38 research outputs found

    Predictors of Psychological Well-Being during Behavioral Obesity Treatment in Women

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    This study examined the association of autonomy-related variables, including exercise motivation, with psychological well-being and quality of life, during obesity treatment. Middle-aged overweight/obese women (n = 239) participated in a 1-year behavioral program and completed questionnaires measuring need support, general self-determination, and exercise and treatment motivation. General and obesity-specific health-related quality of life (HRQOL), self-esteem, depression, and anxiety were also assessed. Results showed positive correlations of self-determination and perceived need support with HRQOL and self-esteem, and negative associations with depression and anxiety (P < .001). Treatment autonomous motivation correlated positively with physical (P = .004) and weight-related HRQOL (P < .001), and negatively with depression (P = .025) and anxiety (P = .001). Exercise autonomous motivation was positively correlated with physical HRQOL (P < .001), mental HRQOL (P = .003), weight-related HRQOL (P < .001), and self-esteem (P = .003), and negatively with anxiety (P = .016). Findings confirm that self-determination theory's predictions apply to this population and setting, showing that self-determination, perceived need support, and autonomous self-regulation positively predict HRQOL and psychological well-being

    Successful weight loss maintenance in Portugal and in the USA : comparing results from two national registries

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    RESUMO - O Registo Nacional de Controlo do Peso (RNCP) estuda as caracterĂ­sticas dos adultos portugueses com sucesso na manutenção do peso perdido. O presente trabalho compara os comportamentos e estratĂ©gias usadas no RNCP com os reportados por participantes do National Weight Control Registry (NWCR), nos EUA. Os 198 indivĂ­duos da amostra (idade: 39,7 ± 11,1 anos; IMC: 26,0 ± 3,9 kg/m2), 59% mulheres, completaram um questionĂĄrio inicial, que incluiu variĂĄveis demogrĂĄficas, estratĂ©gias de perda e de manutenção do peso, atividade fĂ­sica e alimentação. Os indivĂ­duos apresentaram uma perda do peso mĂ©dia de 17,4 kg e tempo mĂ©dio de manutenção de 29 meses. Os participantes no RNCP sĂŁo, em mĂ©dia, mais novos e mais pesados do que os participantes no NWCR. Em ambos os registos, a alteração conjunta dos hĂĄbitos de atividade fĂ­sica e de alimentação foi a estratĂ©gia de perda do peso mais usada (82 vs. 89%, no NWCR). No RNCP, 43% das pessoas passou a subir escadas, 91% passou a tomar o pequeno-almoço, 79% a selecionar os alimentos de forma diferente, 74% a reduzir porçÔes e 86% a reduzir a gordura nos alimentos. O dispĂȘndio energĂ©tico mĂ©dio com atividade fĂ­sica no RNCP Ă© de 3 422 kcal/semana, correspondendo a cerca de 250 min de atividade fĂ­sica moderada ou vigorosa (2 621 kcal/semana no NWCR), sendo a ingestĂŁo calĂłrica de cerca de 2 200 kcal/d (comparada com 1 379 no NWCR). Outras estratĂ©gias de manutenção do peso foram: selecionar conscientemente os alimentos (69 vs. 92% no NWCR), limitar alimentos ricos em gordura (87 vs. 38%), limitar as porçÔes (63 vs. 49%), tomar o pequeno-almoço (98 vs. 78%) e automonitorizar o peso (65 vs. 75%). Esta anĂĄlise revela que as estratĂ©gias de perda e manutenção do peso adotadas pelos participantes portugueses apontam globalmente no mesmo sentido que as reportadas pela amostra americana. As diferenças detetadas sĂŁo discutidas neste artigo.ABSTRACT - The aim of this work is to compare participant characteristics and weight loss and weight loss maintenance strategies adopted by an initial cohort of the Portuguese Weight Control Registry (PWCR) with published results from the National Weight Control Registry’s (NWCR). Sample includes 198 adults (age: 39.7 ± 11.1 yr; BMI: 26.0 ± 3.9 kg/m2), 59% women, who voluntarily registered to the PWCR and completed one initial questionnaire including demographics, methods and strategies used to lose weight and/or to maintain weight, and a laboratory assessment. Individuals meeting inclusion criteria reported a weight loss of 17.4 kg, maintained for an average of 29 months. The PWCR sample is younger, heavier, and more gender-balanced than the NWCR sample. Modifying both dietary intake and physical activity (PA) levels was the most common weight loss strategy in Portuguese individuals (82%), while 89% reported it in NWCR. To lose weight, 43% of all PWCR participants started to use stairs, 91% started to eat breakfast every day, 79% chose “better foods”, 74% reported “limiting food quantities”, and 86% frequently limit fat intake. To keep weight loss, PWCR individuals engaged weekly in 250 minutes of moderate and vigorous physical activity and a weekly physical activity energy expenditure of 3422 kcal (NWCR: 2621 kcal). Other strategies were used: 69% chose “better foods” (NWCR: 92%), 87% frequently limiting fat intake (NWCR: 38%), 63% reported “limiting food quantities” (NWCR: 49%), 98% ate breakfast every day (NWCR: 78%), and 65% weighed themselves at least once a week (NWCR: 75%). Data from the first PWCR cohort show similarities with the larger US sample of successful maintainers but also some differences. This work discusses these differences.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A randomized controlled trial to evaluate self-determination theory for exercise adherence and weight control: rationale and intervention description

