1,820 research outputs found

    The Global and Local in Phillips Curve\ud

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    The debate over the Phillips Curve - as the relation between level of unemployment rate and inflation rate - in historical economics is shortly reviewed. By using the analysis in the Extreme Value Theory, i.e.: the rank order statistics the unemployment and inflation data over countries from various regions are observed. The calculations brought us to conjecture that there exists the general pattern that could lead from the relation between unemployment and inflation rate. However, the difference patterns as observed in the Phillips Curve might could be reflected from the range of values of the local variables of the incorporated model.\u

    Development of a Community-Based Spiritual Life Review Program for Promoting Resilience of Elders Residing in Disaster-Prone Areas

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    Background: Nowadays disasters are a common occurrence in the world. The elderly are in a vulnerable condition in terms of disasters and need help to recover from the hardship caused if they are caught in such a disaster. Two significant contributors to elderly people having sufficient resilience to be able to deal with such disasters are spiritual support and social support. Purpose: To develop a program specifically for Muslim elderly in Indonesia for promoting resilience. Method: The processes of developing the program were conducted in 2011, and included a critical review of the literature, constructing the elements of the actual program, validating the contents of the program by three experts, revising the program according to the experts‟ suggestions, and finally pilot-tested the final version of the program on a group 12 elders in Banda Aceh, Indonesia. Result: The program protocol established in this program includes five stages: (1) reviewing individual spiritual life experiences using memorable photos; (2) appreciating feelings among group members (3) re-evaluating the participant‟s life by looking to the group‟s album, (4) reconstructing the participants‟ life, and (5) affirming the six spiritual dimensions of the Islamic religion by the religious leader

    High Glucose, But Not Testosterone, Increases Platelet Aggregation Mediated by Endothelial Cells

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    Endothelial cells inhibit platelet aggregation by releasing thromboregulators, such as prostacyclin and nitric oxide. Male subject is a traditional risk factor for cardiovascular diseases. Platelet hyperreactivity has been frequently found in patient with diabetes mellitus. To examine whether testosterone and high glucose modify platelet aggregation through endothelial cells, we did an in vitro study using endothelial cells culture from human umbilical vein (HUVEC). Treatments were performed in HUVEC sub culture as either normoglucose (5.6 mM) or high glucose (22.4 mM) medium, with or without testosterone (0, 1, 10, 100 nM), for 24 hours. HUVEC were trypsinized, resuspended, and then incubated with platelet rich plasma from healthy male donors with ratio 1:104 for 3 minutes. Platelet aggregation measured by turbidimetry methode. This study showed that testosterone did not significantly influence platelet aggregation through endothelial cells in normoglucose (p = 0.144) or high glucose (p = 0.916) medium. There was no main effect of testosterone (p = 0.73) as well as no interaction between testosterone and glucose (p = 0.69), but there was a main effect of glucose (p = 0.004), to platelet aggregation through endothelial cells. In conclusion, high glucose, but not testosterone, inhibits platelet aggregation mediated by endothelial cells

    Criminal Law Policy on Illegal Logging in Berbak National Park in Jambi Province and Efforts to Overcome

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    Berbak National Park in Jambi Indonesia is one of the conservation area of forests and ecosystems conservation in it and as the conservation of peat forest in Sumatra as an activity scheme for carbon emissions reductions from deforestation and forest degradation according the Ramsar Convention. In fact, the forest has been used by the public by way of illegal logging for shipbuilding and create housing. As a result of the use of forests causes damage that covers all areas of life. Therefore, the government has issued a policy of criminal law in law enforcement against illegal logging activities set out in Act No. 41 of 1999 can not be implemented to the fullest. Keywords: Criminal law policy, Illegal logging

    Strategi Guru dalam Menghadapi Kurikulum 2013 di SMA Negeri 2 Surakarta

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    STRATEGI GURU DALAM MENGHADAPI KURIKULUM 2013 DI SMA NEGERI 2 SURAKARTABangun Setia Budi. K8410012ABSTRAKTujuan Penelitian ini adalah (1) Mengetahui strategi guru dalam menerapkan kurikulum 2013 di SMA Negeri 2 Surakarta, (2) Mengetahui bagaimana guru SMA Negeri 2 Surakarta memahami kurikulum 2013.Jenis penelitian adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus. Sumber data berasal dari data primer dan data sekunder. Data primer adalah data verbal yang diperoleh langsung dari wawancara dengan informan yang terdiri dari kepala sekolah, guru, waka kurikulum, siswa, dan observasi langsung ke SMA Negeri 2 Surakarta. Data sekunder yaitu dokumen atau arsip mengenai data guru beserta kompetensinya. Teknik sampling diambil melalui teknik purposive sampling. Teknik pengumpulan data dengan wawancara mendalam, observasi, dan analisa dokumen. Uji validitas data menggunakan triangulasi data dan triangulasi metode. Analisis data menggunakan teknik Analisis data model interaktif yakni dengan tahapan sebagai berikut : reduksi data, pengumpulan data, penyajian data, penarikan kesimpulan dan verifikasi.Simpulan hasil penelitian yaitu : (1) Persoalan yang dihadapi guru dalam menerapkan kurikulum 2013 adalah kurangnya sosialisasi yang diberikan kepada guru serta belum adanya buku mata pelajaran yang sesuai dengan kurikulum 2013 sebagai sumber belajar, (2) Strategi yang digunakan oleh guru dalam menghadapi penerapan kurikulum 2013 yakni dengan guru bertanya kepada rekan sesama guru terutama dilakukan dalam kegiatan MGMP dengan metode sharing dengan guru lain yang dianggap mampu memberikan informasi yang dibutuhkan, mencari buku referensi yang digunakan sebagai sumber kegiatan pembelajaran, serta mencari informasi dengan browsing dari internet sebagai salah satu bentuk USAha dalam menambah pengetahuan dengan memanfaatkan kemajuan teknologi. Strategi yang dilakukan guru merupakan salah satu bentuk belajar mandiri guna menunjang penerapan kurikulum 2013 yang ada di SMA Negeri 2 Surakarta
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