890 research outputs found

    High dose multiple micronutrient supplementation improves villous morphology in environmental enteropathy without HIV enteropathy: results from a double-blind randomised placebo controlled trial in Zambian adults

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    PMCID: PMC3897937This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver (http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/) applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated

    Analyses multifractales et spatio-temporelles des précipitations du modÚle Méso-NH et des données radar

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    International audienceDans le cadre des multifractals universels, il est possible de caractĂ©riser la variabilitĂ© spatio-temporelle de la pluie sur une grande gamme d'Ă©chelle Ă  l'aide de trois paramĂštres invariants d'Ă©chelles. Dans cette Ă©tude, nous avons estimĂ© ces paramĂštres multifractals sur des simulations numĂ©riques effectuĂ©es avec le modĂšle mĂ©so-Ă©chelle MĂ©so-NH (dĂ©veloppĂ© par MĂ©tĂ©o - France et le Laboratoire d'AĂ©rologie), et des images radar composites, couvrant le mĂȘme Ă©vĂ©nement pluvieux, Ă  savoir un orage particuliĂšrement violent, dit de type CĂ©venol, ayant eu lieu sur la partie sud de la France du 5 au 9 septembre 2005. La comparaison des rĂ©sultats montre que les deux types de donnĂ©es prĂ©sentent des domaines d'invariance d'Ă©chelle relativement similaires, et dont les propriĂ©tĂ©s sont en accord avec les modĂšles de prĂ©cipitation spatio-temporels unifiĂ©s et scalant les plus simples. NĂ©anmoins l'Ă©valuation de leurs exposants conduit Ă  des valeurs parfois fortement diffĂ©rentes

    Positron emission tomography/computerised tomography imaging in detecting and managing recurrent cervical cancer: systematic review of evidence, elicitation of subjective probabilities and economic modelling.

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    © Queen’s Printer and Controller of HMSO 2013. This work was produced by Meads et al. under the terms of a commissioning contract issued by the Secretary of State for Health. This issue may be freely reproduced for the purposes of private research and study and extracts (or indeed, the full report) may be included in professional journals provided that suitable acknowledgement is made and the reproduction is not associated with any form of advertising.Cancer of the uterine cervix is a common cause of mortality in women. After initial treatment women may be symptom free, but the cancer may recur within a few years. It is uncertain whether it is more clinically effective to survey asymptomatic women for signs of recurrence or to await symptoms or signs before using imaging.National Institute for Health Research Health Technology Assessment programm

    Evaluating PET-CT in the detection and management of recurrent cervical cancer: Systematic reviews of diagnostic accuracy and subjective elicitation

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    Background: Positron emission tomography-computed tomography (PET-CT) is recommended to triage women for exenterative surgery and surveillance after treatment for advanced cervical cancer. Objective: To evaluate diagnostic accuracy of additional whole body PET-CT compared with CT/magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) alone in women with suspected recurrent/persistent cervical cancer and in asymptomatic women as surveillance. Design: Systematic reviews. Subjective elicitation to supplement diagnostic information. Search strategy/Selection criteria/Data collection and analysis: Searches of electronic databases were performed to June 2013. Studies in women with suspected recurrent/persistent cervical cancer and in asymptomatic women undergoing follow up with sufficient numeric data were included. We calculated sensitivity, specificity and corresponding 95% confidence intervals. Meta-analyses employed a bivariate model that included a random-effects term for between-study variations (CT studies) and univariate random effects meta-analyses (PET-CT studies) for sensitivity and specificity separately. Subjective elicitation: Prevalence of recurrence and the accuracy of imaging elicited using the allocation of points technique. Coherence of elicited subjective probabilities with estimates in the literature examined. Results: We identified 15 relevant studies; none directly compared additional PET-CT with MRI or CT separately. Most CT and MRI studies used older protocols and the majority did not distinguish between asymptomatic and symptomatic women. Meta-analysis of nine PET-CT studies in mostly symptomatic women showed sensitivity of 94.8 (95% CI 91.2-96.9), and specificity of 86.9% (95% CI 82.2-90.5). The summary estimate of the sensitivity of CT for detection of recurrence was 89.64% (95% CI 81.59-94.41) and specificity was 76% (95% CI 43.68-92.82). Meta-analysis for MRI test accuracy studies was not possible because of clinical heterogeneity. The sensitivity and specificity of MRI in pelvic recurrence varied between 82 and 100% and between 78 and 100%, respectively. Formal statistical comparisons of the accuracy of index tests were not possible. Subjective elicitation provided estimates comparable to the literature. Subjective estimates of the increase in accuracy from the addition of PET-CT were less than elicited increases required to justify the use in PET-CT for surveillance. Conclusion: Evidence to support additional PET-CT is scarce, of average quality and does not distinguish between application for surveillance and diagnosis. Guidelines recommending PET-CT in recurrent cervical cancer need to be reconsidered in the light of the existing evidence base

