1,325 research outputs found

    Temperature-dependent photoluminescence of GaInP/AlGaInP multiple quantum well laser structure grown by metalorganic chemical vapor deposition with tertiarybutylarsine and tertiarybutylphosphine

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    A GaInP/AlGaInP multiple quantum well laser structure was grown by low-pressure metalorganic chemical vapor deposition with tertiarybutylarsine and tertiarybutylphosphine. Laser diodes fabricated from this structure lased at room temperature. Photoluminescence ~PL! measurements were performed from 10 to 230 K. The PL energy increased with temperature from 10 to 70 K and decreased above 70 K. The former was attributed to thermal activation of trapped carriers due to localization in the quantum wells, while the latter was attributed to temperature-induced band-gap shrinkage. The PL intensity as a function of temperature was fitted by employing two nonradiative recombination mechanisms with good agreement, resulting in two activation energies that correspond to losses of photogenerated carriers to nonradiative centers. © 2003 American Institute of Physics.published_or_final_versio

    Limb bone scaling in hopping macropods and quadrupedal artiodactyls

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    Bone adaptation is modulated by the timing, direction, rate and magnitude of mechanical loads. To investigate whether frequent slow, or infrequent fast, gaits could dominate bone adaptation to load, we compared scaling of the limb bones from two mammalian herbivore clades that use radically different high-speed gaits, bipedal hopping (suborder Macropodiformes; kangaroos and kin) and quadrupedal galloping (order Artiodactyla; goats, deer and kin). Forelimb and hindlimb bones were collected from 20 artiodactyl and 15 macropod species (body mass M 1.05–1536 kg) and scanned in computed tomography or X-ray microtomography. Second moment of area (Imax) and bone length (l) were measured. Scaling relations (y = axb) were calculated for l versus M for each bone and for Imax versus M and Imax versus l for every 5% of length. Imax versus M scaling relationships were broadly similar between clades despite the macropod forelimb being nearly unloaded, and the hindlimb highly loaded, during bipedal hopping. Imax versus l and l versus M scaling were related to locomotor and behavioural specializations. Low-intensity loads may be sufficient to maintain bone mass across a wide range of species. Occasional high-intensity gaits might not break through the load sensitivity saturation engendered by frequent low-intensity gaits

    Towards a framework for testing general relativity with extreme-mass-ratio-inspiral observations

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    Extreme-mass-ratio-inspiral observations from future space-based gravitational-wave detectors such as LISA will enable strong-field tests of general relativity with unprecedented precision, but at prohibitive computational cost if existing statistical techniques are used. In one such test that is currently employed for LIGO black hole binary mergers, generic deviations from relativity are represented by N deformation parameters in a generalized waveform model; the Bayesian evidence for each of its 2N combinatorial submodels is then combined into a posterior odds ratio for modified gravity over relativity in a null-hypothesis test. We adapt and apply this test to a generalized model for extreme-mass-ratio inspirals constructed on deformed black hole spacetimes, and focus our investigation on how computational efficiency can be increased through an evidence-free method of model selection. This method is akin to the algorithm known as product-space Markov chain Monte Carlo, but uses nested sampling and improved error estimates from a rethreading technique. We perform benchmarking and robustness checks for the method, and find order-of-magnitude computational gains over regular nested sampling in the case of synthetic data generated from the null model.AJKC acknowledges support from the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) Research and Technology Development programme. SH thanks the Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC) for financial support. CJM acknowledges financial support provided under the European Union’s H2020 ERC Consolidator Grant ‘Matter and strong-field gravity: New frontiers in Einstein’s theory’ grant agreement no. MaGRaTh646597, and networking support by the COST Action CA16104. Parts of this work were performed using the Darwin Supercomputer of the University of Cambridge High Performance Computing Service (http://www.hpc.cam.ac.uk/), provided by Dell Inc. using Strategic Research Infrastructure Funding from the Higher Education Funding Council for England and funding from STFC. Parts of this work were also undertaken on the COSMOS Shared Memory system at DAMTP, University of Cambridge operated on behalf of the STFC DiRAC HPC Facility; this equipment is funded by BIS National E-infrastructure capital grant ST/J005673/1 and STFC grants ST/H008586/1, ST/K00333X/1. Parts of this work were also carried out at JPL, California Institute of Technology, under a contract with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration

    Antibodies to Henipavirus or Henipa-Like Viruses in Domestic Pigs in Ghana, West Africa

