78 research outputs found

    A sport mint nemzetstratégiai ágazat. Előnyök és hátrányok, hosszú távú kilátások = Sport as a Strategic Sector in the National Economy. Benefits, Drawbacks and Long-Term Perspectives

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    A tanulmány a nemzetstratégiai ágazat kormányzástani fogalmának tisztázásával indul. A sport kormányzati stratégiai kiemelésének indoka alapvetően a sport belső átalakulásából, bel- és külpolitikai jelentőségéből, komplexitásából származik. Ma már tömeges a szabadidősport, az élsport pedig professzionális lett, a sport iparrá, a szórakoztatóipar egyik vezető ágazatává vált. A tanulmány áttekinti a sport állami irányításának és finanszírozásának rendszerét, annak előnyeit, valamint hátrányait, az eddig elért sikereket, illetve negatív tendenciákat

    Shareholders' Agreements

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    The essay deals with the syndicate contract functioning as a preparation to partnership contract or a skeleton agreement. The syndicate contract, as an atypical-innominate contract, also evolved in the Hungarian legal practice concerning major companies. The essay distinguishes the syndicate contract from agreement in principle (in the Hungarian Civil Code). It discusses in details the problems of joining the syndicate contract at a later stage, the collisions of syndicate and partnership contracts and their consequences. In analyses the consequences of the breach of syndicate contrac

    Post-socialist “primitive accumulation of capital” and the law

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    The study deals with theoretical questions of the Hungarian privatization law. It clarifies the differences between the economic and legal concept of privatization, the various interpretations of privatization. The Hungarian privatization was the earliest and at the same time-after the German-the quickest completed privatization in the former socialist countries. It reviews the so-called spontaneous privatization between 1988–1990, and the privatization legislature of 1992 and 1995 as well. As a conclusion the study deals with the evaluation of the privatization law, and with the consequences of privatization with regards to social politics

    Privatizáció - reklám - jog

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    The Third Act on Business Associations - Law Conceived in the Spirit of Deliberate Progress

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    The study examines the new act on business associations passed in 2006. It concludes, that the general principles, the structure of the Hungarian corporate law have remained unchanged since 1988, however, because of the practical demands and the European legal harmonization requirements a new act on business associations was necessary. The new act introduced several entrepreneur-friendly legal institutions and carried out a significant deregulation as well

    Shareholders' Agreements

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