10 research outputs found

    Natural resources utilization by the Aweer in Boni-lungi and Dodori national reserves, Kenya

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    A study was conducted to record the utilization of Boni-Lungi and Dodori National Reserves by the Aweer community. Results indicate the procuring of a wide gamut of provisional, regulatory, cultural and supportive services from these reserves by the community ranging from wood forest products utilized in construction to their use in expression of religious beliefs to non-wood products. In addition, 16 wildlife species were found to be utilized as primary source of protein, with eggs (guinea fowls and ostrich), fish and honey were utilized as secondary products, while various fungi and algae were consumed as vegetables. Resource extraction occurred with a seasonal dissimilitude.  This study underscores the need for appreciation of Aweer ethnobiology input on native forest conservation.Keywords: Aweer community, Boni-Lungi and Dodori National Reserves, Indigenous Knowledge, Natural Resources Utilizatio

    Sengi (elephant-shrew) observations from northern coastal Kenya

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    The biodiversity of northern coastal Kenya is poorly understood because security problems and poor infrastructure have discouraged access to the area. However, the wooded areas in the region have great potential for harbouring unique and rare species, including sengis or elephant-shrews (Macroscelidea). Based on recent surveys of the Boni and Dodori National Reserves, which are between the Tana River and the Somali border, the ranges of the rufous sengi (Elephantulus rufescens) and four-toed sengi (Petrodromus tetradactylus) have been extended. Although the golden-rumped sengi (Rhynchocyon chrysopygus) of coastal Kenya south of the lower Tana River was assumed to occur in the Boni forest region, this now appears to be incorrect. The Rhynchocyon east of the lower Tana River is definitely not R. chrysopygus, but rather resembles taxa found hundreds of kilometres to the south. Determining the taxonomic status of what may be a new form of Rhynchocyon will require the collection of voucher specimens and DNA tissues for detailed analyses.Keywords: Boni Forest, distribution, elephant-shrew, Macroscelidea, Rhynchocyo

    Changing wildlife populations in Nairobi national park and adjoining Athi-Kaputiei plains: Collapse of the migratory Wildebeest

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    There is mounting concern about declines in wildlife populations in many protected areas in Africa. Migratory ungulates are especially vulnerable to impacts of changing land use outside protected areas on their abundance. Range compression may compromise the capacity of migrants to cope with climatic variation, and accentuate both competitive interactions and predation. We analyzed the population dynamics of 11 ungulate species within Kenya’s Nairobi National Park, and compared them to those in the adjoining Athi-Kaputiei Plains, where human settlements and other developments had expanded. The migratory wildebeest decreased from almost 30,000 animals in 1978 to around 5,000 currently but the migratory zebra changed little regionally. Hartebeest, impala, eland, Thomson’s gazelle, Grant’s gazelle, waterbuck, warthog and giraffe numbers declined regionally, whereas buffalo numbers expanded. Bimonthly counts indicated temporary movements of several species beyond the unfenced park boundaries, especially during very wet years and that few wildebeest entered the park during the dry season following exceptionally wet conditions in 1998. Wildebeest were especially vulnerable to anthropogenic impacts in their wet season dispersal range on the plains. Deterioration in grassland conditions in the park following high rainfall plus lack of burning may have discouraged these animals from using the park as a dry season refuge. Our findings emphasise the interdependency between the park and the plains for seasonal wildlife movements, especially in exceptionally dry or wet years. To effectively conserve these ungulates, we recommend implementation of the new land-use plan for the Athi-Kaputiei Plains by the county government; expansion of the land leasing program for biodiversity payments; collecting poacher’s snares; negotiation and enforcement of easements, allowing both wildlife and livestock to move through the Athi-Kaputiei Plains, providing incentives for conservation to landowners; and improving grassland conditions within the park through controlled burning so that more wildlife can gain protection there

    Anti-severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 immunoglobulin g antibody seroprevalence among truck drivers and assistants in Kenya

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    In October 2020, anti-severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) immunoglobulin G seroprevalence among truck drivers and their assistants (TDA) in Kenya was 42.3%, higher than among healthcare workers and blood donors. Truck drivers and their assistants transport essential supplies during the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic, placing them at increased risk of being infected and of transmitting SARS-CoV-2 over a wide geographical area