33 research outputs found

    Intervention to reduce adolescent hookah pipe use and satisfy basic psychological needs

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    Background: Hookah pipe use is a public health concern and threat to adolescents’ health. self-determination theory asserts that satisfaction of basic psychological needs (BPN) will contribute to adolescents developing optimally. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to design an intervention to reduce adolescent hookah pipe use and satisfy their BPN. Methods: A modified delphi approach was implemented using a two-phased approach. Phase 1 included reviews and empirical research that formed part of the needs analysis. Phase 2 was the development of the intervention in collaboration with stakeholders from academia, policy and practice (n = 25). The stakeholders formed the sample for this study. Phase 1 informed phase 2. Phase 2 was implemented through a 4-hour workshop with the stakeholders. The workshop was audio recorded, transcribed verbatim and thematically analysed. Principal Results: The results indicated that a holistic four-pronged approach focusing on (1) the hookah pipe user, (2) the family, (3) after school recreation activities and (4) the teacher and community was needed as a model to intervene in adolescent hookah pipe use and satisfy their BPN. The intervention was described using the RE-AIM framework which considers reach, efficacy, adoption, implementation and maintenance of the intervention

    Lifetime Pattern of Substance Abuse, Parental Support, Religiosity, and Locus of Control in Adolescent and Young Male Users

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    "nBackground: In the current study, pattern of substance abuse among adolescence and early adulthood that have experienced one or more substances was assessed, and also parental support, religiosity, and locus of control were measured."nMethods: This cross-sectional study was conducted in Hamadan City, Iran in 2006. All subjects were selected from Hama­dan City (urban area), Iran based on snowball sampling method. Participants were males who used alcohol and illicit drugs in their life (n=398), completed a self-administered questionnaire."nResults: Approximately half of the participants were used to smoke, drink, take marijuana and/or use opium regularly, and one in ten had taken ecstasy or heroine in the last weeks. Tobacco and alcohols were most common substance as a gateway and consequently marijuana and opium were the next substances. Initiation age result for using substance was ages 13 to 18 years. More than 90% classified as group who suffering familial support, 60.8% as low level of religiosity, and 51.5% of partici­pants was external locus of control."nConclusion: Our findings were similar to western countries pattern except that for opium. The high rate substances use by adoles­cents and changes in pattern of use suggests that all drug use need to be taken into account when addressing adoles­cents' substance use. Moreover, research is needed to identify possible mechanisms underlying the association between binge drug uses in the vulnerable groups

    Pattern and Inclination of Adolescents Towards Substance Abuse

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    Introduction: Narcotic drug abuse and illicit use of drugs is a major, complicated multifactorial phenomenon affecting most of the societies today. Incidence of drug abuse among adolescents is very high. Adolescents become addicted to substances more quickly than adults. The aim of this study was to assess the pattern of drug abuse among male adolescents in Hamadan. Methods: This study was a descriptive study and samples (n=400) were collected on the basis of snowball sampling method. Information was collected individually through completion of a researcher-designed questionnaire including demographic and epidemiological indices, perceived familial support, religiosity, and locus of control. Results: The results showed that smoking (93%), alcohol (92.5%), marijuana (64.3%), and opium (57.8%) use were very high, while LSD (4.8%) and Cocaine(2.3%) use was rare. 77.8 % of adolescents began drug abuse between 12 and 18 years of age. Moreover, sensation seeking (26.5%), individual interest (24.8%), and peer pressure (22%), were the main reasons for drug abuse. Conclusion: As initial smoking, alcohol and marijuana use play an important role in determining the future addiction of adolescents to narcotics, yearly surveillance programs in the country and evaluation of etiological factors of narcotic addiction need to be studied carefully. All of the preventive and school programs designed for the young should take into account environmental, demographic and policy factors in addition to personal factors so that the programs have a maximum effect

    Factors associated with the salt intake behaviors in women in a high-salt intake setting

