3,642 research outputs found

    Rechenfehler oder IrrefĂŒhrung? Eine kurze Replik auf Ernst Rösner

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    Der Autor gibt eine kurze, kritische Feststellung zum Kommentar von Ernst Rösner auf seinen (Kai S. Cortina) Aufsatz zum Schulartwechsel in der Sekundarstufe I. (DIPF/jk.

    Parental involvement in homework: Relations with parent and student achievement‐related motivational beliefs and achievement

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    Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/108320/1/bjep12039.pd

    Towards portable muography with small-area, gas-tight glass Resistive Plate Chambers

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    Imaging techniques that use atmospheric muons, collectively named under the neologism "muography", have seen a tremendous growth in recent times, mainly due to their diverse range of applications. The most well-known ones include but are not limited to: volcanology, archaeology, civil engineering, nuclear reactor monitoring, nuclear waste characterization, underground mapping, etc. These methods are based on the attenuation or deviation of muons to image large and/or dense objects where conventional techniques cannot work or their use becomes challenging. In this context, we have constructed a muography telescope based on "mini glass-RPC planes" following a design similar to the glass-RPC detectors developed by the CALICE Collaboration and used by the TOMUVOL experiment in the context of volcano radiography, but with smaller active area (16 ×\times 16 cm2^{2}). The compact size makes it an attractive choice with respect to other detectors previously employed for imaging on similar scales. An important innovation in this design is that the detectors are sealed. This makes the detector more portable and solves the usual safety and logistic issues for gas detectors operated underground and/or inside small rooms. This paper provides an overview on our guiding principles, the detector development and our operational experiences. Drawing on the lessons learnt from the first prototype, we also discuss our future direction for an improved second prototype, focusing primarily on a recently adopted serigraphy technique for the resistive coating of the glass plates.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures, XV Workshop on Resistive Plate Chambers and Related Detectors (RPC2020

    Energy reconstruction in a highly granularity semi-digital hadronic calorimeter

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    International audienceThe Semi-Digital Hadronic CALorimeter(SDHCAL) using Glass Resistive Plate Chambers (GRPCs) is one of the calorimeters proposed for particle physics experiments at the future electron-positron collider. It is a high granularity calorimeter which is required for the application of the particle flow algorithm in order to improve the jet energy resolution as one of the goals of this experiments. We discuss the energy reconstruction, based on digital and semi-Digital methods, to study the effect on the improvement of the single particle energy resolution and the linearity of the detecor response. This study was performed with the GEANT4 simulation. Results on the energy resolution and linearity, for negative pions over an energy range from 1 to 100 GeV are presented and compared with different energy reconstruction methods including Artificial Neural Networks. 1. Introduction The CALICE collaboration [1] has developed several calorimeter prototypes to evaluate the most appropriate one to be used in the future Linear Collider. One of them is the semi-digital hadronic calorimeter (SDHCAL) constructed in IPNL with the collaboration of other laboratories. In this paper we first present the geometry of this prototype used in simulation. Then, we present the different techniques of energy reconstruction used in SDHCAL. Finally, the results of the energy resolution and linearity obtained are presented and commented upon

    School Belonging in Different Cultures: The Effects of Individualism and Power Distance

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    Limited evidence exists on how the larger cultural framework affects psychological processes related to schooling. We investigated how the cultural dimensions of indi- vidualism/collectivism and power distance in uence the sense of school belongingness using 2003 Programme for International Student Assessment survey data on 15-year-old students from 31 countries. Hierarchical linear modeling analysis indicated that power distance (i.e., hierarchical nature of social relationships) is a better predictor of school belongingness on the cultural level than individualism/collectivism. Accordingly, students living in cultures with high degree of power distance (particularly East Asian countries in these data sets) report lower school belongingness than students living in cultures with more lateral power relationships (Western countries). Positive teacher student relations and preference for cooperative learning environment predict higher school belonging- ness across cultures.Peer Reviewedhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/147229/1/Cortina, Arel, Smith-Darden 2017.pdfDescription of Cortina, Arel, Smith-Darden 2017.pdf : main articl

    Noticing and weighing alternatives in the reflection of regular classroom teaching: Evidence of expertise using mobile eye-tracking

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    Instructional videos are widely used to study teachers’ professional vision. A new technological development in video research is mobile eye-tracking (MET). It has the potential to provide fine-grained insights into teachers’ professional vision in action, but has yet been scarcely employed. We addressed this research gap by using MET video feedback to examine how expert and novice teachers differed in their noticing and weighing of alternative teaching strategies. Expert and novice teachers’ lessons were recorded with MET devices. Then, they commented on what they observe while watching their own teaching videos. Using a mixed methods approach, we found that expert and novice teachers did not differ in the number of classroom events they noticed and alternative teaching strategies they mentioned. However, novice teachers were more critical of their own teaching than expert teachers, particularly when they considered alternative teaching strategies. Practical implications for the field of teacher education are discussed

