137 research outputs found

    Electronic and magnetic properties of the monolayer RuCl3_3: A first-principles and Monte Carlo study

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    Recent experiments revealed that monolayer α\alpha-RuCl3_3 can be obtain by chemical exfoliation method and exfoliation or restacking of nanosheets can manipulate the magnetic properties of the materials. In this present paper, the electronic and magnetic properties of α\alpha-RuCl3_3 monolayer are investigated by combining first-principles calculations and Monte Carlo simulations. From first-principles calculations, we found that the spin configuration FM corresponds to the ground state for α\alpha-RuCl3_3, however, the other excited zigzag oriented spin configuration has energy of 5 meV/atom higher than the ground state. Energy band gap has been obtained as 33 meV using PBE functionals. When spin-orbit coupling effect is taken into account, corresponding energy gap is determined to be as 5757 meV. We also investigate the effect of Hubbard U energy terms on the electronic band structure of α\alpha-RuCl3_3 monolayer and revealed band gap increases approximately linear with increasing U value. Moreover, spin-spin coupling terms (J1J_1, J2J_2, J3J_3) have been obtained using first principles calculations. By benefiting from these terms, Monte Carlo simulations with single site update Metropolis algorithm have been implemented to elucidate magnetic properties of the considered system. Thermal variations of magnetization, susceptibility and also specific heat curves indicate that monolayer α\alpha-RuCl3_3 exhibits a phase transition between ordered and disordered phases at the Curie temperature 14.2114.21 K. We believe that this study can be utilized to improve two-dimensional magnet materials

    An anticipative scheduling approach with controllable processing times

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    In practice, machine schedules are usually subject to disruptions which have to be repaired by reactive scheduling decisions. The most popular predictive approach in project management and machine scheduling literature is to leave idle times (time buffers) in schedules in coping with disruptions, i.e. the resources will be under-utilized. Therefore, preparing initial schedules by considering possible disruption times along with rescheduling objectives is critical for the performance of rescheduling decisions. In this paper, we show that if the processing times are controllable then an anticipative approach can be used to form an initial schedule so that the limited capacity of the production resources are utilized more effectively. To illustrate the anticipative scheduling idea, we consider a non-identical parallel machining environment, where processing times can be controlled at a certain compression cost. When there is a disruption during the execution of the initial schedule, a match-up time strategy is utilized such that a repaired schedule has to catch-up initial schedule at some point in future. This requires changing machine–job assignments and processing times for the rest of the schedule which implies increased manufacturing costs. We show that making anticipative job sequencing decisions, based on failure and repair time distributions and flexibility of jobs, one can repair schedules by incurring less manufacturing cost. Our computational results show that the match-up time strategy is very sensitive to initial schedule and the proposed anticipative scheduling algorithm can be very helpful to reduce rescheduling costs

    Single and bilayer bismuthene: Stability at high temperature and mechanical and electronic properties

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    Based on first-principles phonon and finite temperature molecular dynamics calculations including spin-orbit coupling, we showed that free-standing single-layer phases of bismuth, namely buckled honeycomb and asymmetric washboard structures named as bismuthene, are stable at high temperature. We studied the atomic structure, mechanical, and electronic properties of these single-layer bismuthene phases and their bilayers. The spin-orbit coupling is found to be crucial in determining lattice constants, phonon frequencies, band gaps, and cohesion. In particular, phonons of 3D hexagonal crystal, as well as those of single-layer bismuthene phases, are softened with spin orbit coupling. By going from 3D hexagonal crystal to free-standing single-layer structures, 2D hexagonal lattice is compressed and semimetal is transformed to semiconductor as a result of confinement effect. On the contrary, by going from single-layer to bilayer bismuthenes, the lattice is slightly expanded and fundamental band gaps are narrowed. Our results reveals that interlayer coupling in multilayer and 3D Bi crystal is crucial for topologically trivial to nontrivial and semimetal to semiconductor transitions. © 2016 American Physical Society

    Effects of adatoms and physisorbed molecules on the physical properties of antimonene