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Research on the motivational model proposed by Self-Determination Theory (SDT) provides theoretically sound insights into reasons why people adopt and maintain exercise and other health behaviors, and allows for a meaningful analysis of the motivational processes involved in behavioral self-regulation. Although obesity is notoriously difficult to reverse and its recidivism is high, adopting and maintaining a physically active lifestyle is arguably the most effective strategy to counteract it in the long-term. The purposes of this study are twofold: i) to describe a 3-year randomized controlled trial (RCT) aimed at testing a novel obesity treatment program based on SDT, and ii) to present the rationale behind SDT's utility in facilitating and explaining health behavior change, especially physical activity/exercise, during obesity treatment.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Study design, recruitment, inclusion criteria, measurements, and a detailed description of the intervention (general format, goals for the participants, intervention curriculum, and main SDT strategies) are presented. The intervention consists of a 1-year group behavioral program for overweight and moderately obese women, aged 25 to 50 (and pre-menopausal), recruited from the community at large through media advertisement. Participants in the intervention group meet weekly or bi-weekly with a multidisciplinary intervention team (30 2 h sessions in total), and go through a program covering most topics considered critical for successful weight control. These topics and especially their delivery were adapted to comply with SDT and Motivational Interviewing guidelines. Comparison group receive a general health education curriculum. After the program, all subjects are follow-up for a period of 2 years.</p> <p>Discussion</p> <p>Results from this RCT will contribute to a better understanding of how motivational characteristics, particularly those related to physical activity/exercise behavioral self-regulation, influence treatment success, while exploring the utility of Self-Determination Theory for promoting health behavior change in the context of obesity.</p> <p>Trial Registration</p> <p><b>Clinical Trials Gov. Identifier </b>NCT00513084</p

    Genomic Expression Analysis Reveals Strategies of Burkholderia cenocepacia to Adapt to Cystic Fibrosis Patients' Airways and Antimicrobial Therapy

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    Pulmonary colonization of cystic fibrosis (CF) patients with Burkholderia cenocepacia or other bacteria of the Burkholderia cepacia complex (Bcc) is associated with worse prognosis and increased risk of death. During colonization, the bacteria may evolve under the stressing selection pressures exerted in the CF lung, in particular, those resulting from challenges of the host immune defenses, antimicrobial therapy, nutrient availability and oxygen limitation. Understanding the adaptive mechanisms that promote successful colonization and long-term survival of B. cenocepacia in the CF lung is essential for an improved therapeutic outcome of chronic infections. To get mechanistic insights into these adaptive strategies a transcriptomic analysis, based on DNA microarrays, was explored in this study. The genomic expression levels in two clonal variants isolated during long-term colonization of a CF patient who died from the cepacia syndrome were compared. One of the isolates examined, IST439, is the first B. cenocepacia isolate retrieved from the patient and the other isolate, IST4113, was obtained three years later and is more resistant to different classes of antimicrobials. Approximately 1000 genes were found to be differently expressed in the two clonal variants reflecting a marked reprogramming of genomic expression. The up-regulated genes in IST4113 include those involved in translation, iron uptake (in particular, in ornibactin biosynthesis), efflux of drugs and in adhesion to epithelial lung tissue and to mucin. Alterations related with adaptation to the nutritional environment of the CF lung and to an oxygen-limited environment are also suggested to be a key feature of transcriptional reprogramming occurring during long-term colonization, antibiotic therapy and the progression of the disease

    CropPol: a dynamic, open and global database on crop pollination

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    Seventy five percent of the world's food crops benefit from insect pollination. Hence, there has been increased interest in how global change drivers impact this critical ecosystem service. Because standardized data on crop pollination are rarely available, we are limited in our capacity to understand the variation in pollination benefits to crop yield, as well as to anticipate changes in this service, develop predictions, and inform management actions. Here, we present CropPol, a dynamic, open and global database on crop pollination. It contains measurements recorded from 202 crop studies, covering 3,394 field observations, 2,552 yield measurements (i.e. berry weight, number of fruits and kg per hectare, among others), and 47,752 insect records from 48 commercial crops distributed around the globe. CropPol comprises 32 of the 87 leading global crops and commodities that are pollinator dependent. Malus domestica is the most represented crop (32 studies), followed by Brassica napus (22 studies), Vaccinium corymbosum (13 studies), and Citrullus lanatus (12 studies). The most abundant pollinator guilds recorded are honey bees (34.22% counts), bumblebees (19.19%), flies other than Syrphidae and Bombyliidae (13.18%), other wild bees (13.13%), beetles (10.97%), Syrphidae (4.87%), and Bombyliidae (0.05%). Locations comprise 34 countries distributed among Europe (76 studies), Northern America (60), Latin America and the Caribbean (29), Asia (20), Oceania (10), and Africa (7). Sampling spans three decades and is concentrated on 2001-05 (21 studies), 2006-10 (40), 2011-15 (88), and 2016-20 (50). This is the most comprehensive open global data set on measurements of crop flower visitors, crop pollinators and pollination to date, and we encourage researchers to add more datasets to this database in the future. This data set is released for non-commercial use only. Credits should be given to this paper (i.e., proper citation), and the products generated with this database should be shared under the same license terms (CC BY-NC-SA). This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved

