564 research outputs found

    Aerothermal modeling, phase 1. Volume 2: Experimental data

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    The experimental test effort is discussed. The test data are presented. The compilation is divided into sets representing each of the 18 experimental configurations tested. A detailed description of each configuration, and plots of the temperature difference ratio parameter or pattern factor parameter calculated from the test data are also provided

    Aerothermal modeling. Executive summary

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    One of the significant ways in which the performance level of aircraft turbine engines has been improved is by the use of advanced materials and cooling concepts that allow a significant increase in turbine inlet temperature level, with attendant thermodynamic cycle benefits. Further cycle improvements have been achieved with higher pressure ratio compressors. The higher turbine inlet temperatures and compressor pressure ratios with corresponding higher temperature cooling air has created a very hostile environment for the hot section components. To provide the technology needed to reduce the hot section maintenance costs, NASA has initiated the Hot Section Technology (HOST) program. One key element of this overall program is the Aerothermal Modeling Program. The overall objective of his program is to evolve and validate improved analysis methods for use in the design of aircraft turbine engine combustors. The use of such combustor analysis capabilities can be expected to provide significant improvement in the life and durability characteristics of both combustor and turbine components

    Energy Efficient Engine combustor test hardware detailed design report

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    The Energy Efficient Engine (E3) Combustor Development effort was conducted as part of the overall NASA/GE E3 Program. This effort included the selection of an advanced double-annular combustion system design. The primary intent was to evolve a design which meets the stringent emissions and life goals of the E3 as well as all of the usual performance requirements of combustion systems for modern turbofan engines. Numerous detailed design studies were conducted to define the features of the combustion system design. Development test hardware was fabricated, and an extensive testing effort was undertaken to evaluate the combustion system subcomponents in order to verify and refine the design. Technology derived from this development effort will be incorporated into the engine combustion system hardware design. This advanced engine combustion system will then be evaluated in component testing to verify the design intent. What is evolving from this development effort is an advanced combustion system capable of satisfying all of the combustion system design objectives and requirements of the E3. Fuel nozzle, diffuser, starting, and emissions design studies are discussed

    Energy Efficient Engine (E3) combustion system component technology performance report

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    The Energy Efficient Engine (E3) combustor effort was conducted as part of the overall NASA/GE E3 Program. This effort included the selection of an advanced double-annular combustion system design. The primary intent of this effort was to evolve a design that meets the stringent emissions and life goals of the E3, as well as all of the usual performance requirements of combustion systems for modern turbofan engines. Numerous detailed design studies were conducted to define the features of the combustion system design. Development test hardware was fabricated, and an extensive testing effort was undertaken to evaluate the combustion system subcomponents in order to verify and refine the design. Technology derived from this effort was incorporated into the engine combustion hardware design. The advanced engine combustion system was then evaluated in component testing to verify the design intent. What evolved from this effort was an advanced combustion system capable of satisfying all of the combustion system design objectives and requirements of the E3

    Aerothermal modeling, phase 1. Volume 1: Model assessment

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    Phase 1 was conducted as part of the overall NASA Hot Section Technology (HOST) Program. The purpose of this effort was to determine the predictive accuracy of and the deficiencies within the various analytical modules comprising the overall combustor aerothermal model used at General Electric, as well as to formulate recommendations for improvement where needed. This effort involved the assembly of a benchmark quality data base from selected available literature, and from General Electric engine and combustor component test data. This data base was supplemented with additional definitive data obtained from an experimental test program conducted as part of the Phase 1 effort. Using selections from this data base, assessment studies were conducted to evaluate the various modules. Assessment of the internal flow module was conducted using 2-D parabolic and ellipitic, as well as 3-D elliptic internal flow calculations of definitive test data selected from the assembled data base. The 2-D assessment provided methodical examination of the mathematical techniques and the physical submodules, while the 3-D assessment focused on usefulness as a design tool. Calculations of combustor linear metal temperatures, pressure loss performance, and airflow distribution were performed using aerothermal modules which were in general use for many years at General Electric. The results of these assessment provided for the identification of deficiencies within the modules. The deficiencies were addressed in some detail providing a foundation on which to formulate a prioritized list of recommendations for improvement

