819 research outputs found

    Aplikasi Soft System Methodology (Ssm) Untuk Perencanaan Terintegrasi Biofuel Dalam Sektor Pertanian Dan Sektor Energi

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    Biofuel sebagai substitusi potensial dari BBM belum dimanfaatkan secara maksimal. Untuk itu, diperlukan desain ulang dari strategi pengembangan biofuel yang komprehensif mencakup sektor energi yang merupakan output dari produk dan sektor pertanian yang merupakan sumber inputnya. Secara keseluruhan, terdapat tiga pendekatan yang berbeda untuk memodelkan biofuel, yaitu pendekatan dari sisi ekonomi dengan model Computable General Equilibrium (CGE), lalu pendekatan dari sisi pertanian dengan model Partial Equilibrium (PE), dan pendekatan dari sisi energi dengan model Long-range Energy Alternatives Planning (LEAP). Tujuan utama makalah ini adalah untuk memperoleh gambaran permasalahan atas situasi yang terjadi dalam perencanaan kebijakan biofuel mempertimbangkan penggunaan ketiga pendekatan diatas. Dengan menggunakan Soft System Methodology (SSM), pada makalah ini telah dibangun suatu model konseptual yang menggambarkan hubungan aktivitas antar komponen yang berkait. Melalui penerapan langkah-langkah SSM telah disusun rencana tindakan yang akan dilakukan, yaitu perencanaan terintegrasi dengan LEAP yang telah dimodifikasi untuk mengakomodir sektor pertanian dan sektor energi

    Resource Allocation in Heterogeneous Buffered Cognitive Radio Networks

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    Resources available for operation in cognitive radio networks (CRN) are generally limited, making it imperative for efficient resource allocation (RA) models to be designed for them. However, in most RA designs, a significant limiting factor to the RA’s productivity has hitherto been mostly ignored, the fact that different users or user categories do have different delay tolerance profiles. To address this, in this paper, an appropriate RA model for heterogeneous CRN with delay considerations is developed and analysed. In the model, the demands of users are first categorised and then, based on the distances of users from the controlling secondary user base station and with the assumption that the users are mobile, the user demands are placed in different queues having different service capacities and the resulting network is analysed using queueing theory. Furthermore, to achieve optimality in the RA process, an important concept is introduced whereby some demands from one queue are moved to another queue where they have a better chance of enhanced service, thereby giving rise to the possibility of an improvement in the overall performance of the network. The performance results obtained from the analysis, particularly the blocking probability and network throughput, show that the queueing model incorporated into the RA process can help in achieving optimality for the heterogeneous CRN with buffered data

    Konsep Ekologi-teknik Pada Perancangan Resort Di Pantai Sendang Biru Malang

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    Pantai Sendang Biru ditetapkan oleh pemerintah sebagai kawasan pariwisatadikarenakan potensi alamnya. Hal ini dapat dilihat dari kondisi topografinya berupakawasan perbukitan, pegunungan, hutan, pantai berpasir putih. Pantai Sendang Biruberada dalam satu kawasan dengan Pelabuhan Perikanan Pondokdadap dan PulauSempu yang terkenal dengan panorama alam yang menarik. Pengembangan danpendayagunaan potensi yang ada belum optimal, hal ini terlihat dari kurangterpenuhinya fasilitas akomodasi bagi wisatawan. Selain itu kegiatan yang ada di pantaidan pelabuhan mengakibatkan pencemaran lingkungan. Hal tersebut menjadi salahsatu penyebab naik turunnya jumlah wisatawan. Oleh karena itu diperlukanpemecahan menggunakan konsep ekologi teknik berkelanjutan. Penelitian inidilakukan melalui survei lokasi untuk mendapatkan data fisik maupun non fisik tapak,sedangkan studi komparatif digunakan sebagai referensi terhadap perancangan.Penelitian mengenai parameter ekologi teknik ini didasarkan pada variabel analisisyang dijadikan dasar dalam konsep perancangan resort di Pantai Sendang Biru Malang.Konsep ekologi teknik diwujudkan melalui organisasi massa bangunan, sistempenghawaan, sistem pencahayaan, pemilihan material, dan sistem sanitasi padaperancangan resort di Pantai Sendang Biru Malang beserta aspek pelengkap yangmempengaruhi didalamnya seperti pemilihan dan peletakan elemen vegetasi. Darikeseluruhan aspek tersebut dapat saling mempengaruhi dan terkait satu sama lainuntuk menghasilkan rancangan resort dengan konsep ekologi-tekni

    Implementasi Kebijakan Standarisasi Penghasilan Aparatur Pemerintah Desa Di Kabupaten Banyumas

