1,449 research outputs found

    Implementing Snow Load Monitoring to Control Reliability of a Stadium Roof

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    This contribution shows how monitoring can be used to control reliability of a structure not complying with the requirements of Eurocodes. A general methodology to obtain cost-optimal decisions using limit state design, probabilistic reliability analysis and cost estimates is utilised in a full-scale case study dealing with the roof of a stadium located in Northern Italy. The results demonstrate the potential of monitoring systems and probabilistic reliability analysis to support decisions regarding safety measures such as snow removal, or temporary closure of the stadium

    On the Space-Time Symmetries of Non-Commutative Gauge Theories

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    We study the space-time symmetries and transformation properties of the non-commutative U(1) gauge theory, by using Noether charges. We carry out our analysis by keeping an open view on the possible ways θμν\theta^{\mu \nu} could transform. We conclude that θμν\theta^{\mu \nu} cannot transform under any space-time transformation since the theory is not invariant under the conformal transformations, with the only exception of space-time translations. The same analysis applies to other gauge groups.Comment: 6 pages, RevTe

    Advanced Load Effect Model for Probabilistic Structural Design

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    In probabilistic structural design some actions on structures can be well described by renewal processes with intermittencies. The expected number of renewals for a given time interval and the probability of “on“-state at an arbitrary point in time are of a main interest when estimating the structural reliability level related to the observed period. It appears that the expected number of renewals follows the Poisson distribution. The initial probability of “on”-state is derived assuming random initial conditions. Based on a two-state Markov process, the probability of “on”-state at an arbitrary point in time then proves to be a time-invariant quantity under random initial conditions. The results are numerically verified by Monte Carlo simulations. It is anticipated that the proposed load effect model will become a useful tool in probabilistic structural design. The aims of future research are outlined in the conclusions of the paper.

    Modifying the intersection of I/50 x III/3836 Velešovice

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    Moje diplomová práce pojednává o křižovatce, která je velmi nebezpečná, jelikož není osvětlená, takže nepřehledná a řidiči nejezdí povolenou rychlostí. Dochází zde k vážným nehodám, proto bylo nutné ji upravit. Jsou navrženy tři varianty: jedna s betonovými svodidly, druhá jako styková křižovatka v obrubách a třetí varianta je jako spirálovitá křižovatka. Tato je více rozpracována. Každá varianta počítá s LED osvětlením celé oblasti.My thesis is about intersection which is very dangerous, because there is´t lighting so intersection is unclear and drivers don´t to abide speed limit. There are serious accidents so I had to modify it. I designed three versions: First with concrete barriers, second is in trims and last one is spiral roundabout. Last version is more refined. Every version is with LED lighting in all area.

    Implementation of modular arithmetic in FPGAs and ASICs

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    Táto práca sa zaoberá analýzou, návrhom a implementáciou modulárnej aritmetiky do obvodov FPGA a ASIC. Jej hlavným cieľom je vytvoriť knižnicu syntetizovateľných funkcií v jazyku C++/SystemC pre operácie v modulárnej aritmetike s využitím Montgomeryho redukcie a porovnať výsledky implementácie s klasickými algoritmami.This thesis is focused on analysis, design and implementation of modular arithmetic in FPGAs and ASICs. Its main objective is to create a C++/SystemC library, that contains synthesizable functions for operations with Montgomery reduction in modular arithmetic. Results of the implementation of Montgomery reduction are compared with results of classic algorithms for modular arithmetic.

    Various Algorithms for Text Documents Comparison

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    Import 05/08/2014V dnešní době, kdy se velmi rychle rozvíjí informační technologie, jsme nuceni stále častěji řešit otázku podobnosti dokumentů. V důsledku tohoto vznikla již spousta algoritmů, jež se zabývají právě touto problematikou. Mají široké využití, převážně při ověřování plagiátorství. Tyto algoritmy se potýkají se dvěma problémy – efektivitou a výkonností. Program by měl být schopen objevit i jen malou část plagiovaného textu v celém dokumentu. Programy by ale měly zjistit plagiátorství i tehdy, pokud jsou frázová slova zaměněna za synonyma, věty jsou zpřeházené nebo dokonce upravené. Toto jsou důvody, proč byla vymyšlena celá řada algoritmů pro porovnání souborů. Každý typ je založen na jiném systému, např. ověřuje počet výskytů slov nebo určuje podobnost pomocí vektorů. Takovéto algoritmy se tedy používají nejen pro ověřování plagiovaných prací, ale například booleovský a vektorový model jsou využívány i pro vyhledávače a vyhledávací systémy. V této práci jsou popsány metody, kterými lze dva soubory porovnávnat. V teoretické části jsou uvedeny algoritmy, jež dané metody využívají. V praktické části je pak popsána implementace vybraných algoritmů, a to signaturní metody, Normalized Compression Distance a Fast Compression Distance. Ke konci této práce jsou pak naimplementované programy porovnány a zhodnoceny.Nowadays, when information technology is being quickly developed, we are forced to deal with questions about similarity of documents. As a result, a lot of algorithms which handle these problems have been created. They have a large use, especially in verification of plagiarism. These are the reasons why a lot of algorithms for comparing files have been created. Each type is based on other system, e. g. it verifies the number of word occurences or it sets a similarity using vectors. These algorithms are used not only for verifying plagiarisms, but e. g. the Boolean and the vector models are used in the search systems. In this thesis, the methods which can be used for file comparison are described. In the theoretic part the algorithms using these methods are shown. In the practical part an implementation of the chosen methods is showed – these include the signature method, the Normalized Compression Distance and the Fast Compression Distance. At the end of this thesis the implemented programs are compared and valorised.460 - Katedra informatikydobř