60 research outputs found


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    Many methods of multivariate analysis are based on metric variables. In the case of questionnaire-based surveys qualitative data usually prevail, measured nominally or ordinal. This paper contains the discriminant analysis from data recorded from a sample of 100 respondents, with regard to: whether they have a job or not, number of family members and the importance of having a job according to the specialization graduated.variable, ANOVA, level of significance, the discriminant function, Wilks

    Analytical Results for Multifractal Properties of Spectra of Quasiperiodic Hamiltonians near the Periodic Chain

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    The multifractal properties of the electronic spectrum of a general quasiperiodic chain are studied in first order in the quasiperiodic potential strength. Analytical expressions for the generalized dimensions are found and are in good agreement with numerical simulations. These first order results do not depend on the irrational incommensurability.Comment: 10 Pages in RevTeX, 2 Postscript figure

    Kisállattenyésztési kutatások = Basic research on small livestock

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    Az anyanyulak termelése jobb, ha fiatal korukban jó a tejellátottságuk, majd korlátozva takarmányozzák őket, illetve, ha a termékenyítés előtt a szoptatási módot megváltoztatják. Az álvemhes nyulak is termelnek tejet. A hústermelést és -minőséget a szopós- és növendékkori tápláltság, ill. az energiakorlátozás egyaránt befolyásolta. A növendéknyulak nem szívesen tartózkodnak mélyalmon, a műanyag rácspadozatot és fiatal korban a kisebb ketrecet részesítik előnyben. Húsnyulak izom zsírsavprofilja a takarmánnyal bevitt zsírsavakkal reverzibilisen befolyásolható. A korai elválasztás, a kétszeri szoptatás, az antibiotikum mentes takarmány, valamint két természetes alapanyagú hozamfokozó készítmény a nyúlban eltérő módon és mértékben befolyásolta a gyomor és a vakbél pH-ját, egyes emésztő enzimek aktivitását, a vakbélflóra összetételét és a fermentációt. Az elmúlt 30 évben a genetikai tényezők megközelítőleg 30-szor nagyobb hatást gyakoroltak a pulykák testtömeg-gyarapodására és a filézett melltömeg nagyságára, mint a takarmányozás fejlődése. A pulyka szívteljesítményének és vázizomtérfogatának vizsgálata rámutat a mellizomzat részarányát növelő szelekció cardiovascularis rendszert érintő veszélyeire. A szelekció következtében a mellizomzat membrán károsodása is kimutatható. A Leghorn és a középnehéz testű hibridek eltérően reagáltak a speciális prestarter takarmányozásra. A tojó genotípusa jobban befolyásolta az étkezési tojások minőségi paramétereit, mint a tartásmód. | The reproductive performance of rabbit does can be improved by higher milk supply and restricted feeding after weaning and by changing the nursing method before insemination. Pseudopregnant does can produce milk. The meat production and quality can be influenced by the nutrient supply during suckling and growing period. Growing rabbits prefer staying on plastic net floor, in smaller cages at younger ages and they refuse the deep litter floor. The muscle fatty acid profile of rabbits is reversibly modified by dietary fatty acids. Among factors influencing the development of the digestive tract in rabbits, early weaning, double nursing, feeding of antibiotic free diet and certain feed additives had different effects on the pH of the gastric and caecal content, digestive enzyme activities, composition of the caecal microflora and fermentation. Genotype of layers influenced table egg quality traits more than did housing systems. The Leghorns and brown layers reacted differently to the special pre-starter feeding programme. During the last 30 years genetic factors induced a 30-fold higher effect on weight gain and breast fillet production in the turkey than the improvement of feeding management. The examination of the cardiac capacity and skeletal muscle volume of turkeys indicated the cardiovascular problems arising from the one-sided selection for breast muscle production. As a result of selection, muscle cell membrane damage was proven in turkeys

    Structure factor and dynamics of the helix-coil transition

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    Thermodynamical properties of the helix-coil transition were successfully described in the past by the model of Lifson, Poland and Sheraga. Here we compute the corresponding structure factor and show that it possesses a universal scaling behavior near the transition point, even when the transition is of first order. Moreover, we introduce a dynamical version of this model, that we solve numerically. A Langevin equation is also proposed to describe the dynamics of the density of hydrogen bonds. Analytical solution of this equation shows dynamical scaling near the critical temperature and predicts a gelation phenomenon above the critical temperature. In the case when comparison of the two dynamical approaches is possible, the predictions of our phenomenological theory agree with the results of the Monte Carlo simulations.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figure

    Klinikai - immunológiai vizsgálatok szisztémás autoimmun kórképekben = Clinical-epidemiological studies in systemic autoimmune diseases

