172 research outputs found

    Artificial neural network and response surface methodology based analysis on solid particle erosion behavior of polymer matrix composites

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    Polymer-based fibrous composites are gaining popularity in marine and sports industries because of their prominent features like easy to process, better strength to weight ratio, durability and cost-effectiveness. Still, erosive behavior of composites under cyclic abrasive impact is a significant concern for the research fraternity. In this paper, the S type woven glass fibers reinforced polymer matrix composites (PMCs) are used to analyze the bonding behavior of reinforcement and matrix against the natural abrasive slurry. The response surface methodology is adopted to analyze the effect of various erosion parameters on the erosion resistance. The slurry pressure, impingement angle and nozzle diameter, were used as erosion parameters whereas erosion loss, i.e., weight loss during an erosion phenomenon was considered as a response parameter. The artificial neural network model was used to validate the attained outcomes for an optimum solution. The comparative analysis of response surface methodology (RSM) and artificial neural network (ANN) models shows good agreement with the erosion behavior of glass fiber reinforced polymer matrix composites

    Effect of packaging material and postharvest calcium treatment on weight loss, decay and biochemical quality of strawberry fruits during storage

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    Strawberry (Fragaria x ananassa Duch.) fruits are highly perishable which lose their marketability within a short period of time, resulting in considerable loss of fruits after harvest. In present study, the packaging materials treatment i.e. polypropylene terephthalate (PET) Punnet and High density polythene (HDPE) crates and calcium compounds (CaCl2 and Ca(No3)2) were examined for the storability and biochemical quality of strawberry (cv. Winter Down) fruits in cold condition (3±1 °C) in comparison to the untreated control fruit in ambient storage for 3, 6 and 8 days storage period. Results revealed that physiological loss in weight (PLW) and fruit decay increased with the advancement of the storage period irrespective of the treatments. Fruits treated with CaCl2 (2%), packed in PET Punnets and stored in cold condition (3±1 °C) showed significantly minimum PLW (6.55, 11.12 and 15 34 %) and fruit decay (7.29, 17.71 and 34.38 %) at 3, 6 and 8 days storage, respectively. Non-treated control fruits at ambient conditions could not maintain their marketability even 3 days of storage and showed relatively high decay losses (25.00, 62.21 and 91.67 % at 3, 6 and 8 days of storage, respectively). Packaging and calcium treatment did not affect the fruit total soluble solids (TSS) and total sugars but was found effective to slow down the decrease of ascorbic acid and acidity contents of the fruit during storage. PET Punnets packaged fruits treated with CaCl2 (2%) under cold conditions retained better shelf-life with better biochemical quality of fruits during storage while untreated control fruits deteriorated rapidly

    Response of preservative chemicals on the shelf life of cut lilium (Lilium spp.) flower cv. ‘Pavia’

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    Lilium cut flowers have commercial importance and extending their vase life is vital. An increase in the vase life quality and quantity can directly increase the viability and price realization of commercially important flowers like lilium. Shelf life of cut lilium flower is influenced by using different preservative chemicals and sucrose added in vase solution. Such an extension of vase life can be achieved via chemical treatment. The trial was carried out to examine the effect of various concentration of two chemicals, AgNO3 (silver nitrate) and 8-HQC (8-Hydroxyquinoline citrate) along with sucrose on the shelf life of lilium cut flower cv. ‘Pavia’ (cross between Asiatic and Longiflorum lilies). In the experiment, sucrose (20%), 8-HQC at 3 concentrations (100, 150, 200 ppm) and AgNO3 at 3 concentrations (50, 75, 100 ppm) and water (distilled) as control were tested alone and with combinations. Cut flowers of lilium were treated at one bud opening stage. The trial was carried out in a completely randomized design (CRD) having 16 treatments and one control in three (3) replications. The fresh weight and relative fresh weight of the cut flower spike, opening of all flowers on a spike, vase solution uptake on a day, total vase solution uptake and vase life of lilium cut flower spike showed the best outcome with AgNO3 (50 ppm) and 20% sucrose treatment combination. Out of the two chemicals, silver nitrate showed better results than 8-HQC as a preservative in enhancing the shelf life of cut Lilium flower cv. ‘Pavia’. Analysis of this new and exciting method will be useful to research institutes, commercial producers, wholesalers, retailers, consumers or anyone to choose right chemical and concentration of holding solution to maximize the post-harvest life of lilium cut flowers

    A study on the effect of silver nitrate and 8-hydroxyquinoline citrate pulsing solutions on Lilium cut flowers

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    Lilium is one of the most important cut flowers in commercial markets, giving customers ornamental value. Fresh flowers, a highly perishable item, need more care and proper treatment for their longer post-harvest life and due to this, the end users face the post-harvest losses of cut flowers. Such losses can be minimized by using preservative chemical, which plays an important role in increasing the vase life of flowers. To increase the post-harvest life of lilium cut flowers cv. ‘Pavia’, the present investigation was aimed to study the effect of different combinations and concentrations of silver nitrate at 50, 75 and 100 ppm and 8-hydroquinoline citrate at 100, 150 and 200 ppm pulsing solutions with 20 % sucrose. Three replications were completely randomised with 16 treatments and one control. Silver nitrate showed better results in flower bud opening, flower bud opening to complete flowering, flower size, bloom life, dry weight and dry matter percentage. Among the treatment concentrations, AgNO3 at 50 ppm with 20% sucrose showed the most effective result on enhancing the selected parameters and improved flower quality during post-harvest life. Among the treatment combinations, 8-HQC at 100 ppm + AgNO3 at 75 ppm with 20 % sucrose showed better results. These findings will be useful to researchers, farmers, and end users to retain the ornamental value of lilium cut flowers for longer than usual

    How are soil use and management reflected by soil organic matter characteristics: a spectroscopic approach

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    We studied the quantitative and qualitative changes of soil organic matter (SOM) due to different land uses (arable versus grassland) and treatments (organic manure and mineral fertilizer) within an agricultural crop rotation in a long-term field experiment, conducted since 1956 at Ultuna, Sweden, on a Eutric Cambisol. The organic carbon (OC) content of the grassland plot was 1.8 times greater than that of the similarly fertilized Ca(NO3) 2 treated cropped plots. The comparison of two dispersion techniques (a lowenergy sonication and a chemical dispersion which yield inherent soil aggregates) showed that increasing OC contents of the silt-sized fractions were not matched by a linear increase of silt-sized aggregates. This indicated saturation of the aggregates with OC and a limited capacity of particles to protect OC physically. Thermogravimetric analyses suggested an increase of free organic matter with increasing OC contents. Transmission FT-IR spectroscopy showed relative enrichment of carboxylic, aromatic, CH and NH groups in plots with increasing OC contents. The silt-sized fractions contained the largest SOM pool and, as revealed by 13C NMR spectroscopy, were qualitatively more influenced by the plant residue versus manure input than the clay fractions. Alkyl and O-alkyl C in the silt-sized fractions amounted to 57.4% of organic carbon in the animal manure treated plots and 50–53% in the other treatments.We thank the Austrian Science Fund (Fonds zur FÖrderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung) for funding this bilateral project.Peer reviewe
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