44 research outputs found

    Bifidobacterium animalis AHC7 protects against pathogen-induced NF-κB activation in vivo

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    BACKGROUND: Bifidobacteria and lactobacilli are among the early and important colonizers of the gastrointestinal tract and are generally considered to be part of a normal, healthy microbiota. It is believed that specific strains within the microbiota can influence host immune-reactivity and may play a role in protection from infection and aberrant inflammatory activity. One such strain, Bifidobacterium animalis AHC7, has been previously shown to protect against Salmonella typhimurium infection in mice and helps resolve acute idiopathic diarrhea in dogs. The aim of this study was to investigate the potential molecular and cellular mechanisms underpinning the Bifidobacterium animalis AHC7 protective effect. RESULTS: Following 4 hours of infection with Salmonella typhimurium, NF-κB activation was significantly elevated in vivo in placebo and Enterococcus faecium-fed animals while Bifidobacterium animalis AHC7 consumption significantly attenuated the NF-κB response. In vitro anti-CD3/CD28 stimulated Peyer's patch cells secreted significantly less TNF-α and IFN-γ following Bifidobacterium animalis AHC7 consumption. Stimulated cells released more IL-12p70 but this difference did not reach statistical significance. No alteration in mucosal IL-6, IL-10 or MCP-1 levels were observed. No statistically significant change in the cytokine profile of mesenteric lymph node cells was noted. In vitro, Bifidobacterium animalis AHC7 was bound by dendritic cells and induced secretion of both IL-10 and IL-12p70. In addition, co-culture of CD4+ T cells with Bifidobacterium animalis AHC7-stimulated dendritic cells resulted in a significant increase in CD25+Foxp3+ T cell numbers. CONCLUSION: Bifidobacterium animalis AHC7 exerts an anti-inflammatory effect via the attenuation of pro-inflammatory transcription factor activation in response to an infectious insult associated with modulation of pro-inflammatory cytokine production within the mucosa. The cellular mechanism underpinning Bifidobacterium animalis AHC7 mediated attenuation of NF-κB activation may include recognition of the bacterium by dendritic cells and induction of CD25+Foxp3+ T cells

    Secretory IgA in complex with Lactobacillus rhamnosus potentiates mucosal dendritic cell-mediated Treg cell differentiation via TLR regulatory proteins, RALDH2 and secretion of IL-10 and TGF-β.

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    The importance of secretory IgA in controlling the microbiota is well known, yet how the antibody affects the perception of the commensals by the local immune system is still poorly defined. We have previously shown that the transport of secretory IgA in complex with bacteria across intestinal microfold cells results in an association with dendritic cells in Peyer's patches. However, the consequences of such an interaction on dendritic cell conditioning have not been elucidated. In this study, we analyzed the impact of the commensal Lactobacillus rhamnosus, alone or associated with secretory IgA, on the responsiveness of dendritic cells freshly recovered from mouse Peyer's patches, mesenteric lymph nodes, and spleen. Lactobacillus rhamnosus-conditioned mucosal dendritic cells are characterized by increased expression of Toll-like receptor regulatory proteins [including single immunoglobulin interleukin-1 receptor-related molecule, suppressor of cytokine signaling 1, and Toll-interacting molecule] and retinaldehyde dehydrogenase 2, low surface expression of co-stimulatory markers, high anti- versus pro-inflammatory cytokine production ratios, and induction of T regulatory cells with suppressive function. Association with secretory IgA enhanced the anti-inflammatory/regulatory Lactobacillus rhamnosus-induced conditioning of mucosal dendritic cells, particularly in Peyer's patches. At the systemic level, activation of splenic dendritic cells exposed to Lactobacillus rhamnosus was partially dampened upon association with secretory IgA. These data suggest that secretory IgA, through coating of commensal bacteria, contributes to the conditioning of mucosal dendritic cells toward tolerogenic profiles essential for the maintenance of intestinal homeostasis

    Effect of Infant Formula Containing a Low Dose of the Probiotic CNCM I-3446 on Immune and Gut Functions in C-Section Delivered Babies: A Pilot Study

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    Background In the absence of breast-feeding and its immunomodulatory factors, supplementation of starter infant formula (IF) with probiotics is currently used to support immune functions and gut development. Aim To assess whether immune-related beneficial effects of regular dose (10 7 CFU/g of powder) of the probiotic Bifidobacterium lactis CNCM I-3446 (hereafter named B. lactis ) in starter IF supplementation can be maintained with starter IF containing a low dose (10 4 CFU/g of powder) of B. lactis. Method This trial was designed as a pilot, prospective, double-blind, randomized, single-center clinical trial of two parallel groups ( n = 77 infants/group) of C-section delivered infants receiving a starter IF containing either low dose or regular dose of the probiotic B. lactis from birth to six months of age. In addition, a reference group of infants breast-fed for a minimum of four months ( n = 44 infants), also born by C-section, were included. All groups were then provided follow-up formula without B. lactis up to 12 months of age. Occurrence of diarrhea, immune and gut maturation, responses to vaccinations, and growth were assessed from birth to 12 months. The effect of low-dose B. lactis formula was compared to regular-dose B. lactis formula, considered as reference for IF with probiotics, and both were further compared to breast-feeding as a physiological reference. Results Data showed that feeding low-dose B. lactis IF provides similar effects as feeding regular-dose B. lactis IF or breast milk. No consistent statistical differences regarding early life protection against gastrointestinal infections, immune and gut maturation, microbiota establishment, and growth were observed between randomized formula-fed groups as well as with the breast-fed reference group. Conclusion This pilot study suggests that supplementing C-section born neonates with low-dose B. lactis -containing starter formula may impact immune as well as gut maturation similarly to regular-dose B. lactis , close to the breast-feeding reference