    Neighborhood deprivation, built environment, and overweight in adolescents in the city of Oslo

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    Abstract Background Even though the social and built environment characteristics of neighborhoods have been studied as potential determinants of social inequalities in obesity among adults, fewer studies have focused on children. Our first aim was to investigate whether there were differences in the food and physical activity environments between different neighborhood deprivation levels in the city of Oslo. We also explored whether there was an association between the prevalence of overweight (including obesity) among adolescents and (i) neighborhood deprivation levels and (ii) food and physical activity environments of the neighborhoods they live in. Methods We conducted a food and physical activity environment mapping (using ArcGIS Pro) in all neighborhoods of Oslo, which were defined by administrative boundaries (sub-districts). The neighborhood deprivation score was calculated based on the percentage of households living in poverty, unemployment in the neighborhood, and residents with low education. A cross-sectional study including 802 seventh graders from 28 primary schools in Oslo residing in 75 out of 97 sub-districts in Oslo was also performed. MANCOVA and partial correlations were ran to compare the built environment distribution between different neighborhood deprivation levels, and multilevel logistic regression analyses were used to explore the effect of neighborhood deprivation and the food and physical activity environments on childhood overweight. Results We found that deprived neighborhoods had greater availability of fast food restaurants and fewer indoor recreational facilities compared to low-deprived neighborhoods. Additionally, we observed that the residential neighborhoods of the adolescents with overweight had greater availability of grocery and convenience stores when compared to the residential neighborhoods of the adolescents without overweight. Adolescents living in neighborhoods with high deprivation had a two-fold higher odds (95% CI = 1.1–3.8) to have overweight compared to adolescents living in neighborhoods with low deprivation, regardless of participants’ ethnicity and parental education. However, the built environment did not determine the relationship between neighborhood deprivation and overweight in adolescents. Conclusion The neighborhoods in Oslo with higher deprivation levels had more obesogenic characteristics than the low-deprived neighborhoods. Adolescents living in high-deprived neighborhoods were more likely to have overweight than their counterparts from low-deprived neighborhoods. Thus, preventive measures targeting adolescents from high-deprived neighborhoods should be put in place in order to reduce incidence of overweight

    Correlates of health-related quality of life, psychological well-being, and eating self-regulation after successful weight loss maintenance

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    The purpose of this study was to evaluate health-related quality of life and other psychosocial characteristics, including eating self-regulation and body image, in a group of successful long-term weight loss maintainers. Women enrolled in the Portuguese Weight Control Registry (n = 107) were matched and compared to women at the end of a behavior weight loss treatment program (n = 107), and also with women in the community who were not trying to lose weight (n = 107). Successful maintainers displayed higher quality of life and a more positive profile in selected eating and exercise markers of self-regulation compared to similarly-weighed women not attempting weight loss, but not when compared to the 'weight loss treatment' group. However, results also suggest that concerns with body shape and size may persist after weight loss and that some aspects of well-being and eating self-regulation can be more successfully targeted in specific weight loss programs

    The Association between Physical Activity and Eating Self-Regulation in Overweight and Obese Women

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    Objective: Successful weight management relies heavily on eating and exercise behaviors. However, little is known about the association between both on a psychosocial level. This study examined the relationship between exercise and eating regulation by exploring the mediating effects of negative body image investment and depressive mood, and their stability through time. Methods: Analyses were conducted at two different moments (12 and 36 months), involving a sample of 221 overweight/obese women (age: 37.6 ± 7 years; BMI: 31.6 ± 4.1 kg/m2) that participated in a behavioral weight control intervention. Bivariate correlations and mediation analyses using Preacher &#38; Hayes resampling procedures were conducted. Results: At 12 months, negative body image investment was the only significant mediator of the exercise-eating relationship. This variable explained larger portions of the indirect effects of structured rather than lifestyle exercise on eating. At 36 months, negative investment and to a lesser extent depressive mood partially explained the exercise-eating association. Conclusions: Our findings suggest that, besides physiological effects of exercise, psychological mechanisms related to body image and mood also explain the role of physical activity as a ‘gateway behavior' for improved eating regulation in overweight women. These effects appear to be stable and may help understand the key role of exercise in long-term weight management