23 research outputs found
Estudo palinológico de coprólitos pré-históricos holocenos coletados na Toca do Boqueirão do Sítio da Pedra Furada. Contribuições paleoetnológicas, paleoclimáticas e paleoambientais para a região sudeste do Piauí - Brasil.
This work presents the results of the pollen analyses made on animal and human coproliths collected from the rock-shelther “Toca do Boqueirão do Sítio da Pedra Furada”. These coproliths were identified by researchers from the National School of Public Health (ENSP) and were treated according to the methodology described by Chaves (1994, 1996, 1997) and Chaves & Renault-Miskovsky (1996). The results have generated data which permited us to elaborated a palaeoclimatological and palaeoenvironmental scene of the studied region. From the palaeoethnobotanical point of view, the results from the pollen analysis in human coproliths allowed us to demonstrate the variety of plants used by the prehistoric men who inhabited the region around 8.000 years B.P..Este trabalho apresenta os resultados das análise polínicas feitas em coprólitos humanos e de animais recolhidos no abrigo sob rocha da Toca do Boqueirão do Sítio da Pedra Furada. Esses coprólitos foram identificados por pesquisadores da escola Nacional de Saúde Pública (ENSP) e foram tratados segundo a metodologia descrita por Chaves (1994, 1996, 1997) e Chaves e Renault-Miskovsky (1996). Os resultados forneceram dados que nos permitiram elaborar um quadro paleoclimático e paleoambiental da região estudada. Do ponto de vista paleoetnológico, os resultados das análises polínicas dos coprólitos humanos nos permitiram demonstrar a gama de plantas utilizadas pelos homens que habitaram a região por volta de 8.000 anos A.P.
Dados da Chuva Polínica no Parque Nacional Serra da Capivara (PNSC), Piauí, Brasil
The present work was developed in the Serra da Capivara National Park (PNSC) that occupies a total of 130,000 ha in the southeastern region of the State of Piauí. For four years (1998 to 2001) the local pollen rain was collected and analyzed to establish the local pollen rain and improve our current flora knowledge for a future plant management in this semi-arid vegetation. The results indicate sharply dissociation between different flowering times and season time rain.O presente trabalho foi desenvolvido no Parque Nacional Serra da Capivara (PNSC), que ocupa um total de 130.000 ha na região sudeste do Estado do Piauí. Durante quatro anos (1998 a 2001), foi coletada e analisada a chuva polínica local, visando caracterizá-la e também para melhorar nosso atual conhecimento da flora para um futuro monitoramento dessa vegetação do semiárido. Os resultados apontam para uma nítida dissociação entre as épocas de precipitação e a abundância de floração
Establishing Tobacco Origin from Pollen Identification: An Approach to Resolving the Debate
Previous research into pollen content of tobacco resulted in a debate. We address this debate and determine that pollen analysis may be able to assist with identifying geographical origin of tobacco. However, the value of any results should be assessed on a case-by-case regional basis until sufficient database information is available for an objective interpretation to be undertaken on a global basis. As a first step toward developing comparative data for South America, we analyzed a tobacco sample from Brazil in an effort to identify signature taxa from the state of Minas Gerais. We also assessed the role of honey additives to tobacco to assess this issue. Comparing the data to previously published data, we conclude that pollen signatures can distinguish broad geographic areas. We conclude that this forensic interpretation framework needs to be developed in context of the National Academy of Sciences recommendations for tightening methods in forensic science
Establishing Tobacco Origin from Pollen Identification: An Approach to Resolving the Debate
Previous research into pollen content of tobacco resulted in a debate. We address this debate and determine that pollen analysis may be able to assist with identifying geographical origin of tobacco. However, the value of any results should be assessed on a case-by-case regional basis until sufficient database information is available for an objective interpretation to be undertaken on a global basis. As a first step toward developing comparative data for South America, we analyzed a tobacco sample from Brazil in an effort to identify signature taxa from the state of Minas Gerais. We also assessed the role of honey additives to tobacco to assess this issue. Comparing the data to previously published data, we conclude that pollen signatures can distinguish broad geographic areas. We conclude that this forensic interpretation framework needs to be developed in context of the National Academy of Sciences recommendations for tightening methods in forensic science
