548 research outputs found
Adaptation and reliability of the Readiness for Inter professional Learning Scale in a Danish student and health professional setting
BACKGROUND: Shared learning activities aim to enhance the collaborative skills of health students and professionals in relation to both colleagues and patients. The Readiness for Interprofessional Learning Scale is used to assess such skills. The aim of this study was to validate a Danish four-subscale version of the RIPLS in a sample of 370 health-care students and 200 health professionals. METHODS: The questionnaire was translated following a two-step process, including forward and backward translations, and a pilot test. A test of internal consistency and a test–retest of reliability were performed using a web-based questionnaire. RESULTS: The questionnaire was completed by 370 health care students and 200 health professionals (test) whereas the retest was completed by 203 health professionals. A full data set of first-time responses was generated from the 570 students and professionals at baseline (test). Good internal association was found between items in Positive Professional Identity (Q13–Q16), with factor loadings between 0.61 and 0.72. The confirmatory factor analyses revealed 11 items with factor loadings above 0.50, 18 below 0.50, and no items below 0.20. Weighted kappa values were between 0.20 and 0.40, 16 items with values between 0.40 and 0.60, and six items between 0.60 and 0.80; all showing p-values below 0.001. CONCLUSION: Strong internal consistency was found for both populations. The Danish RIPLS proved a stable and reliable instrument for the Teamwork and Collaboration, Negative Professional Identity, and Positive Professional Identity subscales, while the Roles and Responsibility subscale showed some limitations. The reason behind these limitations is unclear
Educational management on employees in kindergarten with qualitative focus
Bacheloroppgave i barnehagelærerutdanning, Høgskolen i Innlandet, 2018.Norsk:
Denne bacheloroppgaven handler om hvordan man som pedagogisk leder i barnehagen kan utføre sin profesjonsrolle på en god måte ovenfor sine medarbeidere, for å oppnå bedre kvalitet i barnehagen. Jeg vil i oppgaven knytte teori om pedagogisk ledelse opp mot min forskning fra barnehagefeltet, hvor jeg har benyttet kvalitativt intervju som metode. Jeg vil fokusere hovedsakelig på pedagogisk ledelse, derav personalutviklingsledelse, prosesskvaliteten mellom pedagogisk leder og sine medarbeidere, og relevante kompetanseutviklingstiltak innenfor dette tema.English:
This bachelor thesis is about how, as an educational manager in kindergarten, you can perform his professional role in a good way above his staff, to achieve better quality in kindergarten. In this assignment I want to link theory of educational management to my research from the kindergarten field, where I have used qualitative interview as a method. I will focus mainly on educational management, thereof staff development management, process quality between educational leader and its employees, and relevant competence development initiatives within this theme
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