    Combustion system CFD modeling at GE Aircraft Engines

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    This viewgraph presentation discusses key features of current combustion system CFD modeling capabilities at GE Aircraft Engines provided by the CONCERT code; CONCERT development history; modeling applied for designing engine combustion systems; modeling applied to improve fundamental understanding; CONCERT3D results for current production combustors; CONCERT3D model of NASA/GE E3 combustor; HYBRID CONCERT CFD/Monte-Carlo modeling approach; and future modeling directions

    Linking Poor TB Patients to Government Welfare Schemes to Improve Treatment Adherence in West Bengal, India

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    Among new smear-positive TB patients in 2010, 7% in West Bengal did not complete treatment. Some patients may discontinue treatment because side-effects of the medicine prevented them from working in the context of financial strain. The objective of the study was to ascertain whether linking TB patients to government welfare schemes was associated with completing the full course of treatment and reducing death rate and default rate. In 2009, CARE India worked with the Ministry of Health and the national TB Control Program to link TB patients to already-existing welfare schemes. TB patients received cash, food and/or employment. The study area was in Murshidabad District in the state of West Bengal. The study period was July 2009 to December 2011. The intervention subjects are those TB patients who received aid through welfare schemes while undergoing DOTS treatment. The comparison subjects are those who received the same DOTS treatment, but did not receive any aid. Data was derived from India’s revised national TB Control Program. Data on the receipt of welfare benefit was ascertained directly by asking the patient. Effectiveness of the intervention was determined by comparing treatment success rate, default rate and death rate of both new and retreatment patients in the intervention and comparison groups. Treatment Success Rate among new patients was 92.2% for those who received welfare and 88.5% for non-recipients. Treatment Success Rate among retreatment patients was 83.4% in the intervention group and 72% in the comparison group. Among both new and retreatment patients, there is a statistically significant difference between the Treatment Success Rates of the comparison and intervention groups (p<0.01). Treatment Success Rate increased for both new and retreatment patients when linked to welfare. The effect is seen to be modest for new patients, largely due to the ‘ceiling effect’, but much more in retreatment cases

    Detecting periodicity in experimental data using linear modeling techniques

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    Fourier spectral estimates and, to a lesser extent, the autocorrelation function are the primary tools to detect periodicities in experimental data in the physical and biological sciences. We propose a new method which is more reliable than traditional techniques, and is able to make clear identification of periodic behavior when traditional techniques do not. This technique is based on an information theoretic reduction of linear (autoregressive) models so that only the essential features of an autoregressive model are retained. These models we call reduced autoregressive models (RARM). The essential features of reduced autoregressive models include any periodicity present in the data. We provide theoretical and numerical evidence from both experimental and artificial data, to demonstrate that this technique will reliably detect periodicities if and only if they are present in the data. There are strong information theoretic arguments to support the statement that RARM detects periodicities if they are present. Surrogate data techniques are used to ensure the converse. Furthermore, our calculations demonstrate that RARM is more robust, more accurate, and more sensitive, than traditional spectral techniques.Comment: 10 pages (revtex) and 6 figures. To appear in Phys Rev E. Modified styl

    Spectral fluctuation characterization of random matrix ensembles through wavelets

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    A recently developed wavelet based approach is employed to characterize the scaling behavior of spectral fluctuations of random matrix ensembles, as well as complex atomic systems. Our study clearly reveals anti-persistent behavior and supports the Fourier power spectral analysis. It also finds evidence for multi-fractal nature in the atomic spectra. The multi-resolution and localization nature of the discrete wavelets ideally characterizes the fluctuations in these time series, some of which are not stationary.Comment: 7 pages, 2 eps figure
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