7,669 research outputs found

    Einstein-Cartan-Dirac gravity with U(1)U(1) symmetry breaking

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    Einstein-Cartan theory is an extension of the standard formulation of General Relativity where torsion (the antisymmetric part of the affine connection) is non-vanishing. Just as the space-time metric is sourced by the stress-energy tensor of the matter fields, torsion is sourced via the spin density tensor, whose physical effects become relevant at very high spin densities. In this work we introduce an extension of the Einstein-Cartan-Dirac theory with an electromagnetic (Maxwell) contribution minimally coupled to torsion. This contribution breaks the U(1)U(1) gauge symmetry, which is suggested by the possibility of a torsion-induced phase transition in the early Universe, yielding new physics in extreme (spin) density regimes. We obtain the generalized gravitational, electromagnetic and fermionic field equations for this theory, estimate the strength of the corrections, and discuss the corresponding phenomenology. In particular, we briefly address some astrophysical considerations regarding the relevance of the effects which might take place inside ultra-dense neutron stars with strong magnetic fields (magnetars).Comment: 15 double column pages; v2: removed one section and added content to other sections. Version accepted for publication on EPJ

    Vacuum Polarization by a Magnetic Flux Tube at Finite Temperature in the Cosmic String Spacetime

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    In this paper we analyse the effect produced by the temperature in the vacuum polarization associated with charged massless scalar field in the presence of magnetic flux tube in the cosmic string spacetime. Three different configurations of magnetic fields are taken into account: (i)(i) a homogeneous field inside the tube, (ii)(ii) a field proportional to 1/r1/r and (iii)(iii) a cylindrical shell with δ\delta-function. In these three cases, the axis of the infinitely long tube of radius RR coincides with the cosmic string. Because the complexity of this analysis in the region inside the tube, we consider the thermal effect in the region outside. In order to develop this analysis, we construct the thermal Green function associated with this system for the three above mentioned situations considering points in the region outside the tube. We explicitly calculate in the high-temperature limit, the thermal average of the field square and the energy-momentum tensor.Comment: 16 pages, 1 figur

    First detection of CF+ towards a high-mass protostar

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    We report the first detection of the J = 1 - 0 (102.6 GHz) rotational lines of CF+ (fluoromethylidynium ion) towards CygX-N63, a young and massive protostar of the Cygnus X region. This detection occurred as part of an unbiased spectral survey of this object in the 0.8-3 mm range, performed with the IRAM 30m telescope. The data were analyzed using a local thermodynamical equilibrium model (LTE model) and a population diagram in order to derive the column density. The line velocity (-4 km s-1) and line width (1.6 km s-1) indicate an origin from the collapsing envelope of the protostar. We obtain a CF+ column density of 4.10e11 cm-2. The CF+ ion is thought to be a good tracer for C+ and assuming a ratio of 10e-6 for CF+/C+, we derive a total number of C+ of 1.2x10e53 within the beam. There is no evidence of carbon ionization caused by an exterior source of UV photons suggesting that the protostar itself is the source of ionization. Ionization from the protostellar photosphere is not efficient enough. In contrast, X-ray ionization from the accretion shock(s) and UV ionization from outflow shocks could provide a large enough ionizing power to explain our CF+ detection. Surprisingly, CF+ has been detected towards a cold, massive protostar with no sign of an external photon dissociation region (PDR), which means that the only possibility is the existence of a significant inner source of C+. This is an important result that opens interesting perspectives to study the early development of ionized regions and to approach the issue of the evolution of the inner regions of collapsing envelopes of massive protostars. The existence of high energy radiations early in the evolution of massive protostars also has important implications for chemical evolution of dense collapsing gas and could trigger peculiar chemistry and early formation of a hot core.Comment: 6 page

    Filamentary fragmentation in a turbulent medium

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    We present the results of smoothed particle hydrodynamic simulations investigating the evolution and fragmentation of filaments that are accreting from a turbulent medium. We show that the presence of turbulence, and the resulting inhomogeneities in the accretion flow, play a significant role in the fragmentation process. Filaments which experience a weakly turbulent accretion flow fragment in a two-tier hierarchical fashion, similar to the fragmentation pattern seen in the Orion Integral Shaped Filament. Increasing the energy in the turbulent velocity field results in more sub-structure within the filaments, and one sees a shift from gravity-dominated fragmentation to turbulence-dominated fragmentation. The sub-structure formed in the filaments is elongated and roughly parallel to the longitudinal axis of the filament, similar to the fibres seen in observations of Taurus, and suggests that the fray and fragment scenario is a possible mechanism for the production of fibres. We show that the formation of these fibre-like structures is linked to the vorticity of the velocity field inside the filament and the filament's accretion from an inhomogeneous medium. Moreover, we find that accretion is able to drive and sustain roughly sonic levels of turbulence inside the filaments, but is not able to prevent radial collapse once the filaments become supercritical. However, the supercritical filaments which contain fibre-like structures do not collapse radially, suggesting that fibrous filaments may not necessarily become radially unstable once they reach the critical line-density.Comment: (Accepted for publication in MNRAS

    Cultivares de abacaxi.

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    O abacaxizeiro é uma fruteira amplamente cultivada no Brasil e representa excelente fonte de renda para diversas regiões do País. Estima-se que cerca de 70% da produção mundial de abacaxi provém da cultivar Smooth Cayenne. O predomínio do plantio desta cultivar, nos principais países produtores do mundo, vem proporcionando o desaparecimento de cultivares de interesse local ou regional. No Brasil e em outros países da América Latina, ocorrem diversas cultivares de abacaxi que estão sendo substituídas por Smooth Cayenne. Essas cultivares são importantes para o futuro da cultura e deveriam ser preservadas, caracterizadas e avaliadas. As cultivares de abacaxi mais conhecidas no mundo são classificadas em cinco grupos distintos (Cayenne, Spanish, Queen, Pernambuco ou Pérola e Mordilonus-Perolera), de acordo com um conjunto de caracteres comuns.bitstream/item/81508/1/cultivares-de-abacaxi-Rnato-Cabral-Circular-tecnica-33-1999.pdfMemória