345 research outputs found
The effects of streptozotocin-induced diabetes on ghrelin expression in rat testis: biochemical and immunohistochemical study
Introduction. Ghrelin is a hormone which has effects on the secretion of growth hormone, gastrointestinal system, cardiovascular system, cell proliferation and reproductive system. The present study we focused on the relation between ghrelin and GHS-R1a gene expression and the regulation of their expression in the testes of diabetic rats. Material and methods. 40 male Wistar albino rats were divided into four groups: control, and sampled 4, 8 and 12 weeks after induction of diabetes by streptozotocin (STZ) intraperitoneal injection (40 mg/kg). The rats were decapitated under ketamine anesthesia and their testes were removed. Blood was obtained from heart and serum follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), luteinizing hormone (LH), and testosterone levels were measured by ELISA. Tissue ghrelin and GHS-R mRNA levels were determined by qRT-PCR, while ghrelin protein expression was studied by immunohistochemistry. Histopathological damage scores were also assessed. Results. Eight weeks after diabetes induction serum FSH level was increased, whereas LH and testosterone concentrations decreased. The ghrelin and GHS-R1a gene expression and ghrelin immunohistochemistry score first tended to increase after first four weeks of diabetes, and then tended to decrease. Ghrelin-immunopositive cells were detected in Leydig cells in all groups of rats, however, not in the germinal epithelium. Congestion of vessels and hemorrhage, formation of the vacuoles in spermatogonia and spermatocytes, desquamation of spermatids in the lumen and disorganization of seminiferous tubule germinal epithelium were observed in testis of all the diabetic rats. In addition, mean testicular biopsy score and mean seminiferous tubule diameter were getting lower in diabetic animals. Conclusion. Our results suggest that diabetes affects ghrelin expression in rat testis.
Protective effects of curcumin on antioxidant status, body weight gain, and reproductive parameters in male rats exposed to subchronic 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin
The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of curcumin (CUR) on antioxidant
status, body weight (BW) gains, and some reproductive parameters in male rats
exposed to subchronic doses of 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD). Thirtytwo
rats were divided into four groups. The first group was kept as control. The second
group (TCDD group) was given TCDD at a dose of 50 ng kg
1 BW per day; the third
group (CUR group) was treated with CUR at a dose of 80 mg kg
1 BW per day. The
fourth group (TCDD þ CUR group) was given TCDD and CUR at the same doses
simultaneously. Malondialdehyde (MDA) levels were significantly increased in the
TCDD group. In addition, TCDD exposure decreased liver superoxide dismutase
(SOD) activity, catalase (CAT) activities of kidney and brain, glutathione peroxidase
(GSH-Px) activities of liver, kidney, and brain, and glutathione levels of liver, kidney,
and heart. However, CUR treatment with TCDD exposure decreased MDA levels in
all tissues and increased SOD activities of liver, kidney, and brain, CAT activity of
heart, and GSH-Px activities of heart and brain. TCDD caused a decrease in BW gain,
and CUR partially eliminated this effect of TCDD. In addition, while reproductive
organ weights, sperm concentration, and sperm motility tended to decrease with
TCDD exposure, these effects tended to be close to normal levels by CUR treatment.
In conclusion, CUR was seen to be effective in the treatment and prevention of toxicity
induced by subchronic TCDD exposure
Devlet Sulama Şebeketerinde Aylık Su Temini Oranının Belirlenmesi
Su kaynaklar ı projelerinin geliştirilmesindeki ana amaç, suyun yeterli miktar ve kalitede, istenilen yer ve zamanda teminini güvence alt ı na almak, insan yaşam ve faaliyetlerini suyun zararl ı etkilerinden korumakt ı r. Bu nedenle, son yı llarda sulama şebekelerinin etkin yönetimine ilişkin araştı rmalara önem verilmiştir. Çünkü, sulama şebekelerinin planlama, tasar ım uygulama ve izleme-değerlendirme aşamaları ile uyum göstermeyen bir su yönetimi, birçok sorunun ortaya ç ı kması na neden olmanı n yan ı nda, tar ı mı n sürdOrülebilirliğini de tehdit etmektedir. Su yönetimi performans düzeyini belirlemeye yönelik birbiri ile ilişkili olan göstergeler; su kullan ı m, tar ımsal, ekonomik, sosyal ve çevresel etkinlik göstergeleridir. Su kullan ım göstergelerinden birisi de ayl ı k su temini orantd ı r. Bu çalışmada, DSI taraf ı ndan işletilen sulama alan ı n ı n %85' ini temsil eden 119 sulama şebekesine ilişkin ayl ı k su temini oranlar ı , sulaman ı n en yoğun olduğu haziran, temmuz ve a ğustos aylar ı için s ı ras ı yla net su ihtiyac ı na göre ortalama 1.73 0.57-3.24 , 1.86 0.88-2.89 ve 2.02 0.79-3.34 , toplam sulama ihtiyac ı na göre ise ortalama 0.89 0.29-1.67 , 0.95 0.44-1.49 ve 1.03 0.40-1.71 olarak belirlenmiştir
