5 research outputs found

    The Involvement of SMILE/TMTC3 in Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress Response

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    The state of operational tolerance has been detected sporadically in some renal transplanted patients that stopped immunosuppressive drugs, demonstrating that allograft tolerance might exist in humans. Several years ago, a study by Brouard et al. identified a molecular signature of several genes that were significantly differentially expressed in the blood of such patients compared with patients with other clinical situations. The aim of the present study is to analyze the role of one of these molecules over-expressed in the blood of operationally tolerant patients, SMILE or TMTC3, a protein whose function is still unknown.We first confirmed that SMILE mRNA is differentially expressed in the blood of operationally tolerant patients with drug-free long term graft function compared to stable and rejecting patients. Using a yeast two-hybrid approach and a colocalization study by confocal microscopy we furthermore report an interaction of SMILE with PDIA3, a molecule resident in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). In accordance with this observation, SMILE silencing in HeLa cells correlated with the modulation of several transcripts involved in proteolysis and a decrease in proteasome activity. Finally, SMILE silencing increased HeLa cell sensitivity to the proteasome inhibitor Bortezomib, a drug that induces ER stress via protein overload, and increased transcript expression of a stress response protein, XBP-1, in HeLa cells and keratinocytes.In this study we showed that SMILE is involved in the endoplasmic reticulum stress response, by modulating proteasome activity and XBP-1 transcript expression. This function of SMILE may influence immune cell behavior in the context of transplantation, and the analysis of endoplasmic reticulum stress in transplantation may reveal new pathways of regulation in long-term graft acceptance thereby increasing our understanding of tolerance

    Patients with relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis have normal Treg function when cells expressing IL-7 receptor α-chain are excluded from the analysis

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    Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a chronic inflammatory disease that results in demyelination in the central nervous system, and a defect in the regulatory function of CD4+CD25high T cells has been implicated in the pathogenesis of the disease. Here, we reanalyzed the function of this T cell subset in patients with MS, but we depleted cells expressing IL-7 receptor α-chain (CD127), a marker recently described as present on activated T cells but not Tregs. Similar to other studies, we observed a marked defect in the suppressive function of unseparated CD4+CD25high T cells isolated from MS patients. However, when CD127high cells were removed from the CD4+CD25high population, patient and control cells inhibited T cell proliferation and cytokine production equally. Likewise, when the CD25 gate used to sort the cells was stringent enough to eliminate CD127high cells, CD4+CD25high T cells from patients with MS and healthy individuals had similar regulatory function. Additional analysis indicated that the CD127high cells within the CD4+CD25high T cell population from patients with MS appeared more proliferative and secreted more IFN-γ and IL-2 than the same cells from healthy individuals. Taken together, we conclude that CD4+CD25highCD127low Tregs from MS patients and healthy individuals exhibit similar suppressive functions. The decreased inhibitory function of unfractioned CD4+CD25high cells previously observed might be due to abnormal activation of CD127high T cells in patients with MS

    Peripheral blood CD4+ T lymphocytes from multiple sclerosis patients are characterized by higher PSGL-1 expression and transmigration capacity across a human blood-brain barrier-derived endothelial cell line

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    Mechanisms of T lymphocyte trafficking in the brain remain unclear in MS. We hypothesized that MS is associated with increased CD4+ and CD8+ T lymphocyte trafficking across the BBB. To test this hypothesis, we calculated the frequency of PSGL-1+/CD4+ and PSGL-1+CD8+ or LFA-1+/CD4+/CD8+ T cells in the PBMC of 27 patients with a RR-MS (21 untreated and six IFN--treated) and 18 HI. Next, we measured their ex vivo TR across resting and TNF--activated human BBB-derived hCMEC/D3 endothelial layers under static conditions. The frequency of PSGL-1+CD4+ T lymphocytes was significantly higher in treated or untreated MS patients than HI. Furthermore, resting hCMEC/D3 TR of CD4+ lymphocytes (purified or in PBMC) from treated or untreated MS patients were significantly higher than those of HI and associated with significant enrichments of CD4+PSGL+ or CD4+PSGL-1+CD45RO+ T cells in their transmigrating fractions. The TR of CD4+ and CD8+ from MS patients across TNF--activated hCMEC/D3 were also significantly higher than that observed in HI. Resting hCMEC/D3 transmigration was blocked significantly by anti-PSGL-1/anti-LFA-1 in all groups, and anti-VLA-4 inhibited transmigration of MS T cells specifically. Purified PSGL-1-negative CD4+ lymphocytes transmigrated resting hCMEC/D3 with <10% of transmigrating cells re-expressing PSGL-1, suggesting PSGL-1-independent transmigration mechanisms. The frequency of PSGL-1 was unchanged in CD8+ cells from MS patients, whereas CD8+LFA-1high were reduced significantly in IFN--treated patients specifically. Collectively, MS is associated with an expanding pool of PSGL-1+CD4+ T lymphocytes able to transmigrate the BBB endothelium in vitro and possibly contributing to brain pathology

    Patients with drug-free long-term graft function display increased numbers of peripheral B cells with a memory and inhibitory phenotype

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    Several transplant patients maintain stable kidney graft function in the absence of immunosuppression. Here we compared the characteristics of their peripheral B cells to that of others who had stable graft function but were under pharmacologic immunosuppression, to patients with chronic rejection and to healthy volunteers. In drug-free long-term graft function (DF) there was a significant increase in both absolute cell number and frequency of total B cells; particularly activated, memory and early memory B cells. These increased B-cell numbers were associated with a significantly enriched transcriptional B-cell profile. Costimulatory/migratory molecules (B7-2/CD80, CD40, and CD62L) were upregulated in B cells; particularly in memory CD19+IgD−CD38+/−CD27+ B cells in these patients. Their purified B cells, however, responded normally to a polyclonal stimulation and did not have cytokine polarization. This phenotype was associated with the following specific characteristics which include an inhibitory signal (decreased FcγRIIA/FcγRIIB ratio); a preventive signal of hyperactive B-cell response (an increase in BANK1, which negatively modulates CD40-mediated AKT activation); an increased number of B cells expressing CD1d and CD5; an increased BAFF-R/BAFF ratio that could explain why these patients have more peripheral B cells; and a specific autoantibody profile. Thus, our findings show that patients with DF have a particular blood B-cell phenotype that may contribute to the maintenance of long-term graft function