419 research outputs found

    Analysis of Radar Doppler Signature from Human Data

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    This paper presents the results of time (autocorrelation) and time-frequency (spectrogram) analyses of radar signals returned from the moving human targets. When a radar signal falls on the human target which is moving toward or away from the radar, the signals reflected from different parts of his body produce a Doppler shift that is proportional to the velocity of those parts. Moving parts of the body causes the characteristic Doppler signature. The main contribution comes from the torso which causes the central Doppler frequency of target. The motion of arms and legs induces modulation on the returned radar signal and generates sidebands around the central Doppler frequency, referred to as micro-Doppler signatures. Through analyses on experimental data it was demonstrated that the human motion signature extraction is better using spectrogram. While the central Doppler frequency can be determined using the autocorrelation and the spectrogram, the extraction of the fundamental cadence frequency using the autocorrelation is unreliable when the target is in the clutter presence. It was shown that the fundamental cadence frequency increases with increasing dynamic movement of people and simultaneously the possibility of its extraction is proportional to the degree of synchronization movements of persons in the group

    Solitons in the Calogero model for distinguishable particles

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    We consider a large āˆ’N,- N, two-family Calogero model in the Hamiltonian, collective-field approach. The Bogomol'nyi limit appears and the corresponding solutions are given by the static-soliton configurations. Solitons from different families are localized at the same place. They behave like a paired hole and lump on the top of the uniform vacuum condensates, depending on the values of the coupling strengths. When the number of particles in the first family is much larger than that of the second family, the hole solution goes to the vortex profile already found in the one-family Calogero model.Comment: 14 pages, no figures, late

    Quantum fluctuations of the Chern-Simons theory and dynamical dimensional reduction

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    We consider a large-N Chern-Simons theory for the attractive bosonic matter (Jackiw-Pi model) in the Hamiltonian collective-field approach based on the 1/N expansion. We show that the dynamics of low-lying density excitations around the ground-state vortex configuration is equivalent to that of the Sutherland model. The relationship between the Chern-Simons coupling constant lambda and the Calogero-Sutherland statistical parameter lambda_s signalizes some sort of statistical transmutation accompanying the dimensional reduction of the initial problem.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figure

    Supplementary data for article: Å egan, S.; Božinović, N.; Opsenica, I.; Andrić, F. Consensus-Based Comparison of Chromatographic and Computationally Estimated Lipophilicity of Benzothiepino[3,2-c]Pyridine Derivatives as Potential Antifungal Drugs. Journal of Separation Science 2017, 40 (10), 2089ā€“2096. https://doi.org/10.1002/jssc.201601442

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    Supporting information for: [https://doi.org/10.1002/jssc.201601442]Related to published version: [http://cherry.chem.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/2462]Related to accepted version: [http://cherry.chem.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/3076

    Učinci hiperbaričnog kisika na vidne funkcije u bolesnika s ishemičnom optičkom neuropatijom

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    The effects of hyperbaric oxygen therapy were studied in nine patients with non-arteritic anterior ischaemic optic neuropathy, who had been unsatisfactorily treated with corticosteroids. In four patients with signs of optic disc atrophy there was no improvement of visual functions after hyperbaric oxygen treatment, whereas in the other five patients, who had no signs of optic disc atrophy, visual acuity and visual field improved. The achieved improvements were maintained al a control examination six months later. Results suggest that hyperbaric oxygen might be a new remedy for the selected cases of non-arteritic ischaemic optic neuropathy and call for a controlled clinical study aiming to acurately assess its efficacy.Ispitivani su učinci tretmana hiperbaričnim kisikom u devet bolesnika s nearteritičinim oblikom prednje ishemične optikoneuropatije, koji su prethodno liječeni kortikosteroidima bez uspjeha. U četiri bolesnika sa znakovima atrofije optičkog diska, nakon tretmana hiperbaričnim kisikom, nije nađeno nikakvo poboljÅ”anje vidnih funkcija, dok je u ostalih pet, bez znakova atrofije optičkog diska, ustanovljeno poboljÅ”anje oÅ”trine vida i vidnog polja. Ova poboljÅ”anja nađena su i na kontrolnom pregledu nakon Å”est mjeseci. Rezultati ispitivanja sugeriraju hiperbaričnu oksigenaciju kao moguć način liječenja selekcioniranih slučajeva nearteritičnog oblika ishemične optikoneuropatije, kao i kontrolirani klinički pokus, radi egzaktnijeg utvrđivanja efikasnosti hiperbarične oksigenacije u ovih bolesnika

