147 research outputs found
Personalized 3D reconstruction of the rib cage for clinical assessment of trunk deformities
Scoliosis is a 3D deformity of the spine and rib cage. Extensive validation of 3D reconstruction methods of the spine from biplanar radiography has already been published. In this article, we propose a novel method to reconstruct the rib cage, using the same biplanar views as for the 3D reconstruction of the spine, to allow clinical assessment of whole trunk deformities. This technique uses a semi-automatic segmentation of the ribs in the postero-anterior X-ray view and an interactive segmentation of partial rib edges in the lateral view. The rib midlines are automatically extracted in 2D and reconstructed in 3D using the epipolar geometry. For the ribs not visible in the lateral view, the method predicts their 3D shape. The accuracy of the proposed method has been assessed using data obtained from a synthetic bone model as a gold standard and has also been evaluated using data of real patients with scoliotic deformities. Results show that the reconstructed ribs enable a reliable evaluation of the rib axial rotation, which will allow a 3D clinical assessment of the spine and rib cage deformities.CIHR / IRS
Les consĂ©quences juridiques de la coexistence de lâobligation dâaccommodement raisonnable et du rĂ©gime public de rĂ©paration des lĂ©sions professionnelles
Une bourse d'Ă©tudes du Conseil de recherches en sciences humaines (CRSH) a Ă©tĂ© accordĂ©e Ă l'auteur pour la rĂ©alisation de ce projet de recherche.Suite Ă lâĂ©tude de la genĂšse de deux rĂ©gimes occupant une place fondamentale en droit du travail quĂ©bĂ©cois, soit le rĂ©gime public de rĂ©paration des lĂ©sions professionnelles instituĂ© par la Loi sur les accidents du travail et les maladies professionnelles, et lâobligation dâaccommodement raisonnable, issue du droit Ă lâĂ©galitĂ© consacrĂ© Ă lâarticle 10 de la Charte quĂ©bĂ©coise, ce mĂ©moire sâintĂ©resse au dĂ©ploiement du conflit normatif et du conflit juridictionnel dĂ©coulant de lâĂ©volution en parallĂšle de ces deux sources dâobligations pour les employeurs, dont lâobjet est la rĂ©intĂ©gration et le maintien du lien dâemploi du salariĂ© atteint dâun handicap. Cette Ă©tude propose ensuite dâexplorer les consĂ©quences juridiques de la solution retenue par la Cour dâappel du QuĂ©bec, dans lâarrĂȘt Caron rendu en juin 2015, laquelle dĂ©cide de juxtaposer une obligation dâaccommodement raisonnable au rĂ©gime public de rĂ©paration des lĂ©sions professionnelles. Ainsi, ce mĂ©moire met en Ă©vidence les consĂ©quences en droit constitutionnel canadien et quasi constitutionnel quĂ©bĂ©cois de la dĂ©marche utilisĂ©e dans lâarrĂȘt Caron et des rĂ©sultats auxquels elle a conduit, en recentrant la place du droit Ă lâĂ©galitĂ© en droit public et en discutant de ses impacts sur la sĂ©paration des pouvoirs. En outre, ce revirement jurisprudentiel engendre maintes difficultĂ©s au regard de la particularitĂ© du droit administratif, plus spĂ©cifiquement quant au rĂŽle et aux pouvoirs limitĂ©s de la C.N.E.S.S.T. et du T.A.T.-D.S.S.T. Enfin, cette analyse fait ressortir que la solution retenue par la Cour dâappel porte atteinte Ă lâĂ©quilibre que sâefforce de maintenir ce rĂ©gime public reposant sur un important compromis social.Following the review of the genesis of two fundamental regimes in Quebec labour law, the public system that provides repairs to injured workers, established by the Act respecting industrial accidents and occupational diseases, and the duty to provide reasonable accommodation arising from the right to equality under section 10 of the Quebec Charter, this thesis focuses on the development of the normative conflict and the jurisdictional conflict stemming from the parallel evolution of these two sources of obligations for employers. Both of these are based on the reinstatement of disabled workers and the continuation of their employment relationship. This study proposes to explore the legal consequences of the solution adopted by the Quebec Court of Appeal in Caronâs case, dated June 2015, in which the Court decided to overlay the employerâs duty to accommodate onto the Workersâ Compensation public system. Thus, emphasizing on the role that the right to equality plays in public law and discussing its impact on the separation of powers, this thesis shows the consequences from the approach used in the Caron judgment and its particular results through Canadian constitutional and Quebec quasi-constitutional principles. Furthermore, this significant change gives rise to many difficulties regarding the particularities of administrative law, and more specifically, the role and the limited powers of C.N.E.S.S.T. and T.A.T.