175 research outputs found

    Observation of Bell Inequality violation in B mesons

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    A pair of B0Bˉ0B^0\bar B^0 mesons from Υ(4S)\Upsilon(4S) decay exhibit EPR type non-local particle-antiparticle (flavor) correlation. It is possible to write down Bell Inequality (in the CHSH form: S≤2S\le2) to test the non-locality assumption of EPR. Using semileptonic B0B^0 decays of Υ(4S)\Upsilon(4S) at Belle experiment, a clear violation of Bell Inequality in particle-antiparticle correlation is observed: S=2.725+-0.167(stat)+-0.092(syst)Comment: Conference Proceeding for Garda Lake Workshop 2003 "Mysteries, Puzzles and Paradoxes in Quantum Mechanics

    Etiological factors and maternal outcome in pregnancies with malpresentation: an observational study

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    Background: The most common presentation of the fetus is malpresentation. These include breech, face, brow, shoulder and compound presentations. Malpresentations of fetus complicate labor in about 5% of pregnancies. To find out the incidence of malpresentation, to analyze etiological factors of malpresentation, to evaluate the maternal outcome in cases with a malpresentation.Methods: This prospective observational study was done in, Chengalpattu Government medical college and hospital. Study period from October 2018 to September 2019. Pregnancies with malpresentation presenting to the department of obstetrics and gynecology at CMCH were included in the study.Results: A total of 680 malpresentation were admitted in this period were included in this study. The incidence of malpresentation during the study period was 7.72%. The incidence of the breech was 4.38%, transverse lie 1.11%, face 0.28%, brow 0.05% and compound presentation 0.13%. The common causes were prematurity, multiple gestations, grand multiparty, IUGR, oligohydramnios, anomalies of uterus, polyhydramnios, contracted pelvis, placenta previa, hydrocephalus, prematurity was reported as the commonest cause of breech presentation and multiparty for transverse lie, face and brow presentations. The most common complication was obstructed labor 6.9% followed by post-partum hemorrhage 3.65%. There was no maternal death due to malpresentation during the period of study.Conclusions: Early diagnosis and timely management can prevent the complications of labor associated with a malpresentation. Delivery should be planned at centers which have expertise in conducting vaginal delivery in malpresentation with good intrapartum monitoring and with facilities for cesarean section for the better feto-maternal outcome

    A New Napier Grass Stunting Disease in Kenya Associated with Phytoplasma

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    Napier grass (Pennisetum purpureum Schum) is a cultivated elephant grass native to Eastern and Central Africa forming the major livestock feed on East African smallholder dairy farms (Valk, 1990) as it is suitable for cut and carry for zero-grazing management systems. Although several plant pathogens have been described historically they were seldom severe. However, in 1970s there was an outbreak of snow mould fungal disease caused by Beniowskia spheroidea that attacked most varieties of napier grass. A napier grass variety clone 13 was bred which is resistant to the disease. In the 1990s two major outbreaks of napier grass diseases occurred in Kenya. In Central Kenya a napier grass head smut caused by Ustilago kamerunensis H Sydow and Sydow in 1992 and in Western Kenya a napier grass stunting disease was first reported in Bungoma in 1997. A similar stunting disease had been reported in Uganda (Tilley, 1969), which was suspected to be a virus transmitted by insects. This new outbreak of napier grass stunting disease is of major concern as it attacks all varieties of napier grass. The main objective of this study was to survey the extent of the disease and to identify the organism causing this disease

    Behavioural factors associated with cutaneous anthrax in Musadzi area of Gokwe North, Zimbabwe

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    A research article on behavioural factors that determine how some residents in Musadzi area,Zimbabwe contract human cutaneous anthrax.Anthrax is a bacterial disease caused by Bacillus anthracis. It is primarily a disease of herbivores, although few, if any, warm-blooded species are entirely immune to it. From earliest historical records until the development of an effective veterinary vaccine midway through the 20th century, anthrax was one of the foremost causes of uncontrolled mortality in domestic animals worldwide. Humans contract anthrax directly from animals or through animal products. The disease is still enzootic in most countries of Africa and Asia, a number of European countries, and countries/areas of the American continent and certain areas of Australia. It still occurs sporadically in many other countries

    The National Budget Circular 461: Emerging trends in Philippines higher education promotion system

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    This research aimed to identify trends on promotion challenges and concerns (CaCs) encountered by the faculty members in selected State universities and colleges (SUCs) in the Philippines. To specifically identify significant CaCs, the study employed the mixed-method research design utilizing the delphi model technique for data collection. Thematic data coding was thoroughly conducted to come up with a consensus from the experts in the field of promotion in higher education. There were 10 focal persons from the SUCs in the national capital region (NCR) purposively chosen as the study participants. The identified challenges and concerns as the trend indicators were categorized into themes such as appreciation of documents, faculty engagement for promotion, information dissemination, schedule of implementation, responsiveness of the national budget circular No. 461 (NBC 461) focal persons to promotion-related concerns, faculty engagement to promotion, and stakeholder’s engagement to promotion. These indicators would be a relevant implication to the holistic and a uniform faculty promotion scheme in higher education institutions of the country. Hence, the result of the study shall be utilized by the SUCs policymakers in crafting the standardized NBC 461 policy guideline that is inclusive for implementing equal promotion opportunity as well as job security

    Effect of chronic alcohol consumption on the red blood cell count and RBC indices in the HIV infected patients on d4T/3TC/NVP drug regimen in Uganda