    Fenotipski i genetski parametri reproduktivnih osobina crno belih krava sa različitim udelom HF gena

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    In this paper, results of the effect of direct and indirect selection of quantitative fertility traits of cattle end heritability level are presented. Study of the quantitative genetic parameters was carried out on three large farms of Black and White, Holstein-Friesian cattle. Investigation included 3900 first calving cows, daughters of 54 bull sires. The effect of genetic group of the head of cattle (genotype) and of the herd on fertility and milk traits of heifers and first calving cows of Black and White breed was investigated. Genetic group of the head of cattle (genotype) had no significant effect in variation of the fertility traits compared to general average (P (lt) 0.01). The effect of herd caused statistically significant and highly significant deviation from the general average, P (lt) 0.05 and P (lt) 0.01. Established heritability coefficients for fertility traits had low values for age at insemination (0,112), duration of pregnancy (0,045) and duration of service period (0,097). Results were obtained by applying mathematicalstatistical analysis of data - using mixed model (Harvey, 1990). Mathematical-statistical analysis of data was carried out using linear methods with fixed influence through model of Least Squares (LS method). Genotype of the head of cattle caused no significant deviation of fertility traits (P>0,05).U ovom radu su predstavljeni rezultati uticaja direktne i indirektne selekcije na kvantitativne osobine plodnosti goveda i nivo heritabiliteta. Ispitivanje kvantitativnih genetskih parametara je izvedeno na tri velike farme gde se gaje crno-bela, holÅ”tajn-frizijska goveda. Ispitivanje je uključivalo 3900 prvotelki, kćeri 54 bika-očeva. Ispitivan je uticaj genetske grupe grla goveda (genotip) i zapata na osobine plodnosti i mlečnosti junica i prvotelki crno-bele rase. Genetska grupa grla goveda (genotip) nije imala signifikantan uticaj na variranje osobina plodnosti u odnosu na opÅ”ti prosek (P (lt) 0.01). Uticaj zapata je izazvao statistički signifikantno i visoko signifikantno odstupanje od opÅ”teg proseka, (P (lt) 0.05) and (P (lt) 0.01). Ustanovljeni koeficijenti heritabiliteta za osobine plodnosti su imali niske vrednosti za osobine uzrast pri prvoj inseminaciji (0,112), trajanje bremenitosti (0,045) i trajanje servis perioda (0,097). Rezultati su dobijeni primenom matematičko-statističke analize podataka - koriŔćenjem meÅ”ovitog modela (Harvey, 1990). Matematičko-statistička analiza podataka je izvrÅ”ena koriŔćenjem linearnih metoda sa fiksnim uticajem kroz model najmanjih kvadrata (LS metod). Genotip grla goveda nije izazvao signifikantno odstupanje osobina plodnosti (P>0,05)

