574 research outputs found

    Space Efficient Breadth-First and Level Traversals of Consistent Global States of Parallel Programs

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    Enumerating consistent global states of a computation is a fundamental problem in parallel computing with applications to debug- ging, testing and runtime verification of parallel programs. Breadth-first search (BFS) enumeration is especially useful for these applications as it finds an erroneous consistent global state with the least number of events possible. The total number of executed events in a global state is called its rank. BFS also allows enumeration of all global states of a given rank or within a range of ranks. If a computation on n processes has m events per process on average, then the traditional BFS (Cooper-Marzullo and its variants) requires O(mn1n)\mathcal{O}(\frac{m^{n-1}}{n}) space in the worst case, whereas ou r algorithm performs the BFS requires O(m2n2)\mathcal{O}(m^2n^2) space. Thus, we reduce the space complexity for BFS enumeration of consistent global states exponentially. and give the first polynomial space algorithm for this task. In our experimental evaluation of seven benchmarks, traditional BFS fails in many cases by exhausting the 2 GB heap space allowed to the JVM. In contrast, our implementation uses less than 60 MB memory and is also faster in many cases

    Neuronal activation for semantically reversible sentences

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    Semantically reversible sentences are prone to misinterpretation and take longer for typically developing children and adults to comprehend; they are also particularly problematic for those with language difficulties such as aphasia or Specific Language Impairment. In our study, we used fMRI to compare the processing of semantically reversible and nonreversible sentences in 41 healthy participants to identify how semantic reversibility influences neuronal activation. By including several linguistic and nonlinguistic conditions within our paradigm, we were also able to test whether the processing of semantically reversible sentences places additional load on sentence-specific processing, such as syntactic processing and syntactic-semantic integration, or on phonological working memory. Our results identified increased activation for reversible sentences in a region on the left temporal–parietal boundary, which was also activated when the same group of participants carried out an articulation task which involved saying “one, three” repeatedly. We conclude that the processing of semantically reversible sentences places additional demands on the subarticulation component of phonological working memory

    At risk of being risky: The relationship between "brain age" under emotional states and risk preference.

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    Developmental differences regarding decision making are often reported in the absence of emotional stimuli and without context, failing to explain why some individuals are more likely to have a greater inclination toward risk. The current study (N=212; 10-25y) examined the influence of emotional context on underlying functional brain connectivity over development and its impact on risk preference. Using functional imaging data in a neutral brain-state we first identify the "brain age" of a given individual then validate it with an independent measure of cortical thickness. We then show, on average, that "brain age" across the group during the teen years has the propensity to look younger in emotional contexts. Further, we show this phenotype (i.e. a younger brain age in emotional contexts) relates to a group mean difference in risk perception - a pattern exemplified greatest in young-adults (ages 18-21). The results are suggestive of a specified functional brain phenotype that relates to being at "risk to be risky.

    The history of the development of wireless telegraphy and broadcasting in Australia to 1942, with especial reference to the Australian Broadcasting Commission : a political and administrative study

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    Licences are a crucial aspect of the information publishing process in the web of (linked) data. Recent work on modeling of policies with semantic web languages (RDF, ODRL) gives the opportunity to formally describe licences and reason upon them. However, choosing the right licence is still challenging. Particularly, understanding the number of features - permissions, prohibitions and obligations - constitute a steep learning process for the data provider, who has to check them individ- ually and compare the licences in order to pick the one that better fits her needs. The objective of the work presented in this paper is to reduce the effort required for licence selection. We argue that an ontology of licences, organized by their relevant features, can help providing support to the user. Developing an ontology with a bottom-up approach based on Formal Concept Analysis, we show how the process of licence selection can be simplified significantly and reduced to answering an average of three/five key questions

    A Partial-Closure Canonicity Test to Increase the Efficiency of CbO-Type Algorithms

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    Computing formal concepts is a fundamental part of Formal Concept Analysis and the design of increasingly efficient algorithms to carry out this task is a continuing strand of FCA research. Most approaches suffer from the repeated computation of the same formal concepts and, initially, algorithms concentrated on efficient searches through already computed results to detect these repeats, until the so-called canonicity test was introduced. The canonicity test meant that it was sufficient to examine the attributes of a computed concept to determine its newness: searching through previously computed concepts was no longer necessary. The employment of this test in Close-by-One type algorithms has proved to be highly effective. The typical CbO approach is to compute a concept and then test its canonicity. This paper describes a more efficient approach, whereby a concept need only be partially computed in order to carry out the test. Only if it passes the test does the computation of the concept need to be completed. This paper presents this ‘partial-closure’ canonicity test in the In-Close algorithm and compares it to a traditional CbO algorithm to demonstrate the increase in efficiency

