67 research outputs found

    Потенциал Гомельской области в развитии туристического маршрута

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    Материалы VI Междунар. науч. конф. студентов, аспирантов и молодых ученых, Гомель, 26 апр. 2013 г

    Разработка секционного распределителя типа КС- 3579 и стенда для его приемосдаточных испытаний

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    Abstract—Digital preservation deals with the problem ofretaining the meaning of digital information over time toensure its accessibility. The process often involves a workflowwhich transforms the digital objects. The workflow definesdocument pipelines containing transformations and validationcheckpoints, either to facilitate migration for persistent archivalor to extract metadata. The transformations, nevertheless, arecomputationally expensive, and therefore digital preservationcan be out of reach for an organization whose core operationis not in data conservation. The operations described the documentworkflow, however, do not frequently reoccur. This papercombines an implementation-independent workflow designerwith cloud computing to support small institution in their adhocpeak computing needs that stem from their efforts in digitalpreservation

    Statins as antifungal agents

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    This poster paper describes the objectives, approach and use casesof the EC FP7 Integrated Project PERICLES. The project beganon 1st February 2013 and runs for four years. The aim is toresearch and prototype solutions for digital preservation incontinually evolving environments including changes in context,semantics and practices. The project addresses use cases focusingon digital art, media and science.Proceedings source: http://purl.pt/24107/1/iPres2013_PDF/iPres2013-Proceedings.pd

    First- and second-order change as symmetry and symmetry breaking in folklore text content evolution : From Heraclitus to Lévi-Strauss

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    We distinguish between first- and second order change and identify theformer with perpetual alternation on an existential plane, the second with moving outinto existential space. The first type can be demonstrated by two antagonistic processesinherent in a Markov chain of two pairs of complementary values: the chain graduallyalternates between the opposite terminal states and the pattern is symmetrical. Such anexistential plane catches an essential feature of Heraclitus’ philosophy, and can beillustrated by examples from classical Greek mythology. The same material alsoexemplifies Lévi-Strauss’ formula of myth, symmetrical in its weak and asymmetrical in2its canonical form. Since the weak form equals the orbit of a Klein group, wehypothesize that the canonical form, and thereby symmetry breaking, can be generatedby element exchange between two respective Klein groups. The framework for suchprocesses is text variation in folklore, described by ethnosemiotics

    La importancia del contexto en las Bibliotecas Digitales.

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    El concepto de contexto es de gran importancia en la preservación digital. Este trabajo analiza su significa- do desde el punto de vista del acceso a los objetos digitales, combinando aspectos relacionados con la lingüística, la desambigüación terminológica en la re- cuperación de información y la categorización de tex- tos. En estas áreas el contexto es clave para una co- rrecta desambiguación y obtener mejores resultados. Por tanto, la preservación y posterior acceso de los objetos digitales debe contemplar la inclusión de la in- formación adecuada sobre el contexto terminológico y social en el que se han generado dichos objetos.Abstract The concept of "context" has great importance in digi- tal preservation. This paper analyzes the meaning of context from the point of view of access to digital ob- jects, combining linguistics, terminological disambi- guation in information retrieval and text categorization aspects. In these areas, the context is a key element for successful disambiguation and get better results. Therefore, the preservation and subsequent access of digital objects should also consider the preservation of appropriate information about the terminology and social context in which these objects were generated

    Introducing Scalable Quantum Approaches in Language Representation

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    High-performance computational resources and distributedsystems are crucial for the success of real-world language technology applications.The novel paradigm of general-purpose computing on graphicsprocessors (GPGPU) o ers a feasible and economical alternative: ithas already become a common phenomenon in scienti c computation,with many algorithms adapted to the new paradigm. However, applicationsin language technology do not readily adapt to this approach.Recent advances show the applicability of quantum metaphors in languagerepresentation, and many algorithms in quantum mechanics havealready been adapted to GPGPU computing. SQUALAR aims to matchquantum algorithms with heterogeneous computing to develop new formalismsof information representation for natural language processing inquantum environments