1,844 research outputs found

    Community water management and agricultural extension services: effects, impacts and perceptions in the coastal zone of Bangladesh

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    The coastal region of Bangladesh is prone to natural disasters and these events are expected to worsen as a result of climate change. Combined with anthropogenic factors, these events challenge livelihood opportunities, especially crop production. Waterlogging, tidal activity and the lack of proper drainage facilities are major constraints to agricultural production in these areas. The CGIAR Research Program on Water, Land and Ecosystems (WLE) tested, at pilot scale, the combination of innovative agricultural technologies with improved water management to overcome these challenges. This report assesses this intervention by observing the effects, measuring the short-term impacts and understanding the perceptions. The results highlight the need to integrate the interventions into the local context, and acknowledge that institutions and markets need to mature to harness the benefits from innovations. It also underlines the potential of multi-scale interventions combining plot-level and farmer-led innovations, community management and rehabilitation of large schemes

    Electrical noise properties in aging materials

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    The electric thermal noise has been measured in two aging materials, a colloidal suspension (Laponite) and a polymer (polycarbonate), presenting very slow relaxation towards equilibrium. The measurements have been performed during the transition from a fluid-like to a solid-like state for the gel and after a quench for the polymer. For both materials we have observed that the electric noise is characterized by a strong intermittency, which induces a large violation of the Fluctuation Dissipation Theorem (FDT) during the aging time, and may persist for several hours at low frequency. The statistics of these intermittent signals and their dependance on the quench speed for the polymer or on sample concentration for the gel are studied. The results are in a qualitative agreement with recent models of aging, that predict an intermittent dynamics.Comment: SPIE Proceeding Journa

    Long term frequency stability analysis of the GPS NAVSTAR 6 Cesium clock

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    Time domain measurements, taken between the NAVSTAR 6 Spacecraft Vehicle (SV) and the Vandenberg Global Positioning System (GPS) Monitor Site, by a pseudo random noise receiver, were collected over an extended period of time and analyzed to estimate the long term frequency stability of the NAVSTAR 6 onboard frequency standard, referenced to the Vandenberg MS frequency standard. The technique employed separates the clock offset from the composite signal by first applying corrections for equipment delays, ionospheric delay, tropospheric delay, Earth rotation and the relativistic effect. The data are edited and smoothed using the predicted SV ephemeris to calculate the geometric delay. Then all available passes from each of the four GPS monitor stations, are collected at 1-week intervals and used to calculate the NAVSTAR orbital elements. The procedure is then completed by subtracting the corrections and the geometric delay, using the final orbital elements, from the composite signal, thus leaving the clock offset and random error

    Dynamical Behavior of a Squid Ring Coupled to a Quantized Electromagnetic Field

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    In this paper we investigate the dynamical behavior of a SQUID ring coupled to a quantized single-mode electromagnetic field. We have calculated the eigenstates of the combined fully quantum mechanical SQUID-field system. Interesting phenomena occur when the energy difference between the usual symmetric and anti-symmetric SQUID states equals the field energy . We find the low-energy lying entangled stationary states of the system and demonstrate that its dynamics is dominated by coherent Rabi oscillations.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures. to be published on International Journal of Modern Physics

    Off equilibrium fluctuations in a polymer glass

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    The fluctuation-dissipation relation (FDR) is measured on the dielectric properties a polymer glass (polycarbonate). It is observed that the fluctuation dissipation theorem is strongly violated for a quench from above to below the glass transition temperature. The amplitude and the persistence time of this violation are decreasing functions of frequency. Around 1Hz1Hz it may persist for several hours. The origin of this violation is a highly intermittent dynamics characterized by large fluctuations a strongly non-Gaussian statistics. The intermittent dynamics depends on the quenching rate and it disappears after slow quenches. The relevance of these results for recent models of aging are discussed.Comment: submitted to Physica

    Submicrosecond comparisons of time standards via the Navigation Technology Satellites (NTS)

