17,088 research outputs found

    Existential angst: a reading of Saul Bellow's Seize the Day

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    TCC (graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Comunicação e Expressão, Curso de Graduação em Língua e Literatura Estrangeira.RESUMO: Existencialismo é uma doutrina filosófica focada no ser humano em face da realidade, que vem atraindo muitos escritores há décadas. Muitos estudiosos vêm discutindo a possibilidade de Saul Bellow poder ser considerado um escritor Existencialista. A presente pesquisa analisa o livro do autor Estadunidense Seize the Day através de uma revisão bibliográfica. Aplicando os pressupostos defendidos por Jean-Paul Sartre ao livro foi possível encontrar conexões com o que defende o pensador Francês, embora falte certa densidade ao livro de Bellow quando comparado aos de outros trabalhos Existencialistas.ABSTRACT: Existentialism is a philophical doctrine focused on the human being inface of reality that has been attracting many writers for decades. Many scholars have been discussing the Existentialism in Saul Bellow's production. This work analysis the American author's novel Seize the Day through a bibliographical review. Applying presupposes defended by Jean-Paul Sartre to the novel it was possible to find connections with the French thinker's ideas though the novel lacks some density when compared to other Existentialist works

    Soil microbial biomass in organic farming system.

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    Agricultural production systems have to combine management practices in order to sustain soil's profitability and quality. Organic farming is gaining worldwide acceptance and has been expanding at an annual rate of 20% in the last decade, accounting for over 24 million hectares worldwide. Organic practices avoid applications of synthetic fertilizers and pesticides, rely on organic inputs and recycling for nutrient supply, and emphasize cropping system design and biological processes for pest management, as defined by organic farming regulation in the world. In comparison with conventional farming, organic farming has potential benefits in improving food quality and safety. Plant production in organic farming mainly depends on nutrient release as a function of mineralization processes in soils. The build-up of a large and active soil microbial biomass is important pool of accessible nutrients, therefore, is an important priority in organic farming. In organic farming, there is positive effect of quantity and quality of inputs of organic residues on soil microbial biomass. In this way, the organic systems are extremely important for the increase of the soil fertility and the maintenance of the environmental sustainability

    First record of the Mediterranean asteroid Sclerasterias richardi (Perrier in Milne-Edwards 1882) in the Azores Archipelago (NE Atlantic Ocean)

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    The first occurrence of the Mediterranean fissiparous asteroid Sclerasterias richardi (Perrier in Milne-Edwards 1882) is reported from the Azores based upon dredged material off the south coast of São Miguel Island at 135 m depth. This record represents a considerable expansion of the species’ geographic range, otherwise reported with certainty only from the Mediterranean Sea. S. richardi is capable of producing long-lived planktotrophic larvae with high dispersal potential to reach remote areas such as the Azores. Alternatively, this species is also capable of reproducing asexually through fission, which could insure the maintenance of viable numbers in a stranded population. The presence of S. richardi in Azorean waters and its rarity in an otherwise thoroughly investigated area does not necessarily imply a recent arrival nor a human-mediated introduction, as the depths in consideration (80-700 m) are also the least studied in the archipelago.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Exchange rate policies, patterns of specialization and economic development : theory and evidence in developing countries

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    The objectives of this paper are twofold. First, it intends to provide theoretical elements toanalyze the relation between real exchange rates and economic development. Our mainhypothesis is very much in line with the Dutch disease literature, and states that competitivecurrencies contribute to the existence and maintenance of the manufacturing sector in theeconomy. This, in turn, brings about higher growth rates in the long run, given the existenceof increasing returns in the industrial sector, and its importance in generating technologicalchange and increasing productivity in the overall economy. The second objective of this paperis empirical. It intends to analyze examples of successful exchange rate policies, such as Chileand Indonesia in the eighties, as a benchmark for comparison with countries where currencyovervaluation has taken place, such as Brazil. In the latter case, the local currency is beinginflated by large capital inflows, due to high domestic interest rates and to a boom in demandand prices of commodities in the international markets. It will be argued that the industrialsector bears most of the burden when the currency appreciates, and that Brazil risks at deindustrializationif there are no changes in the exchange rate regime

    Effect of Design Heuristics on the Compression and Shear Buckling Performance of Infinitely Long Plates With Bending-Twisting Coupling

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    This article investigates the effect of design heuristics, including ply percentages and ply contiguity constraints, on the compression and shear buckling performance of Bending-Twisting coupled infinitely long laminated plates with simply supported edges. The buckling solutions are presented as contour maps, representing non-dimensional buckling factors, which are superimposed on the lamination parameter design spaces for laminates with standard ply orientations. The applicability of the results extends beyond the current certification envelope, comprising symmetric laminate configurations. Indeed, the contour maps are applicable to two recently developed databases containing non-symmetric and symmetric laminates with either Bending-Twisting or Extension-Shearing Bending-Twisting coupling. The contour maps provide insights into buckling performance improvements that are non-intuitive and facilitate comparison between hypothetical and practical designs. The databases are illustrated through point clouds of lamination parameter coordinates, which demonstrate the effect of applying design heuristics