24 research outputs found

    Distribuição da classe Thaliacea (Tunicata) em frente a costa do estado do Rio de Janeiro

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    Plankton was sampled at 63 station's during “Operação Rio de Janeiro I” in horizontal, vertical and oblique plankton hauls. The class Thaliacea was studied through the ohservation of 17.928 organims divided in 6 species: Salpa fusiformis, Thalia democratica, T. cicar, Doliolum nationalis Doliolum gegenbauri and Pyrosoma atlanticum. Various fases of life cycle of these species were observed and for the first time in brazilian coast water a young colonie of Pyrosoma atlanticum was appointed. The Thalia democratica and Thalia cicar separation was discussed. The resultd obtained through the horizontal distribution of the "Standing-stock" (org/100m3) of Thaliacea were compared wiht plankton biovolume and correlated with temperature and salinity data.CAPESForam realizadas 63 estaçÔes oceanogrĂĄficas durante a “Operação Rio de Janeiro I” e coletadas amostras de plancton em arrastos horizontais, verticais e oblĂ­quos. Estudou-se a classe Thaliacea, sendo identificadas 6 espĂ©cies num total de 17.928 indivĂ­duos pertencentes Ă s famĂ­lias: Salpidae (Salpa fusiformis, Thalia democratica, T. cicar), Doliolidae (Doliolum nationalis Doliolum gegenbauri) e Pyrosomatidae (Pyrosoma atlanticum) Foram observadas as diversas fases do ciclo de vida das espĂ©cies, sendo descrito pela primeira vez para nossas ĂĄguas, a forma jovem da colĂŽnia de Pyrosoma atlanticum. E discutida ainda a separação de Thalia democratica e Thalia cicar. Os resultados obtidos da distribuição horizontal do "Standing-stock" (org/100m3) dos Thaliacea, sĂŁo comparados com os parĂąmetros temperatura e salinidade

    Larvas de Spongicolidae (Crustacea, Decapoda, Stenopodidea) do plĂąncton da regiĂŁo oceĂąnica brasileira

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    Stenopodidea is comprised of the family Spongicolidae, which includes five genera (Spongicoloides, Spongiocaris, Spongicola, Paraspongicola, and Microprosthema), and the family Stenopodidae, with four genera (Engystenopus, Odontozona, Richardina, and Stenopus). In Brazil, Stenopodidea is represented by two species of the genus Stenopus and one of Microprosthema. For the present report, five larvae of two Spongicolidae collected during the cruise of the RV Thalassa between Rio Real (BA) and Cabo de São Tomé (RJ) were identified and described. Two species of Microprosthema were identified, one ascribed to M. semilaeve, the only member of Spongicolidae recorded until now in Brazil; and the other to an undescribed species of Microprosthema. The two species can be distinguished by the rostrum, which is as long as the carapace in M. semilaeve and shorter in Microprosthema sp.2; and by the presence of pleural spines on abdominal somites 1 to 3 in M. semilaeve and only on somites 2 and 3 in the second morphotype.Larvas de Spongicolidae (Crustacea, Decapoda, Stenopodidea) do plâncton da região oceânica brasileira. A infraordem Stenopodidea compreende as famílias Spongicolidae, que inclui cinco gêneros (Spongicoloides, Spongiocaris, Spongicola, Paraspongicola e Microprosthema), e Stenopodidae, com quatro gêneros (Engystenopus, Odontozona, Richardina e Stenopus). No Brasil, a infraordem Stenopodidea é representada por duas espécies do gênero Stenopus e uma de Microprosthema. No presente estudo, cinco exemplares de duas espécies de Spongicolidae coletadas durante o cruzeiro do RV Thalassa entre Rio Real (BA) e Cabo de São Tomé (RJ) foram identificados e descritos. Duas espécies de Microprosthema foram identificadas, uma atribuída a M. semilaeve, a única espécie de Spongicolidae registrada atualmente no Brasil, e outra atribuída a uma espécie ainda não descrita de Microprosthema. As larvas das duas espécies podem ser distinguidas pelo rostro, que é tão longo quanto a carapaça em M. semilaeve e mais curto na segunda espécie, e pela presença dos espinhos pleurais nos somitos abdominais 1-3 em M. semilaeve e somente nos somitos 2 e 3 no segundo morfotipo

    Seasonal and spatial variability of appendicularian density and taxonomic composition in the Caravelas Estuary (Northeastern Brazil) and adjacent coastal area

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    This study aimed to identify and assess the seasonal and spatial variations of the appendicularians in the Caravelas River estuary and the adjacent coastal area. Samples were taken during 12 campaigns over five years (2001 and 2003-2006). Ten species were identified; the most abundant were Oikopleura dioica, Oikopleura rufescens, and Oikopleura longicauda. These species represented more than 95% of the total numbers of appendicularians. The remaining species were less frequent and occurred in low densities. The mean density of appendicularians found at the coastal stations (804 ind.m-3.) was higher than in the estuary (66 ind.m-3). However, the differences observed between the estuary and coastal stations were not significant (p=0.54). The samples taken during the dry season showed a higher mean density (587 ind.m-3) than in the rainy season (376 ind.m-3), and the differences between the seasons were statistically significant (p=0.004).<br>Esse trabalho teve como objetivo identificar e avaliar as variaçÔes espaciais e sazonais das apendiculĂĄrias no estuĂĄrio do rio Caravelas e ĂĄrea costeira adjacente (17Âș35' - 18Âș22' S e 39Âș8' - 39Âș55'W). As coletas foram realizadas em 12 campanhas durante cinco anos (2001 e 2003 - 2006). Foram identificadas dez espĂ©cies, sendo que Oikopleura dioica, O. rufescens e O. longicauda foram as mais abundantes. Estas trĂȘs espĂ©cies representaram mais de 95% do total de apendiculĂĄrias coletadas. As outras espĂ©cies foram menos freqĂŒentes e ocorreram em baixas densidades. A densidade mĂ©dia de apendiculĂĄrias encontrada nas estaçÔes e costeiras (804 ind.m-3) foi maior que na de estuĂĄrio (158 ind.m-3). As diferenças encontradas entre as estaçÔes de estuĂĄrio e costeiras nĂŁo foram significativas (p=0,73). As campanhas realizadas durante o perĂ­odo seco apresentaram densidade mĂ©dia (587 ind.m-3) maior que do perĂ­odo chuvoso (376 ind.m-3). As diferenças entre os perĂ­odos chuvoso e seco foram estatisticamente significativas (p>0,01)

    Inter-annual variability of planktonic copepods in a tropical bay in southeastern Brazil

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    The aim of this work was to study the structure of the copepod community in relation to hydrographic conditions in Espírito Santo Bay, from 1993 to 1997. Zooplankton samples were obtained in the horizontal tows four times a year, using a 200 ”m net. Temperature, salinity and dissolved oxygen were determined in the water samples. The overall mean density of the copepods was 9,085 ind.m-3 with the peaks exceeding 15,000 ind.m-3 in the summer and autumn during the first three years (1993 - 1995). The PCA analysis was used to relate the environmental conditions with the distribution of the copepods. The increases in the abundant species, namely Acartia lilljeborgi, Oithona hebes, Oithona oculata, Paracalanus quasimodo, Parvocalanus crassirostris and Euterpina acutifrons, were related to the decreases in the diversity. The spatial and temporal variations of the temperature and salinity influenced the abundance of the species during the five years of the sampling and the dominant species alternated in abundance