42 research outputs found

    A multimodal dataset for authoring and editing multimedia content:the MAMEM project

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    We present a dataset that combines multimodal biosignals and eye tracking information gathered under a human-computer interaction framework. The dataset was developed in the vein of the MAMEM project that aims to endow people with motor disabilities with the ability to edit and author multimedia content through mental commands and gaze activity. The dataset includes EEG, eye-tracking, and physiological (GSR and Heart rate) signals collected from 34 individuals (18 able-bodied and 16 motor-impaired). Data were collected during the interaction with specifically designed interface for web browsing and multimedia content manipulation and during imaginary movement tasks. The presented dataset will contribute towards the development and evaluation of modern human-computer interaction systems that would foster the integration of people with severe motor impairments back into society.</p

    Novel mutation of the PRNP gene of a clinical CJD case

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    BACKGROUND: Transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSEs), a group of neurodegenerative diseases, are thought to be caused by an abnormal isoform of a naturally occurring protein known as cellular prion protein, PrP(C). The abnormal form of prion protein, PrP(Sc )accumulates in the brain of affected individuals. Both isoforms are encoded by the same prion protein gene (PRNP), and the structural changes occur post-translationally. Certain mutations in the PRNP gene result in genetic TSEs or increased susceptibility to TSEs. CASE PRESENTATION: A 70 year old woman was admitted to the hospital with severe confusion and inability to walk. Relatives recognized memory loss, gait and behavioral disturbances over a six month period prior to hospitalization. Neurological examination revealed Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) related symptoms such as incontinence, Babinski sign and myoclonus. EEG showed periodic sharp waves typical of sporadic CJD and cerebrospinal fluid analysis (CSF) was positive for the presence of the 14-3-3-protein. As the disease progressed the patient developed akinetic mutism and died in the tenth month after onset of the disease symptoms. Unfortunately, no autopsy material was available. PRNP sequencing showed the occurrence of a point mutation on one allele at codon 193, which is altered from ACC, coding for a threonine, to ATC, encoding an isoleucine (T193I). CONCLUSION: Here we report a novel mutation of the PRNP gene found in an elderly female patient resulting in heterozygosity for isoleucine and threonine at codon 193, in which normally homozygosity for threonine is expected (T193). The patient presented typical clinical symptoms of CJD. EEG findings and the presence of the 14-3-3 protein in the CSF, contributed to CJD diagnosis, allowing the classification of this case as a probable CJD according to the World Health Organization (WHO) accepted criteria

    Dopaminergic Neuronal Imaging in Genetic Parkinson's Disease: Insights into Pathogenesis

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    Objectives:To compare the dopaminergic neuronal imaging features of different subtypes of genetic Parkinson's Disease.Methods:A retrospective study of genetic Parkinson's diseases cases in which DaTSCAN (123I-FP-CIT) had been performed. Specific non-displaceable binding was calculated for bilateral caudate and putamen for each case. The right:left asymmetry index and striatal asymmetry index was calculated.Results:Scans were available from 37 cases of monogenetic Parkinson's disease (7 glucocerebrosidase (GBA) mutations, 8 alpha-synuclein, 3 LRRK2, 7 PINK1, 12 Parkin). The asymmetry of radioligand uptake for Parkinson's disease with GBA or LRRK2 mutations was greater than that for Parkinson's disease with alpha synuclein, PINK1 or Parkin mutations.Conclusions:The asymmetry of radioligand uptake in Parkinsons disease associated with GBA or LRRK2 mutations suggests that interactions with additional genetic or environmental factors may be associated with dopaminergic neuronal loss

    Glial Innate Immunity Generated by Non-Aggregated Alpha-Synuclein in Mouse: Differences between Wild-type and Parkinson's Disease-Linked Mutants

