181 research outputs found

    Raskaudenaikainen parvorokkovirusinfektio

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    ‱Parvorokko on erityisesti 3–15-vuotiailla lapsilla yleinen, viruksen (B19V) aiheuttama infektiotauti. ‱Tautia esiintyy etenkin kevĂ€isin, suurempina epidemioina muutaman vuoden vĂ€lein. ‱Suomalaisista lisÀÀntymisikĂ€isistĂ€ naisista noin 60 % on IgG-vasta-ainepositiivisia ja siten immuuneja ÂŹparvorokolle. ‱Alkuraskauden aikainen tauti voi johtaa sikiön anemiaan ja hydropsiin. Jos Ă€iti infektoituu ensimmĂ€isellĂ€ raskauspuoliskolla, sikiön menettĂ€misen riski on noin 10 % tavallista suurempi. ‱Parvorokko tulisi huomioida erityisesti raskaana olevien pĂ€ivĂ€kotityöntekijöiden työsuojelussa.Peer reviewe

    T-helper Cell-Mediated Proliferation and Cytokine Responses against Recombinant Merkel Cell Polyomavirus-Like Particles

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    The newly discovered Merkel Cell Polyomavirus (MCPyV) resides in approximately 80% of Merkel cell carcinomas (MCC). Causal role of MCPyV for this rare and aggressive skin cancer is suggested by monoclonal integration and truncation of large T (LT) viral antigen in MCC cells. The mutated MCPyV has recently been found in highly purified leukemic cells from patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL), suggesting a pathogenic role also in CLL. About 50–80% of adults display MCPyVspecific antibodies. The humoral immunity does not protect against the development of MCC, as neutralizing MCPyV antibodies occur in higher levels among MCC patients than healthy controls. Impaired T-cell immunity has been linked with aggressive MCC behavior. Therefore, cellular immunity appears to be important in MCPyV infection surveillance. In order to elucidate the role of MCPyV-specific Th-cell immunity, peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) of healthy adults were stimulated with MCPyV VP1 virus-like particles (VLPs), using human bocavirus (HBoV) VLPs and Candida albicans antigen as positive controls. Proliferation, IFN-c, IL-13 and IL-10 responses were examined in 15 MCPyV-seropositive and 15 seronegative volunteers. With the MCPyV antigen, significantly stronger Th-cell responses were found in MCPyVseropositive than MCPyV-seronegative subjects, whereas with the control antigens, the responses were statistically similar. The most readily detectable cytokine was IFN-c. The MCPyV antigen tended to induce stronger IFN-c responses than HBoV VLP antigen. Taken together, MCPyV-specific Th-cells elicit vigorous IFN-c responses. IFN-c being a cytokine with major antiviral and tumor suppressing functions, Th-cells are suggested to be important mediators of MCPyV-specific immune surveillance.Peer reviewe

    The landscape of persistent human DNA viruses in femoral bone

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    The imprints left by persistent DNA viruses in the tissues can testify to the changes driving virus evolution as well as provide clues on the provenance of modern and ancient humans. However, the history hidden in skeletal remains is practically unknown, as only parvovirus B19 and hepatitis B virus DNA have been detected in hard tissues so far. Here, we investigated the DNA prevalences of 38 viruses in femoral bone of recently deceased individuals. To this end, we used quantitative PCRs and a custom viral targeted enrichment followed by next generation sequencing. The data was analyzed with a tailor-made bioinformatics pipeline. Our findings revealed bone to be a much richer source of persistent DNA viruses than earlier perceived, discovering ten additional ones, including several members of the herpesand polyomavirus families, as well as human papillomavirus 31 and torque teno virus. Remarkably, many of the viruses found have oncogenic potential and/or may reactivate in the elderly and immunosuppressed individuals. Thus, their persistence warrants careful evaluation of their clinical significance and impact on bone biology. Our findings open new frontiers for the study of virus evolution from ancient relics as well as provide new tools for the investigation of human skeletal remains in forensic and archaeological contexts.Peer reviewe

    Microsphere-Based IgM and IgG Avidity Assays for Human Parvovirus B19, Human Cytomegalovirus, and Toxoplasma gondii