    Professionalization of Educational Leadership for the Members of the Association of African Universities

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    This study sets out to theorize and conceptualize internal stakeholders’ provision of Educational Leadership for the Members of the Association of African Universities (AAU). It reviews research materials, policies and modalities in developing educational leadership, African Philosophies of Education (APE) and interviews of university academic staff and students in measuring the success of professionalization of educational leadership. The purposive sampling technique of data collection is used to ensure representativeness and qualitative methodology, including the use of document-based content analysis in order to generate valid, reliable and rich data based on interviews with academic staff, administrators and students. The findings of this study will contribute to the deeper understanding of internal stakeholders’ provision of a decolonized Educational Leadership Curriculum (DELC) objective at Postgraduate Diploma, Master’s and Doctorate programmes in Educational Leadership is therefore proposed for African universities. This will enable education leader, schools and School system leaders to play a critical role in having a clear vision, the ability to communicate the vision to team members, the ability to organize in an effective and efficient manner, inspiring subordinates towards the fulfillment of the organization’s goals, and balancing the conflict of interest of all subordinates and stakeholders. The proposed leadership learning programs focus on the actual improvement of schools and the educational systems to achieve equity, diversity, social inclusion, peace, economic growth and prosperity. These leadership programmes will address the challenges of developing human capital and well-being, promoting employment and economic integration, governance, strategic management and democracy in the different African union countries

    Implications Socio-Économiques Des Infrastructures Marchandes Dans Le DĂ©veloppement De La Commune De GlazouĂ©

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    Pour faire face aux dĂ©fis de financement du dĂ©veloppement des collectivitĂ©s dĂ©centralisĂ©es au BĂ©nin, les communes font recours aux ressources gĂ©nĂ©rĂ©es par les infrastructures marchandes. Celles de la commune de GlazouĂ© contribuent tant bien que mal au dĂ©veloppement local. La prĂ©sente recherche vise Ă  analyser la contribution des infrastructures marchandes dans les ressources propres gĂ©nĂ©rĂ©es par la commune de GlazouĂ©.L’approche mĂ©thodologique adoptĂ©e pour conduire cette recherche s’articule autour de la collecte des donnĂ©es, leur traitement et Ă  l’analyse des rĂ©sultats. Au total, 228 personnes constituĂ©es d’usagers des marchĂ©s, de personnes ressources et des agents de la Mairie, ont Ă©tĂ© interrogĂ©s.Les rĂ©sultats obtenus montrent que, la commune de GlazouĂ© dispose de 08 marchĂ©s locaux et de 04 marchĂ©s rĂ©gionaux. Les recettes gĂ©nĂ©rĂ©es varient d’un marchĂ© Ă  un autre. Sur la dĂ©cennie considĂ©rĂ© la commune de GlazouĂ© a enregistrĂ©e 728 073 929 F CFA pour les droits de places, les taxes sur hangar et les frais de loyer. Les recettes les plus Ă©levĂ©es sont rĂ©alisĂ©s en en 2012, 2020 et 2021 soit respectivement 131 816 100 F CFA, 81 557 418 F CFA et 99 394 709 F CFA.  Dans l’ensemble ces recettes ont contribuĂ© Ă  7,36 % au renforcement du budget de la commune avec une moyenne annuelle de 7,81 %. Une partie de ces fonds permet aux communes de financer seules ou avec l’aide des PTF et de l’Etat central, la construction des infrastructures sociocommunautaires

