6,006 research outputs found

    Dispersion relations for stationary light in one-dimensional atomic ensembles

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    We investigate the dispersion relations for light coupled to one-dimensional ensembles of atoms with different level schemes. The unifying feature of all the considered setups is that the forward and backward propagating quantum fields are coupled by the applied classical drives such that the group velocity can vanish in an effect known as "stationary light". We derive the dispersion relations for all the considered schemes, highlighting the important differences between them. Furthermore, we show that additional control of stationary light can be obtained by treating atoms as discrete scatterers and placing them at well defined positions. For the latter purpose, a multi-mode transfer matrix theory for light is developed

    Aeolian transport layer

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    We investigate the airborne transport of particles on a granular surface by the saltation mechanism through numerical simulation of particle motion coupled with turbulent flow. We determine the saturated flux qsq_{s} and show that its behavior is consistent with a classical empirical relation obtained from wind tunnel measurements. Our results also allow to propose a new relation valid for small fluxes, namely, qs=a(uut)αq_{s}=a(u_{*}-u_{t})^{\alpha}, where uu_{*} and utu_{t} are the shear and threshold velocities of the wind, respectively, and the scaling exponent is α2\alpha \approx 2. We obtain an expression for the velocity profile of the wind distorted by the particle motion and present a dynamical scaling relation. We also find a novel expression for the dependence of the height of the saltation layer as function of the wind velocity.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Numerical renormalization group study of the correlation functions of the antiferromagnetic spin-12\frac{1}{2} Heisenberg chain

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    We use the density-matrix renormalization group technique developed by White \cite{white} to calculate the spin correlation functions =(1)lω(l,N)=(-1)^l \omega(l,N) for isotropic Heisenberg rings up to N=70N=70 sites. The correlation functions for large ll and NN are found to obey the scaling relation ω(l,N)=ω(l,)fXYα(l/N)\omega(l,N)=\omega(l,\infty)f_{XY}^{\alpha} (l/N) proposed by Kaplan et al. \cite{horsch} , which is used to determine ω(l,)\omega(l,\infty). The asymptotic correlation function ω(l,)\omega(l,\infty) and the magnetic structure factor S(q=π)S(q=\pi) show logarithmic corrections consistent with ω(l,)alncl/l\omega(l,\infty)\sim a\sqrt{\ln{cl}}/l, where cc is related to the cut-off dependent coupling constant geff(l0)=1/ln(cl0)g_{eff}(l_0)=1/\ln(cl_0), as predicted by field theoretical treatments.Comment: Accepted in Phys. Rev. B. 4 pages of text in Latex + 5 figures in uuencoded form containing the 5 postscripts (mailed separately

    Universal Approach to Optimal Photon Storage in Atomic Media

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    We present a universal physical picture for describing storage and retrieval of photon wave packets in a Lambda-type atomic medium. This physical picture encompasses a variety of different approaches to pulse storage ranging from adiabatic reduction of the photon group velocity and pulse-propagation control via off-resonant Raman fields to photon-echo based techniques. Furthermore, we derive an optimal control strategy for storage and retrieval of a photon wave packet of any given shape. All these approaches, when optimized, yield identical maximum efficiencies, which only depend on the optical depth of the medium.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures. V2: major changes in presentation (title, abstract, main text), simplification of derivations, new references. V3: minor changes - final version as published in Phys. Rev. Let

    Density matrix algorithm for the calculation of dynamical properties of low dimensional systems

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    I extend the scope of the density matrix renormalization group technique developed by White to the calculation of dynamical correlation functions. As an application and performance evaluation I calculate the spin dynamics of the 1D Heisenberg chain.Comment: 4 pages + 4 figures in one Latex + 4 postscript file

    Environment Assisted Metrology with Spin Qubit

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    We investigate the sensitivity of a recently proposed method for precision measurement [Phys. Rev. Lett. 106, 140502 (2011)], focusing on an implementation based on solid-state spin systems. The scheme amplifies a quantum sensor response to weak external fields by exploiting its coupling to spin impurities in the environment. We analyze the limits to the sensitivity due to decoherence and propose dynamical decoupling schemes to increase the spin coherence time. The sensitivity is also limited by the environment spin polarization; therefore we discuss strategies to polarize the environment spins and present a method to extend the scheme to the case of zero polarization. The coherence time and polarization determine a figure of merit for the environment's ability to enhance the sensitivity compared to echo-based sensing schemes. This figure of merit can be used to engineer optimized samples for high-sensitivity nanoscale magnetic sensing, such as diamond nanocrystals with controlled impurity density.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figure

    Dissipative production of a maximally entangled steady state

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    Entangled states are a key resource in fundamental quantum physics, quantum cryp-tography, and quantum computation [1].To date, controlled unitary interactions applied to a quantum system, so-called "quantum gates", have been the most widely used method to deterministically create entanglement [2]. These processes require high-fidelity state preparation as well as minimizing the decoherence that inevitably arises from coupling between the system and the environment and imperfect control of the system parameters. Here, on the contrary, we combine unitary processes with engineered dissipation to deterministically produce and stabilize an approximate Bell state of two trapped-ion qubits independent of their initial state. While previous works along this line involved the application of sequences of multiple time-dependent gates [3] or generated entanglement of atomic ensembles dissipatively but relied on a measurement record for steady-state entanglement [4], we implement the process in a continuous time-independent fashion, analogous to optical pumping of atomic states. By continuously driving the system towards steady-state, the entanglement is stabilized even in the presence of experimental noise and decoherence. Our demonstration of an entangled steady state of two qubits represents a step towards dissipative state engineering, dissipative quantum computation, and dissipative phase transitions [5-7]. Following this approach, engineered coupling to the environment may be applied to a broad range of experimental systems to achieve desired quantum dynamics or steady states. Indeed, concurrently with this work, an entangled steady state of two superconducting qubits was demonstrated using dissipation [8].Comment: 25 pages, 5 figure

    Environment Assisted Precision Measurement

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    We describe a method to enhance the sensitivity of precision measurements that takes advantage of a quantum sensor's environment to amplify its response to weak external perturbations. An individual qubit is used to sense the dynamics of surrounding ancillary qubits, which are in turn affected by the external field to be measured. The resulting sensitivity enhancement is determined by the number of ancillas that are coupled strongly to the sensor qubit; it does not depend on the exact values of the coupling strengths and is resilient to many forms of decoherence. The method achieves nearly Heisenberg-limited precision measurement, using a novel class of entangled states. We discuss specific applications to improve clock sensitivity using trapped ions and magnetic sensing based on electronic spins in diamond.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Entanglement and Extreme Spin Squeezing

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    For any mean value of a cartesian component of a spin vector we identify the smallest possible uncertainty in any of the orthogonal components. The corresponding states are optimal for spectroscopy and atomic clocks. We show that the results for different spin J can be used to identify entanglement and to quantity the depth of entanglement in systems with many particles. With the procedure developed in this letter, collective spin measurements on an ensemble of particles can be used as an experimental proof of multi-particle entanglementComment: 4 pages, 2 figures, minor changes in the presentatio