186 research outputs found

    Hadronization within the Non-Extensive Approach and the Evolution of the Parameters

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    We review transverse momentum distributions of various identified charged particles stemming from high energy collisions fitted by various non-extensive distributions as well as by the usual Boltzmann-Gibbs statistics. We investigate the best-fit formula with the obtained χ2/ndf\chi^2/ndf values. We find that the physical mass and s\sqrt{s} scaling become more explicit with heavier produced hadrons in both proton-proton and heavy-ion collisions. The spectral shape parameters, in particular the temperature TT and the non-extensive Tsallis parameter qq, do exhibit an almost linear dependence with the centrality-dependence in heavy-ion collisions.Comment: 18 pages, 13 figure

    Hadron Spectra Parameters within the Non-Extensive Approach

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    We investigate how the non-extensive approach works in high-energy physics. Transverse momentum (pTp_T) spectra of several hadrons are fitted by various non-extensive momentum distributions and by the Boltzmann--Gibbs statistics.~It is shown that some non-extensive distributions can be transferred one into another.~We find explicit hadron mass and center-of-mass energy {scaling both in the temperature and in the non-extensive parameter, qq,} in proton--proton and heavy-ion collisions. We find that the temperature depends linearly, but the Tsallis qq follows a logarithmic dependence on the collision energy in proton--proton collisions. In the nucleus--nucleus collisions, on~the other hand, TT and qq correlate linearly, as was predicted in our previous work.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figure

    Multiplicity Dependence in the Non-Extensive Hadronization Model Calculated by the HIJING++ Framework

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    The non-extensive statistical description of the identified final state particles measured in high energy collisions is well-known by its wide range of applicability. However, there are many open questions that need to be answered, including but not limited to, the question of the observed mass scaling of massive hadrons or the size and multiplicity dependence of the model parameters. This latter is especially relevant, since currently the amount of available experimental data with high multiplicity at small systems is very limited. This contribution has two main goals: On the one hand we provide a status report of the ongoing tuning of the soon-to-be-released HIJING++ Monte Carlo event generator. On the other hand, the role of multiplicity dependence of the parameters in the non-extensive hadronization model is investigated with HIJING++ calculations. We present cross-check comparisons of HIJING++ with existing experimental data to verify its validity in our range of interest as well as calculations at high-multiplicity regions where we have insufficient experimental data.Comment: This paper is based on the talk at the 18th Zim\'anyi School, Budapest, Hungary, 3-7 December 201

    Mass hierarchy and energy scaling of the Tsallis--Pareto parameters in hadron productions at RHIC and LHC energies

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    The latest, high-accuracy identified hadron spectra measurements in high-energy nuclear collisions led us to the investigation of the strongly interacting particles and collective effects in small systems. Since microscopical processes result in a statistical Tsallis-Pareto distribution, the fit parameters qq and TT are well suited for identifying system size scalings and initial conditions. Moreover, parameter values provide information on the deviation from the extensive, Boltzmann-Gibbs statistics in finite-volumes. We apply here the fit procedure developed in our earlier study for proton-proton collisions. The observed mass and s\sqrt{s} energy trends in the hadron production are compared to RHIC dAu and LHC pPb data in different centrality/multiplicity classes. Here we present new results on mass hierarchy in pp and pA from light to heavy hadrons.Comment: Talk given by G.B\'ir\'o at SQM 2017, Utrecht, 4 page

    Secreted proteins as signalling molecules in Streptomyces development = Secreted proteins as signalling molecules in Streptomyces development

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    A streptomycesek Gram-pozitív, micéliális növekedésű mikroorganizmusok, melyek életciklusuk során komplex morfológiai differenciálódáson mennek keresztül, s ez jellemzően spóraképzéssel fejeződik be. Ezt a morfológiai differenciálódást biokémiai/fiziológiai differenciálódás kíséri, amelynek velejárója a különböző szekunder metabolitok termelése, melyek között nagyszámú, ipari és állat/humán egészségügyi szempontból fontos termék van. A differenciálódást az egyes törzsekben úgynevezett autoregulátorok szabályozzák, melyek gyakran pleiotrop hatásúak, s egyetlen autoregulátor befolyásolja a spóraképzést és antibiotikum termelést. Ilyen autoregulátor a S. griseusban leírt gamma-butirolakton A-faktor és a fehérje C faktor. Mindkettő extracelluláris, s valószínűleg a sejtek közötti kommunikációban vesznek részt. S. griseus extracelluláris proteomját vizsgáltuk annak kiderítésére, hogy mely fehérjék expressziója sporuláció függő, s hogyan függ össze ennek a két fontos regulátornak a hatásmechanizmusa. Azonosítottunk kilenc fehérjét, melynek expressziója az A-faktort nem termelő és nem sporuláló mutánsban megváltozik. Kimutattuk, hogy C faktornak a törzsbe való transzformálása ezeknek a fehérjéknek az expresszióját, és a törzs normál sporulációját helyreállítja. Ez a megfigyelésünk arra utal, hogy a differenciálódás szabályozása egy olyan komplex regulációs hálózatban valósul meg, amelyben az egymástól független szignál transzdukciós útvonalak egymással kölcsönhatásra is képesek. | Streptomycetes are Gram-positive soil microorganisms with a mycelial growth habit. During their life cycle they show a complex morphological differentiation finally concluding in spore formation. Concomitant with the morphological differentiation a biochemical and physiological differentiation also take place. As a result secondary metabolites are produced amongst them many industrially and medically importantmolecules. Differentiation is regulated by so called autoregulators, that are strain specific and pleiotropic, usually regulating both the morphological and biochemical/physiological differentiations. In Streptomyces griseus the gamma-butyrolacton A-factor and the protein factor C are well known autoregulators. Both are extracellular and probably both are involved in cell-cell communication. We studied the extracellular proteome of Streptomyces griseus in order to identify proteins that are expressed in a sporulation specific manner and find out the connection of the two regulatory pathways. During the course of experiments we identified nine proteins with markedly changed expression profile in an A-factor non-producer mutant that fails to sporulate. Transformation of factor C gene into this mutant restored the expression of these proteins and the sporulation. This observation implies the presence of a complex regulatory network consisting of multiple signal transduction systems acting independently or having a complex interaction

    Determining clast and magnetic fabric of a subaqueous lahar deposit as a tool for reconstructing paleoflow directions and emplacement processes.

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    Flow-related fabric of a subaqueously emplaced laharic deposit (Rám Hill Pumiceous Sandstone) were investigated around the middle Miocene Keserűs Hill lava dome group (northern Hungary). A twofold methodology, consisting of image analyis on rock surfaces and low-field anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS), was used to determine large-scale flow paths and emplacement processes. In addition, comparative measurements of magnetic anisotropy were performed by using an MFK1-FA multifunction kappabridge with 3D rotator (Studynka et al. 2014) at Agico, Inc. (Brno, Czech Republic). The results indicate a very good agreement between the azimuths of a-axis of the most elongated clasts from image analysis and the orientation of K1 susceptibilities from the measurements of the two laboratories. This agreement of fabric direction obtained by the two different methods allows to draw the following implications: 1) Fabric direction-derived large-scale flow paths show a near-radial pattern around the proposed eruption centre (Karátson et al. 2007) of the Keserűs Hill lava dome group (Fig. 1). Thus, our new data on paleoflow directions quantitatively confirm the former, one central vent-dominated volcano-structural reconstruction which was proposed on the basis of facies analysis. 2) Aggradation from multiple lahar pulses is presumable due to the vertical variation of shear direction within the exposures