820 research outputs found

    Climate variability of Southern Chile since the Last Glacial Maximum: a continuous sedimentological record from Lago Puyehue (40°S)

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    A key region to study high resolution climate changes of the Southern Hemisphere is undoubtedly the southern part of Chile because it has the advantage to be far removed from the Northern Hemisphere ice sheets and thermohaline circulation influences. In order to reconstruct the regional climate evolution since the Last Glacial Maximum, we investigated the sedimentary infilling of Lago Puyehue (40°S, 164 km2, elevation 185 m) by a multi-proxy analyse of a 11 m long core. Sediments from this core are transported by interflow currents and are made of finely laminated silts, with only small disturbances due to volcanic and seismic activities. Several proxies were measured: grain-size, mineralogy, magnetic susceptibility, major elements geochemistry and biogenic silica concentration. These are used to reconstruct paleo-precipitation and paleo-productivity changes around 40°S. Results evidence that sediment grainsize is highly correlated with the biogenic sediment content and can be used as a proxy for lake paleoproductivity. On the other hand, the magnetic susceptibility signal is highly correlated with the aluminium and titanium concentrations and can be used as a proxy for the terrigenous supply. Temporal variations of sediment composition demonstrate that, since the Last Glacial Maximum, the Chilean Lake District was characterized by 3 abrupt climate changes superimposed on a long term climate evolution. These rapid climate changes are: (1) the end of the Last Glacial Maximum at 17,300 cal. yr. BP; (2) a 13,100-12,300 cal. yr. BP cold event, ending rapidly and interpreted as the local counter part of the European Younger Dryas event, and (3) a 3400-2900 cal. yr. BP climatic instability related to low solar activity. The timing of the 13,100-12,300 cold event is compared with similar records in both hemispheres and demonstrates that this Southern Hemisphere climate change lags behind the Northern Hemisphere Younger Dryas cold period by 500 to 1000 years

    Inversion of the Diffraction Pattern from an Inhomogeneously Strained Crystal using an Iterative Algorithm

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    The displacement field in highly non uniformly strained crystals is obtained by addition of constraints to an iterative phase retrieval algorithm. These constraints include direct space density uniformity and also constraints to the sign and derivatives of the different components of the displacement field. This algorithm is applied to an experimental reciprocal space map measured using high resolution X-ray diffraction from an array of silicon lines and the obtained component of the displacement field is in very good agreement with the one calculated using a finite element model.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Hydration of Na+, Ni2+, and Sm3+ in the Interlayer of Hectorite: A Quasielastic Neutron Scattering Study

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    International audienceQuasielastic neutron scattering experiments were performed with Na−hectorite, Ni−hectorite, and Sm−hectorite samples in order to find out whether Sm3+ is present in the clay interlayer as a fully hydrated cation (outer-sphere complex), or, as it follows from neutron diffraction data analysis, it is dehydrated and bound to the clay surface (inner-sphere complex). The results obtained for the Sm−hectorite were compared with other interlayer cations: strongly hydrated Ni2+ and relatively weakly hydrated Na+. It was found that water mobility in the Sm−hectorite sample is very close to the water mobility in Ni−hectorite. This is only possible if the Sm3+ ion is fully hydrated. It was shown that water molecules hydrating Ni2+ and Sm3+ exhibit diffusion mobility measurable with backscattering spectrometers. The diffusion coefficients of the exchangeable cations were found using the slow exchange approximations DNi = (0.05 − 0.14) × 10−9 m2/s and DSm = (0.04 − 0.18) × 10−9 m2/s

    Paleoproductivity of Puyehue Lake (Southern Chile) during the last millenium: climatic significance

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    Southern Chile is a key site for the understanding of past climatic variations since it is influenced by the El Nino Southern Oscillation (ENSO). We investigated high resolution climate changes during the last millennium by a multi-proxy analyse of short cores (60 cm long) collected in Puyehue lake (40°S): magnetic susceptibility, grain-size, mineralogy, density, gamma-density, LOI, biogenic silica content and bulk XRF geochemistry. According to age-depth model (210Pb, 137Cs and varve counting - Boës et al., this session), the cores cover the last 600 yr. The sediment is characterized by volcanic minerals and a high diatom content, due to the important lacustrine silica supply characteristic of volcanic environments. Moreover, the active volcanism of the Chilean Lake District is responsible of a high number of tephra deposits. Our main aim is to quantify biogenic particles fluxes throughout the last millennium by Na2CO3 dissolution and by normative calculation based on bulk XRF analyses. The result shows that volcanic eruptions do not influence the biogenic productivity of the lake. From 1400 to 1880 yr. AD, paleoproductivity shows a global trend from low to high biogenic production. Important paleoproductivity changes are observed over the last 120 yr. Results are compared with historical data and discussed in terms of climate changes and/or anthropic influence

    IMIA Yearbook of Medical Informatics 2013 1 Knowledge Representation and Management: Towards an Integration of a Semantic Web in Daily Health Practice Knowledge Representation and Management: Towards an Integration of a Semantic Web in Daily Health Practi