Sulama Şebekelerinde Blaney Criddle ve Penman o Monteith Yöntemlerine Göre Sulama Suyu ihtiyacının Karşılaştırılması
Türkiye kurak ve yar ı kurak bir iklim ku şağı içerisindedir. Bu durum sulaman ı n önemini bir kat daha artt ı rmaktad ı r. Su kaynaklar ı n ı n etkin kullan ı labilmesi ve sulama projelerinin koşullara uygun bir şekilde haz ı rlanabilmesi için bölge koş ullar ı nda yetiştirilen bitkilerin yeti şme devresi boyunca kulland ı klar ı ayl ı k ya da daha k ı sa dönemlere ili şkin su miktar ı n ı n önceden bilinmesi gerekmektedir. Sulama suyu ihtiyac ı n ı n hesaplanmas ı nda esas bitki su tüketiminin belirlenmesidir. Bitki su tüketiminin belirlenmesinde en sa ğl ı kl ı yol doğ rudan ölçme yöntemleri olmas ı na karşı n bu yöntemler pahal ı ve zaman al ı c ı d ı r. Bu nedenle araşt ı rmac ı lar bitki su tüketiminin tahmininde kullan ı labilecek eşitlikler geli ştirmişlerdir. Bu çal ışman ı n amac ı Ülkemizde devlet sulama şebekelerinde Blaney-Criddle USDA-SCS ve Penman-Monteith yöntemlerine göre 1984-1993 y ı llar ı na ilişkin toplam sulama suyu ihtiyac ı n ı hesaplamak ve sonuçlar ı birbiri ile karşı laşt ı rmakt ı r. Bu amaçla 120 sulama şebekesinde sulama suyu ihtiyaçlar ı iki yönteme göre hesaplanm ış , sonuçlara bağı ms ı z iki grup için t-testi uygulanm ış ve incelenen şebekelerin 0/043'ünde farkl ı l ı k önemli bulunmuştur
Attenuating effect of lycopene and ellagic acid on 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin-induced spermiotoxicity and testicular apoptosis
This study was conducted to investigate the prophylactic effects of lycopene (LC) and ellagic acid (EA) on 2,3,7,8-
tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD)-induced testicular and spermatozoal toxicity. These toxicological changes are
associated with the oxidative stress and apoptosis in male rats. Forty-eight male rats were allocated to one of six
groups of 8 rats each: control, LC, EA, TCDD, TCDD+LC, and TCDD+EA. The control group was treated with 0.5 mL/
rat slightly alkaline solution+0.5 mL/rat corn oil every other day. The LC group was treated with 0.5 mL/rat slightly
alkaline solution+0.5 mL/rat corn oil containing 10 mg/kg of LC every other day. The EA group received 0.5 mL/rat
corn oil+0.5 mL/rat slightly alkaline solution containing 2 mg/kg of EA every other day. The TCDD group received
0.5 mL/rat corn oil containing 100 ng/kg/day of TCDD+0.5 mL/rat slightly alkaline solution. The TCDD+LC group was
treated with 0.5 mL/rat TCDD+0.5 mL/rat LC. The TCDD+EA group was treated with 0.5 mL/rat TCDD+0.5 mL/rat EA.
All treatments were made by gavage, and the experimental period was maintained during 8 weeks. Sperm motility,
concentration, and abnormal sperm rate in epididymal tissue, testicular tissue lipid peroxidation (LPO), antioxidant
enzyme activity, histopathological changes, and apoptosis (i.e., Bax and Bcl-2 proteins) were determined. TCDD
exposure resulted in significant decreases in sperm motility, concentration, testicular superoxide dismutase activity,
germinal cell-layer thickness, Johnsen’s testicular score, and significant increases in abnormal sperm rate, testicular
malondialdehyde, glutathione levels, Bax-positive staining, and Bax-positive apoptotic cell score, along with some
testicular histopathological lesions. TCDD treatment did not affect significantly catalase activity. However, combined
treatment with LC or EA, in addition to TCDD, prevented the development of TCDD-induced damages in sperm
quality, testicular histology, and LPO. Improvements in testicular apoptosis after the administration of LC and EA to
TCDD-treated rats were minimal, but not statistically significant. TCDD-induced lipid peroxidation leads to functional
and structural damages, as well as apoptosis, in spermatogenic cells of rats. Both LC and EA protected against the
development of these effect
Antiperoxidative and anti-apoptotic effects of lycopene and ellagic acid on cyclophosphamide-induced testicular lipid peroxidation and apoptosis
The present study was conducted to investigate the possible protective effects of lycopene (LC) and ellagic
acid (EA) on cyclophosphamide (CP)-induced testicular and spermatozoal toxicity associated with the oxidative stress and
apoptosis in male rats. Forty-eight healthy adult male Sprague-Dawley rats were divided into six groups of eight rats each.