Desempenho do teste rápido imunocromatográfico (TRI) para o diagnóstico da leishmaniose visceral canina: comparação com outros métodos sorológicos em cães suspeitos de Cuiabá, Mato Grosso, Brasil
O teste rápido imunocromatográfico (TRI) para leishmaniose visceral canina (LVC) foi testado em cães suspeitos da área urbana de Cuiabá. O desempenho do teste foi comparado com RIFI e ELISA e, como padrão ouro, o teste parasitológico direto (TPD). A amostra com 45 cães foi selecionada pelo Centro de Controle de Zoonoses, sendo 23 (51,1%) machos, 34 (75,5%) sem raça definida e com idade estimada inferior a três anos. De acordo com os dados clínicos e os exames laboratoriais, 10 (26,3%) cães foram classificados como expostos, outros 10 (26,3%) como infectados e 18 (47,4%) como doentes. O TRI alcançou os melhores resultados quanto à sensibilidade, 62%, elevada especificidade, 87% e para os valores preditivos positivo e negativo: 83,30% e 81,48%, respectivamente, consolidado pelo coeficiente Kappa igual a 0,50, de concordância moderada. Os resultados confirmaram TRI como um bom preditor de doença e infecção para LVC.The immunochromathographic rapid test (IRT) for canine visceral leishmaniasis (CVL) was tested in suspected dogs from the urban area of Cuiabá. The performance of IRT was compared with IFT and EIE and the direct parasitological test (DPT) as the gold standard. The sample, comprising 45 dogs, was selected by the Zoonosis Control Center. Twenty (51%) were male and thirty-four (75.5%) were both mongrel and had an estimated age of less than three years old. According to clinical data and lab tests: 10 (26.3%) dogs have been classified as exposed or infected and 18 (47.4%) as sick. IRT has achieved the best result for sensibility, 62%, high specificity, 87% and for positive and negative predictive values: 83.3% and negative 81.48%, respectively, reinforced by a k coefficient equal to 0.50, representing substantial agreement
Ecoepidemiology of American Visceral Leishmaniasis in Tocantins State, Brazil: Factors Associated with the Occurrence and Spreading of the Vector Lutzomyia (Lutzomyia) longipalpis (Lutz & Neiva, 1912) (Diptera: Psychodidae: Phlebotominae)
Leishmaniases are considered serious public health problems, and their geographical expansion has enabled their establishment in urban areas of medium and large cities in Brazil. Continuous processes of deforestation, construction of dams, and hydroelectric plants, among others, cause environmental impact and may favor the increase in the number of human cases of leishmaniases, as well as the establishment of epidemic outbreaks. This scenario reflects the reality of some regions of Brazil, such as Tocantins State, which in recent years has recorded high levels of American visceral leishmaniasis (AVL). This study is aimed to analyze environmental and epidemiological factors related with the spatial and temporal distribution of AVL and with the occurrence of Lutzomyia (Lutzomyia) longipalpis, the main vector of AVL, in the state of Tocantins. The results indicate that the vector is adapted to all environments, especially the ones under human influence, and that anthropogenic environmental impacts can support the development and adaptation of AVL in Brazil. Such information could be applied in control strategies aimed at decreasing AVL incidence
Dados da Chuva Polínica no Parque Nacional Serra da Capivara (PNSC), Piauí, Brasil
O presente trabalho foi desenvolvido no Parque Nacional Serra da Capivara (PNSC), que ocupa um total de 130.000
ha na região sudeste do Estado do Piauí. Durante quatro anos (1998 a 2001), foi coletada e analisada a chuva polínica
local, visando caracterizá-la e também para melhorar nosso atual conhecimento da flora para um futuro monitoramento
dessa vegetação do semiárido. Os resultados apontam para uma nítida dissociação entre as épocas de precipitação e a
abundância de floraçã
Critical Analysis of Coprolite Evidence of Medicinal Plant Use, Piauí, Brazil
Human coprolites, dating from 8,500 to 7,000 years BP, were collected from the rock-shelter of Boqueirão da Pedra Furada, in Piauí, Brazil. These dates fall within the “Serra Talhada” cultural traditions I and II of the Tradição Nordeste, a paleohuman culture of northeastern Brazil. Archaeoparasitological analysis of the coprolites revealed whipworm eggs and hookworm eggs. Analysis of Tradição Nordeste skeletons and hair shows a variety of diseases including dental problems, osteoarthritis, and head louse infestation. Palynological analysis of the coprolites revealed 12 genera that were potentially medicinal. The pollen data were critically analyzed to assess the potentiality that the pollen represented medicinal use. Strong cases could be made that three of the genera, Anacardium, Borreria, and Terminalia, were actually used for medicinal purposes, probably to treat symptoms caused by the intestinal parasites