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    Alcohol consumption is common problem in Uganda. Among the types of alcohols consumed include beers, spirits, liqueurs, wines and traditional brew. These alcohols are easily accessible and consumed by many people including the HIV infected patients who are on the d4T/3TC/NVP regimen. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of chronic alcohol intake on the red blood cell count (RBC) and the RBC indices in the HIV-infected patients on d4T/3TC/NVP regimen. It was a case control study that used a repeated measures design model where serial measurements of the red blood cell count (RBC) and RBC indices were determined at 3 month interval for 9 months. A total of 41 HIV infected patients were recruited and grouped into two arms; the control group had 21 patients and the chronic alcohol group had 20 patients. The RBC and RBC indices of the whole blood were determined using automated hematological Coulter CBC-5 Hematology Analyzer system using standard procedures. The data was sorted into alcohol-use self reporting by WHO AUDIT tool and alcohol-use biomarkers groups. It was analysed using the SAS 2003 version 9.1 statistical package with the repeated measures fixed model. The means were compared using the student t-test. The mean MCV and MCH values in the chronic alcohol use group were higher than in the control group and there was a significant difference between the 2 groups (p<0.05) for both the WHO AUDIT tool group and chronic alcohol use biomarkers group. The mean RBC count, Hct, HGB and MCHC values in both the control and chronic alcohol use groups were within the normal reference ranges for both groups though the trend was lower in alcohol group. Chronic alcohol use affects the RBC and RBC indices in the HIV infected patients on d4T/3TC/NVP treatment regimen

    Does chronic alcohol use by HIV-infected patients on d4T/3TC/NVP drug regimen effect the HIV viral load and what is the therapeutic window of the drugs, CD4+ count and WBC count in patients with high viral load during the 9 months period of follow up?

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    The study investigated the effects of chronic alcohol use on HIV viral load in HIV-infected patients on d4T/3TC/NVP drug regimen during 9 months follow up period. It also determined plasma drug concentrations of d4T, 3TC and NVP; CD4+ and WBC counts for patients with high HIV viral load. A case-control study using repeated measures with serial measurements was used. A total of 41 patients (20 alcohol group and 21 control group) were screened for alcohol use using WHO AUDIT tool and chronic alcohol use biomarkers. Blood sampling was done at 3 month intervals for a period of 9 months. HIV viral load was determined using Roche Amplicor HIV-1 monitor test, version 1.5 (Amplicor). The d4T, 3TC and NVP concentrations were determined by Shimadzu Class-VPTM HPLC Chromatography data system version 6.1. The CD4+ cell count was determined using FACSCalibur flow cytometer. The WBC was determined using automated hematological Coulter CBC-5 Hematology Analyzer system. Results show that % patients with HIV viral load ≥400 copies/ml in control group was highest (23.8%, n=5) at 3 month while in chronic alcohol use group, it was at 0 month (35%, n=7) for both WHO AUDIT tool and chronic alcohol-use biomarkers groups. Generally patients with high viral load ≥400 copies/ml was observed in chronic alcohol use as compared to control group in both WHO AUDIT tool and biomarkers group despite of patients having high steady state d4T, 3TC and NVP plasma drug concentrations in circulation that is available to suppress HIV virus. The high viral load could be associated with the emergence of resistance of the HIV virus and these patients generally had a low CD4+ cell count. Some of these patients had no detectable d4T plasma drug concentrations in circulation and most of them with high viral load had sub-therapeutic NVP plasma drug concentrations in their blood circulation. Chronic ethanol use by HIV-infected patients on d4T/3TC/NVP drug regimen increased HIV viral load and the patients with high viral load had sub-therapeutic NVP plasma drug concentrations and some with undetectable d4T drug concentrations in their blood circulation

    Determinants of organophosphate pesticide exposure in pregnant women: A population-based cohort study in the Netherlands

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    Background: In the Netherlands organophosphate (OP) pesticides are frequently used for pest control in agricultural settings. Despite concerns about the potential health impacts of low-level OP pesticides exposure, particularly in vulnerable populations, the primary sources of exposure remain unclear. The present study was designed to investigate the levels of DAP metabolites concentrations across pregnancy and to examine various determinants of DAP metabolite concentrations among an urban population of women in the Netherlands. Method: Urinary concentrations of six dialkyl phosphate (DAP) metabolites, the main urinary metabolites of OP pesticides, were determined at 25 weeks of pregnancy in 784 pregnant women participating in the Generation R Study (between 2004 and 2006), a large population-based birth cohort in Rotterdam, the Netherlands. Questionnaires administered prenatally assessed demographic and lifestyle characteristics and maternal diet. Linear mixed models, with adjustment for relevant covariates, were used to estimate associations between the potential exposure determinants and DAP metabolite concentrations expressed as molar concentrations divided by creatinine levels. Results: The median DAP metabolite concentration was 311 nmol/g creatinine for the first trimester, 317 nmol/g creatinine for the second trimester, and 310 nmol/g creatinine for the third trimester. Higher maternal age, married/living with a partner, underweight or normal weight (BMI of <18.5 and 18.5-<25), high education, high income, and non-smoking were associated with higher DAP metabolite concentrations, and DAP metabolite concentrations tended to be higher during the summer. Furthermore, fruit intake was associated with increased DAP metabolite concentrations. Each 100 g/d difference in fruit consumption was associated with a 7% higher total DAP metabolite concentration across pregnancy. Other food groups were not associated with higher DAP metabolite concentrations. Conclusions: The DAP metabolite concentrations measured in the urine of pregnant women in the Netherlands were higher than those in most other studies previously conducted. Fruit intake was the main dietary source of exposure to OP pesticides in young urban women in the Netherlands. The extent to which DAP metabolite concentrations reflect exposure to the active parent pesticide rather than to less toxic metabolites remains unclear. Further research will be undertaken to investigate the possible effects of this relatively high level OP pesticides exposure on offspring health
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