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    Summary Objective: To summarize the best papers in the field of Knowledge Representation and Management (KRM). Methods: A synopsis of the four selected articles for the IMIA Yearbook 2013 KRM section is provided, as well as highlights of current KRM trends, in particular, of the semantic web in daily health practice. The manual selection was performed in three stages: first a set of 3,106 articles, then a second set of 86 articles followed by a third set of 15 articles, and finally the last set of four chosen articles. Results: Among the four selected articles (se

    Sorption and catalytic oxidation of Fe(II) at the surface of calcite

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    The effect of sorption and coprecipitation of Fe(II) with calcite on the kinetics of Fe(II) oxidation was investigated. The interaction of Fe(II) with calcite was studied experimentally in the absence and presence of oxygen. The sorption of Fe(II) on calcite occurred in two distinguishable steps: (a) a rapid adsorption step (seconds–minutes) was followed by (b) a slower incorporation (hours–weeks). The incorporated Fe(II) could not be remobilized by a strong complexing agent (phenanthroline or ferrozine) but the dissolution of the outmost calcite layers with carbonic acid allowed its recovery. Based on results of the latter dissolution experiments, a stoichiometry of 0.4 mol% Fe:Ca and a mixed carbonate layer thickness of 25 nm (after 168 h equilibration) were estimated. Fe(II) sorption on calcite could be successfully described by a surface adsorption and precipitation model (Comans & Middelburg, GCA51 (1987), 2587) and surface complexation modeling (Van Cappellen et al., GCA57 (1993), 3505; Pokrovsky et al., Langmuir16 (2000), 2677). The surface complex model required the consideration of two adsorbed Fe(II) surface species, >CO3Fe+ and >CO3FeCO3H0. For the formation of the latter species, a stability constant is being suggested. The oxidation kinetics of Fe(II) in the presence of calcite depended on the equilibration time of aqueous Fe(II) with the mineral prior to the introduction of oxygen. If pre-equilibrated for >15 h, the oxidation kinetics was comparable to a calcite-free system (t1/2 = 145 ± 15 min). Conversely, if Fe(II) was added to an aerated calcite suspension, the rate of oxidation was higher than in the absence of calcite (t1/2 = 41 ± 1 min and t1/2 = 100 ± 15 min, respectively). This catalysis was due to the greater reactivity of the adsorbed Fe(II) species, >CO3FeCO3H0, for which the species specific rate constant was estimated

    Electron transfer at the mineral/water interface: Selenium reduction by ferrous iron sorbed on clay

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    International audienceThe mobility and availability of the toxic metalloid selenium in the environment is largely controlled by sorption and redox reactions, which may proceed at temporal scales similar to that of subsurface water movement under saturated or unsaturated conditions. Since such waters are often anaerobic and rich in Fe2+, we investigated the long-term (≤ 1 month) kinetics of selenite (Se(IV)O3 -) sorption to montmorillonite in the presence of Fe2+ under anoxic conditions. A synthetic montmorillonite was used to eliminate the influence of structural Fe. In the absence of aqueous Fe2+, selenite was sorbed as outer-sphere sorption complex, covering only part of the positive edge sites, as verified by a structure-based MUSIC model and Se K-edge XAS (X-ray absorption spectroscopy). When selenite was added to montmorillonite previously equilibrated with Fe2+ solution however, slow reduction of Se and formation of a solid phase was observed with Se K-edge XANES (x-ray absorption near-edge spectroscopy) and EXAFS (extended x-ray absorption finestructure) spectroscopy. Iterative transformation factor analysis of XANES and EXAFS spectra suggested that only one Se reaction product formed, which was identified as nano-particulate Se(0). Even after one month, only 75% of the initially sorbed Se(IV) was reduced to this solid species. Mössbauer spectrometry revealed that before and after addition and reduction of Se, 5% of total sorbed Fe occurred as Fe(III) species on edge sites of montmorillonite (≈ 2 mmol kg-1). The only change observed after addition of Se was the formation of a new Fe(II) species (15%) attributed to the formation of an outer-sphere Fe(II)-Se sorption complex. The combined Mössbauer and XAS results hence clearly suggest that the Se and Fe redox reactions are not directly coupled. Based on the results of a companion paper, we hypothesize that the electrons produced in the absence of Se by oxidation of sorbed Fe(II) are stored, for example by formation of surface H2 species, and are then 3 available for the later Se(IV) reduction. The slow reaction rate indicates a diffusion controlled process. Homogeneous precipitation of an iron selenite was thermodynamically predicted and experimentally observed only in the absence of clay. Interestingly, half of Fe was oxidized in this precipitate (Mössbauer). Since DFT calculations predicted the oxidation of Fe at the water-FeSe solid interface only and not in the bulk phase, the average particle size of this precipitate does not exceed 2 nm. A comparison with the Mössbauer and XAS spectra of the clay samples demonstrates that such homogenous precipitation can be excluded as a mechanism for the observed slow Se reduction, emphasizing the role of abiotic, heterogeneous precipitation and reduction for the removal of Se from subsurface waters