The control group was treated with placebo; the LC, EA and CP groups were given LC (10 mg kg−1), EA (2 mg kg−1)
and CP (15 mg kg−1), respectively, alone; the CP+LC group was treated with a combination of CP (15 mg kg−1) and
LC (10 mg kg−1); and the CP+EA group was treated with a combination of CP (15 mg kg−1) and EA (2 mg kg−1). All
treatments were maintained for 8 weeks. At the end of the treatment period, bodyweight and the weight of the reproductive
organs, sperm concentration and motility, testicular tissue lipid peroxidation, anti-oxidant enzyme activity and apoptosis
(i.e. Bax and Bcl-2 proteins) were determined. Administration of CP resulted in significant decreases in epididymal sperm
concentration and motility and significant increases in malondialdehyde levels. Although CP significantly increased the
number of Bax-positive (apoptotic) cells, it had no effect on the number of Bcl-2-positive (anti-apoptotic) cells compared
with the control group. However, combined treatment of rats with LC or EA in addition to CP prevented the development
of CP-induced lipid peroxidation and sperm and testicular damage. In conclusion, CP-induced lipid peroxidation leads to
structural and functional damage, as well as apoptosis, in spermatogenic cells of rats. Both LC and EA protect against the
development of these detrimental effects
Sludge reduction with pulse ozonation
Biyolojik atıksu arıtma tesislerinde atıksuyun arıtılmasının yanı sıra fazla çamurun da uzaklaştırılması önemlidir. Tesis işletme maliyetlerinin yaklaşık yarıdan fazlası çamur bertarafına harcanmaktadır. Bu nedenle uygulanabilir, ekonomik ve yenilikçi yöntemler araştırılmaktadır. Araştırılan süreçler arasında ozon güçlü bir oksidan olarak ön plana çıkmaktadır. Bu çalışmada 15-30 gün gibi uzun süren aerobik çürütmeyi kısaltmak için havalandırmaya ilave olarak ozon kullanılması araştırılmıştır. Benzer çalışmalardan farklı olarak araştırmada ozon sürekli olarak kullanılmamış olup bakterilerin ikileme zamanı dikkate alınarak 24 saatte bir kez pals şeklinde kısa sürelerle tatbik edilmiştir. Böylece ozonun biyolojik parçalanmaya olan etkisi de incelenmiştir. Ankara Tatlar Atıksu Arıtma Tesisi Havalandırma Tankı’ndan alınan numuneler ile yapılan deneyler sırasında günde bir kez erlenlerdeki çamurlara 2, 3, 4 ve 6 dakikalık sürelerle ozonlama yapılmış, daha sonra çamur 24 saat süreyle çalkalayıcıda bekletilmiştir. Dört gün süreyle devam eden deneylerde rutin olarak TKM, UKM, KOİ ve OTH ölçümleri yapılmıştır. Sonuç olarak bu süre bitiminde UKM indirgenmesi 2, 3, 4 ve 6 dakika ozonlamalar için sırasıyla %22.6, %40, %75 ve %84 olarak tespit edilmiştir. Standart havasal çamur çürütme ile elde edilen çamur azaltımı %40-50 iken kesikli ozonlama ile elde edilen çamur azaltımı % 80 üzerine çıkmıştır. Yine reaksiyon süresi 20-30 günden 4 günlere inmiştir. Ozon destekli çürütülmüş çamurda yapılan koli basili analizleri de çamurdaki koli basillerinin bu süre içersinde tamamen öldürüldüğünü göstermiştir. Yine ozon destekli havasal çürütmede önemli mitarda ortama fosfor salınmadığı görülmüştür. Anahtar Kelimeler: Ozon, çamur degredasyonu, bakteri, ikileme zamanı, pals.Biological treatment is one of the most widely used treatment techniques. Although its high efficiency and easy design make it a preferable option, excess sludge production is a massive burden for the facilities. Approximately, half of the operation cost for domestic wastewater treatment plants is spent for sludge treatment and disposal. Even after treatment it may act as a secondary pollution source at the disposal site due to its heavy metal, pathogen and persistent organic pollutant contents. Therefore, several strategies are considered for excess sludge treatment. Incineration, dewatering, landfilling and use for agricultural purposes are some of them. However, since regulations on the use and disposal of excess sludge are much more stringent than past years, people tend to use methods which reduce the volume of sludge such as thermal, mechanical, chemical and oxidation pretreatment. Ozonation which is a chemical treatment method establishes disintegration by two mechanisms: first one is the destruction of the cell wall of the microorganism and the second one is the mineralization of the intracellular components. According to high degree of disintegration and cost effectiveness of ozonation make it a feasible technique among the other disintegration techniques. Consequently, ozone treatment of sludge gaining popularity and this leads to a new area of study in environmental engineering. The common point of previous studies is the continuous ozonation