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    Income Standards Policy for rural government institution in Banyumas Regency refers to Government Regulation No. 43 Year 2014 concerning the Implementation Regulations of Law No. 6 In 2014 about the village. Purpose of establishing the Income Standards Policy for rural government institution is to improve the equity and justice for all the Head of the Village and the Village, and the orderly administration of the village good governance relating to rural finance. Effectiveness of policy implementation is measured using “five right”, ie appropriateness of the policy, the accuracy of the implementation, the target accuracy, precision environment, and the accuracy of the process. In the policy, also used the theory of Edwards III consisting of communication, resources, disposition, and organizational structure, and to identify factors supporting and policy implementation. The results of the study is the emergence of a legal product in the form of Fixed Income, Benefits, and Income Supplement Village Head and the Village in Banyumas as income equalization step for village officials in Banyumas. The author recommends the following suggestions: Open communication pattern between the Government 2 of the village with the Municipality by optimizing net Asmara, Provision of Work Motivation and Discipline of apparatus, and optimize public participation in policy formulation in the area

    Pengaruh Servqual terhadap Loyalitas Nasabah dengan Kepuasan sebagai Pemediasi Studi pada Bank Daerah di YOGYAKARTA

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    This study aims to analyze the impact of servqual to customer loyalty with customer satisfaction as the intermediary variable on regional bank BPR and BPD in Yogyakarta. Simple regression, multiple regression, and path analysis are used as the analysis tools. This study indicates that servqual significantly affects to customer satisfaction, customer loyalty of regional bank. Furthermore, customer satisfaction also significantly affects to customer loyalty of regional bank and the interaction of servqual impact to customer loyalty moderated by customer satisfaction


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    The application of science and technology in the form of counseling  "Anti-Corruption Education in Forming of Integrated Young Generation" is carried out at the BKKBN GenRe (Generasi Remaja) Ambassador Activity of Papua Province and Pentecostal Children's Services (Pelnap) throughout Jayapura City, with the consideration that each represents the age of adolescents and children school age. The purpose of this research and counseling is to know and understand what is corruption and also to know and understand the causes and forms of corruption. The results of this dedication are, the material provided in counseling on"Anti-Corruption Education in Forming of Integrated Young Generation  can be well received by extension participants with indicators of good responses and responses from participants with various weighted questions raised at the time of counseling take place. Finally, it is expected that counseling on anti-corruption education must be routinely carried out especially for adolescents and school-age children in the context of establishing children's integrity and also as a preventive measure in suppressing future corruption rates, and also as a form of business in establishing the nation's personal child who is honest, great and has the character of a wistle blower. Keywords: Corruption, Anti-Corruption, and Integrate

    Fertilizer and Sanitary Quality of Digestate Biofertilizer from the Co-digestion of Food Waste and Human Excreta

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    This research was aimed at assessing the fertilizer quality and public health implications of using digestate biofertilizer from the anaerobic digestion of food wastes and human excreta. Twelve (12) kg of food wastes and 3 kg of human excreta were mixed with water in a 1:1 w/v to make 30-l slurry that was fed into the anaerobic digester to ferment for 60 days at mesophilic temperature (22–31 �C). Though BOD, COD, organic carbon and ash content in the feedstock were reduced after anaerobic digestion by 50.0%, 10.6%, 74.3% and 1.5% respectively, nitrogen, pH and total solids however increased by 12.1%, 42.5% and 12.4% respectively. The C/N ratios of the feedstock and compost are 135:1 and 15.8:1. The residual total coliforms of 2.10 � 108 CFU/100 ml in the digestate was above tolerable limits for direct application on farmlands. Microbial analysis of the digestate biofertilizer revealed the presence of Pseudomonas, Klebsiella, Clostridium, Bacillus, Bacteroides, Penicillum, Salmollena, and Aspergillus. Klebsiella, Bacillus, Pseudomonas, Penicillum and Aspergillus can boost the efficiency of the biofertilizer through nitrogen fixation and nutrient solubility in soils but Klebsiella again and Salmollena are potential health risks to end users. Further treatment of the digestate for more efficient destruction of pathogens is advise

    Studi Pola Kedatangan Ikan Pada Area Penangkapan Bagan Perahu Dengan Teknologi Hidroakustik

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    Teknologi akustik bidang penangkapan ikan umumnya digunakan untuk mendeteksi keberadaan ikan dan secara khusus digunakan untuk mempelajari tingkah laku ikan termasuk pola kedatangan ikan pada area penangkapan suatu alat tangkap. Kajian pola kedatangan ikan dengan metode akustik ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui pola kedatangan ikan pada area penangkapan bagan perahu berdasarkan waktu dan kedalaman perairan. Studi dilakukan dengan metode experimental fishing dengan mengikuti operasi penangkapan pada satu unit bagan perahu di perairan Pantai Kota Parepare yang dilaksanakan pada Mei-Juni 2015. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa schooling ikan mendatangi sumber cahaya di area penangkapan bagan perahu sekitar 30-50 menit setelah penyalaan lampu pengumpul ikan. Kawanan ikan mendatangi sumber cahaya pada kedalaman 6-7 meter dengan pola soliter dan mendekat setelah 100-120 menit pada kisaran 2-3 meter dari permukaan laut dengan pola kedatangan ikan soliter dan bergerombol. Hasil ini dapat menjadi acuan waktu penarikan jaring bagan perahu yang lebih efektif dan efisien. Sehingga efektivitas waktu dan biaya operasi dapat lebih optimal dalam mendukung USAha penangkapan ikan skala kecil guna peningkatan produksi tangkapan secara berkelanjutan
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