169 research outputs found

    Focal Mechanism Analyses of the 1993, 1995 Northern red Sea Sequences Activity

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    On August 3rd, 1993, a sequence of earthquakes began in the central part of the Gulf of Aqaba, northern Red Sea at the Aragonese Deep. The largest event (MD = 5.5) on August 3rd had an origin time of 12:42:43.22 GMT, a latitude of 28.628° N and longitude 34.644° E. This event was followed by more than 15000 events greater than 2 magnitude with some felt earthquakes. On the same spot, another sequence of earthquakes began late 1995. The largest event (MD = 5.9) on November 22 had an origin time of 04:15:12.30 GMT, a latitude of 28.8° N and longitude 34.7° E. This event was followed by more than 8000 aftershocks (1.5 D° N – 29.3° N and 34.6° E – 34.9° E. Focal mechanism were investigated by using data set obtained from the Seismic Network of the Seismic Studies Center, King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia and the National Seismic Network at Institute of Astronomy and Geophysics Researches, King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology. The data set included P-wave first motions of significant earthquake activity in this sequences mainly. A total of 67 events was selected for focal mechanism analysis. The P-wave data from the surrounding seismic networks were also utilized additionally. The structural picture revealed fi-om the focal mechanism solutions shows that the area in general characterized by strike-slip and dip-slip faulting. The mechanism of the first consistent with left-lateral strike-slip on N-NE trending faults of the Dead Sea Transform System. The second consistent with normal faults that generally trend E-W. The main objective of this work is to study the focal mechanism of the recent Northern Red Sea sequences of August 1993 and November 1995 and to associate these sequences with faulting types that were found before using different methods

    Local and regional earthquake magnitude calibration of Tabuk analog sub-network, Northwest of Saudi Arabia

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    AbstractThe Seismic Studies Center at the King Saud University has established a seismic sub-network at the NW of Saudi Arabia in 1985. It was named the Tabuk sub-network, after the city of Tabuk in the area. A data set of 194 earthquakes were selected and their corresponding ML values calculated by the nearest seismic network (ISSN). 137 observations of these earthquakes were gathered from AYN station, 82 observations from BADA station, 162 observations from HQL station and 65 observations from SRFA station. Four steps analytical procedure were carried out as follows: (a) Compilation of data for multi-linear regression, (b) linear regression of the common logarithm of the base 10 of the signal duration (τ), (c) smoothing of the data, and (d) multiple linear regressions of the main variables. The following range of values was incorporated for empirical contestant’s a1, a2, a3. a1 vary from −3.05 to −1.68, a2 vary from 2.17 to 2.61 and a3 (which is the epicentral distance correction) vary from 0.003 to 0.004, while the standard deviations vary from 0.17 to 0.22 and the correlation coefficients vary from 0.943 to 0.970. The empirical constants are determined by stepwise multiple linear regression. The local magnitude was assigned as the dependent variable, while the common logarithm of the signal duration, epicentral distance, and the focal depth were assigned as the independent variables. The reasons of using MD in this sub-network are as follows: (a) it does not require any amplitude calibration; (b) it is not affected by instrument saturation; (c) the often-negligible distance-dependence makes the method applicable and (d) this method has an extensive application, especially in micro-earthquake surveys

    Pengaruh Rasio Tulangan Terhadap Kuat Lentur Balok Bertulangan Bambu Dengan Kait

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    Penggunaan bambu sebagai pengganti tulangan baja pada balok beton bertulang telah banyak digunakan pada saat ini. Bambu memiliki kekuatan tarik yang tinggi mendekati kekuatan tarik baja, namun bambu juga memiliki kelemahan yaitu bambu memiliki sifat higroskopis yang tinggi sehingga berpengaruh pada lemahnya kuat lekat bambu dengan beton. Berdasarkan kelemahan bambu tersebut maka pada penelitian ini dilakukan perbaikan pada kuat lekat bambu dengan cara pemberian cat dan juga penambahan kait pada tulangan bambu.Pada Penelitian ini benda uji berupa balok beton dengan ukuran panjang 160 cm, lebar 18 cm, dan tinggi 28 cm. Benda uji balok diuji untuk mendapatkan kuat lentur, sedangkan untuk mendapatkan tegangan lekat, dilakukan pengujian pull out terhadap tulangan bambu. Variasi pada penelitian ini yaitu mutu beton 20 Mpa dan 30 Mpa, Jarak kait 6 cm dan 12 cm, rasio tulangan 0,8 % dan 1,6 %, sedangkan jenis kait menggunakan bambu petung dan kayu kamper. Hasil dari percobaan ini yang dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode analisa varian (anova) diperoleh nilai F tabel= F0,005; 1; 23= 4,3. Karena nilai F hitung > F tabel (44,415> 4,3), maka H0 ditolak. Sehingga terdapat pengaruh signifikan variasi rasio tulangan terhadap kuat lentur balok bertulangan bambu dengan kait.Berdasarkan uji hipotesis menggunakan metode analisa regresi, persamaan yang didapatkan yaitu Y = 2671,875 X + 3391,6667. Nilai koefisien regresi yang positif menunjukkan bahwa rasio tulangan 1,6 % menghasilkan Pmaks yang lebih besar dibandingkan dengan rasio tulangan 0,8 %. Rasio tulangan memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap kuat lentur balok beton bertulangan bambu dengan kait