    Smooth Loops and Fiber Bundles: Theory of Principal Q-bundles

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    A nonassociative generalization of the principal fiber bundles with a smooth loop mapping on the fiber is presented. Our approach allows us to construct a new kind of gauge theories that involve higher ''nonassociative'' symmetries.Comment: 20 page

    Does culture shape face perception in autism? Cross-cultural evidence of the own-race advantage from the UK and Japan

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    Autism spectrum disorders (ASD) are associated with face perception atypicalities, and atypical experience with faces has been proposed as an underlying explanation. Studying the own‐race advantage (ORA) for face recognition can reveal the effect of experience on face perception in ASD, although the small number of studies in the area present mixed findings. The current study probed the ORA in ASD by comparing two cultural groups simultaneously for the first time. Children with ASD in the UK (N=16) and Japan (N=26) were compared to age and ability matched TD children in the UK (N=16) and Japan (N=26). Participants completed a two‐alternative forced‐choice task, whereby they had to recognise a just‐seen face from a foil which was manipulated in one of four ways (IC: identity change; EE: easy eyes; HE: hard eyes; HM: hard mouth). Face stimuli were Asian and Caucasian, and thus the same stimuli were own and other‐race depending on the cultural group. The ASD groups in the UK and Japan did not show impaired face recognition abilities, or impairments with recognising faces depending on manipulations to the eye region, and importantly they showed an ORA. There was considerable heterogeneity in the presence of the ORA in ASD and TD and also across cultures. Children in Japan had higher accuracy than children in the UK, and TD children in Japan did not show an ORA. The present cross‐cultural study challenges the view that atypical experiences with faces lead to a reduced/absent ORA in ASD

    Inactivation of the particulate methane monooxygenase (pMMO) in Methylococcus capsulatus (Bath) by acetylene

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    Acetylene (HCCH) has a long history as a mechanism-based enzyme inhibitor and is considered an active-site probe of the particulate methane monooxygenase (pMMO). Here, we report how HCCH inactivates pMMO in Methylococcus capsulatus (Bath) by using high-resolution mass spectrometry and computational simulation. High-resolution MALDI-TOF MS of intact pMMO complexes has allowed us to confirm that the enzyme oxidizes HCCH to the ketene (C_2H_2O) intermediate, which then forms an acetylation adduct with the transmembrane PmoC subunit. LC-MS/MS analysis of the peptides derived from in-gel proteolytic digestion of the protein subunit identifies K196 of PmoC as the site of acetylation. No evidence is obtained for chemical modification of the PmoA or PmoB subunit. The inactivation of pMMO by a single adduct in the transmembrane PmoC domain is intriguing given the complexity of the structural fold of this large membrane-protein complex as well as the complicated roles played by the various metal cofactors in the enzyme catalysis. Computational studies suggest that the entry of hydrophobic substrates to, and migration of products from, the catalytic site of pMMO is controlled tightly within the transmembrane domain. Support of these conclusions is provided by parallel experiments with two related alkynes: propyne (CH3CCH) and trifluoropropyne (CF_3CCH). Finally, we discuss the implication of these findings to the location of the catalytic site in pMMO

    Puberty Predicts Approach But Not Avoidance on the Iowa Gambling Task in a Multinational Sample

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    According to the dual systems model of adolescent risk taking, sensation seeking and impulse control follow different developmental trajectories across adolescence and are governed by two different brain systems. The authors tested whether different underlying processes also drive age differences in reward approach and cost avoidance. Using a modified Iowa Gambling Task in a multinational, cross‐sectional sample of 3,234 adolescents (ages 9–17; M = 12.87, SD = 2.36), pubertal maturation, but not age, predicted reward approach, mediated through higher sensation seeking. In contrast, age, but not pubertal maturation, predicted increased cost avoidance, mediated through greater impulse control. These findings add to evidence that adolescent behavior is best understood as the product of two interacting, but independently developing, brain systems

    A proposal for annotation, semantic similarity and classification of textual documents

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    The original publication is available at www.springerlink.comInternational audienceIn this paper, we present an approach for classifying documents based on the notion of a semantic similarity and the effective representation of the content of the documents. The content of a document is annotated and the resulting annotation is represented by a labeled tree whose nodes and edges are represented by concepts lying within a domain ontology. A reasoning process may be carried out on annotation trees, allowing the comparison of documents between each others, for classification or information retrieval purposes. An algorithm for classifying documents with respect to semantic similarity and a discussion conclude the paper