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    Background: Parkinson's disease (PD) is a progressive neurodegenerative disorder characterized pathologically by the presence in the brain of intracellular protein inclusions highly enriched in aggregated alpha-synuclein (alpha-Syn). Although it has been established that progression of the disease is accompanied by sustained activation of microglia, the underlying molecules and factors involved in these immune-triggered mechanisms remain largely unexplored. Lately, accumulating evidence has shown the presence of extracellular alpha-Syn both in its aggregated and monomeric forms in cerebrospinal fluid and blood plasma. However, the effect of extracellular alpha-Syn on cellular activation and immune mediators, as well as the impact of familial PD-linked alpha-Syn mutants on this stimulation, are still largely unknown.Methods and Findings: In this work, we have compared the activation profiles of non-aggregated, extracellular wild-type and PD-linked mutant alpha-Syn variants on primary glial and microglial cell cultures. After stimulation of cells with alpha-Syn, we measured the release of Th1- and Th2-type cytokines as well as IP-10/CXCL10, RANTES/CCL5, MCP-1/CCL2 and MIP-1 alpha/CCL3 chemokines. Contrary to what had been observed using cell lines or for the case of aggregated alpha-Syn, we found strong differences in the immune response generated by wild-type alpha-Syn and the familial PD mutants (A30P, E46K and A53T).Conclusions: These findings might contribute to explain the differences in the onset and progression of this highly debilitating disease, which could be of value in the development of rational approaches towards effective control of immune responses that are associated with PD

    Paraneoplastic cerebellar degeneration in a patient with breast cancer associated with carbonic anhydrase–related protein VIII autoantibodies

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    Paraneoplastic cerebellar degeneration is a neurological syndrome resulting from immune-mediated dysfunction of Purkinje cells and commonly is associated with a tumor. In most cases, well-characterized onconeural antibodies are detected, such as anti-Yo and anti-Ri antibodies. Carbonic anhydrase-related protein VIII (CARP VIII) antibodies associated with paraneoplastic cerebellar degeneration have been previously described in only two cases. Herein, we present a 75-year-old female who developed progressive cerebellar ataxia. Anti-CARP VIII autoantibodies were found at high titres and screening for underlying malignancies revealed a breast cancer. Intravenous immunoglobulin was administered with poor results. Our report further confirms the role of CARP VIII antibodies in cerebellar degeneration. © 2020 Elsevier B.V

    From medical to biological informatics: Searching for diagnostic markers in Parkinson's disease patients' lymphocytes using transcriptomics

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    Objective: To determine whether the transcriptomic profile of PD patients’s lymphocytescould be used in separating them from the healthy (with respect to PD) subjects.Background: To-date, the diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease (PD) is based primarily onclinical symptoms. These symptoms, however, are not specific for the disease, since theycharacterize the clinical syndrome of parkinsonism in general, the latter being originated fromother disorders as well. It becomes apparent then that there is a need for accurate, diseasespecific,non- or least-invasive diagnostic tools for PD. Peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBLs)are a readily accessible peripheral tissue. They have been studied in the context of brainresearch, because it is believed that they could provide leads into the biochemistry,physiology and pathophysiology of the central nervous system (CNS), as they exhibitbiochemical similarities with their CNS counterparts.Methods: We analyzed the blood samples of a group of 7 idiopathic first-time diagnosedPD patients prior to the initiation of any treatment, at the transcriptional level using fullgenomeDNA microarrays of Affymetrix platform. The acquired data were subsequentlyinvestigated using multivariate statistical analysis techniques.Results: Combination of the microarray analysis results with any available informationfrom the medical history of the patients and their diagnosis based on the clinical symptomsrevealed the importance of the integration of medical with the biological informatics to (a)correctly select the control subjects of the study, and, especially in the case of diagnostic toolsbased on blood samples, (b) isolate the disease-specific markers/molecular differences fromany other medical history that could contribute to the particular transcriptomic profile.Conclusions: Analyzing high-throughput –omic data in the context of the patients’medical history is indeed very significant towards the goal of the modern biomedicine forpersonalized diagnosis and therapy