-D.S.S.T. Finally, this analysis highlights that the solution held by the Court of Appeal infringes on the balance attempted by the public system based on an important social compromise
L'historiographie de la Révolution tranquille et ses rapports à la mémoire canadienne-française : 1960 à aujourd'hui
Cette thĂšse n'est pas une histoire de la RĂ©volution tranquille et encore moins une chronique de ses historiens. Le projet consiste plutĂŽt Ă retracer l'Ă©volution du rapport Ă la mĂ©moire canadienne-française en scrutant le traitement historien d'un fait historique circonscrit. Il ne nous revient donc pas ici de juger de la validitĂ© des diffĂ©rentes interprĂ©tations instituĂ©es depuis un demi-siĂšcle. La valeur des savoirs produits nous intĂ©resse moins que le processus de distanciation et d'association Ă la mĂ©moire par lequel les observateurs en arrivent Ă offrir d'un mĂȘme phĂ©nomĂšne historique des perspectives diffĂ©rentes. Notre hypothĂšse principale consiste en ceci que, depuis un demi-siĂšcle, on assiste, en histoire acadĂ©mique - et donc de facture universitaire - Ă des tendances modifiant les rapports de l'historiographie Ă la mĂ©moire nationale. Comme sous-hypothĂšse, nous avançons l'idĂ©e que cette mouvance dĂ©pend de diffĂ©rentes modalitĂ©s liĂ©es aux types de rapports de l'histoire Ă la mĂ©moire canadienne-française. Les interprĂ©tations historiques de la RĂ©volution tranquille permettent de valider ces hypothĂšses.\ud
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MOTS-CLĂS DE LâAUTEUR : Histoire, RĂ©volution tranquille, historiographie, mĂ©moire, nation
Identification et caractérisation de facteurs impliqués dans la réplication et la stabilité des génomes des organelles de plantes
Comparativement au gĂ©nome contenu dans le noyau de la cellule de plante, nos connaissances des gĂ©nomes des deux organelles de cette cellule, soit le plastide et la mitochondrie, sont encore trĂšs limitĂ©es. En effet, un nombre trĂšs restreint de facteurs impliquĂ©s dans la rĂ©plication et la rĂ©paration de lâADN de ces compartiments ont Ă©tĂ© identifiĂ©s Ă ce jour. Au cours de notre Ă©tude, nous avons dĂ©montrĂ© lâimplication de la famille de protĂ©ines Whirly dans le maintien de la stabilitĂ© des gĂ©nomes des organelles. Des plantes mutantes pour des gĂšnes Whirly chez Arabidopsis thaliana et Zea mays montrent en effet une augmentation du nombre de molĂ©cules dâADN rĂ©arrangĂ©es dans les plastides. Ces nouvelles molĂ©cules sont le rĂ©sultat dâune forme de recombinaison illĂ©gitime nommĂ©e microhomology-mediated break-induced replication qui, en temps normal, se produit rarement dans le plastide. Chez un mutant dâArabidopsis ne possĂ©dant plus de protĂ©ines Whirly dans les plastides, ces molĂ©cules dâADN peuvent mĂȘme ĂȘtre amplifiĂ©es jusquâĂ cinquante fois par rapport au niveau de lâADN sauvage et causer un phĂ©notype de variĂ©gation.
LâĂ©tude des mutants des gĂšnes Whirly a menĂ© Ă la mise au point dâun test de sensibilitĂ© Ă un antibiotique, la ciprofloxacine, qui cause des bris double brin spĂ©cifiquement au niveau de lâADN des organelles. Le mutant dâArabidopsis ne contenant plus de protĂ©ines Whirly dans les plastides est plus sensible Ă ce stress que la plante sauvage. Lâagent chimique induit en effet une augmentation du nombre de rĂ©arrangements dans le gĂ©nome du plastide. Bien quâun autre mutant ne possĂ©dant plus de protĂ©ines Whirly dans les mitochondries ne soit pas plus sensible Ă la ciprofloxacine, on retrouve nĂ©anmoins plus de rĂ©arrangements dans son ADN mitochondrial que dans celui de la plante sauvage. Ces rĂ©sultats suggĂšrent donc une implication pour les protĂ©ines Whirly dans la rĂ©paration des bris double brin de lâADN des organelles de plantes.
