613 research outputs found

    Soutenir le développement de compétences par la conception d’aides à l’apprentissage sur le cours de vie professionnelle

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    Cet article présente une réflexion entourant l’élaboration d’un modèle de conception de la formation visant une meilleure prise en compte de la réalité du camionneur. Derrière un problème de formation se cache un problème plus large de connaissances nécessaires pour affronter efficacement les situations de la vie et d’aide à l’apprentissage sur le cours de vie. Une telle aide nécessite préalablement de documenter la réalité du camionneur en termes d’activité de formation et d’activité de travail. Une observation participante d’une formation de camionneurs et une analyse de l’activité de travail ont été réalisées. Documenter ainsi la réalité du camionneur permet d’identifier des situations à transformer pour aider à l’efficacité et la sécurité des apprentis et des camionneurs. Cette réflexion a permis l’élaboration d’un modèle de conception proposant une double intervention : sur la formation et sur le travail comme moyen d’aider à l’apprentissage sur le cours de vie professionnelle.In the transformation context of work and of production methods, training plays a strategic role in the management of work efficiency and safety. However, training and human resource specialists run into a persistent gap between training and work reality, and this gap affects the successful application of training knowledge in the workplace itself. The exploration of new ways of bringing together training and the work environment in a balanced relationship is required. This article explores such tools through a reflection concerning the development of a planning model whose aim it is to enrich an initial training program for truck drivers by taking into account the reality of work itself.Three approaches that formulate the problem of training creation have been identified: one approach using human resource competencies, an approach with the transfer of training knowledge, and a third approach with the creation of action situations in the course of life. The study of these approaches makes it possible to define the nature and the means of intervention in training as linked to work reality. In the first approach, training is a tool that makes it possible to channel skills towards the company’s goals and strategies. This approach is based on the needs analysis of the organization as a prerequisite to determining desired behaviours in practice. The second approach asks about favourable conditions and of the means to ensure the application, in the work situation, of the knowledge learned. Finally, for the third approach, which is the one we favour, the problem of training and of practice is based on the problem of knowledge required to confront life situations. This approach sets out to facilitate learning in professional life course situations through the setting up of consistent sets of conditions conducive to learning. Training becomes one aid to learning among others. The course of life is defined as the ongoing process of constructing knowledge through action in life situations. The learning built up in this way makes up an individual’s knowledge base and is inseparable from his life experience. Any human action is a manifestation of prior life experience and also a transformation of this experience in the situation encountered.Using this approach makes it necessary, as a prerequisite, to document this life course reality from the perspective of human activity as a learning process. We have identified three trends: the situated learning approach, the praxeology trend, and the activity analysis approach. These share three beliefs on human activity: (1) knowledge is integrated into the action process, and is difficult to put into words; (2) to have access to practice content, it is necessary to have specific conditions which place the action process as the focus of the analysis; (3) the practice analysis requires that the actor be assisted in his reflection process by an outside person. In light of these approaches, we conducted a participative observation of the initial training of a truck driver as well as an analysis of the driver’s work activity.This qualitative approach enables us to have a very detailed comprehension of the activity of the learner undergoing training, and of the activity of the truck driver at work, in order to help him in his life course. Although our analysis identifies several aspects of the activity and of the underlying competencies, this reflection is limited here to the characteristics of the mechanical state management performed by the truck driver.The analysis of the learner’s training activity reveals learning oriented towards the integration of a standardized method to verify components covered by regulations. In this context, the learner’s focus is to follow as faithfully as possible the procedure learned, without forgetting the various steps. The analysis also reveals the more or less conscious use of knowledge as to the mechanical functioning of vehicles in the application of these verifications. From these characteristics of the training activity there emerge several difficulties on the level of the use of prior experiences in the carrying out of the training and in terms of the preparation for confronting the reality of work.The analysis of the truck driver’s activity when managing the mechanical state brings to light a reality very different from that learned in training. This management is characterized by three categories of action on the part of the truck driver: (1) characterize the various mechanical components and define the conditions of use as a function of the work to be done; (2) follow the dynamic process of the truck’s components and (3) act on the transformation process of the truck’s dynamic change. Thus, the work activity reveals the dynamic aspect of the mechanical state in the course of work, and brings out the importance of a continuous follow up of these transformations. From this point of view, the verification before departure is not a goal in itself but rather a characterization step of the truck within an ongoing process during work.From these results of the training activity analysis and of the work activity emerge several possible directions for recommendations on conditions for carrying out the training activity of learners, on training content, and on the conditions of carrying out the work of truck drivers. The content of these recommendations concerns training but also the setting up of technical tools and organizational adjustments which could be an aid to action and to learning in the truck driver’s professional life course.In light of these results, a model to plan training was set up. This model proposes to set up tools that can assist individuals to act and to learn in life situations. From this perspective, this model attempts to intervene both on the training level and also on the level of the work situation, seen as situations in the professional life course. The training situation intervention implies acting in two ways. First, it proposes actions upon the conditions of carrying out training. This requires the documentation of the training activity. Secondly, it proposes actions upon the training content as an aid to help the learner successfully deal with the reality of work. This second aspect also presupposes knowledge of the training activity but also of the truck driver’s work activity. Intervention in the work situation means helping the worker to act in a safe and efficient manner by means of his action situations. These interventions imply previous understanding of his work reality.Este artículo presenta una reflexión en torno a la elaboración de un modelo de concepción de la formación capaz de tomar en cuenta de mejor manera la realidad del camionero. Detrás de un problema de formación se esconde un problema más amplio de conocimientos necesarios para enfrentar las situaciones de vida y de ayuda al aprendizaje en el curso de la vida. Tal ayuda requiere previamente de documentar la realidad del camionero en términos de actividad de formación y de actividad de trabajo. Una observación participante de una actividad de formación de camioneros y un análisis de la actividad de trabajo fueron realizados. Documentar la realidad del camionero de esta manera permite identificar las situaciones a transformar para contribuir a la eficacia y la seguridad de los aprendices y de los camioneros. Esta reflexión ha permitido la elaboración de un modelo de concepción que propone una doble intervención: sobre la formación y sobre el trabajo como medio de ayudar al aprendizaje en el curso de la vida profesional