    Why is Austerity Governable? A Gramscian Urban Regime Analysis of Leicester, UK

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    open access articleAusterity has been delivered in the UK, without durably effective resistance. Read through a dialogue between Urban Regime Theory and Gramsci’s theory of the integral state, the paper considers how austerity was normalised and made governable in the city of Leicester. It shows how Leicester navigated waves of crisis, restructuring and austerity, positioning itself as a multicultural city of entrepreneurs. The paper explores historical influences on the development of the local state, inscribed in the politics of austerity governance today. From a regime-theoretical standpoint, it shows how the local state accrued the governing resources to deliver austerity, while disorganising and containing resistance. Imbued with legacies of past-struggles, this process of organised-disorganisation produced a functional hegemony articulated in the multiple subjectivities of “austerian realism”. The paper elaborates six dimensions of Gramscian regime analysis to inform further research

    Optimizing teaching and learning from an empirical perspective

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    Angesichts des Übergewichts der kritischen Auseinandersetzungen mit Optimierungsdiskursen und -praktiken in diesem Thementeil versucht der Autor in seinem Beitrag, eine Lanze fĂŒr das Optimierungsparadigma zu brechen. Zumindest fĂŒr eine quantitativ ausgerichtete Bildungsforschung sei die Orientierung auf eine Verbesserung des Lernens und Lehrens eine triviale SelbstverstĂ€ndlichkeit. Die zentrale These lautet: "Nicht das Optimierungsparadigma selbst ist pĂ€dagogisch kontrovers, sondern die VerstĂ€ndigung darĂŒber, welche Ziele im Schulwesen mit welcher PrioritĂ€t auf welcher Ebene verfolgt werden". Die FĂ€higkeit zum tĂ€glichen Austarieren konkurrierender und mitunter konfligierender Ziele sei eine Kernkompetenz pĂ€dagogischer Akteurinnen und Akteure, die sich selbst aber in keinem Kompetenzmodell objektivieren lĂ€sst. (DIPF/Orig.

    Do adolescents with impaired vision have different intentions and ambitions for their education, career and social outcomes compared to their peers? Findings from the Millennium Cohort Study

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    BACKGROUND/AIMS: To investigate if impaired vision adversely impacts the intentions/ambitions of adolescents concerning their future education, careers and social outcomes. METHODS: Population-based birth cohort study in the UK comprising 9273 participants from the Millennium Cohort Study who were followed up to age 17 years. Children were classified as having normal vision or unilateral or bilateral impaired vision caused by significant eye conditions based on detailed parental-structured questionnaire data on sight problems and treatment coded by clinicians. Ten domains covering education, career and social outcomes by age 30 were investigated. RESULTS: Adjusted regression models showed few differences by vision status. Bilateral impaired vision was associated with increased odds of intending to remain in full-time education after statutory school age (adjusted OR (aOR) 2.00, 95% CI 1.08 to 3.68) and of home ownership at age 30 (aOR 1.83, 95% CI 1.01 to 3.32). Impaired vision was not associated with intending to attend university. A significantly higher proportion of parents of children with bilateral or unilateral impaired vision thought that their child would not get the exam grades required to go to university than parents of those with normal vision (29% or 26% vs 16%, p=0.026). CONCLUSION: Adolescents with impaired vision have broadly the same intentions/ambitions regarding future education, careers and social outcomes as their peers with normal vision. The known significant gaps in attainment in these domains among young adults with vision impairment are therefore likely to be due to barriers that they face in achieving their ambitions. Improved implementation of existing interventions is necessary to ensure equality of opportunities

    Noticing and weighing alternatives in the reflection of regular classroom teaching: Evidence of expertise using mobile eye-tracking

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    Instructional videos are widely used to study teachers’ professional vision. A new technological development in video research is mobile eye-tracking (MET). It has the potential to provide fine-grained insights into teachers’ professional vision in action, but has yet been scarcely employed. We addressed this research gap by using MET video feedback to examine how expert and novice teachers differed in their noticing and weighing of alternative teaching strategies. Expert and novice teachers’ lessons were recorded with MET devices. Then, they commented on what they observe while watching their own teaching videos. Using a mixed methods approach, we found that expert and novice teachers did not differ in the number of classroom events they noticed and alternative teaching strategies they mentioned. However, novice teachers were more critical of their own teaching than expert teachers, particularly when they considered alternative teaching strategies. Practical implications for the field of teacher education are discussed. © 2021, The Author(s)