    Effect of Health Care Professionals’ Continuing Education Programme on Diabetic Patients’ Outcomes in Mukalla City, Yemen

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    Purpose: To evaluate the impact of educational intervention by health care providers on clinical outcomes in type 2 diabetes patients in a Yemeni health facility.Methods: A prospective, one-group and pre- and post-test design to assess the effects of health care providers’ education on clinical patient outcomes was undertaken. The study took place in Al-Noor Charity Clinic (ACC), Mukalla City, Yemen. The subjects of this study were type 2 diabetes patients who received health services at ACC and met the inclusion criteria. Patients’ diabetes-related clinical parameter assessed were fasting blood glucose, weight, blood pressure, and lipid profile, i.e., cholesterol, triglyceride (TG), low density lipoprotein (LDL)-cholesterol and high density lipoprotein (HDL)-cholesterol) at baseline, i.e., before the intervention programme, and also at 6 months after the intervention.Results: There was significant improvement in clinical outcomes: fasting blood sugar (p = 0.004), systolic blood pressure (p = 0.003) diastolic blood pressure (p = 0.05), low density lipoprotein cholesterol (p = 0.005) and high density lipoprotein cholesterol (p = 0.001), but total cholesterol (p = 0.33) weight (p = 0.404) and triglyceride (p = 0.056) did not improve.Conclusions: Educational intervention of health care providers program does improve diabetic patients’ clinical outcomes.Keywords: Diabetes care; Health care providers, Patients' outcomes, Blood pressure, Lipid profile, Cholesterol, Yeme

    Analisis Kuat Lentruk Struktur Balok Beton Bertulang Dengan Lubang Hollow Core Pada Tengah Penampang Balok

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    Beton adalah material penyusun suatu struktur. Penggunaan beton di Indonesia pertama kali pada abad ke-7. Benteng Indrapatra milik kerajaan Lamuri adalah infrastruktur pertama yang menggunakan beton. Dalam penggunaannya, beton digabung dengan baja tulangan untuk menahan gaya tarik yang terjad. Beton bertulang dapat digunakan untuk segala macam struktur bangunan, seperti balok, kolom, pelat, dan pondasi. Dalam penggunaannya dilapangan, berat beton yang telah mengeras dapat mencapai 2400 kg/m3. Dalam penelitian ini, akan diuji penggunaan struktur beton ringan dengan membuat lubang hollow core di dalam balok. Pengujian difokuskan pada struktur balok. Dalam pengujian ini, digunakan benda uji balok beton penampang persegi dengan tiga buah lubang persegi dengan arah memanjang balok di tengah struktur balok beton. Lubang ini diisi oleh styrofoam, diletakkan dibawah garis netral penampang, tepatnya pada bagian tarik. Dengan asumsi, penggunaan beton pada bagian tarik kurang efisien dan penggunaan bahan beton pada bagian tarik hanya untuk mendistribusikan gaya yang diterima oleh struktur balok tersebut. Hasil dari penelitian menunjukkan berat volume beton dengan lubang ukuran 5 x 10 x 60 cm mengalami pengurangan sebesar 13.9%, sedangkan balok dengan lubang ukuran 7 x 10 60 cm dan 9 x 10 x 60 cm berturut – turut mengalami penurunan sebesar 15% dan 18.9%. Kuat lentur balok beton bertulang dengan lubang hollow core tidak mengalami penurunan dikarenakan lubang hollow core ditempakan pada daerah tarik balok. Daerah tarik balok ditahan oleh baja tulangan, sehingga jika lubang hollow core ditempatkan pada daerah ini, tidak berpengaruh terhadap kuat lentur balok. Nilai kuat lentur balok beton bertulang dengan lubang hollow core sebesar 2287.5 kgm, 2100 kgm dan 2167.5 kgm, berturut – turut untuk balok dengan lubang hollow core ukuran 5 x 10 x 60 cm, 7 x 10 x 60 cm dan 9 x 10 x 60 cm

    Analisis Struktur Living Quarter Saat Kondisi Transportasi Pada Floating Production System Di Perairan Lepas Pantai Indonesia