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    A recent study predicted that a 2D single layer of antimony in buckled honeycomb as well as asymmetric washboard structures, named antimonene, is stable at high temperature and displays semiconducting properties. Based on first-principles, spin-polarized density functional calculations, we investigated chemisorption of selected adatoms and physisorption of molecules on two antimonene phases. Since adspecies-adspecies interaction is minimized by using large supercells, our results mimic the effects of isolated, single adatoms or molecules. We found that molecules such as H2,O2, and H2O neither form strong chemical bonds nor dissociate; they are physisorbed with a weak binding energy without affecting the properties of antimonene. The adatoms, such as H, Li, B, C, N, O, Al, In, Si, P, Cl, Ti, As, and Sb, are chemisorbed with significant binding energy, whereby the atomic and electronic structures are modified locally. Boron and carbon adatoms are implemented into buckled antimonene crystal leading to a local reconstruction of the crystal. Nitrogen gives rise to Stone-Wales type defects. The localized states originating from adatoms give rise to diversity of electronic structure. The lowest conduction and highest valence bands of antimonene in asymmetric washboard structures have very high curvature. Once combined with adatom states, these bands offer a variety of features. Specific adatoms lead to spin polarization, attain magnetic moments, and can attribute a half-metallic character to antimonene. © 2016 American Physical Society

    Tunable dynamics of a flake on graphene: Libration frequency

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    In this paper we investigated the interaction between a graphene nanoflake anchored to the 2D graphene monolayer. This interaction is attractive but weak and is capable of setting a well defined registry in equilibrium. Rotational and linear displacements from equilibrium registry generate restoring forces, which can be controlled by external agents. Similar flakes can be self-assembled and can also execute simple harmonic motion as if a physical pendulum. Oscillation of a nanoflake about their equilibrium registries resulting in a characteristic libration frequency is predicted. This frequency depends on the size and geometry of the flake. Moreover, the libration frequency, as well as the electronic and magnetic properties of the flake+monolayer systems, can be tuned by a foreign molecule anchored to the flake, by electric charging and applied parallel and perpendicular electric and magnetic fields. When the sliding of the flake is combined with rotation, the friction force can be reduced dramatically. It is surprising that weak interaction can offer such features at nanoscale, which may offer potential applications. Our predictions are obtained by first-principles calculations based on density functional theory. © 2017 American Physical Society

    First-principles study of the iron pnictide superconductor BaFe2 As2

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    This paper presents our study on the atomic, electronic, magnetic structures, and phonon modes of the low-temperature orthorhombic phase of undoped BaFe2 As2 crystal. The electronic structure is characterized by a sharp Fe-3d peak close to the Fermi level and is dominated by Fe-3d - and As-4p -hybridized states. Ba contribution occurs only at lower energies. The spin ordering of the magnetic ground state, which is determined by minimizing the total energy of different spin alignments on Fe atoms in the conventional cell, is in agreement with experimental findings but is different from the antiferromagnetic spin ordering obtained by assigning antiparallel spin directions on two Fe atoms in the primitive unit cell. Valuable information about the charge transfer and bonding is revealed through the analysis of the charge density. Electrons are transferred from Ba to Fe-As layers and also from Fe to As atoms. The magnetic phonon calculations of the ground state are carried out to predict Raman and infrared-active modes. Softening of some calculated spin-dependent phonon modes corroborates the contribution of spin-lattice coupling to the structural phase transition from I4/mmm to Fmmm. © 2009 The American Physical Society

    Modification of electronic structure, magnetic structure, and topological phase of bismuthene by point defects

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    This paper reveals how the electronic structure, magnetic structure, and topological phase of two-dimensional (2D), single-layer structures of bismuth are modified by point defects. We first showed that a free-standing, single-layer, hexagonal structure of bismuth, named h-bismuthene, exhibits nontrivial band topology. We then investigated interactions between single foreign adatoms and bismuthene structures, which comprise stability, bonding, electronic structure, and magnetic structures. Localized states in diverse locations of the band gap and resonant states in band continua of bismuthene are induced upon the adsorption of different adatoms, which modify electronic and magnetic properties. Specific adatoms result in reconstruction around the adsorption site. Single vacancies and divacancies can form readily in bismuthene structures and remain stable at high temperatures. Through rebondings, Stone-Whales-type defects are constructed by divacancies, which transform into a large hole at high temperature. Like adsorbed adatoms, vacancies induce also localized gap states, which can be eliminated through rebondings in divacancies. We also showed that not only the optical and magnetic properties, but also the topological features of pristine h-bismuthene can be modified by point defects. The modification of the topological features depends on the energies of localized states and also on the strength of coupling between point defects. © 2017 American Physical Society

    Material processing using ultrashort light pulses with tilted front

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    Femtosecond laser writing in glass is controlled by the polarization plane azimuth and intensity front tilt of light pulse. Polarization dependent distribution of extraordinary modifications along the light propagation direction is observed