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    Purpose The high prevalence of hypertension is a significant concern worldwide. A decrease in salt intake is a well-known strategy to control hypertension and reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases. Little is known about the factors influencing salt intake behaviors in settings such as Iran where consumption of salt is higher than the recommended amount. The purpose of this study was to find out what factors affect three salt intake behaviors among women: adding salt when cooking, adding salt to prepared food at the table and purchasing salty foods. Design/methodology/approach A community-wide cross-sectional survey of 516 women was conducted in Ilam, Iran. Participants were recruited using the cluster random sampling method. The survey included behaviors and variables of an expanded theory of planned behavior. The hypothesized relationships were investigated using structural equation modeling. Findings Perceived behavioral control (PBC) (p < 0.001) and habit (p = 0.01) appeared to be significant factors of adding salt when cooking. Determinants of adding salt to food at the table were intention (p < 0.001), PBC (p < 0.001), habit (p < 0.001). Also, PBC (p < 0.001), intention (p < 0.001), habit (p < 0.001) were identified as predictors of the purchase of salty foods. The results did not support the moderating role of Hedonic feeling to salt on the relation between intention and behaviors. Originality/value This study would be applicable to develop salt reduction interventions. Because altering the hedonic response to food is difficult, the lack of its moderating role could be a promising finding for developing salt reduction interventions

    Prädiktoren für die COVID-19-Impfbereitschaft in der iranischen Bevölkerung: Anwendung der Theorie des geplanten Verhaltens

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    Background: The present study was conducted to assess the determinants of the intention to receive the COVID-19 vaccination among the Iranian population.Methods: In this cross-sectional study, 1,056 individuals of the general population living in Hamadan County were studied from April to June 2021. Using a proportional stratified sampling method, subjects were selected from those covered by 34 comprehensive health service centers and health bases. Then, the subjects were selected by simple random sampling. Data were collected by sending a questionnaire link to eligible individuals, who completed it online. The questionnaire determined demographic data and constructs of the Theory of Planned Behavior. Results: 1,056 subjects answered the study; women accounted for 57.9% of the respondents. According to the findings, the majority of respondents (79.5%) reported that they would strongly agree and agree to get vaccinated against COVID-19. Older age, male gender, occupation, underlying chronic disease, death of relatives and friends due to COVID-19, and history of influenza vaccinations were significantly related to the intention to get vaccinated against COVID-19 (P>0.05). Also, the intention was associated with increased scores in the attitude toward the behavior, subjective norm, and perceived behavioral control.Conclusion: Despite doubt about the details of the intention to receive COVID-19 vaccination, most subjects reported intending to be vaccinated against COVID-19, but the real rate of vaccination may be lower. Vaccination intention reflects overall vaccination attitudes, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral control.Zielsetzung: Die Studie wurde durchgeführt, um die Determinanten für die Absicht, sich mit COVID-19-Impfstoff impfen zu lassen, in der iranischen Bevölkerung zu ermitteln.Methode: In die Querschnittsstudie wurden 1.056 Personen der Allgemeinbevölkerung im Bezirk Hamadan, Iran, von April bis Juni 2021 eingeschlossen. Mithilfe einer proportionalen, geschichteten Stichprobenmethode wurden die Probanden aus 34 Gesundheitszentren bzw. Gesundheitsstützpunkten ausgewählt. An die mittels einfacher Zufallsstichprobe ausgewählten Probanden wurde ein Fragebogen-Link versandt und online ausgefüllt. Mit dem Fragebogen wurden demografische Daten und Konstrukte der Theorie des geplanten Verhaltens ermittelt. Ergebnisse: 1.056 Personen nahmen an der Studie teil; davon waren 57,9% Frauen. 79,5% der Teilnehmer gaben an, dass sie der Impfung gegen COVID-19 ohne Einschränkung zustimmen. Höheres Alter, männliches Geschlecht, Beruf, chronische Grunderkrankung, Tod von Verwandten und Freunden durch COVID-19 und frühere Grippeschutzimpfung waren signifikant mit der Impfbereitschaft assoziiert (p<0,05). Außerdem war die Absicht zur Impfung mit einem Anstieg der Werte für die Einstellung zum Verhalten, der subjektiven Norm und dem wahrgenommene Verhaltensscore verbunden.Schlussfolgerung: Ungeachtet des Zweifels an einzelnen Gründen für die Bereitschaft zur COVID-19-Impfung gaben die meisten Probanden an, sich gegen COVID-19 impfen lassen zu wollen; die tatsächliche Inanspruchnahme ist jedoch möglicherweise geringer. Die Impfabsicht spiegelt die allgemeine Einstellung zum Impfstoff, subjektive Normen und die wahrgenommene Verhaltenskontrolle wider