585 research outputs found


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    The measuring of Ca2+, Mg2+, K+ has been carried out. This quantity determination had two purposes. It allows us, on the one hand, to show that the assimilation rate of the studied mineral elements and the synthesis of the dry matter are in relation with the composition of the plant organs. On the other hand, to analyse the Na+/ NH4 + antagonism in constantly keeping the concentration of each anion and cation. Within the adjusted saline water T1C, T2C, T3C changing the proportion of NH4 + from 15% to 25% in the total mineral nitrogen of the modified saline solution T1 mod, T2mod, T3, mod. At the level of the two studied species, tomato and bean, the K+ is very abundant with regard to the cations Ca2+, Mg2+, and Na+ probably due to the weak capacity of the cationic root exchange of these plants. The roots of the tomato plants are less loaded with Na+ than the aerial parts. However, the bean stores much more Na+ at the level of the roots, which migrate with difficulty to the aerial parts [2]


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    The measuring of Ca2+, Mg2+, K+ has been carried out. This quantity determination had two purposes. It allows us, on the one hand, to show that the assimilation rate of the studied mineral elements and the synthesis of the dry matter are in relation with the composition of the plant organs. On the other hand, to analyse the Na+/ NH4 + antagonism in constantly keeping the concentration of each anion and cation. Within the adjusted saline water T1C, T2C, T3C changing the proportion of NH4 + from 15% to 25% in the total mineral nitrogen of the modified saline solution T1 mod, T2mod, T3, mod. At the level of the two studied species, tomato and bean, the K+ is very abundant with regard to the cations Ca2+, Mg2+, and Na+ probably due to the weak capacity of the cationic root exchange of these plants. The roots of the tomato plants are less loaded with Na+ than the aerial parts. However, the bean stores much more Na+ at the level of the roots, which migrate with difficulty to the aerial parts [2]


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    The study carried out on the mineral assimilation in saline environment by tomato and bean cultures allowed us to distinguish through the various studied stages, a specifi c assimilation of the mineral element Ca, Mg, K, Na. This study aimed at looking at how assimilation rate of the studied mineral element. The dry matter is in relation with the mineral composition of the plant organs


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    The study carried out on the mineral assimilation in saline environment by tomato and bean cultures allowed us to distinguish through the various studied stages, a specifi c assimilation of the mineral element Ca, Mg, K, Na. This study aimed at looking at how assimilation rate of the studied mineral element. The dry matter is in relation with the mineral composition of the plant organs

    Effect of Aeromonas Hydrofila on Interleukin 10 Gene Expression of Liver, Spleen and Muscle Tissue in Common Carp Fish

