104 research outputs found

    Experience and Innovation Factory: Adaptation of an Experience Factory Model for a Research and Development Laboratory

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    This paper aims to present a knowledge management proposal for a software factory organization. A software factory requires a holistic organization, in which many factors must be taken into account, such as: people management and business management. The complexity of the structure leads us to elaborate on an adapted model of Experience Factory to meets the needs of research and development laboratories. The construction of the adapted model used a bibliographical research about Experience Factory models, the characterization of the project, a mapping between the project’s characteristics and the activities of the Experience Factory models. The Experience Factory models attend to the main characteristics identified for the Software Factory Laboratory (SFL): development, capacitation, training, research and innovation. Finally, we tested and analyzed the results on the proposed model on the knowledge generated by the SFL during the software development process

    Relationship between Daytime Sleepiness and Intrinsically Photosensitive Retinal Ganglion Cells in Glaucomatous Disease

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    Patients with glaucoma showed to have higher daytime sleepiness measured by Epworth sleepiness scale. In addition, this symptom was associated with pupillary reflex and polysomnography parameters. These ipRGC functions might be impaired in patients with glaucoma, leading to worse quality of life

    Micronutrient availability in amazonian dark earths and adjacent soils

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    Amazonian Dark Earths (ADEs) are highly fertile soils in areas with predominance of unfertile soils. However, the variation in nutrient availability between regions and the resilience of ADEs to modern agricultural use is still little known, particularly regarding micronutrient contents. Hence, the present study synthesized current information of ADE impacts on extractable micronutrient (Cu, Ni, Fe, Mn, Zn, B) contents at different soil depths and assessed in detail the role of both soil depth and land-use type on extractable Cu, Ni, Fe, Mn and Zn in nine ADEs and adjacent (ADJ) soils from different Amazonian regions. The land-use systems chosen were secondary old (OF) or young (YF) forests, and agricultural systems (AS) in Iranduba, Belterra and Porto Velho. Only eight studies compared extractable (Mehlich-1) micronutrient contents at 21 sites with ADEs and ADJ soils, but only four studies included depths greater than 30 cm, and B and Ni were evaluated in only one study. Higher Mn and Zn, but lower Fe contents were found in ADEs both from literature data and in the present study, especially in the first 30 cm depth. Increases in extractable Ni and Cu in ADEs varied according to the site and the land use considered. Micronutrient contents tended to decrease with depth, but varied depending on the element, site, soil type and land use. Sites with modern agriculture showed few differences in extractable micronutrient contents, except for a decrease in Fe in Belterra and Mn in Porto Velho. Considering the high amounts of some micro- and macronutrients in ADEs further work is warranted concerning soil management and nutrient balance in plants grown on these soils