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    Human parvovirus B19 (here B19), human cytomegalovirus (HCMV), and Toxoplasma gondii infections during pregnancy can lead to severe complications. While traditional diagnosis of infections is mostly confined to one pathogen at a time, a multiplex array is a feasible alternative to improve diagnostic management and cost-efficiency. In the present study, for these three pathogens, we developed microsphere-based suspension immunoassays (SIAs) in multiplex and monoplex formats for the detection of antimicrobial IgM antibodies as well as corresponding chaotrope-based IgG avidity SIAs. We determined the diagnostic performances of the SIAs versus in-house and commercial reference assays using a panel of 318 serum samples from well-characterized clinical cohorts. All the newly developed assays exhibited excellent performance compared to the corresponding high-quality reference methods. The positive and negative percent agreements of the IgM SIAs in comparison with reference methods were 95 to 100% and 98 to 100%, and those of the IgG avidity SIAs were 92 to 100% and 95 to 100%, respectively. Kappa efficiency values between the SIAs and the corresponding reference assays were 0.91 to 1. Furthermore, with another panel comprising 391 clinical samples from individuals with primary infection by B19, HCMV, or T. gondii, the IgM SIAs were highly sensitive for the detection of acute infections, and the IgG avidity SIAs were highly specific for the separation of primary infections from past immunity. Altogether, the strategy of IgM multiplex screening followed by IgG avidity reflex testing can provide high-throughput and accurate means for the detection and stage determination of B19, HCMV, and T. gondii infections.IMPORTANCE Human parvovirus B19, human cytomegalovirus, and Toxoplasma gondii are ubiquitous pathogens. Their infections are often asymptomatic or mild in the general population yet may be transmitted from mother to fetus during pregnancy. Maternal infections by these pathogens can cause severe complications to the fetus or congenital abnormalities. As a rule, the risk of maternal transmission is critically related to the infection time; hence, it is important to determine when a pregnant woman has acquired the infection. In this study, we developed new diagnostic approaches for the timing of infections by three pathogens. All the new assays appeared to be highly sensitive and specific, providing powerful tools for medical diagnosis.Peer reviewe

    Torque Teno Virus Primary Infection Kinetics in Early Childhood

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    Human torque teno viruses (TTVs) are a diverse group of small nonenveloped viruses with circular, single-stranded DNA genomes. These elusive anelloviruses are harbored in the blood stream of most humans and have thus been considered part of the normal flora. Whether the primary infection as a rule take(s) place before or after birth has been debated. The aim of our study was to determine the time of TTV primary infection and the viral load and strain variations during infancy and follow-up for up to 7 years. TTV DNAs were quantified in serial serum samples from 102 children by a pan-TTV quantitative PCR, and the amplicons from representative time points were cloned and sequenced to disclose the TTV strain diversity. We detected an unequivocal rise in TTV-DNA prevalence, from 39% at 4 months of age to 93% at 2 years; all children but one, 99%, became TTV-DNA positive before age 4 years. The TTV-DNA quantities ranged from 5 x 10(1) to 4 x 10(7) copies/mL, both within and between the children. In conclusion, TTV primary infections occur mainly after birth, and increase during the first two years with high intra- and interindividual variation in both DNA quantities and virus strains.Peer reviewe

    Torque Teno Virus Primary Infection Kinetics in Early Childhood

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    Human torque teno viruses (TTVs) are a diverse group of small nonenveloped viruses with circular, single-stranded DNA genomes. These elusive anelloviruses are harbored in the blood stream of most humans and have thus been considered part of the normal flora. Whether the primary infection as a rule take(s) place before or after birth has been debated. The aim of our study was to determine the time of TTV primary infection and the viral load and strain variations during infancy and follow-up for up to 7 years. TTV DNAs were quantified in serial serum samples from 102 children by a pan-TTV quantitative PCR, and the amplicons from representative time points were cloned and sequenced to disclose the TTV strain diversity. We detected an unequivocal rise in TTV-DNA prevalence, from 39% at 4 months of age to 93% at 2 years; all children but one, 99%, became TTV-DNA positive before age 4 years. The TTV-DNA quantities ranged from 5 × 101 to 4 × 107 copies/mL, both within and between the children. In conclusion, TTV primary infections occur mainly after birth, and increase during the first two years with high intra- and interindividual variation in both DNA quantities and virus strains

    No Correlation Between Nasopharyngeal Human Bocavirus 1 Genome Load and mRNA Detection or Serology in Adeno-/Tonsillectomy Patients

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    Human bocavirus 1 (HBoV1) can persist in nasopharynx and tonsils. Using HBoV1 serology, reverse-transcription polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for detecting messenger RNA (mRNA) and quantitative PCR for HBoV1 genome load count, we studied to what extent the HBoV1 DNA loads in nasopharynx correlate with acute infection markers. Tonsillar tissue, nasopharyngeal aspirate, and serum were obtained from 188 elective adeno-/tonsillectomy patients. Relatively high loads of HBoV1 DNA were detected in the nasopharynx of 14 (7%) primarily asymptomatic subjects with negative mRNA and/or serodiagnostic results. Quantitative HBoV1 DNA PCR may have lower specificity than HBoV1 mRNA detection for diagnosing symptomatic infection.Peer reviewe