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         أجريت الدراسة في مختبر الأسماك العائد لقسم الأنتاج الحيواني في الكلية التقنية المسيب للمدة من 23 شباط الى 16 اذار 2019 , تضمنت التجربة أربع معاملات وهي كل من معاملة السيطرة (t1 ) والملح (t2 ) والبكتريا الحية (t3 ) والبكتريا المقتولة (t4 ) , بواقع عشرين سمكة من نوع الكارب الاعتيادي Caprinus Carpio لكل معاملة. كان الهدف من الدراسة معرفة أثر الأصابة البكتيرية في التعبير الجيني لجين IL-10 ومقارنة هذا التعبير بين ثلاث انسجة وهي الكبد والطحال والنسيج العضلي, فقد سجلت معاملة البكتريا الحيةt3) ) أعلى تعبير جيني مقارنة ببقية المعاملات في الكبد الا ان الفارق كان قليلا مع جين المقارنه بيتا اكتين بمقدار (β-actin) (23.71 ) . أما في الطحال فكان التعبير الجيني لجين IL-10 الاعلى في المعاملة الرابعة t4) ) بمقدار (23.29) ألا انها كانت أقل من جين المقارنة β-actin (25.76) لنفس المعاملة. أما في النسيج العضلي فقد كان التعبير الجيني لجين IL-10 فكان الاعلى في معاملة السيطرة (t1) مقارنة ببقية المعاملات فيما كان التعبير الجيني هو الأقل لجين المقارنة β-actin مقارنة ببقية المعاملات . أما فيما يخص التعبير النسبي لجين IL-10 (نسبه الى جين المقارنة ومعاملة السيطرة) في الكبد سجلت معامله البكتريا الحية (t3) أعلى تعبير نسبي للجين IL-10 (728.6) تلتها معاملة البكتريا المقتولة (t4) وبواقع (22.86) وبفارق كبير عن معاملة الملح (t2) (1.16) أما في الطحال فقد سجلت معاملة البكتريا المقتولة t4)) أعلى تعبير نسبي (2112.8) وبفارق كبير عن المعاملتين الثانية والثالثة (155,3.09 على التوالي) .اما في النسيج العضلي فقد كان التعبير النسبي لجين IL-10 في المعاملات الثانية والثالثة والرابعة أقل مما هي عليه في معاملة السيطرة نسبة الي جين المقارنة بيتا اكتين. نستنتج ان اعلى تعبير للجين IL-10 قد ظهر في الكبد عند حدوث الاصابة البكتيرية ولم يكن كذلك في الطحال والنسيج العضلي .     The study was conducted in the laboratory of fish belonging to the Department of Animal Production at the Technical College of Musayyib for the period from February 23 to March 16/2019 , the experiment included four treatments, namely control treatment (t1) and salt group (t2) and live bacteria group (t3) and killed bacteria group (t4), by 20 A common carp Caprinus Carpio fish per treatment.the aim of the study was to identify the effect of bacterial infection in the gene expression of the gene IL-10 and compare this expression between three tissues, namely liver, spleen and muscle tissue .Regarding the gene expression of the IL-10 gene, the treatment of live bacteria (t3) showed the highest gene expression compared to the rest of the liver, but it But it made little difference with the B-actin gene (23.71). In the spleen, the gene expression of the IL-10 gene was highest in the fourth treatment (t4) (23.29), but it was lower than the comparison gene B-actin (25.76) for the same treatment. In muscular tissue, the gene expression of IL-10 was higher in the control treatment (t1) compared to the rest of the treatments, but Gene expression was the least in the comparison gene β-actin compared to the rest of the treatments. Regarding the relative expression of the IL-10 gene (relative to the comparison gene and control treatment) in the liver, the live bacterial treatment (t3) recorded the highest relative expression of the IL-10 gene (728.6) followed by the treatment of the killed bacteria (t4) (22.86) by a highly difference from Salt (t2) (1.16)  . in the spleen, the treatment of the bacteria killed (t4) was the highest relative expression (2112.8) by a highly difference with the second and third treatments (15.5,3.09 respectively). In muscle tissue,  the relative expression of the IL-10 gene in second, third and fourth treatments were lowest than in the control treatment relative to the β-actin gene. We conclude that the highest expression of the IL-10 gene appeared in the liver when bacterial infection occurred and was not the case in the spleen and muscle tissue

    Types of the Fiber Glass-Mat on Fatigue Characteristic of Composite Materials at Constant Fiber Volume Fraction: Experimental Determination

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    The aim of this work is to study the influence of the type of fiber glass mat on fatigue behavior of composite material which is manufactured from polyester and E-glass (woven roving, chopped strand mat (CSM)) as a laminate with a constant fiber volume fraction (VF) of 33%. The results showed that the laminates reinforced with E-glass (woven roving) [0/90, ±45.0/90] and [0/90, CSM, 0/90] have lower fatigue strength than the laminates reinforced with E-glass [0/90]3,[CSM]3 and [CSM, 0/90, CSM] although they had different tensile strength; the best laminate was [0/90]3

    Role of leptin and its receptors in the pathogenesis of thyroid cancer

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    Leptin is a multifunctional adipose-derived cytokines that play a critical role in bodyweight homeostasis and energy balance. Recently, leptin and leptin receptor dysreulation have been reported in variety of malignant cells including thyroid. Leptin modulates growth and proliferation of cancer cells via activation of various growth and survival signaling pathways including JAK/STAT, PI3-kinase/AKT and/or Map kinases. In this review, current understanding of leptin\u27s role in the pathogenesis of thyroid cancer has been described

    Suitability of various plant derived gelling agents as agar substitute in microbiological growth media

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    Eleven putative gelling agents were investigated as agar substitutes. These included arrowroot (Maranta arundinaceae), coconut powder (Cocos nucifera), corn flour (Zea mays var. amylacea), gel rite (a water-soluble polysaccharide produced by Sphingomonas elodea), glue (Cyanoacrylates), katira gum (Cochlospermum religiosum), guar gum (Cyamopsis tetragonolobus L.), isubgol husk (Plantago ovata), pectin and rice (Oryza sativa L.) powder. Among these, guar gum was found a promising alternate candidate for agar. Media solidified with 2.8% guar gum was transparent and supportive for the growth of three test fungi (Trichoderma harzianum, Alternaria alternata and Alternaria solani) as good as agar. Guar gum also excelled in terms of cost benefit ratio when compared with agar. Guar gum fortified media was found to cost 0.005/Lascomparedtoagarsupplementedmediacosting 0.005/L as compared to agar supplemented media costing 1.17/L. Further, guar gum is easily available and can be added with ease thereby serving as a suitable and inexpensive substitute of agar and thus, can be adopted for routine microbiological testing in resource poor countries.Key words: Guar gum, media, agar, gelling agents