382 research outputs found

    A simple method for finite range decomposition of quadratic forms and Gaussian fields

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    We present a simple method to decompose the Green forms corresponding to a large class of interesting symmetric Dirichlet forms into integrals over symmetric positive semi-definite and finite range (properly supported) forms that are smoother than the original Green form. This result gives rise to multiscale decompositions of the associated Gaussian free fields into sums of independent smoother Gaussian fields with spatially localized correlations. Our method makes use of the finite propagation speed of the wave equation and Chebyshev polynomials. It improves several existing results and also gives simpler proofs.Comment: minor correction for t<

    Abstract polymer models with general pair interactions

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    A convergence criterion of cluster expansion is presented in the case of an abstract polymer system with general pair interactions (i.e. not necessarily hard core or repulsive). As a concrete example, the low temperature disordered phase of the BEG model with infinite range interactions, decaying polynomially as 1/rd+λ1/r^{d+\lambda} with λ>0\lambda>0, is studied.Comment: 19 pages. Corrected statement for the stability condition (2.3) and modified section 3.1 of the proof of theorem 1 consistently with (2.3). Added a reference and modified a sentence at the end of sec. 2.

    Abstract cluster expansion with applications to statistical mechanical systems

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    We formulate a general setting for the cluster expansion method and we discuss sufficient criteria for its convergence. We apply the results to systems of classical and quantum particles with stable interactions

    On the convergence of cluster expansions for polymer gases

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    We compare the different convergence criteria available for cluster expansions of polymer gases subjected to hard-core exclusions, with emphasis on polymers defined as finite subsets of a countable set (e.g. contour expansions and more generally high- and low-temperature expansions). In order of increasing strength, these criteria are: (i) Dobrushin criterion, obtained by a simple inductive argument; (ii) Gruber-Kunz criterion obtained through the use of Kirkwood-Salzburg equations, and (iii) a criterion obtained by two of us via a direct combinatorial handling of the terms of the expansion. We show that for subset polymers our sharper criterion can be proven both by a suitable adaptation of Dobrushin inductive argument and by an alternative --in fact, more elementary-- handling of the Kirkwood-Salzburg equations. In addition we show that for general abstract polymers this alternative treatment leads to the same convergence region as the inductive Dobrushin argument and, furthermore, to a systematic way to improve bounds on correlations

    Hard squares with negative activity

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    We show that the hard-square lattice gas with activity z= -1 has a number of remarkable properties. We conjecture that all the eigenvalues of the transfer matrix are roots of unity. They fall into groups (``strings'') evenly spaced around the unit circle, which have interesting number-theoretic properties. For example, the partition function on an M by N lattice with periodic boundary condition is identically 1 when M and N are coprime. We provide evidence for these conjectures from analytical and numerical arguments.Comment: 8 page

    On the spatial Markov property of soups of unoriented and oriented loops

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    We describe simple properties of some soups of unoriented Markov loops and of some soups of oriented Markov loops that can be interpreted as a spatial Markov property of these loop-soups. This property of the latter soup is related to well-known features of the uniform spanning trees (such as Wilson's algorithm) while the Markov property of the former soup is related to the Gaussian Free Field and to identities used in the foundational papers of Symanzik, Nelson, and of Brydges, Fr\"ohlich and Spencer or Dynkin, or more recently by Le Jan

    Quark Confinement and Dual Representation in 2+1 Dimensional Pure Yang-Mills Theory

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    We study the quark confinement problem in 2+1 dimensional pure Yang-Mills theory using euclidean instanton methods. The instantons are regularized and dressed Wu-Yang monopoles. The dressing of a monopole is due to the mean field of the rest of the monopoles. We argue that such configurations are stable to small perturbations unlike the case of singular, undressed monopoles. Using exact non-perturbative results for the 3-dim. Coulomb gas, where Debye screening holds for arbitrarily low temperatures, we show in a self-consistent way that a mass gap is dynamically generated in the gauge theory. The mass gap also determines the size of the monopoles. In a sense the pure Yang-Mills theory generates a dynamical Higgs effect. We also identify the disorder operator of the model in terms of the Sine-Gordon field of the Coulomb gas.Comment: 26 pages, RevTex, Title changed, a new section added, the discussion on stability of dressed monopole expanded. Version to appear in Physical Review

    An Asymptotic Expansion and Recursive Inequalities for the Monomer-Dimer Problem

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    Let (lambda_d)(p) be the p monomer-dimer entropy on the d-dimensional integer lattice Z^d, where p in [0,1] is the dimer density. We give upper and lower bounds for (lambda_d)(p) in terms of expressions involving (lambda_(d-1))(q). The upper bound is based on a conjecture claiming that the p monomer-dimer entropy of an infinite subset of Z^d is bounded above by (lambda_d)(p). We compute the first three terms in the formal asymptotic expansion of (lambda_d)(p) in powers of 1/d. We prove that the lower asymptotic matching conjecture is satisfied for (lambda_d)(p).Comment: 15 pages, much more about d=1,2,

    Effective Field Theory for Highly Ionized Plasmas

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    We examine the equilibrium properties of hot, dilute, non-relativistic plasmas. The partition function and density correlation functions of a classical plasma with several species are expressed in terms of a functional integral over electrostatic potential distributions. The leading order, field-theoretic tree approximation automatically includes the effects of Debye screening. Subleading, one-loop corrections are easily evaluated. The two-loop corrections, however, have ultraviolet divergences. These correspond to the short-distance, logarithmic divergence which is encountered in the spatial integral of the Boltzmann exponential when it is expanded to third order in the Coulomb potential. Such divergences do not appear in the underlying quantum theory --- they are rendered finite by quantum fluctuations. We show how such divergences may be removed and the correct finite theory obtained by introducing additional local interactions in the manner of modern effective quantum field theories. We obtain explicit results for density-density correlation functions through two-loop order and thermodynamic quantities through three-loop order. The induced couplings are shown to obey renormalization group equations, and these equations are used to characterize all leading logarithmic contributions in the theory. A linear combination of pressure and energy and number densities is shown to be described by a field-theoretic anomaly. The effective theory allows us to evaluate very easily the algebraic long-distance decay of density correlation functions.Comment: 194 pages, uses elsevier & epsf.sty; final corrections include