3,030 research outputs found

    N=4 Topological Amplitudes and Black Hole Entropy

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    We study the effects of N=4 topological string amplitudes on the entropy of black holes. We analyse the leading contribution associated to six-derivative terms and find one particular operator which can correct the entropy of N=4 black holes. This operator is BPS-like and appears in the effective action of type II string theory on K3 x T^2 or equivalently its heterotic dual on T^6. In both descriptions the leading contribution arises at one-loop, which we calculate explicitly on the heterotic side. We then consider whether this term has any consequences for the entropy of (large) N=4 black holes and find that it makes indeed a contribution at subleading order. Repeating the computation for small black holes with vanishing horizon area at the classical level, we prove that this coupling lifts certain flat directions in the entropy function thereby being responsible for the attractor equations of some moduli fields.Comment: 33 pages, references added, section 3.3 adde

    Geometry of 4d Simplicial Quantum Gravity with a U(1) Gauge Field

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    The geometry of 4D simplicial quantum gravity with a U(1) gauge field is studied numerically. The phase diagram shows a continuous transition when gravity is coupled with a U(1) gauge field. At the critical point measurements of the curvature distribution of S^4 space shows an inflated geometry with homogeneous and symmetric nature. Also, by choosing a 4-simplex and fixing the scalar curvature geometry of the space is measured.Comment: 3 pages, 2 eps figure. Talked at Lattice 2000 (Gravity

    Conformal dynamics of quantum gravity with torsion

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    The trace anomaly induced dynamics of the conformal factor is investigated in four-dimensional quantum gravity with torsion. The constraints for the coupling constants of torsion matter interaction are obtained in the infrared stable fixed point of the effective scalar theory.Comment: 10 pages, CPTH-A213.1292 -- HUPD-921

    Soft Masses in Theories with Supersymmetry Breaking by TeV-Compactification

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    We study the sparticle spectroscopy and electroweak breaking of theories where supersymmetry is broken by compactification (Scherk-Schwarz mechanism) at a TeV. The evolution of the soft terms above the compactification scale and the resulting sparticle spectrum are very different from those of the usual MSSM and gauge mediated theories. This is traced to the softness of the Scherk-Schwarz mechanism which leads to scalar sparticle masses that are only logarithmically sensitive to the cutoff starting at two loops. As a result, squarks and sleptons are naturally an order of magnitude lighter than gauginos. In addition, the mechanism is very predictive and the sparticle spectrum depends on just two new parameters. A significant advantage of this mechanism relative to gauge mediation is that a Higgsino mass Ό∌Msusy\mu\sim M_susy is automatically generated when supersymmetry is broken. Our analysis applies equally well to theories where the cutoff is near a TeV or MPlM_{Pl} or some intermediate scale. We also use these observations to show how we may obtain compactification radii which are hierarchically larger than the fundamental cutoff scale.Comment: 26 pages, 1 figure, Late

    News about TeV-scale Black Holes

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    Collider produced black holes are the most exciting prediction from models with large extra dimensions. These black holes exist in an extreme region, in which gravity meets quantum field theory, particle physics, and thermodynamics. An investigation of the formation and decay processes can therefore provide us with important insights about the underlying theory and open a window to the understanding of Physics at the Planck scale. The production and the evaporation of TeV-scale black holes yields distinct signatures that have been examined closely during the last years, with analytical approaches as well as by use of numerical simulations. I present new results for the LHC, which take into account that, instead of a final decay, a black hole remnant can be left. This is a summary of the talk given at the Quark Matter 2005, Budapest, Hungary, Aug. 2005.Comment: Talk given at the Quark Matter 2005, Budapest, Hungary, Aug. 200

    A closer look at string resonances in dijet events at the LHC

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    The first string excited state can be observed as a resonance in dijet invariant mass distributions at the LHC, if the scenario of low-scale string with large extra dimensions is realized. A distinguished property of the dijet resonance by string excited states from that the other "new physics" is that many almost degenerate states with various spin compose a single resonance structure. It is examined that how we can obtain evidences of low-scale string models through the analysis of angular distributions of dijet events at the LHC. Some string resonance states of color singlet can obtain large mass shifts through the open string one-loop effect, or through the mixing with closed string states, and the shape of resonance structure can be distorted. Although the distortion is not very large (10% for the mass squared), it might be able to observe the effect at the LHC, if gluon jets and quark jets could be distinguished in a certain level of efficiency.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figure

    Brane singularities and their avoidance

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    The singularity structure and the corresponding asymptotic behavior of a 3-brane coupled to a scalar field or to a perfect fluid in a five-dimensional bulk is analyzed in full generality using the method of asymptotic splittings. In the case of the scalar field, it is shown that the collapse singularity at a finite distance from the brane can be avoided only at the expense of making the brane world-volume positively or negatively curved. In the case where the bulk field content is parametrized by an analogue of perfect fluid with an arbitrary equation of state P=\gamma\rho between the `pressure' P and the `density' \rho, our results depend crucially on the constant fluid parameter \gamma: (i) For \gamma>-1/2, the flat brane solution suffers from a collapse singularity at finite distance, that disappears in the curved case. (ii) For \gamma<-1, the singularity cannot be avoided and it becomes of the big rip type for a flat brane. (iii) For -1<\gamma< or = -1/2, the surprising result is found that while the curved brane solution is singular, the flat brane is not, opening the possibility for a revival of the self-tuning proposal.Comment: 37 pages, latex, merged version of arXiv:1005.3221 and arXiv:1004.3379, to appear in Class.Quant.Gra

    Reconstructing the conformal mode in simplicial gravity

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    We verify that summing 2D DT geometries correctly reproduces the Polyakov action for the conformal mode, including all ghost contributions, at large volumes. The Gaussian action is reproduced even for central charges greater than one lending strong support to the hypothesis that the space of all possible dyamical triangulations approximates well the space of physically distinct metrics independent of the precise nature of the matter coupling.Comment: 3 pages, 4 figures, contribution to Lattice 9

    Constraints From Gauge Coupling Unification On The Scale Of Supersymmetry Breaking

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    We reanalyze precision LEP data and coupling constant unification in the minimal supersymmetric SU(5)SU(5) model including the evolution of the gaugino masses. We derive general bounds on the primordial gaugino supersymmetry-breaking mass-scale m1/2m_{1/2} in terms of the various input parameters. The model cannot accommodate m_{1/2}<1\TeV for values of \as < 0.115, even for extreme 1−σ1-\sigma values of the other inputs. We emphasize the sensitivity of this type of calculations to the various input parameters.Comment: 9 pages, 1 figure not included, ACT-10/9

    Physical States of the Quantum Conformal Factor

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    The conformal factor of the spacetime metric becomes dynamical due to the trace anomaly of matter fields. Its dynamics is described by an effective action which we quantize by canonical methods on the Einstein universe R×S3R\times S^3. We find an infinite tower of discrete states which satisfy the constraints of quantum diffeomorphism invariance. These physical states are in one-to-one correspondence with operators constructed by integrating integer powers of the Ricci scalar.Comment: PlainTeX File, 34 page