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    An interim demonstration was performed of the time transfer capability of the NAVSTAR GPS system using a single NTS satellite. Measurements of time difference (pseudo-range) are made from the NTS tracking network and at the participating observatories. The NTS network measurements are used to compute the NTS orbit trajectory. The central NTS tracking station has a time link to the Naval Observatory UTC (USNO,MC1) master clock. Measurements are used with the NTS receiver at the remote observatory, the time transfer value UTC (USNO,MC1)-UTC (REMOTE, VIA NTS) is calculated. Intercomparisons were computed using predicted values of satellite clock offset and ephemeus

    Intermittent origin of the large violations of the fluctuation dissipation relations in an aging polymer glass

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    The fluctuation-dissipation relation (FDR) is measured on the dielectric properties of a polymer glass (polycarbonate)in the range 20mHz−100Hz20mHz - 100Hz. It is found that after a quench below the glass transition temperature the fluctuation dissipation theorem is strongly violated. The amplitude and the persistence time of this violation are decreasing functions of frequency. At frequencies larger than 1Hz it persists for about 3h3h. The origin of this violation is a highly intermittent dynamics characterized by large fluctuations. The relevance of these results for recent models of aging dynamics are discussed.Comment: to be published in Europhysics Letter

    Intermittency of glassy relaxation and the emergence of a non-equilibrium spontaneous measure in the aging regime

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    We consider heat exchange processes between non-equilibrium aging systems (in their activated regime) and the thermal bath in contact. We discuss a scenario where two different heat exchange processes concur in the overall heat dissipation: a stimulated fast process determined by the temperature of the bath and a spontaneous intermittent process determined by the fact that the system has been prepared in a non-equilibrium state. The latter is described by a probability distribution function (PDF) that has an exponential tail of width given by a parameter λ\lambda, and satisfies a fluctuation theorem (FT) governed by that parameter. The value of λ\lambda is proportional to the so-called effective temperature, thereby providing a practical way to experimentally measure it by analyzing the PDF of intermittent events.Comment: Latex file, 8 pages + 5 postscript figure

    Low frequency Raman studies of multi-wall carbon nanotubes: experiments and theory

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    In this paper, we investigate the low frequency Raman spectra of multi-wall carbon nanotubes (MWNT) prepared by the electric arc method. Low frequency Raman modes are unambiguously identified on purified samples thanks to the small internal diameter of the MWNT. We propose a model to describe these modes. They originate from the radial breathing vibrations of the individual walls coupled through the Van der Waals interaction between adjacent concentric walls. The intensity of the modes is described in the framework of bond polarization theory. Using this model and the structural characteristics of the nanotubes obtained from transmission electron microscopy allows to simulate the experimental low frequency Raman spectra with an excellent agreement. It suggests that Raman spectroscopy can be as useful regarding the characterization of MWNT as it is in the case of single-wall nanotubes.Comment: 4 pages, 2 eps fig., 2 jpeg fig., RevTex, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Thermal noise properties of two aging materials

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    In this lecture we review several aspects of the thermal noise properties in two aging materials: a polymer and a colloidal glass. The measurements have been performed after a quench for the polymer and during the transition from a fluid-like to a solid-like state for the gel. Two kind of noise has been measured: the electrical noise and the mechanical noise. For both materials we have observed that the electric noise is characterized by a strong intermittency, which induces a large violation of the Fluctuation Dissipation Theorem (FDT) during the aging time, and may persist for several hours at low frequency. The statistics of these intermittent signals and their dependance on the quench speed for the polymer or on sample concentration for the gel are studied. The results are in a qualitative agreement with recent models of aging, that predict an intermittent dynamics. For the mechanical noise the results are unclear. In the polymer the mechanical thermal noise is still intermittent whereas for the gel the violation of FDT, if it exists, is extremely small.Comment: to be published in the Proceedings of the XIX Sitges Conference on ''Jammming, Yielding and Irreversible Deformation in Condensed Matter'', M.-C.Miguel and M. Rubi eds.,Springer Verlag, Berli
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