    Geophysical characterization of the sedimentary environments in Lago Puyehue and Lago Icalma (Chilean Lake District, SW Andes)

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    The Chilean Lake District, located in Southern Chile, comprises 17 lakes at the foothill of the Cordillera de los Andes. These lakes, dammed by frontal moraines, were formed during the last deglaciation (12500-12000 BP). Their sedimentary infilling has the potential to contain a complete and continuous Holocene sedimentary record of environmental and climatic changes having affected the area.High-resolution reflection seismic data (sparker and pinger) collected during the 2001-2002 expedition in the framework of the Belgian ENSO-CHILE project have allowed us to select two lakes for the collection of long and short sediment cores:Lago Icalma (38°50’S, alt. 1150 m) is located in the Cordillera de los Andes, in the upper part of the Bio-Bio River. Its watershed (148 km2) is dominated by a soft post-glacial sediment cover, interrupted by two important pumice layers. According to the high-resolution seismic survey, the 70m-thick sedimentary infilling consists of morainic deposits, under- and interflows and laminated lacustrine deposits. The western part of the main basin represents an elevated platform, free of the influence of bottom-currents and turbidites and possibly consisting of interflow deposits. Core descriptions and physical property analyses of sediments (gamma-density, low and high-resolution magnetic susceptibility) suggest that the deposits consist of an alternation of volcanic deposits and terrigenous sediments correlated on pinger profiles, showing the presence of several low-amplitude layers.Lago Puyehue (40°40’S, alt. 185 m) is located at the foothill of the Cordillera de los Andes and presents a glacial morphology much more complicated than Lago Icalma. Its watershed is larger (1267 km2) and dominated by Quaternary and Tertiary volcanic rocks. The lake is composed, in its western part, by a large basin, filled by 250 m of sediments, as can be deduced from sparker profiles. The eastern part of the lake presents a complex substratum morphology. However, it was possible to find a suitable location in underflow and interflow deposit areas for the collection of two long cores. Core description and physical property analyses of sediments of the interflow area suggest a good and continuous sedimentary record.With this contribution, we wish to illustrate the potential of high resolution geophysical site-survey data for interpreting core descriptions and physical property analyses

    Generic and Layered Framework Components for the Control of a Large Scale Data Acquisition System

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    The complexity of today's experiments in High Energy Physics results in a large amount of readout channels which can count up to a million and above. The experiments in general consist of various subsystems which themselves comprise a large amount of detectors requiring sophisticated DAQ and readout electronics. We report here on the structured software layers to control such a data acquisition system for the case of LHCb which is one of the four experiments for LHC. Additional focus is given on the protocols in use as well as the required hardware. An abstraction layer was implemented to allow access on the different and distinct hardware types in a coherent and generic manner. The hierarchical structure which allows propagating commands down to the subsystems is explained. Via finite state machines an expert system with auto-recovery abilities can be modeled

    Comparison of dissolved and particulate arsenic distributions in shallow aquifers of Chakdaha, India, and Araihazar, Bangladesh

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    International audienceBackground The origin of the spatial variability of dissolved As concentrations in shallow aquifers of the Bengal Basin remains poorly understood. To address this, we compare here transects of simultaneously-collected groundwater and aquifer solids perpendicular to the banks of the Hooghly River in Chakdaha, India, and the Old Brahmaputra River in Araihazar, Bangladesh. Results Variations in surface geomorphology mapped by electromagnetic conductivity indicate that permeable sandy soils are associated with underlying aquifers that are moderately reducing to a depth of 10–30 m, as indicated by acid-leachable Fe(II)/Fe ratios 5 mg L-1. More reducing aquifers are typically capped with finer-grained soils. The patterns suggest that vertical recharge through permeable soils is associated with a flux of oxidants on the banks of the Hooghly River and, further inland, in both Chakdaha and Araihazar. Moderately reducing conditions maintained by local recharge are generally associated with low As concentrations in Araihazar, but not systematically so in Chakdaha. Unlike Araihazar, there is also little correspondence in Chakdaha between dissolved As concentrations in groundwater and the P-extractable As content of aquifer particles, averaging 191 ± 122 ug As/L, 1.1 ± 1.5 mg As kg-1 (n = 43) and 108 ± 31 ug As/L, 3.1 ± 6.5 mg As kg-1 (n = 60), respectively. We tentatively attribute these differences to a combination of younger floodplain sediments, and therefore possibly more than one mechanism of As release, as well as less reducing conditions in Chakdaha compared to Araihazar. Conclusion Systematic dating of groundwater and sediment, combined with detailed mapping of the composition of aquifer solids and groundwater, will be needed to identify the various mechanisms underlying the complex distribution of As in aquifers of the Bengal Basin
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