7 research outputs found

    From suspicion to intervention in deafness: characterization of this process in Campinas/SP

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    PURPOSE: To identify and detail the current situation of diagnosis and assistance to deaf children in two cities belonging to the administrative region of Campinas (SP). METHODS: It was conducted a survey of 320 medical records of patients diagnosed with prelingual deafness in the period between 1996 and 2005, in two institutions located in the region of Campinas: a university clinic and a clinic specialized in the assistance to deaf individuals. RESULTS: Regarding the suspicion of hearing loss, the average age of the subjects was 1 year and 9 months. The mean age of children referred to medical or speech-language pathology service was 3 years and 6 months; the mean age for deafness diagnosis was 4 years and 3 months; the mean age for the beginning of clinical intervention was 6 years and 1 month; and the mean age for hearing aid adaptation was 7 years and 5 months. CONCLUSION: Suspicion of deafness, the first visit to a doctor, diagnosis, intervention and hearing aid adaptation were all delayed when compared to current recommended diagnostic standards and conditions of access to services. In addition, there was a significant delay between each stage, especially in the period between the suspicion of deafness and the beginning of clinical intervention. Although Campinas region is well developed in economic terms, offering a broad network of health assistance services, this network was little efficient regarding assistance to deafnessOBJETIVO: Identificar e detalhar a situação do diagnóstico e atendimento de crianças surdas de dois municípios que pertencem à região administrativa de Campinas (SP). MÉTODOS: Foi realizado levantamento de 320 prontuários referentes à pacientes com diagnóstico de surdez pré-lingual no período de 1996 a 2005, em duas instituições localizadas na região de Campinas: uma clínica especializada no atendimento à surdez e uma clínica universitária. RESULTADOS: Quanto a suspeita da perda auditiva, a média de idade foi de um 1 e 9 meses. A média de idade da primeira consulta com o médico ou fonoaudiológico foi de 3 anos e 6 meses; para o diagnóstico da surdez 4 anos e 3 meses; para o início de intervenção clínica 6 anos e 1 mês; e para a adaptação de aparelho de amplificação sonora individual (AASI) 7 anos e 5 meses. CONCLUSÃO: A suspeita, primeira consulta médica, diagnóstico, intervenção e adaptação de AASI ocorreram tardiamente, se considerados os padrões diagnósticos e de acesso aos serviços preconizados na atualidade. Além disso, há um intervalo de tempo importante entre cada uma das etapas, destacando-se principalmente o período entre a suspeita da surdez e o início da intervenção clínica. A região de Campinas é bastante desenvolvida economicamente, dispõe de uma ampla rede de serviços de saúde, mas se mostra pouco eficiente no que se refere ao atendimento em surdez323

    From Suspicion To Intervention In Deafness: Characterization Of This Process In Campinas/sp.

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    To identify and detail the current situation of diagnosis and assistance to deaf children in two cities belonging to the administrative region of Campinas (SP). It was conducted a survey of 320 medical records of patients diagnosed with prelingual deafness in the period between 1996 and 2005, in two institutions located in the region of Campinas: a university clinic and a clinic specialized in the assistance to deaf individuals. Regarding the suspicion of hearing loss, the average age of the subjects was 1 year and 9 months. The mean age of children referred to medical or speech-language pathology service was 3 years and 6 months; the mean age for deafness diagnosis was 4 years and 3 months; the mean age for the beginning of clinical intervention was 6 years and 1 month; and the mean age for hearing aid adaptation was 7 years and 5 months. Suspicion of deafness, the first visit to a doctor, diagnosis, intervention and hearing aid adaptation were all delayed when compared to current recommended diagnostic standards and conditions of access to services. In addition, there was a significant delay between each stage, especially in the period between the suspicion of deafness and the beginning of clinical intervention. Although Campinas region is well developed in economic terms, offering a broad network of health assistance services, this network was little efficient regarding assistance to deafness.2332-

    Occurrence of primary tongue movements in children with oronasal breathing

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    PURPOSE: to quantify the occurrence of primary tongue movements in 130 children with oronasal breathing and in 89 with nasal breathing with ages between 5 and 12 years old, evaluated in the Section of Mouth Breathing, of the Clinical Hospital of Unicamp, within the Otorrinolaringology Clinic. METHODS: during the evaluation, the children were requested to swallow saliva, close their eyes and put their tongue outside the mouth. They were supposed to stay like this for, at least, one minute, which is enough time to monitor their primary movements. Two language speech pathologists monitored each child, in order to verify the presence of movements. RESULTS: the occurrence of the primary tongue movements was found in 44.75% of the sample (n=98), while 55.25% (n=121) did not show any such movements. It was observed that both nasal and oronasal categories showed statistically significant difference as for the occurrences of primary tongue movements. CONCLUSION: oronasal breathing has higher frequency for maintenance of primary tongue movements, and there is statistically significant difference between oronasal and nasal breathing groups as for the primary tongue movement's variable.OBJETIVO: quantificar a ocorrência de movimentos primários de língua em 130 crianças respiradores oronasais e em 89 respiradoras nasais, com idades de cinco a 12 anos, avaliadas no Setor de Respiração Oral do Ambulatório de Otorrinolaringologia do Hospital de Clínicas da Universidade Estadual de Campinas. MÉTODOS: no momento da avaliação fonoaudiológica, foi solicitado à criança deglutir saliva, fechar os olhos, colocar a língua para fora da boca e permanecer assim por, no mínimo, um minuto, tempo necessário para os movimentos primários serem observados. Duas fonoaudiólogas observaram juntas cada criança, a fim de constatar a presença dos movimentos ou não. RESULTADOS: sobre a ocorrência de movimentos primários de língua, foi encontrada em 44,75% da amostra (n=98), enquanto 55,25% (n=121) não apresentaram tais movimentos. Foi observado que as categorias, nasal e oronasal, apresentaram diferenças estatisticamente para a ocorrência de movimentos primários de língua. CONCLUSÃO: em respiração oronasal há uma maior freqüência de manutenção dos movimentos primários de língua e há diferença estatisticamente significante entre o grupo de respiradores oronasais e respiradores nasais para a variável movimento primário de língua.515

    Proposta de documentação fotográfica em motricidade oral Oral motricity photographic registration proposal

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    OBJETIVO: propor um protocolo específico para documentação fotográfica do paciente na área de Motricidade Oral. MÉTODO: foi utilizada uma câmera digital fixada em um tripé e foram realizadas fotografias padronizadas corporais e de face. Realizou-se ainda, a teleradiografia lateral contrastada com bário sobre a língua. RESULTADOS: as fotografias facilitaram a visualização dos nossos resultados terapêuticos. CONCLUSÃO: concluiu-se que a documentação proposta auxilia no diagnóstico e no estudo do prognóstico do paciente, bem como, pode ser utilizado como material auxiliar nas orientações aos responsáveis e ao paciente.<br>PURPOSE: to propose a specific protocol for photographic register of Oral Motricity patients. METHODS: a digital camera mounted on a tripod was used. Standardized photos of body and face were taken. A tele-radiography modified by using contrast with barium which was spread over the patient's tongue was taken. RESULT: the pictures made easy the visualization of our therapeutic results. CONCLUSION: so far it is possible to conclude that the proposed documentation helps in the diagnosis process and prognosis analysis, and it may be used as supplementary material for guiding patients and parents on the best treatment to follow