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    Klinikai - immunológiai vizsgálatok szisztémás autoimmun kórképekben Czirják László A populációs alapú vizsgálatainkat lezártuk, és a szisztémás sclerosis, Raynaud jelenség illetve rheumatoid arthritis prevalencia értékeit publikáltuk. A michrochimérismus vizsgálataink nem zárultak interpretálható eredményekkel. Megjegyzendő, hogy más nemzetközi munkacsoportoknak is problámát okozott a kimutathatósági határon levő vizsgálat reprodukálható elvégzése. Az indukált köpet vizsgálat nem bizonyult reprodukálhatónak. Más, alternatív módszert (surfactans D, KL-6) használunk a tüdőmanifesztáció vizsgálatára illetve követésére. Alapmunkánkat közlésre elfogadták, követéses vizsgálatunk publikálása folyamatban van. A hosszutávú követéses vizsgálataink eredményeit szisztémás sclerosisban publikáltuk, kimutattuk, hogy rossz prognozissal jár a papaneopláziás szindróma formájában jelentkező systemás sclerosis. Emellett kidolgoztunk és validáltunk egy a bőrfolyamat aktivitását mérő beteg önkitöltő kérdőívet. Az aktivitás vizsgálatához szükséges kérdőíveket (scleroderma-HAQ, DASH) magyar nyelven validáltuk. Az európai scleroderma aktivitási kritériumok validálása és egy új aktivitási kritériumrendszer kialakítása folyamatban van, már rendelkezésre áll egy igen nagyszámú betegből álló egyéves követéses vizsgálat adatsora (1. sz. melléklet). Gyulladásos izombetegségekben a prógnózist vizsgáló munkánat szintén lezártuk. | Clinical epidemiological studies on systemic autoimmune diseases We have finished our population-based studies on the prevalence of connective tissue diseases. With regard to rheumatoid arthritis, Raynaud?s phenomenon and systemic sclerosis we have published our results. Investigation of microchimesism in systemic sclerosis did not give conclusive results, we had detectability problems with this particular method, similar to other groups . The induced sputum investigations did not show reproducible results therefore we worked out other alternative methods for the evaluation of interstitial lung involvement in connective tissue diseases. Detection of surfactant D and KL-6 markers are good surrogate markers for the severity of lung disease. Our long term follow up studies on systemic sclerosis indicated that the presence of paraneoplastic syndrome and gastric antral ectasia (watermelon stomach) are poor prognostic signs besides the well known organ manifestations in systemic sclerosis. We worked out and validated a patient self assessment questionnaire measuring the skin thickness of scleroderma patients. We have also completed our clinical epidemiological studies on inflammatory myopathies. The presence of cancer associated myositis caused a poor prognosis. Conversely, interstitial lung disease did not cause an unfavourable prognosis in our cohort

    Correlation inequalities for noninteracting Bose gases

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    For a noninteracting Bose gas with a fixed one-body Hamiltonian H^0 independent of the number of particles we derive the inequalities _N < _{N+1}, _N _N _N for i\neq j, \partial _N/\partial \beta >0 and ^+_N _N. Here N_i is the occupation number of the ith eigenstate of H^0, \beta is the inverse temperature and the superscript + refers to adding an extra level to those of H^0. The results follow from the convexity of the N-particle free energy as a function of N.Comment: a further inequality adde

    Unveiling Order behind Complexity: Coexistence of Ferromagnetism and Bose-Einstein Condensation

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    We present an algebraic framework for identifying the order parameter and the possible phases of quantum systems that is based on identifying the local dimension NN of the quantum operators and using the SU(N) group representing the generators of generalized spin-particle mappings. We illustrate this for NN=3 by presenting for any spatial dimension the exact solution of the bilinear-biquadratic SS=1 quantum Heisenberg model at a high symmetry point. Through this solution we rigorously show that itinerant ferromagnetism and Bose-Einstein condensation may coexist.Comment: 5 pages, 1 psfigur

    The Measure of the Orthogonal Polynomials Related to Fibonacci Chains: The Periodic Case

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    The spectral measure for the two families of orthogonal polynomial systems related to periodic chains with N-particle elementary unit and nearest neighbour harmonic interaction is computed using two different methods. The interest is in the orthogonal polynomials related to Fibonacci chains in the periodic approximation. The relation of the measure to appropriately defined Green's functions is established.Comment: 19 pages, TeX, 3 scanned figures, uuencoded file, original figures on request, some misprints corrected, tbp: J. Phys.

    Self-consistent equation for an interacting Bose gas

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    We consider interacting Bose gas in thermal equilibrium assuming a positive and bounded pair potential V(r)V(r) such that 0<\int d\br V(r) = a<\infty. Expressing the partition function by the Feynman-Kac functional integral yields a classical-like polymer representation of the quantum gas. With Mayer graph summation techniques, we demonstrate the existence of a self-consistent relation ρ(μ)=F(μaρ(μ))\rho (\mu)=F(\mu-a\rho(\mu)) between the density ρ\rho and the chemical potential μ\mu, valid in the range of convergence of Mayer series. The function FF is equal to the sum of all rooted multiply connected graphs. Using Kac's scaling V_{\gamma}(\br)=\gamma^{3}V(\gamma r) we prove that in the mean-field limit γ0\gamma\to 0 only tree diagrams contribute and function FF reduces to the free gas density. We also investigate how to extend the validity of the self-consistent relation beyond the convergence radius of Mayer series (vicinity of Bose-Einstein condensation) and study dominant corrections to mean field. At lowest order, the form of function FF is shown to depend on single polymer partition function for which we derive lower and upper bounds and on the resummation of ring diagrams which can be analytically performed.Comment: 33 pages, 6 figures, submitted to Phys.Rev.