of the samples. However, ozone is a very expensive chemical to be wasted. Therefore it should be used properly. That led us to consider about pulse ozonation of sludge which would be economically more feasible if it can be as efficient as continuous ozonation. In this study it was planned to use ozone as a substitute to shorten the 15-30 day-long aerobic digestion process. Waste activated sludge samples from Ankara Tatlar Wastewater Treatment Plant were ozonated for 2, 3, 4 and 6 minutes respectively in Erlenmeyer flasks once a day on each of four consecutive days and left for incubation in between on a shaker. In the experiments, ozone was supplied by OSC-Modular 4HC, WEDECO ITT INDUSTRIES (2007) ozone generator. Operating pressure of the generator is 5 bar and the gas flow rate is 10-140 L/hr with a rated capacity of 4 g/hr. Ozone amount that is released to water in time interval was measured by using Standard Methods 8021 (DPD chlorine reagent) and calibration curve was obtained by spectrophoto-metric measurement (for 25 mL sample). The MLVSS, MLSS, COD and OUR parameters were measured routinely during the four days. MLSS measurements were done according to Standard Methods (2540B) (APHA, 1998). Chemical oxygen demand (COD) was measured by Hach Lange kits according to HACH 8000(US EPA approved) method. Volatile Suspended Solids (MLVSS) was measured according to 2540 solids method. Total-P was analyzed by 365.4 EPA Method and ortho-phosphate was analysed with 365.3 EPA Method. Obviously, one of the most important reasons of sludge treatment is sludge disinfection. In order to have an opinion about this concept, it was decided to count E.coli in the sludge. Also considering the possibility of phosphorus release, total phosphorus and ortho-phosphate were checked in the 6' ozonated sample. At the first day, total phosphorus of the sludge was 0.006 g per g biomass and after the first ozonation this amount increased to 0.0082. By these results, it can be concluded that ozonation does not release significant amounts of phosphorus to the medium. At the end of the experiments, MLVSS reductions for 2, 3, 4, and 6 minutes were observed as 22.6%, 40%, 75% and 84% respectively. As a result of the experiments, by the pulse ozonation of the non-digested activated sludge, both stabilization and reduction of the sludge were achieved in such short period as 4 days. Moreover, it can be ascertained that the obtained sludge was both disinfected from E.coli and phosphorus rich. Furthermore, since the COD left in the medium after the experiments was biodegradable, it was concluded that it would be feasible to return to the beginning of the system. Hence, it became possible to save on both time of contact and the amount of ozone used in comparison with other studies where samples were ozonated on continuous bases. The obtained results show similar values for MLVSS, MLSS and COD for both 4' and 6' ozonation for first 3 days. Nevertheless, since the 6' ozonation is more effective in sludge stabilization, after the 4' ozonation for the first 3 days, 6' ozonation for the 4th day is suggested. Keywords: Ozone, sludge degradation, bacteria, doubling time, pulse
The EU’s stability-democracy dilemma in the context of the problematic accession of the Western Balkan states
The accession of the remaining six Western Balkan states into the EU is shrouded in much uncertainty. Despite Croatia finally traversing the difficult path to eventual membership in 2013, not one of the remaining Western Balkan countries can claim to be on a definite pathway to membership today. An increasingly prevalent argument is that the EU’s engagement with its neighbourhoods has faltered because its strategies have been undermined by an inherent stability-democracy dilemma. This article examines the EU’s engagement with the Western Balkans and finds that although the EU tried to transcend this dilemma, in reality, a tension between stability and democracy was present with the former generally receiving more attention in policymaking. This led to not only a lack of tangible democratization amongst the Western Balkan states, but further uncertainty about their accession prospects. By 2018, it was clear that the EU’s engagement with the Western Balkans needed a rethink, resulting in a new approach: the ‘Six Flagship Initiatives’. However, given the apprehensiveness of some member states (especially France) coupled with the presence of outsiders such as Russia and China in the area, the accession prospects of the six non-EU Western Balkan states remains blurred
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