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    Henipaviruses, Hendra virus (HeV) and Nipah virus (NiV), have Pteropid bats as their known natural reservoirs. Antibodies against henipaviruses have been found in Eidolon helvum, an old world fruit bat species, and henipavirus-like nucleic acid has been detected in faecal samples from E. helvum in Ghana. The initial outbreak of NiV in Malaysia led to over 265 human encephalitis cases, including 105 deaths, with infected pigs acting as amplifier hosts for NiV during the outbreak. We detected non-neutralizing antibodies against viruses of the genus Henipavirus in approximately 5% of pig sera (N = 97) tested in Ghana, but not in a small sample of other domestic species sampled under a E. helvum roost. Although we did not detect neutralizing antibody, our results suggest prior exposure of the Ghana pig population to henipavirus(es). Because a wide diversity of henipavirus-like nucleic acid sequences have been found in Ghanaian E. helvum, we hypothesise that these pigs might have been infected by henipavirus(es) sufficiently divergent enough from HeVor NiV to produce cross-reactive, but not cross-neutralizing antibodies to HeV or NiV

    Philippine Medicinal Plants with Potential Immunomodulatory and Anti-SARS-CoV-2 Activities

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    Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) continues to devastate the world’s health and economy, affecting all aspects of life leading to widespread social disruption. Even as several vaccines have been developed, their availability in developing countries is limited and their efficacy against the variants of SARS-CoV-2 (severe acute respiratory syndrome–coronavirus 2) needs to be continuously assessed. The World Health Organization (WHO) has acknowledged that vaccines alone will not overcome the global challenges of COVID-19. Medicinal plants may provide the needed support. Herein, we identify Philippine medicinal plants that possess phytochemicals with potential anti-SARS-CoV-2 activity and/or immunomodulatory properties that may strengthen one’s immune system against COVID-19. These plants were selected from 100 of the best-studied Philippine medicinal plants with antiviral and immunomodulatory properties. The general antiviral and specific anti-SARS-CoV-2 activities and immunomodulatory properties of the phytochemicals that these plants contained were searched. While many compounds assessed individually using in vitro and in silico techniques suggest potential anti-SARS-CoV-2 or immunomodulatory effects, this review sought to identify the medicinal plants which contain these compounds and which, based on literature, have the best potential application against COVID-19. These plants are Allium spp. bulbs (bawang), Andrographis paniculata (Burm.f.) Nees leaves (sinta), Cocos nucifera L. oil (niyog), Euphorbia hirta L. leaves (tawa-tawa), Euphorbia neriifolia L. leaves (sorosoro), Moringa oleifera Lam. leaves (malunggay), Ocimum basilicum L. leaves (balanoy), Piper nigrum L. seeds (paminta), Vitex negundo L. leaves (lagundi), and Zingiber officinale Roscoe rhizome (luya). This review provides a shortlist that can guide research on possible solutions to COVID-19 using Philippine medicinal plants

    The Ecm11-Gmc2 complex promotes synaptonemal complex formation through assembly of transverse filaments in budding yeast

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    During meiosis, homologous chromosomes pair at close proximity to form the synaptonemal complex (SC). This association is mediated by transverse filament proteins that hold the axes of homologous chromosomes together along their entire length. Transverse filament proteins are highly aggregative and can form an aberrant aggregate called the polycomplex that is unassociated with chromosomes. Here, we show that the Ecm11-Gmc2 complex is a novel SC component, functioning to facilitate assembly of the yeast transverse filament protein, Zip1. Ecm11 and Gmc2 initially localize to the synapsis initiation sites, then throughout the synapsed regions of paired homologous chromosomes. The absence of either Ecm11 or Gmc2 substantially compromises the chromosomal assembly of Zip1 as well as polycomplex formation, indicating that the complex is required for extensive Zip1 polymerization. We also show that Ecm11 is SUMOylated in a Gmc2-dependent manner. Remarkably, in the unSUMOylatable ecm11 mutant, assembly of chromosomal Zip1 remained compromised while polycomplex formation became frequent. We propose that the Ecm11-Gmc2 complex facilitates the assembly of Zip1 and that SUMOylation of Ecm11 is critical for ensuring chromosomal assembly of Zip1, thus suppressing polycomplex formation