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    Offshore Unit merupakan salah satu infrastruktur vital dalam memproduksi minyak mentah dan gas alam tersebut. Berbagai macam struktur offshore yang digunakan dikalangan industri perminyakan dan gas, salah satunya adalah Floating Production System. Floating Production System adalah suatu sistem dari sebuah kapal terapung yang digunakan oleh industri minyak dan gas lepas pantai untuk produksi dan pengolahan hidrokarbon, gas alam, dan minyak mentah. Secara teknis FPS merupakan kapal tanker yang memproduksi minya mentah dan gas alam namum tidak dapat menyimpan langsung hasil produksi tersebut, maka dari itu terdapat kapal penyimpanan lainnya saat produksi tersebut berjalan. Pada analisis struktur living quarter ini merupakan analisis pada struktur saat kondisi transportasi. Dalam analisis struktur living quarterini menggunakan software SAP2000 V.19 yang menghasilkan output berupa momen, gaya geser, dan aksial yang terbesar dari 8 kondisi arah gelombang ombak yang diterima lambung kapal. Output analisis software dan analisis manual baja menunjukan struktur baja utama living quarter mampu menahan beban – beban yang bekerja, baik itu beban berat sendiri struktur, beban mati dan hidup, beban angin, dan beban akibat pergerakan kapal

    Contribution of 3-D electrical resistivity tomography for landmines detection

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    Landmines are a type of inexpensive weapons widely used in the pre-conflicted areas in many countries worldwide. The two main types are the metallic and nonmetallic (mostly plastic) landmines. They are most commonly investigated by magnetic, ground penetrating radar (GPR), and metal detector (MD) techniques. These geophysical techniques however have significant limitations in resolving the non-metallic landmines and wherever the host materials are conductive. In this work, the 3-D electric resistivity tomography (ERT) technique is evaluated as an alternative and/or confirmation detection system for both landmine types, which are buried in different soil conditions and at different depths. This can be achieved using the capacitive resistivity imaging system, which does not need direct contact with the ground surface. Synthetic models for each case have been introduced using metallic and non-metallic bodies buried in wet and dry environments. The inversion results using the L1 norm least-squares optimization method tend to produce robust blocky models of the landmine body. The dipole axial and the dipole equatorial arrays tend to have the most favorable geometry by applying dynamic capacitive electrode and they show significant signal strength for data sets with up to 5% noise. Increasing the burial depth relative to the electrode spacing as well as the noise percentage in the resistivity data is crucial in resolving the landmines at different environments. The landmine with dimension and burial depth of one electrode separation unit is over estimated while the spatial resolutions decrease as the burial depth and noise percentage increase

    Knowledge, Attitude and Perception of Physicians towards Adverse Drug Reaction Reporting at King Khalid University Hospital, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

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    Purpose: To assess the knowledge and attitudes of physicians towards adverse drug reaction (ADR) reporting at King Khalid University Hospital, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.Method: The study was conducted in King Khalid University Hospital (KKUH), Riyadh, Saudi Arabia over a three-month period (April to June 2014). A  self-administered questionnaire was delivered to 116 physicians. The questionnaire comprised of close-ended as well as open-ended questions. Descriptive  statistics including, frequency distribution and percentages, were used for both demographic data and various responses to the questions.Results: The response rate was 81.09 %. The mean age of the respondents was 33.3 ± 11.49 years. Of the 94 physicians who completed the questionnaire, 88.7 % of them didn’t know about the National  Pharmacovigilance Center. Almost all the physicians (95.7 %) were not satisfied by their training in ADRs reporting while half (49.3 %) of the respondents thought that only serious ADRs should be reported.Conclusion: There is a need for more educational and training programs for physicians regarding the pharmacovigilance system and ADRs reporting. More  research is needed to study the knowledge and attitudes of other healthcare professionals and in various settings.Keywords: Health care providers, Pharmacovigilance, Adverse drug reactions, Reporting, Knowledg

    Attitudes and Perceptions of Healthcare Providers towards Clinical Pharmacy Services at a Tertiary Care Hospital in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

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    Purpose: To evaluate the attitudes and perceptions of health care providers towards clinical pharmacy services at King Khalid University Hospital Riyadh Saudi ArabiaMethod: A cross-sectional survey of healthcare providers was conducted in King Khalid University Hospital, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia from September to November 2013. A self-administered questionnaire was delivered to health care professionals (HCPs) who included physicians, pharmacists and nurses.Results: The response rate was 78 % (457/600). The majority of the respondents (92.4 %) knew that the clinical pharmacist is an integral part of the medical team while 86.5 % of the participants expressed confidence in the ability of clinical pharmacists to improve the quality of patient care through their practice. Despite the relative lack of awareness of the increasing interest in clinical pharmacy practice (59.6 % were not aware of such a trend), pharmacists were less appreciative (p < 0.05) of the positive role of clinical  pharmacists in direct patient care compared to both physicians and nurses (67.4, 74.3 and 72.3 %, respectively).Conclusion: The findings of this study reveal that health care professionals HCPs have positive attitude towards the role of the clinical pharmacist in the health care setting studied. However, there is a need for Saudi hospitals to adopt full clinical pharmacy service including drug monitoring, drug information and pharmacotherapy for enhanced health care.Keywords: Saudi Arabia, Clinical pharmacy services, Healthcare professionals, Attitude, Patient car
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