217 research outputs found

    Time-extended inductive tokamak discharges with differentially-tilted toroidal field coils

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    The strong toroidal magnetic field required for plasma confinement in tokamaks is generated by a set of D-shaped coils lying equidistant on meridian planes toroidally located around the central axis of the device. A major technological challenge tied to this configuration is represented by the large Lorentz force acting on the coils and arising from the interaction of the coils’ currents with the magnetic field generated by the coil system itself. As this force is given by the cross product of the coil current and the magnetic field, various kinds of coil geometry modification have been proposed to alleviate this problem, from an inclination of the entire coil in order to maintain its planarity, to azimuthal tilting of all, or parts of, the coil profile. When the inner legs of the coils are tilted, apart from a reduction of the electromagnetic forces, a solenoid-like structure is formed which introduces additional magnetic flux linked to the plasma. Considering compact, high field devices, it is shown that when this additional flux is exploited, totally or in part, to ramp up the plasma current, the discharge time can be extended by a significant amount without resorting to noninductive current drive systems. Operational scenarios with inner-leg-tilted toroidal field coils are presented

    An innovative approach for DEMO core fuelling by inboard injection of high-speed pellets

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    Core fuelling of DEMO tokamak fusion reactor is under investigation within the EUROfusion Work Package “Tritium, Fuelling and Vacuum”. An extensive analysis of fuelling requirements and technologies, suggests that pellet injection still represents, to date, the most realistic option. Modelling of both pellet penetration and fuel deposition profiles for different injection locations, assuming a specific plasma reference scenario and the ITER reference pellet mass (6 × 1021 atoms), indicates that: 1) Low Field Side (LFS) injection is inadequate; 2) Vertical injection may be effective only provided that pellets are injected at ∼ 10 km/s from a radial position ≤∼8 m; 3) effective core fuelling can be achieved launching pellets from the High Field Side (HFS) at ∼1 km/s. HFS injection was therefore selected as the reference scheme, though scenarios featuring less steep density and temperature gradients at the plasma edge could induce to reconsider vertical injection at speeds in the range of 4–5 km/s. To deliver intact pellets at 1 km/s from the HFS, the use of guide tubes with a bend radius ≥6 m is envisaged. The results of above simulations rely on the hypothesis that pellets are delivered at the plasma edge with the desired mass and speed. However, mass erosion and fracturing of pellets inside the guide tube (severely limiting the transfer speed), as well as pressure build up and speed losses at relevant injection rates, might hamper the use of curved guide tubes. An additional innovative approach, aimed at identifying inboard straight “free flight” injection paths, to inject pellets from the HFS at significantly higher speeds, is proposed and discussed as a backup solution. Outboard high-speed injection is still being considered, instead, for JT-60SA

    Core Fueling of DEMO by Direct Line Injection of High-Speed Pellets from the HFS

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    Adsorção de carotenos de óleo de palma utilizando celulose como adsorvente.

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    Carotenos são compostos antioxidantes com importante função na manutenção da saúde humana. O óleo de palma é uma importante fonte natural de carotenos, sendo os isômeros α‑ caroteno e β‑caroteno presentes majoritariamente. O processo industrial de refino desse óleo leva à destruição dos carotenos durante o branqueamento com terras diatomáceas (que também podem favorecer a oxidação) e durante a etapa de desodorização. Diferentes tipos de celulose que passaram por pré‑tratamento com gordura refinada de palma se mostraram um material promissor e alternativo às terras diatomáceas. Por outro lado, as celuloses puras, nas condições estudadas, não foram capazes de concentrar quantidade significativa de carotenos. Considerando α‑celulose, celulose microfibrilada e celulose nanocristalina com pré‑tratamento, essa última apresentou maior potencial em adsorver os carotenos do óleo de palma

    INVESTIGATION Physiological and lifestyle factors contributing to risk and severity of peri-orbital dark circles in the Brazilian population*

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    Abstract: BACKGROUND: Peri-orbital dark circles are a cosmetic concern worldwide, and have been attributed to hyperpigmentation from allergy or atopic dermatitis, blood stasis, structural shadowing effects, and a thin epidermis/dermis under the eye. It is of interest to better understand lifestyle and demographic risk factors and the relative impact of melanin, blood and epidermal/dermal factors on the severity of Peri-orbital dark circles. OBJECTIVE: To compare by non-invasive imaging the impact of biological factors to a visual grading scale for Peri-orbital dark circles, and test the correlation of various demographic factors with Peri-orbital dark circles. METHODS: Subjects completed a lifestyle and health survey, and Peri-orbital dark circles severity was evaluated using standardized photographs. Hyperspectral image analysis was used to assess the contributions of melanin, blood volume, degree of blood oxygen saturation, and dermal scattering. RESULTS: Family history was the most signifi cant risk factor for Peri-orbital dark circles. The average age of onset was 24 years, and earlier onset correlated with higher severity scores. Asthma was signifi cantly associated with Peri-orbital dark circles scores, but self-reported allergy was not. In this study, sleep was not correlated with Peri-orbital dark circles scores. Hyperspectral imaging indicated that melanin was the dominant correlate for Peri-orbital dark circles severity, while oxygen saturation was secondary. The difference between under-eye and cheek measurements for ∆L*and ∆E* were the most signifi cant instrumental parameters correlated with visual assessment of Peri-orbital dark circles severity. CONCLUSION: Although typically associated with lack of sleep, risk of Peri-orbital dark circles is primarily hereditary. The main factors contributing to the appearance of Peri-orbital dark circles are melanin and (deoxygenated) blood

    A new indirect measurement method of the electron temperature for the Protosphera's pinch plasma

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    This article presents a new method for estimating the electron temperature of the Protosphera's screw pinch. The temperature radial profile is obtained by a self-consistent modeling of a 1D MHD equilibrium along with a 0D power balance of the plasma column, given measurements and estimates of the axial pinch plasma current, of the plasma rotational frequency and, at the equatorial plane, of the electron density radial profile, of the edge poloidal magnetic field, of the edge electron temperature and of the neutrals pressure in the vacuum vessel. The plasma is considered in equilibrium with its neutral phase and in constant rotation. A MATLAB code has been developed with the aim of estimating the MHD radial equilibrium profiles, the thermodynamic plasma state and the neutrals profile. The numerical estimates are compared with available experimental data showing a good agreement.Comment: 4 pages, 6 figures, 1 table, research presented to the "6th ICFDT