Notre Ă©tude de la stabilitĂ© des gĂ©nomes des organelles a ensuite conduit Ă la famille des protĂ©ines homologues des polymĂ©rases de lâADN de type I bactĂ©rienne. Plusieurs groupes ont en effet suggĂ©rĂ© que ces enzymes Ă©taient responsables de la synthĂšse de lâADN dans les plastides et les mitochondries. Nous avons apportĂ© la preuve gĂ©nĂ©tique de ce lien grĂące Ă des mutants des deux gĂšnes PolI dâArabidopsis, qui encodent des protĂ©ines hautement similaires. La mutation simultanĂ©e des deux gĂšnes est lĂ©tale et les simples mutants possĂšdent moins dâADN dans les organelles des plantes en bas Ăąge, confirmant leur implication dans la rĂ©plication de lâADN. De plus, les mutants du gĂšne PolIB, mais non ceux de PolIA, sont hypersensibles Ă la ciprofloxacine, suggĂ©rant une fonction dans la rĂ©paration des bris de lâADN. En accord avec ce rĂ©sultat, la mutation combinĂ©e du gĂšne PolIB et des gĂšnes des protĂ©ines Whirly du plastide produit des plantes avec un phĂ©notype trĂšs sĂ©vĂšre. En dĂ©finitive, lâidentification de deux nouveaux facteurs impliquĂ©s dans le mĂ©tabolisme de lâADN des organelles nous permet de proposer un modĂšle simple pour le maintien de ces deux gĂ©nomes.Compared to the nuclear genome, very little is known about the genomes of the two plant cytoplasmic organelles, the plastid and the mitochondria. Indeed, very few factors involved in either the replication or the repair of these genomes have been identified. Here we show the implication of the Whirly protein family in the maintenance of organellar DNA. Indeed, mutations in Whirly genes lead to DNA rearrangements in both Arabidopsis thaliana and Zea mays plastids. These rearrangements are the product of microhomology-mediated break-induced replication that rarely occurs in wild-type plants but increases in absence of Whirly proteins. In a mutant plant devoid of plastidial Whirly proteins, these new DNA molecules can be amplified up to fifty times the normal DNA level and cause a variegated phenotype.
In the course of the study of the Whirly mutant plants, we developed a strategy, based on the use of the antibiotic ciprofloxacin, to induce DNA double-strand breaks specifically in plant organelles. The Arabidopsis mutant plants without Whirly proteins in the plastids are more sensitive to the antibiotic ciprofloxacin than wild-type plants. Accordingly, there is a much larger increase in the number of rearranged DNA molecules in the plastids of the mutant plants than in the control plants. Surprisingly, while the mutant plants devoid of Whirly proteins in the mitochondria do not show increased sensitivity to the drug, they do accumulate more rearrangements in their mitochondrial DNA compared to wild-type plants. These results suggest that the Whirly proteins are involved in the repair of DNA double-strand breaks in the plant organelle genomes.