    Parenteralna ishrana pasa i mačaka

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    Inadequate diet combined with disease, injury or stress increases the metaobolic activity of patients to above the normal activity at rest. Sick or injured patients that are incapable of the intake of food and use nutritive matter through the digestive tract are indicated for parenteral feeding. Prior to the application of parenteral nutrition itself, it is necessary to carry out a series of clinical and laboratory analyses in order to determine which patients should actually be treated in this way. In order to determine the parenteral nutritive requirements, the veterinarian must assess the nutritive requirements of the patient, and on these grounds determine the type of solution that will be applied. It is very difficult to determine the precise requirements, so that certain relations are used in practice between the individual nutritive components that are based on the average requirements of these animal species. For parenteral nutrition, solutions are applied that are based on dextrose or glucose, amino acids, lipids, vitamins, micro and macro elements. In the course of the application of parenteral feeding, constant monitoring of the patient is necessary in the form of clinical examinations and laboratory tests.Neadekvatna ishrana u kombinaciji sa boleŔću, povredom ili stresom povećava metaboličku aktivnost pacijenta iznad normalne pri mirovanju. Bolesni ili povređeni pacijenti koji nisu u stanju da uzimaju hranu i koriste hranjive materije preko digestivnog trakta indikovani su za parenteralnu ishranu. Pre same primene parenteralne ishrane potrebno je izvrÅ”iti niz kliničkih i laboratorijskih analiza kako bismo odredili pacijente kod kojih je ona stvarno indikovana. Za određivanje parenteralnih nutritivnih potreba veterinar mora da proceni potrebe pacijenta za hranljivim materijama, na osnovu čega će se odrediti i vrsta rastvora koja će se primeniti. Egzaktne potrebe je veoma teÅ”ko odrediti, te se u praksi koriste određene relacije između pojedinih hranjivih sastojaka koje počivaju na prosečnim potrebama ovih vrsta životinja. Za parenteralnu ishranu koriste se rastvori na bazi dekstroze ili glukoze, aminokiselina, lipida, vitamina mikro i makro elemenata. Tokom primene parenteralne ishrane neophodna je stalna kontrola pacijenta u vidu kliničkih pregleda i laboratorijskih analiza