    La production ludique de l’identité : Le jeu du « folk-football » au Royaume-Uni

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    L’étude ethnographique du « folk-football » et d’autres formes archaïques de football encore présentes de nos jours au Royaume-Uni permet de collecter un certain nombre de mythes d’origine et de préciser ce que ces pratiques ludiques traditionnelles disent sur le plan des revendications identitaires locales. La mise en relation des données issues des enquêtes et de discours plus généraux relatifs à l’origine des différentes formes de « football » conduit ensuite à mettre les pratiques étudiées en relation avec une conception complexe et multifonctionnelle de l’identité, adossée à des dimensions à la fois sociales, culturelles, territoriales, psychologiques et corporelles. L’ensemble des données présentées conduit à poser les jalons d’une étude anthropologique compréhensive des jeux traditionnels comme moments privilégiés dans l’élaboration performative des processus d’identification collectifs à l’échelle locale.The ethnographic study of “folk-football” and other archaic forms of football that are still played nowadays in the United Kingdom enables the collection of a number of origin myths and the explanation of what those practices tell about local identity claims. The links between the fieldwork data and the more general discourses about the origins of the different forms of “football” leads to the connection between these different practices and a complex and multifonctional conception of identity which is grounded on social, cultural, territorial, psychological and corporeal dimensions. The results presented in this article pave the way for a comprehensive anthropological research of traditional games as special moments in the performative elaboration of processes of collective identification at a local scale

    Interactions between Dispatchers and Truck Drivers in a High Turnover Context

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    PYROXENE : un système d'aide à la décision territoriale par intégration de simulateurs spatiaux. Application à l'évolution de la carte du risque d'incendie de forêt.