    Reviving the African wolf Canis lupus lupaster in North and West Africa : a mitochondrial lineage ranging more than 6,000 km wide

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    The recent discovery of a lineage of gray wolf in North-East Africa suggests the presence of a cryptic canid on the continent, the African wolf Canis lupus lupaster. We analyzed the mtDNA diversity (cytochrome b and control region) of a series of African Canis including wolf-like animals from North and West Africa. Our objectives were to assess the actual range of C. l. lupaster, to further estimate the genetic characteristics and demographic history of its lineage, and to question its taxonomic delineation from the golden jackal C. aureus, with which it has been considered synonymous. We confirmed the existence of four distinct lineages within the gray wolf, including C. lupus/familiaris (Holarctic wolves and dogs), C. l. pallipes, C. l. chanco and C. l. lupaster. Taxonomic assignment procedures identified wolf-like individuals from Algeria, Mali and Senegal, as belonging to C. l. lupaster, expanding its known distribution c. 6,000 km to the west. We estimated that the African wolf lineage (i) had the highest level of genetic diversity within C. lupus, (ii) coalesced during the Late Pleistocene, contemporaneously with Holarctic wolves and dogs, and (iii) had an effective population size of c. 80,000 females. Our results suggest that the African wolf is a relatively ancient gray wolf lineage with a fairly large, past effective population size, as also suggested by the Pleistocene fossil record. Unique field observations in Senegal allowed us to provide a morphological and behavioral diagnosis of the African wolf that clearly distinguished it from the sympatric golden jackal. However, the detection of C. l. lupaster mtDNA haplotypes in C. aureus from Senegal brings the delineation between the African wolf and the golden jackal into question. In terms of conservation, it appears urgent to further characterize the status of the African wolf with regard to the African golden jackal

    Nasal vaccination with attenuated Salmonella typhimurium strains expressing the Hepatitis B nucleocapsid: dose response analysis

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    Nasal vaccination of mice with recombinant attenuated strains of Salmonella typhimurium is more efficient at inducing antibody responses than oral vaccination. However, mortality was observed when high doses [10(9) colony forming unit (CFU)], otherwise safe by the oral route, were administered. This observation was counterbalanced by the fact that nasal vaccination was still highly efficient with lower doses (10(6) CFU), which are inefficient by the oral route and this, without any incidents of mortality. Here, we further analyse in mice the effect of nasal vaccination with differently attenuated S. typhimurium strains expressing the Hepatitis B nucleocapsid (HBc). Surprisingly, as few as 100 CFU were sufficient to induce a maximal HBc specific antibody response, but only if the bacteria were inhaled. Furthermore, we observed no correlation between the inoculum dose and the number of surviving bacteria in cervical lymph nodes and spleen. Examination of lung sections revealed strong inflammation and bronchopneumonia 24 h after nasal vaccination with 10(8) CFU, while only minor signs of inflammation were detected transiently when 10(3) CFU or phosphate buffered saline (PBS) were administered. Our data suggest that the safety issue of nasal vaccination with low doses of the Salmonella vaccine strains should be addressed in humans, as it might be an efficient alternative to oral vaccination

    Effects of probiotic bacteria in dogs with food responsive diarrhoea treated with an elimination diet

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    We evaluated whether a probiotic supplementation in dogs with food responsive diarrhoea (FRD) has beneficial effects on intestinal cytokine patterns and on microbiota. Twenty-one client-owned dogs with FRD were presented for clinically needed duodeno- and colonoscopy and were enrolled in a prospective placebo (PL)-controlled probiotic trial. Intestinal tissue samples and faeces were collected during endoscopy. Intestinal mRNA abundance of interleukin (IL)-5, -10, -12p40 and -13, tumour necrosis factor-alpha, transforming growth factor-beta1 and interferon (IFN)-gamma were analysed and numbers of Lactobacillus spp., Bifidobacterium spp., Enterococcus spp. and Enterobacteriaceae and supplemented probiotic bacteria were determined in faeces. The Canine Inflammatory Bowel Disease Activity Index, a scoring system comprising general attitude, appetite, faecal consistency, defecation frequency, and vomitus, decreased in all dogs (p < 0.0001). Duodenal IL-10 mRNA levels decreased (p = 0.1) and colonic IFN-gamma mRNA levels increased (p = 0.08) after probiotic treatment. Numbers of Enterobacteriaceae decreased in FRD dogs receiving probiotic cocktail (FRD(PC)) and FRD dogs fed PL (FRD(PL)) during treatment (p < 0.05), numbers of Lactobacillus spp. increased in FRD(PC after) when compared with FRD(PC before) (p < 0.1). One strain of PC was detected in five of eight FRD(PC) dogs after probiotic supplementation. In conclusion, all dogs clinically improved after treatment, but cytokine patterns were not associated with the clinical features irrespective of the dietary supplementation