Our study of the plant organelle genome stability has lead us to a family of proteins homologous to the DNA polymerase I in bacteria. This family has been proposed to be responsible for most of the DNA-synthesis activity in the plant organelles. We bring genetic proof to support this hypothesis using mutants of the two PolI genes of Arabidopsis. The combined mutation of both genes is lethal and the single mutations cause a decrease in the relative DNA levels in the organelles, thus confirming the involvement of both genes in DNA replication. Interestingly, mutants of the PolIB but not PolIA gene shows increase sensitivity to ciprofloxacin suggesting a function in DNA repair. In line with these results, a cross between a PolIB mutant and the mutant of plastid Whirly genes resulted in plants with severe growth defects and numerous rearrangements in the plastid DNA. In conclusion, we have identified two factors involved in the metabolism of organelle DNA and proposed a simple model of how these genomes are maintained in the plant cell
Fiction, folie et traitement de l'histoire dans La grande tribu de Victor-LĂ©vy Beaulieu
La fondation d'une littĂ©rature « nationale » n'est possible que dans la rĂ©actualisation du mythe ou de l'Ă©vĂ©nement mythique, qui restent tous deux introuvables ici, chez nous, nous dit Victor-LĂ©vy Beaulieu dans une entrevue rĂ©alisĂ©e en 1979, suite Ă la parution de Monsieur Melville. Ce mĂ©moire reconnaĂźt donc, dans un premier temps, cette alliance que fait systĂ©matiquement Beaulieu entre la question nationale du QuĂ©bec et son inscription « dans » l'histoire, toutes deux encore non-advenues selon lui, et pourtant essentielles au dĂ©veloppement et Ă la postĂ©ritĂ© d'une littĂ©rature dite « nationale ». L'apparition du texte historique, tel qu'on le retrouve finalement dans La grande tribu, reste un Ă©vĂ©nement singulier dans l'Ćuvre de Victor-LĂ©vy Beaulieu. InspirĂ© par la mĂ©thode de Michelet, qui, tel un romancier a su donner corps et voix aux grandes figures de l'histoire, l'auteur choisit de prĂ©senter huit personnages du XIXe siĂšcle, en alternance avec un rĂ©cit de fiction, comprenant l'invention d'une Ă©popĂ©e quĂ©bĂ©coise (reprenant le parcours allant de la Bretagne Ă la grande traversĂ©e, Ă la rencontre des « sauvages » d'AmĂ©rique aboutissant au premier mĂ©tissage, Ă la Nouvelle-France jusqu'Ă la ConquĂȘte anglaise) qu' il prĂ©sente Ă travers le trou du crĂąne d'un internĂ©. L'auteur suggĂšre une façon nouvelle de raconter, fondĂ©e sur une apparente tension axiomatique entre la fiction et l'histoire. Par consĂ©quent, nous croyons que le roman appelle une analyse dĂ©taillĂ©e des enjeux liĂ©s au traitement de l'histoire. L'essai philosophique Temps et rĂ©cit, de Paul RicĆur, propose un regard pertinent pour Ă©tudier cette complexitĂ© narrative, et sera convoquĂ© Ă divers endroits dans le mĂ©moire pour Ă©clairer les enjeux soulevĂ©s. Nous proposons donc une entrĂ©e en matiĂšre abordant exclusivement le travail d'Ă©criture historiographique de Beaulieu, qui se trouve dans la partie des LibĂ©rateurs. Seront soulevĂ©es, Ă travers une analyse de ces textes biographiques, bon nombre de questions liĂ©es au discours proprement historique de Beaulieu. Dans le deuxiĂšme chapitre, et Ă partir de l'un des entrecroisements narratifs majeur, impliquant le libĂ©rateur Jules Michelet et le personnage lĂ©sionnaire Habaquq Cauchon, nous nous pencherons sur les chapitres de fiction, en abordant l'un des Ă©lĂ©ments clĂ©s, soit la folie, prĂ©sentĂ©e sous diverses appellations, dont l'« hystĂ©rie-historique ». Les auteurs placĂ©s en bibliographie par Beaulieu seront convoquĂ©s afin d'Ă©clairer certains aspects du rĂ©cit, et ainsi faire la lumiĂšre sur les diffĂ©rents enjeux reliĂ©s au contexte de l'enfermement psychiatrique. Au troisiĂšme chapitre, il nous faudra Ă©tudier le jeu sur les registres mythologique, Ă©pique, grotesque, qui donnent Ă ce roman sa forme et sa matiĂšre, et mettent en acte le dĂ©sir de hausser l'histoire et la mĂ©moire de ce pays au statut des mythes universels. La langue de Beaulieu est la proie de mĂ©tamorphoses et offre au rĂ©cit une portĂ©e avant tout littĂ©raire. La plasticitĂ© de la langue, incarnĂ©e par les figures signifiantes de Claude Gauvreau et de Walt Whitman, cherche Ă nous ramener aux origines de l'humanitĂ©, tout comme le recours Ă l'animalitĂ©, omniprĂ©sent dans l'Ćuvre de l'Ă©crivain. L'usage du grotesque mĂšne Ă la guĂ©rison de l'« hystĂ©rie historique » du personnage (la fusion du cerveau porcin et humain, la rĂ©volution carnavalesque du QuĂ©bec), et au rĂ©tablissement du rapport au temps, dorĂ©navant Ă©quilibrĂ©. Dans ce mĂ©moire, ce sont ces complexes intrications du grotesque, de l'Ă©pique et du sublime qu'il faudra reconnaĂźtre.\ud
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MOTS-CLĂS DE LâAUTEUR : Victor-LĂ©vy Beaulieu, La grande tribu, Historiographie, Folie, MĂ©moire/Oubli, Internement
The origin and effect of small RNA signaling in plants