    Ocena telesne kondicije visokomlečnih krava

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    Problems which relate to production, health and reproduction in herds of high yielding cows very often occur due to insufficient knowledge and monitoring of energy reserves in cow organisms. Many researches and practical experiences in this field indicate significant relation between body condition and achieved results in production. Body condition of heads of cattle in certain stages of production cycle is important parameter of applied nutrition, but also entire technological procedure. In countries with developed cattle production, evaluation of body condition has for several years been main component of production practice on farms. It is considered that condition is very reliable indicator of the nutrition status and energy balance in the organism. Body condition score is subjective and practical method which enables precise assessment of deposited fat in the cow organism by observing and touching previously determined body regions and fields. There is considerable variability of the condition of cows in different stages of production cycle. Body condition of high yielding cows often comes out of the frame of optimal values for certain stage of production cycle. Decrease of production, disorders in health condition and fertility of cows indicate the nature of relation between inadequate body condition and stated problems. Shape and strength of the relation between production results and body condition score confirms its reliability. This is all indication of the need for wider application of this evaluation system. Based on body condition score, beside other important factors in the production cycle, there is realistic possibility to achieve more efficient production of milk from the aspect of energy. Main purpose of this paper was to present how the application of methods for body condition score and its significance for production practice can be functional.Postojeći problemi u proizvodnji mleka, rezultatima reprodukcije i zdravstvenom stanju visokoproizvodnih krava mogu da se dovedu u vezu sa primenjenom tehnologijom ishrane. Važno pitanje u tehnologiji ishrane visokomlečnih krava predstavlja količina raspoložive energije (hrana, depoi masti, miÅ”ići) u ključnim fazama proizvodnog ciklusa (period zasuÅ”enja i rane laktacije). Deficit energije u kritičnim periodima proizvodnog procesa može da dovede do ozbiljnih poremećaja u proizvodnji, zdravlju i reprodukciji U početnoj fazi proizvodnje mleka najkritičniji je period maksimalne dnevne proizvodnje. Negativan bilans energije najizraženiji je u vrhu laktacije. Visok gubitak energije na račun telesnih rezervi predstavlja veliko opterećenje za metabolizam krava. Obezbeđenje adekvatne količine energije je složen uslov za svaku fazu proizvodnog ciklusa. OTK je subjektivan metod koji vizuelno i opipavanjem vrednuje količinu potkožne telesne masti. OTK je koristan alat za upravljanje mlečnim stadom. Idealna telesna kondicija je rang koji je u funkciji toka i faze laktacije. Procena rezervi energije u organizmu utvrđena preko OTK u osnovi predstavlja hranidbeni status grla vrednovan preko deponovanog masnog tkiva, pri čemu telesni okvir i masa grla imaju sekundaran značaj. Jedan od sistema za OTK krava koji je značajan za praksu je američki Virdžinija sistem modifikovan po Edmodsonu. Sistem za OTK kreiran je u obliku mape (karte) za ocenu visokomlečnih krava. Mapa je precizno pripremljena za svaki telesni region i polje koji se može smatrati važnim u dodeli ukupne OTK krave. Tri velika telesna regiona (slabine, karlica i koren repa) podeljena su osam polja na telu krave (slabine imaju četiri polja; karlica ima tri polja; koren repa ima jedno polje). Svako telesno polje se posebno ocenjuje i koristi kao pokazatelj telesne kondicije. Svako grlo ocenjeno je individualno za promene nivoa ocene duž skale od 1 do 5. Kontinuirano se koristi povećanje od 0,25 delova poena. Ceo sistem OTK funkcioniÅ”e sa 17 nivoa u okviru ukupne skale ocena posmatrane u intervalu od minimalne ocene u iznosu 1 i maksimalne u iznosu 5. Ocena 1 pokazuje mrÅ”avu kondiciju. Ocena 5 pokazuje izrazito tovnu kondiciju. Svaka faza proizvodnog ciklusa ima svoju optimalnu ocenu. Pod normalnim uslovima krave treba da gube telesnu kondiciju najviÅ”e od 4 do 6 nedelja. U skromnim vrednostima telesna kondicija postepeno se vraća u periodu od 7 do 12 nedelje. Krave u prvih od 100 do 120 dana laktacije treba da imaju ocenu između od 2,50 do 3,25. Ocena telesne kondicije od 200 dana laktacije do perioda zasuÅ”enja treba da je između 2,75 i 3,50. Ishrana u periodu zasuÅ”enja treba da osigura ocenu između 3,25 i 3,50. Mogućnost vrednovanja energetskog (hranidbenog) statusa i efikasnosti ishrane visokomlečnih krava pomoću OTK preporučuje ovaj sistem za praktičnu primenu u tehnoloÅ”kim programima na govedarskim farmama

    Totally classical Calogero model

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    We show that the standard Calogero Lax matrix can be interpreted as a function on the fuzzy sphere and the Avan-Talon r-matrix as a function on the direct product of two fuzzy spheres. We calculate the limiting Lax function and r-function when the fuzzy sphere tends to the ordinary sphere and we show that they define an integrable model interpreted as a large N Calogero model by Bordemann, Hoppe and Theisen.Comment: 13 pages, revised version taking into account relevant results by Bordemann, Hoppe and Theise