    CMV retinitis in China and SE Asia: the way forward

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    AIDS-related CMV retinitis is a common clinical problem in patients with advanced HIV/AIDS in China and Southeast Asia. The disease is causing blindness, and current clinical management, commonly characterized by delayed diagnosis and inadequate treatment, results in poor clinical outcomes: 21% - 36% of eyes with CMV retinitis are already blind at the time the diagnosis is first established by an ophthalmologist. CMV retinitis also identifies a group of patients at extraordinary risk of mortality, and the direct or indirect contribution of extra-ocular CMV disease to AIDS-related morbidity and mortality is currently unmeasured and clinically often overlooked. The obvious way to improve clinical management of CMV retinitis is to screen all patients with CD4 counts < 100 cells/μL with indirect ophthalmoscopy at the time they first present for care, and to provide systemic treatment with oral valganciclovir when active CMV retinitis is detected. Treatment of opportunistic infections is an integral part of HIV management, and, with appropriate training and support, CMV retinitis screening and treatment can be managed by the HIV clinicians, like all other opportunistic infections. Access to ophthalmologist has been problematic for HIV patients in China, and although non-ophthalmologists can perform screening, sophisticated ophthalmological skills are required for the management of retinal detachment and immune recovery uveitis, the major complications of CMV retinitis. CMV retinitis has been clinically ignored, in part, because of the perceived complexity and expense of treatment, and this obstacle can be removed by making valganciclovir affordable and widely available. Valganciclovir is an essential drug for developing successful programs for management of CMV retinitis in China and throughout SE Asia

    Grey and white matter correlates of recent and remote autobiographical memory retrieval:Insights from the dementias

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    The capacity to remember self-referential past events relies on the integrity of a distributed neural network. Controversy exists, however, regarding the involvement of specific brain structures for the retrieval of recently experienced versus more distant events. Here, we explored how characteristic patterns of atrophy in neurodegenerative disorders differentially disrupt remote versus recent autobiographical memory. Eleven behavioural-variant frontotemporal dementia, 10 semantic dementia, 15 Alzheimer's disease patients and 14 healthy older Controls completed the Autobiographical Interview. All patient groups displayed significant remote memory impairments relative to Controls. Similarly, recent period retrieval was significantly compromised in behavioural-variant frontotemporal dementia and Alzheimer's disease, yet semantic dementia patients scored in line with Controls. Voxel-based morphometry and diffusion tensor imaging analyses, for all participants combined, were conducted to investigate grey and white matter correlates of remote and recent autobiographical memory retrieval. Neural correlates common to both recent and remote time periods were identified, including the hippocampus, medial prefrontal, and frontopolar cortices, and the forceps minor and left hippocampal portion of the cingulum bundle. Regions exclusively implicated in each time period were also identified. The integrity of the anterior temporal cortices was related to the retrieval of remote memories, whereas the posterior cingulate cortex emerged as a structure significantly associated with recent autobiographical memory retrieval. This study represents the first investigation of the grey and white matter correlates of remote and recent autobiographical memory retrieval in neurodegenerative disorders. Our findings demonstrate the importance of core brain structures, including the medial prefrontal cortex and hippocampus, irrespective of time period, and point towards the contribution of discrete regions in mediating successful retrieval of distant versus recently experienced events

    Filipino physical therapists’ practice and perspectives on non-treatment physical activity for older adults

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    Introduction: Studies have already investigated the practice of physical therapists (PTs) in promoting non-treatment physical activity (NTPA). However, these were done in the context of mostly western settings or were not specific to older adult practice. It is still unclear if a similar level of practice and perspectives on NTPA promotion exists in a setting where physical therapy is more associated with rehabilitation than health promotion, such as in the Philippines. Therefore, this study aimed to describe Filipino PTs\u27 knowledge of WHO physical activity (PA) guidelines and their use of behavioral change techniques (BCTs) and theories when promoting PA in older adults. It also explored factors that potentially influenced their engagement in PA promotion. Methods: Filipino PTs who were handling or interested in handling older adult clients from March to April 2020 answered an online/printed survey. Results: More than half of 72 respondents were unaware (59.72%) and most were unable to recall the WHO guidelines (98.61%) correctly. Respondents used a limited range of BCTs when promoting PA. While some (66.66%) were aware of at least one behavior change theory, a number were unfamiliar with all (33.33%) and only a small proportion reported regular use in practice. A number of factors and respondent characteristics were found to have a statistically significant positive relationship with PA promotion. Discussion: Study results can serve as preliminary basis for programs that improve promotion of NTPA on older-adult clients by Filipino PTs, specifically regarding knowledge on WHO PA guidelines and their use of a wide range of BCTs and theories. This can potentially place them at the forefront of addressing this health concern in the aging population