consisting of 22 women and 10 men. Parameter research is learning activities and students\u27 understanding of biology concepts consisting of absorption and mastery learning. The average of students\u27 learning activities in the first cycle is 79.74% with sufficient category and the second cycle increased to 88.86% with the good category. Understanding the concept based on the average absorption of students in the first cycle is 80.94 and the second cycle increased to 88.06. Mastery learning students in the first cycle is 71.88% and the second cycle increased to 87.50%. From the results of this research concluded that the application of models Guided discovery with the Card sort method can increase the activity of learning and understanding the concept of class XI IPA 3 MAN 1 Pekanbaru school year 2014/2015

    Development of Mobile Learning in Faculty of Economics, Bina Nusantara University

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    The research wanted to find the workflow and solution by developing m-learning object for Android and iOS-based smartphone and tablet that supported interactive multimedia. The research began with analysis, design, implementation, and evaluation. Currently, the learning objects were not compatible with mobile devices. To overcome this problem, the research focused on designing the instructional design for m-learning and the development of interactive multimedia. Instructional design was created by the collaboration of the subject matter expert and instructional designer. M-learning was designed using UML and developed using Adobe AIR technology. The implementation of this research was a prototype of m-learning for concept of cost in Faculty of Economics, Bina Nusantara University. Then, the evaluation was conducted by distributing m-learning object to 32 selected students by simple random sampling in their first week of lectures in February 2014. The observation was conducted during m-learning object installation and initial learning process. At the end of the second week of the experiment, summative assessment and questionnaire were given to students. The results show that m-learning object is compatible with mobile devices. The students also say that m-learning is easy to use and helpful for their learning


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    Folklore is one of the sastra literature that can be used as teaching materials to help students recognize local wisdom. Sastra Literature can also function as a medium of learning and entertainment to foster emotions in students. Oral literature is literature that includes expressions of the citizens of a culture caused and passed down by oral literature (by word of mouth). As part of culture, oral literature cannot be separated from the influence of values that live and develop in society. These positive values can shape children's character and can foster a love for regional culture. Oral literature can also introduce the culture of the archipelago to students. This study seeks to contribute to literary learning in elementary schools, in this case oral folklore in Sundanese folklore can be used as a source of literary learning material so that folklore can be used as an alternative source of teaching materials by teachers during the learning process. The facts of the story contained in the oral folklore of Sundanese folklore are; plot, characterizations, and setting


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    The use of language is the most important part of communication. Without using language, communication between humans cannot be done. Indonesia is a country that has various ethnic groups, cultures, languages, races and religions. Based on this, of course, in Indonesia there are various kinds of regional languages. One of the regional languages is Sundanese which is used by the Sundanese. This study aims to preserve the local language (Sundanese) among teenagers. This research uses a case study method with a qualitative approach, this research is carried out by exploring and describing the phenomena that occur. The current phenomenon is that teenagers who are local language maintainers have started to rarely use local languages. The position of regional languages has decreased, including the use of Sundanese. This can be influenced by the use of a second language, both Indonesian and foreign languages. Teenagers think that Indonesian and foreign languages have a more prestigious position than regional languages. Therefore, the use of Sundanese is considered important with a view to preserving and maintaining the Sundanese language


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    S. Darmadi. D3206030, PARTISIPASI PEREMPUAN DALAM PELAKSANAAN KEGIATAN LINGKUNGAN BETONISASI JALAN PADA PROGRAM NASIONAL PEMBERDAYAAN MASYARAKAT MANDIRI PERKOTAAN DI KELURAHAN BULAKAN KECAMATAN SUKOHARJO KABUPATEN SUKOHARJO. Penelitian skripsi mengenai partisipasi perempuan dalam pelaksanaan kegiatan lingkungan betonisasi jalan, ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana partisipasi yang dilakukan oleh perempuan dan sejauh mana keterlibatan mereka yang diterapkan itu dirasa berhasil didalam pelaksanaan program. partisipasi perempuan adalah suatu tindakan secara sadar dengan adanya keterlibatan mental dan emosi serta fisik seseorang atau kelompok masyarakat yang secara sadar dilakukan dalam usaha untuk mencapai tujuan dengan cara merencanakan, melaksanakan, menggunakan dan disertai tanggung jawab serta evaluasi Penulis merasa tertarik memilih partisipasi perempuan dalam pelaksanaan Program PNPM-MP ini karena partisipasi tersebut memiliki usaha dan dedikasi yang tinggi untuk selalu berusaha mengikuti pelaksanaan program yang diberikan oleh PNPM-MP dan merubah anggapan bahwa perempuan adalah kaum yang lemah dan tidak berhak untuk mengikuti pelaksanaan program. Partisipasi secara sukarela yang digunakan perempuan dalam mengikuti program adalah sebuah tindakan antar individu atau kelompok untuk satu tujuan yang sama tanpa ada intervensi, dorongan atau paksaan dari orang lain. Penelitian ini termasuk penelitian deskriptif kualitatif yaitu suatu penelitian yang menekankan pada realita yang muncul dan bertujuan untuk menggambarkan data dengan uraian atau penjelasan yang berasal dari wawancara atau catatan di lapangan. Teknik pengumpulan data dengan metode purposive sample, pengambilan sampel untuk membantu mendapatkan gambaran bagaimana dan sejauh mana keberhasilan dari partisipasi yang dilakukan oleh perempuan. Untuk menguji validitas data menggunakan trianggulasi data. Lokasi dalam penelitian ini adalah RW 04 Kelurahan Bulakan Kecamatan Sukoharjo Kabupaten Sukoharjo. Dari hasil analisis data diperoleh kesimpulan bahwa partisipasi perempuan dalam pelaksanaan kegiatan lingkungan betonisasi jalan dalam program nasional pemberdayaan masyarakat menunjukkan adanya tindakan sosial perempuan dalam berpartisipasi melewati proses : perencanaan yaitu memberikan ide/gagasan dan menentukan pengambilan keputusan; pelaksanaan yaitu dengan memberikan bantuan waktu, tenaga, dan pikiran; pemanfaatan yaitu dengan membangun dan menggunakan infrastruktur yaitu betonisasi jalan yang berada di RW 04 dikelurahan Bulakan kecamatan Sukoharjo Kabupaten Sukoharj
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