    Kikuchi-Fujimoto Disease Masquerading as Metastatic Papillary Carcinoma of the Thyroid

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    Kikuchi-Fujimoto disease also known as histiocytic necrotizing lymphadenitis is a rare cervical inflammatory lymphadenitis that is most commonly seen in young Asian women. It is mainly characterized by lymphadenopathy, hepatosplenomegaly, fever, nocturnal sweats, myalgia, weight loss, and arthralgia, and commonly follows a self-limited course. The differential diagnosis is challenging as many other conditions such as malignant lymphoma, metastatic disease, tuberculosis and infectious lymphadenopathies can present in a similar way. We present an unusual case of Kikuchi-Fujimoto disease masquerading as metastatic papillary carcinoma of the thyroid. A 30-year-old young female presented, 2 months post-partum, with complaints of neck pain and fever. A computed tomography scan showed enlarged right-sided lymph nodes and a thyroid nodule. Subsequent biopsy of a thyroid nodule revealed papillary thyroid carcinoma and reactive inflammation in one of the lymph nodes. She underwent an elective total thyroidectomy, central node dissection and a right modified lymph node dissection for enlarged lymph nodes. Her recovery was uneventful and the pathology report was consistent with a papillary carcinoma of the thyroid with one lymph node positive for metastatic disease and several other lymph nodes showing histiocytic necrotizing lymphadenitis. This coexistence of Kikuchi-Fujimoto disease with localized metastatic papillary thyroid cancer is unusual and presents an interesting, challenging, and complex management dilemma

    Impact de la variabilité non-mesurée des précipitations sur les débits en hydrologie urbaine : un cas d'étude dans le cadre multifractal

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    National audienceCet article utilise les propriétés multifractales d'un évÚnement pluvieux dans la région de Londres le 9 février 2009, pour mieux comprendre et quantifier 'incertitude associée à la variabilité spatio-temporelle des précipitations non mesurées par les radars météorologiques en bande C, dont la résolution estimée est de 1 km*1 km*5min, et comment elle se transfÚre aux prévisions des débits en réseaux d'assainissement. Le cas d'étude hydrologique est celui du bassin versant urbain de 900 hectares de Cranbrook (Londres). Les propriétés multifractales sont en accord avec le modÚle spatio-temporel le plus simple, reposant sur un exposant d'anisotropie entre l'espace et le temps. Ceci permet de désagréger le champ de précipitation à l'aide de cascades multifractales spatio-temporelles. Un ensemble de champs de précipitations désagrégés réalistes est alors généré à l'aide des multifractals universels, puis l'ensemble des hydrogrammes correspondants est obtenu par un modÚle urbain pluie-débit semi-distribué. Il apparait que les queues de probabilité issues de l'analyse de 100 échantillons de précipitation présentent un comportement en loi de puissance, qui est retrouvé sur les débits de pointe mais avec des exposants différent

    First Results of the Phase II SIMPLE Dark Matter Search

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    We report results of a 14.1 kgd measurement with 15 superheated droplet detectors of total active mass 0.208 kg, comprising the first stage of a 30 kgd Phase II experiment. In combination with the results of the neutron-spin sensitive XENON10 experiment, these results yield a limit of |a_p| < 0.32 for M_W = 50 GeV/c2 on the spin-dependent sector of weakly interacting massive particle-nucleus interactions with a 50% reduction in the previously allowed region of the phase space formerly defined by XENON, KIMS and PICASSO. In the spin-independent sector, a limit of 2.3x10-5 pb at M_W = 45 GeV/c2 is obtained.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures; PRL-accepted version with corrected SI contour (Fig. 4