    Uticaj vremena zrenja i CaCl2 na kvalitet junećeg mesa

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    Investigations were carried out on four muscles (M. longissimus dorsi, M. semimembranosus, M. semitendinosus, M. biceps femoris) taken from five young cattle (crosses Domestic Spotted x Limousine) of average body mass prior to slaughtering of 587 kg. On all muscles, 24 h after slaughtering, sensory evaluation was carried out and the following parameters determined: pH value, colour, water binding ability, cooking loss and tenderness (initial values). The remaining part of each muscle was divided into 6 parts, 3 were packaged in plastic foil (control samples), and other 3 were soaked in solution containing 0,4% CaCl2 and 0,4% NaCl and packaged in plastic foil. Pieces of meat prepared in this way were left on temperature of + 40C 7, 14 and 21 days to mature. After this period, all mentioned analyses were carried out on meat samples. It was established that pH value during maturation increased, that meat packaged in plastic foil after 14 days of maturation becomes unusable, whereas the increase of pH values of meat whose maturation occurred in solution CaCl2 and NaCl was slower and therefore meat was still usable after 21 days. Color of meat in control samples was slightly lighter compared to initial condition, whereas the color of meat whose maturation occurred in solutions of salt was statistically considerably lighter (P (lt) 0,05 after 7 days, a P (lt) 0,001 after 14 and 21 days). Water binding ability in control samples was slightly better (P>0,05) after 7 days and after 14 days it was statistically significantly better (P (lt) 0,05) compared to initial state, whereas in meat whose maturation occurred in salt solution this ability was at initial level even after 21 days. Cooking loss in control samples was lower compared to initial values whereas in meat soaked in salt solution cooking loss was higher. Meat tenderness in control samples was statistically considerably better after 14 days of maturation (when meat was not fit for use) and in meat soaked in salt solution it was statistically highly significantly better after 14 and 21 days. According to sensory evaluation, control samples of meat, after 14 days of maturation are not fit for use, whereas meat whose maturation occurred in solution of CaCl2 and NaCl even after 21 days is acceptable from the sensory aspect.Ispitivanja su obavljena na četiri miÅ”ića (M. longissimus dorsi, M. semimembranosus, M. semitendinosus, M. biceps femoris) uzetih od pet junadi (melezi domaće Å”areno goveče x limuzin), prosečne mase pred klanje 587 kg. Na svim miÅ”ićima 24 sata posle klanja obavljena je senzorna ocena i određeni su: pH vrednost, boja, sposobnost vezivanja dodate vode, kalo kuvanja i mekoća (početne vrednosti). Ostatak svakog miÅ”ića podeljen je na 6 delova od kojih su po 3 upakovani u plastičnu foliju (kontrolni uzorci), a ostala 3 dela su potopljena u rastvor koji sadrži 0,4% CaCl2 i 0,4% NaCl i upakovani u plastičnu foliju. Ovako pripremljeni komadi mesa ostavljeni su pri temperaturi od + 40C 7, 14 i 21 dan na zrenju. Posle isteka zadatog vremena urađena su na komadima od svih miÅ”ića navedena ispitivanja.Utvrđeno je da se pH vrednost tokom zrenja povećava i da u mesu koje je upakovano u plastičnu foliju posle 14 dana zrenja dospeva u oblast kad je meso neupotrebljivo, dok je povećanje pH vrednosti kod mesa čije se zrenje odvijalo u rastvoru CaCl2 i NaCl sporije tako da je meso i posle 21 dan upotrebljivo. Boja mesa kod kontrolnih uzoraka bila je neznatno svetlija u odnosu na početno stanje, dok je boja mesa čije se zrenje odvijalo u rastvoru soli bila statistički značajno svetlija (P (lt) 0,05 nakon 7 dana, a P (lt) 0,001 nakon 14 i 21 dan). Sposobnost vezivanja vode kod kontrolnih uzoraka bila je neznatno (P>0,05) bolja nakon 7 dana dok je nakon 14 dana bila statistički značajno bolja (P (lt) 0,05) u poređenju sa početnim stanjem, dok je kod mesa čije se zrenje odvijalo u rastvoru soli i posle 21 dan bila na nivou početnog stanja. Kalo kuvanja kod kontrolnih uzoraka bio je manji u poređenju sa vrednostima na početku ogleda dok je kod mesa potopljenog u rastvor soli bio veći. Mekoća mesa kod kontrolnih uzoraka bila je statistički značajno bolja nakon 14 dana zrenja (kad je meso bilo neupotrebljivo) dok je kod mesa potopljenog u rastvor soli bila statistički visoko značajno bolja posle 14 i 21 dan. Prema senzornoj oceni kontrolni uzorci mesa nakon 14 dana zrenja postaju neupotrebljivi, dok je meso čije se zrenje odvijalo u rastvoru CaCl2 i NaCl i nakon 21 dan zrenja senzorno veoma prihvatljivo
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