Given their sessile condition, land plants need to integrate environmental cues rapidly and send signal throughout the organism to modify their metabolism accordingly. Small RNA (sRNA) molecules are among the messengers that plant cells use to carry such signals. These molecules originate from fold-back stem-loops transcribed from endogenous loci or from perfect double-stranded RNA produced through the action of RNA-dependent RNA polymerases. Once produced, sRNAs associate with Argonaute (AGO) and other proteins to form the RNA-induced silencing complex (RISC) that executes silencing of complementary RNA molecules. Depending on the nature of the RNA target and the AGO protein involved, RISC triggers either DNA methylation or chromatin modification (leading to transcriptional gene silencing, TGS) or RNA cleavage or translational inhibition (leading to post-transcriptional gene silencing, PTGS). In some cases, sRNAs move to neighboring cells and/or to the vascular tissues for long-distance trafficking. Many genes are involved in the biogenesis of sRNAs and recent studies have shown that both their origin and their protein partners have great influence on their activity and range. Here we summarize the work done to uncover the mode of action of the different classes of sRNA with special emphasis on their movement and how plants can take advantage of their mobility. We also review the various genetic requirements needed for production, movement and perception of the silencing signal
A physically based trunk soft tissue modeling for scoliosis surgery planning systems
One of the major concerns of scoliotic patients undergoing spinal correction surgery is the trunk's external appearance after the surgery. This paper presents a novel incremental approach for simulating postoperative trunk shape in scoliosis surgery. Preoperative and postoperative trunk shapes data were obtained using three-dimensional medical imaging techniques for seven patients with adolescent idiopathic scoliosis. Results of qualitative and quantitative evaluations, based on the comparison of the simulated and actual postoperative trunk surfaces, showed an adequate accuracy of the method. Our approach provides a candidate simulation tool to be used in a clinical environment for the surgery planning process.IRSC / CIH
Evaluation of phase-to-phase clearances of transmission line conductors under turbulent wind
Abstract: "Wind loads govern the design of a large number of overhead transmission lines worldwide. The spatial and temporal variation of wind speed and the buffeting response of cables may induce swings not fully synchronized between two parallel cables, thus raising serious concerns regarding phase-to-phase clearances. Accurate assessment of the minimum mid-span clearances to be considered in the design of transmission lines is essential to avoid repetitive flashover episodes and hence ensure the reliability of the electrical system. In practice, a wide range of empirical formulae is proposed to evaluate the critical phase-to-phase clearance distances for various transmission line configurations. For instance, the European standard CENELEC EN-50341 [1] provides a simple equation for the minimum horizontal spacing in the case of standard line heights not exceeding 60 m [2]. However, such formulae do not consider all the geometric and wind parameters affecting the phase-to-phase clearances, which is of key importance for efficient and economic design.
This paper seeks at studying the most influential parameters affecting the phase-to-phase clearances in extreme wind events. A time-history numerical model is specifically developed using the finite element open software Code_Aster, where the behavior of both the conductors and insulator strings is represented using one-dimensional elements accounting for large displacements. The applied turbulent wind signals are also generated numerically, as functions of time and space coordinates. A two-span transmission line section including two phase conductors is considered herein to carry out a parametric study for various geometric and wind conditions. The results reveal that an empirical formula, considering only the conductor sag and insulator length, often yields misleading results [...].
Cybernetic Transportation Systems Design and Development: Simulation Software cybercars
The growing number of vehicles saturates cities in terms of congestion and pollution. A Cybernetic Transportation System (CTS) appears to be a way to resolve those problems. Based on a network of clean driverless vehicles (the cybercars), CTS aims to improve safety and organization of urban transport by providing a door-to-door complement to efficient and fast mass transport. The simulation software presented in this paper has a goal to facilitate the development of such a transportation system. It simulates several cybercars in a dynamic virtual 3D environment, and provides sensors information in real vehicles. As it is easy to create scenarios containing various static and moving obstacles, evaluation of control algorithms in several situations is its main feature. The adopted architecture for the simulation tool also enables evaluation of road traffic scenarios constructed on various levels of interaction or cooperation among cybercars
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