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    National audienceLa gestion à moyen terme de l'accroissement des risques territoriaux requiert des moyens de représentation et de simulation des dynamiques spatiales. Pour le cas du risque d'incendie de forêt, des modèles de dynamiques spatiales de zones combustibles et des zones vulnérables, à différentes échelles, existent. Pour assurer l'intégration des simulateurs de ces dynamiques de différentes thématiques et opérant à des niveaux d'échelle différents, nous proposons une infrastructure logicielle d'intégration à base d'agents spatiaux dans un environnement de système d'information géographique nommée Pyroxène. / Medium term management of territorial risk increase requires means to represent and simulate spatial dynamics. For forest fire risk, models of spatial dynamics of fuel zones and vulnerable zones exist. In order to integrate simulators of spatial dynamics of different thematic at different scale levels, we propose a spatial agent based and GIS based software infrastructure called Pyroxene

    Analyse de sentiments et classification des phrases dans les longues requĂŞtes de recherche de livres

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    International audienceHandling long queries can involve either reducing its size by retaining only useful sentences, or decomposing the long query into several short queries based on their content. A proper sentence classification improves the utility of these procedures. Can Sentiment Analysis has a role in sentence classification? This paper analysis the correlation between sentiment analysis and sentence classification in long book-search queries. Also, it studies the similarity in writing style between book reviews and sentences in book-search queries. To accomplish this study, a semi-supervised method for sentiment intensity prediction, and a language model based on book reviews are presented. In addition to graphical illustrations reflecting the feedback of this study, followed by interpretations and conclusions

    LSIS at SemEval-2017 Task 4: Using Adapted Sentiment Similarity Seed Words For English and Arabic Tweet Polarity Classification

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    International audienceWe present, in this paper, our contribution in SemEval2017 task 4 : " Sentiment Analysis in Twitter " , subtask A: " Message Polarity Classification " , for En-glish and Arabic languages. Our system is based on a list of sentiment seed words adapted for tweets. The sentiment relations between seed words and other terms are captured by cosine similarity between the word embedding representations (word2vec). These seed words are extracted from datasets of annotated tweets available online. Our tests, using these seed words, show significant improvement in results compared to the use of Turney and Littman's (2003) seed words, on polarity classification of tweet messages

    LSIS at SemEval-2016 Task 7: Using Web Search Engines for English and Arabic Unsupervised Sentiment Intensity Prediction

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    International audienceIn this paper, we present our contribution in SemEval2016 task7 1 : Determining Sentiment Intensity of English and Arabic Phrases, where we use web search engines for English and Arabic unsupervised sentiment intensity prediction. Our work is based, first, on a group of classic sentiment lexicons (e.g. Sen-timent140 Lexicon, SentiWordNet). Second, on web search engines' ability to find the co-occurrence of sentences with predefined negative and positive words. The use of web search engines (e.g. Google Search API) enhance the results on phrases built from opposite polarity terms

    DĂ©tection de contradiction dans les commentaires

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    L'analyse des avis (commentaires) générés par les utilisateurs devient de plus en plus exploitable par une variété d'applications. Elle permet de suivre l'évolution des avis ou d'effectuer des enquêtes sur des produits. La détection d'avis contradictoires autour d'une ressource Web (ex. cours, film, produit, etc.) est une tâche importante pour évaluer cette dernière. Dans cet article, nous nous concentrons sur le problème de détection des contradictions et de la mesure de leur intensité en se basant sur l'analyse du sentiment autour des aspects spécifiques à une ressource (document). Premièrement, nous identifions certains aspects, selon les distributions des termes émotionnels au voisinage des noms les plus fréquents dans l'ensemble des commentaires. Deuxièmement, nous estimons la polarité de chaque segment de commentaire contenant un aspect. Ensuite, nous prenons uniquement les ressources contenant ces aspects avec des polarités opposées (positive, négative). Troisièmement, nous introduisons une mesure de l'intensité de la contradiction basée sur la dispersion conjointe de la polarité et du rating des commentaires contenant les aspects au sein de chaque ressource. Nous évaluons l'efficacité de notre approche sur une collection de MOOC (Massive Open Online Courses) contenant 2244 cours et leurs 73873 commentaires, collectés à partir de Coursera. Nos résultats montrent l'efficacité de l'approche proposée pour capturer les contradictions de manière significative
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